God of Killing

Chapter 430 Snake Tribe

Shi Yan recognized the identities of these foreigners with just one glance.

The Snake Tribe is one of the sea tribes. They have the head of a human and the body of a snake. They live under the sea all year round, but occasionally come to the land for activities.

The snake people like to practice in cold and cold places, and their surname is Yinxing. They have never had a good impression of humans. Once they encounter human beings under the sea, they will often take the initiative to provoke and attack.

As far as he knew, the snake people seemed to have a good relationship with the Yang family. The current leader of the snake people was a woman named Lisa, and she seemed to have an unclear and subtle relationship with Emperor Yang Qing.

When Emperor Yang Qing was young, he traveled under the sea and seemed to have saved Lisa's life.

The Yang family's ability to gain a foothold in Huangcheng is said to be closely related to the Snake Clan. Even the Yang family's teleportation array connecting Huangcheng was finally built with the strong support of the Snake Clan.

The snake people are very united and very vindictive. If you offend them, they will definitely be jealous and always think about revenge.

There are many races in the sea, and the snake people are one of the very powerful races. In the seabed, the snake people are very powerful and have many masters. The current leader of the snake people, Lisa, seems to be a warrior in the divine realm. , has extraordinary magical power and is deeply loved by the snake people.

After going through a series of information about the snake people in his mind, he had a plan and knew how to deal with these snake people.

There were six people in the Snake Tribe team, led by the gorgeous Snake Tribe woman, who was in the realm of the third heaven of Nirvana. She was holding a silver spear with cyan snake patterns painted on it, and strange green waves rippling from it from time to time. Come, there is a strange sound coming from the water next to the spear.

The Snake Tribe approached slowly, but quite cautiously. The Snake Tribe woman in the lead suddenly raised the silver spear in her hand ten meters in front of Shi Yan.

The five snake-human men behind him all suddenly stopped.

"Human, have you seen the silver-horned electric eel?" The woman from the snake tribe looked at him coldly, her lips slightly opened, and she spat out sound waves.

"Silver-horned electric eel?"

Shi Yan was surprised, shook his head and said, "Never met?"

The silver-horned electric eel is a level six monster in the sea. It can emit strong electric currents and moves quickly. It flies around the seabed and is difficult to hunt. The silver-horned electric eel has demon crystals. The silver horn is also used to refine weapons. An excellent material. In the deserted city, the silver horn of the silver-horned electric eel is worth a lot of money.

"Didn't you see it?"

The woman from the Snake Tribe looked at him doubtfully, her eyes were cold, and she snorted before saying: "The Silver-horned Electric Eel was obviously sneaking towards you, why didn't you see it? Did you see it obviously and didn't want to tell us? "

The Snake People are suspicious by nature and lack trust in the human race. They have always believed that humans are cunning and vicious. If Emperor Yang Qing had not saved Lisa, the current leader of the Snake People, the Yang family would never have had a friendly relationship with the Snake People.

"I really haven't seen it."

Shi Yan smiled and his attitude could be called gentle and friendly, "If I saw it, I would tell you naturally. There is no need to lie to you."

"Fiya, this kid has a playful face and doesn't know what's good at first glance. He must have seen the Silver-horned Electric Eel and didn't tell us on purpose."

A young man from the snake race, as thin as a bamboo pole and with a sallow complexion, snorted coldly and had a bad attitude.

The leader of the Snake Tribe woman also looked at Shi Yan coldly, her eyes lighting up slightly, as if she was speculating on his true state.

When he came down, Shi Yan's hidden true realm cultivation level, and the aura of strength now revealed, seemed to be only the third level of heaven.

From the perspective of these snake people, their cultivation level is naturally not that advanced. With their cultivation level, they can easily capture or kill Shi Yan.

"If you don't tell the truth, don't blame us for being rude!"

Feiya's face turned cold and she said displeasedly. As she spoke, she raised her plump jade hand, and a beam of ice-cold light suddenly appeared from the silver spear. The light flickered and splashed the sea water everywhere, as if The power is extraordinary.

Shi Yan looked at her calmly without showing any timidity. He smiled slightly and said, "I am from the Yang family."

"Yang family?"

Feiya's expression was stagnant, her face looked a little better, and she frowned: "How do you prove it?"

Without saying anything, Shi Yan stretched out a hand without using the petrified martial spirit, took out a small dagger, and drew a bloody slit on his finger.

The immortal martial spirit takes the initiative.

Not a drop of blood flowed out of that blood seam. Under the magical effect of the immortal martial spirit, the blood seam gradually healed and disappeared soon.

"Immortal martial spirit?"

The six people from the Snake Tribe exclaimed together.

Feiya hesitated for a moment, then suddenly said: "Are you a direct descendant of the Yang family?"

Shi Yan nodded.

"what's your name?"

"Shi Yan."

"Shi Yan?" Fiya looked puzzled. She looked back at the five people behind her and asked, "Have you ever heard of this person from the Yang family?"

The five people shook their heads together.

"If you are from the Yang family, why are your surnames Shi?" Feiya snorted, as if she didn't believe it.

