God of Killing

Chapter 446: The leader of the snake people

As soon as Yinhui left, the two brothers Bao Wen and Bao Qian from the Water Scorpion Tribe did not stay any longer. They notified Shi Yan and left together.

Many warriors gathered in the Yang family, seeing the changes in the deserted city today, knew that there was no more excitement in the Yang family, and left one after another.

Not long after, the masters from the Sea Clan and Human Clan who were in the Yang family quietly retreated.

Shi Yan came back to Yang Mu and others, looked at the leaving crowd in the stands, smiled slightly, and said to Yang Zhuo: "Uncle, you should be satisfied now, right? The four people who came today have all been killed. Execute, as for their followers, I don’t think it’s necessary to kill them all. After all, the future of Huangcheng still needs to rely on these guys.”

Yang Zhuo was satisfied and nodded with a smile, "You boy, you are really extraordinary. I didn't expect that you could actually force the two brothers Bao Qian and Bowen to nod. Haha, it seems that your great-grandfather really did everything. , with you in the Yang family, there should be no more trouble in Huangcheng."

Yang Mu, Yang Zhou and other Yang family disciples also smiled one after another, praising his extraordinary methods.

"What about the Black Flood Dragon Tribe?" Shi Yan frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "It is said that the Black Flood Dragon Tribe is the most powerful race in the Sea Tribe, more powerful than the Silver Shark Tribe, the Snake Tribe, and the Water Scorpion Tribe. Duo, the leader of the Black Flood Clan, Nu Lang, seems to have the cultivation level of the third heaven, and is known as the strongest person under the sea, isn’t that true?”

When Yang Zhuo heard him mention the Black Dragon Clan, his expression changed. He nodded and sighed, "Not bad."

"Has the Black Dragon Clan always had an unfriendly attitude toward our Yang family?"

"That's true."


"Back then, your great-grandfather came to the bottom of the sea and wanted to take control of Huangcheng. At that time, the Silver Shark Clan, Water Scorpion Clan, and Snake Man Clan all agreed, but only the Black Dragon Clan's Nu Lang didn't agree. Nu Lang didn't agree, and Yin Hui , Lisa's statements were all useless. In order to get Nu Lang to nod and agree to this matter, your great grandfather once visited the Black Jiao Clan in person. It is said that he and Nu Lang were very unhappy. I don't know why, but Nu Lang finally agreed, but for us Yang My family has never been very friendly, and I think your great-grandfather's methods back then may have been inappropriate."

Shi Yan looked startled.

"Nu Lang said at the time that we, the Yang family, would be given time to prove that if our Yang family were in charge of Huangcheng, it would really be beneficial to the Hai clan, and then he would recognize our Yang family's status in Huangcheng. Although your great grandfather's methods are a bit more sharp, But afterwards, we did manage Huangcheng in an orderly manner. After our Yang family took charge of Huangcheng, we delivered a large amount of cultivation materials to Huangcheng, which benefited all the sea clan. Then Nu Lang reluctantly agreed and recognized our Yang family Dominance in the deserted city."

"Nu Lang doesn't seem satisfied now?"

"Well, after your great-grandfather was imprisoned in the Demon Realm, we lost control of the Jialuo Sea. From then on, our Yang family was unable to continue to provide sufficient training materials for Huangcheng, which made Nu Lang very dissatisfied. Perhaps It is also because of this that we, the Yang family, want to lose control of Huangcheng."

Yang Zhuo had a stern look on his face, thought for a moment, and said, "If Nu Lang hadn't shown such an attitude, I don't think guys like Ming Hai, Yan Feng, and Fu Hao would have dared to take any chances with our Yang family. Although Nu Lang didn't personally He has to come forward, but as long as he expresses his attitude, it is enough to make Minghai and others wantonly."

"It's no wonder..."

It was also easy for Shi Yan to understand that Nu Lang's recognition of the Yang family's dominance back then was purely based on profit.

Now Nu Lang has seen that the Yang family has gained more conveniences after taking control of the deserted city. Even if he does not agree with it in his heart, in the face of those huge interests, as the leader of the clan, he also knows how to make a decision.

The situation has changed so much, the Yang family has shown signs of decline, and in the past three to five years, it has not continued to deliver a large amount of training materials to Huangcheng. Naturally, Nu Lang has some complaints about making such a decision. It's a matter of course.

Thinking about it from another perspective, if he stood in Nu Lang's perspective, he was already at odds with Emperor Yang Qing, and found that the Yang family could no longer bring benefits to him, he would have made such a decision.

"It seems that we still need to find a way to deal with Nu Lang. As the strongest person in the sea clan, Nu Lang has not spoken out. Some people may still adopt a wait-and-see attitude."