"There is an immortal martial spirit. Do you need to prove anything else?" Shi Yan was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but feel troublesome. He shook his head and said, "Forget it, you can believe it or not. I'm too lazy to ask more. I just want to know about Huangcheng. Can you tell me the exact location?"

He knew that the deserted city under the sea was under the Garo Sea, but the sea below the Garo Sea was vast. Without the exact location, it was not easy to find the location of the deserted city.

There is no sun, moon or stars on the seabed, so it is difficult to identify the direction. Searching blindly may waste a lot of energy.

This is naturally not the result he wants to see.

"What are you doing in Huangcheng?" Feiya asked.

"Something happened." Shi Yan smiled calmly, "Can you tell me the location of Huangcheng?"

"It's far away from here." Feiya thought for a moment and then said: "The Yang family is not doing well in that deserted city now, and you couldn't get shelter in the past. I heard that Emperor Yang Qing was trapped by the Demon Emperor , even the Jialuo Sea Territory has been occupied by the Hades. Your Yang family has declined, and your business is not as good as before. It is becoming less and less useful to the Sea Clan. No Sea Clan will value you as much as before. "

Shi Yan knew this in his heart.

The Yang family has always gathered surface materials from the Jialuo Sea and other sea areas, and sent them to the deserted city under the sea through the teleportation array. They exchanged those cultivation materials that were not available at the bottom of the sea for the sea clan's precious elixirs and jade, and everyone got what they needed. , everyone is happy.

The reason why the Yang family is so strong in the Endless Sea is that, on the one hand, it can obtain a large amount of training materials from the Fourth Demonic Realm that are not available in the Endless Sea, and on the other hand, it also relies on trade with the Sea Clan. Through the unique materials of the Sea Clan, the Yang family makes money. Make huge profits.

Through the Yang family, the Sea Clan also obtained many precious training materials that had never appeared on the seabed. For this reason, the Yang family's position in the deserted city has always been very strong.

However, today is different from the past. The Yang family has evacuated from the Jialuo Sea area. There is no longer a large amount of materials entering the deserted city. It is also difficult for the Sea Clan to continue to obtain numerous cultivation resources on the sea through the Yang family. In addition, Yang The news that the Qing Emperor was imprisoned by the Demon Emperor also reached Huangcheng, which slowly changed the Yang family's status in Huangcheng.

Apparently, because Emperor Yang Qing was trapped, even the Snake Tribe's attitude toward the Yang family had undergone subtle changes.

Shi Yan began to rethink his attitude towards the snake people.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Just when he was tired of Feiya and the others, a fierce sound of electricity suddenly came from the direction behind him.

Two ten-meter-long silver-horned electric eels suddenly emerged from the sea water behind him. The silver horns on the heads of these two silver-horned electric eels kept shining with dazzling light, and lightning bolts shot out. , traveling in a meandering direction, heading straight in this direction.

"Why are there two?"

The skinny snake man who had previously had a bad attitude towards Shi Yan was so surprised when he saw two silver-horned electric eels appearing at once that he couldn't help but scream.

The screams of the snake people were very unpleasant, like a razor blade scratching a stone, very harsh.

Shi Yan felt uncomfortable and couldn't help but cover his ears, disgusted with the sharp sound.

As for the two sixth-level monsters in the sea, he didn't take it seriously. With his current level of cultivation, such sixth-level monsters were not taken seriously by him at all.

There seemed to be only one silver-horned electric eel that the Snake Tribe was chasing. With Nafiya's cultivation in the Nirvana realm and the five Snake Tribe masters who were in the third heaven realm, there was not much chance of dealing with a single Silver-horned Electric Eel. difficulty.

But if there are two, the situation will be completely different.

Feiya can only deal with one silver-horned electric eel, and those five people with only one status, even if they join forces, they may not be able to hunt down another silver-horned electric eel. Once two silver-horned electric eels join forces, With Feiya as a target to attack, this small team of snake people may not be able to bear it.

Shi Yan was too lazy to respond. When he saw two silver-horned electric eels releasing lightning and flying over quickly, he frowned and took the initiative to avoid them.

As soon as his figure moved, he moved away from Nafiya and the others like a bolt of lightning, a full hundred meters away from them.

Among the two silver-horned electric eels, the silver horn of one was stained with blood. It seemed to have been injured by the attack of Feiya and others. This time he called the helper, and was not polite at all. He stared at Feiya and the others, and looked at Shi. Yan didn't care, and passed directly through Shi Yan's previous position, rushing towards Nafiya and others.

Lightning intertwined and the power grid was covered, and the six of Feiya were instantly in a difficult situation.

Shi Yan stood aside with an indifferent expression and said nothing, watching the six snake men being chased by the silver-horned electric eel, with no intention of intervening.

Feiya could only deal with a silver-horned electric eel. She threw the spear in her hand, and the silver light was like a flying shuttle, stabbing an electric eel fiercely.

The other five people were stimulated by the electric light of another silver-horned electric eel and screamed repeatedly. The piercing screams made Shi Yan's ears uncomfortable. He was thinking about whether to stop watching and stay away from this place of right and wrong.

"Help us and I will take you to Huangcheng."

Feiya suddenly screamed, her face full of anxiety, losing her previous arrogance and indifference.

Shi Yan smiled and shook his head.

(To be continued)

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