After pondering for a moment, Shi Yan frowned deeply and felt a little worried, "As long as our Yang family shows the same strength as before and continues to provide the support for the Hai Clan's cultivation materials, I think even if Nu Lang is dissatisfied, I won’t say much more. Just..."

The current situation in the Endless Sea is special. Demons and underworld people are rampant and occupy the Garo Sea and Yuanluo Sea. There are endless battles in the sea above. It is obviously much more difficult to maintain the same trade in this situation.

The most important thing is that the Yang family has lost the dominance of the Jialuo Sea and cannot act boldly on the sea. At this time, it is much more difficult to collect enough training materials on the sea than before.

As long as this problem can be solved, Nanu Lang will not disagree, but it seems that it is not easy to solve this problem at present.

"It is because the situation is too complicated that the Hai Clan cannot deliver the much-needed training materials to Huangcheng as before, which makes the Hai Clan feel resentful and make such a big move." Yang Zhuo sighed softly and said helplessly: "I We know what the problem is, but what can we do if we know it? Your great-great-grandfather is still in the Demon Realm and will not return to the Endless Sea in the short term. Up there, all the forces are too wary of our Yang family and do not pursue him all the way. The bottom of the sea is already pretty good, but it is simply impossible to establish a trade mechanism with them.”

Yang Mu, Yang Xue, Li Feng'er and others also shook their heads with helpless expressions on their faces.


Shi Yan exclaimed softly, looking at the group of Snake Warriors below from the stands, and asked in surprise: "They haven't left yet?"

Yang Mu and others also looked attentive and looked down.

I saw Nafiya and other snake people. After the crowd dispersed, not only did they not leave, but they came this way.

Lisa, the leader of the Snake Tribe wearing a bamboo hat and a loose black robe with an extraordinary manner, twisting her long snake tail, came to the front of the Yang family's building, raised her hand and looked in the direction of Yang Zhuo, and suddenly said softly: "I wonder if I can come up and talk about it?"

Yang Zhuo was stunned for a moment in surprise, and then nodded and said solemnly: "Senior Lisa is willing to condescend to come. It is an honor for our Yang family. Please come!"

A guard below heard his order and hurriedly opened the stone door, bowed and stood with his hands behind his back.

Lisa smiled softly and said to Feiya: "Come up with me."

Feiya showed a flattered expression, nodded repeatedly, her beautiful eyes were surprised.

Two snake women walked up the stairs from below, and soon they arrived at where Yang Zhuo and others were.

After Lisa came over, she casually took off the hat on her head, and her black hair suddenly appeared on her waist like a waterfall, soft and silky, shining with a charming luster.

A charming and sexy face, vermilion lips, bright and beautiful eyes, and jade-white complexion.

Lisa is indeed the most famous beauty of the Sea Clan. She is plump and plump, and naturally exudes a breathtaking charm, like a ripe peach, which makes people want to take a bite. She is so beautiful.

As soon as she took off her bamboo hat, the entire stand seemed to suddenly light up. All the male members of the Yang family, including Yang Zhuo, were shocked, and their eyes could not help but show admiration.

Shi Yan also secretly praised in his heart, marveling at this woman's astonishing beauty and charm.

She is a mature and beautiful woman of the level of Yurou from the White Wing Clan. She exudes amazing aura. She is simply the nemesis of all men. She makes people fascinated and gives rise to strange emotions that want to push him down and knead him. Come.

"Chief Lisa."

Yang Zhuo bowed and bowed, his expression solemn.


Yang Mu, Yang Zhou and others all held their breaths and looked away, showing due respect.

According to legend, Lisa had an affair with Emperor Yang Qing. Although Emperor Yang Qing never admitted it, the Yang family still did not dare to neglect this woman and were very cautious.

Lisa just glanced at Yang Zhuo, then looked away, then looked at Shi Yan, grinned, and said softly: "Heroes come from young, when Emperor Yang Qing was as old as you, he was not as good as you. It's amazing. The Yang family is still the Yang family, each generation is getting stronger and stronger, I already knew this."

Shi Yan was unfazed by the favor and humiliation and smiled lightly, "Thank you for the compliment."

Lisa nodded with a smile, pointed to Fiya beside her, and said softly: "Thank you for helping them. If it weren't for you, maybe Fiya and the others would have been electrocuted to death by the silver-horned electric eel."

"The Yang family and the Snake Tribe have always been friendly. It's natural for me to help. Senior Lisa, you don't have to be polite." Shi Yan smiled and nodded to Nafiya.

Feiya's beautiful eyes flashed with a strange luster, she pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, and said: "You guys are really amazing. I apologize for my contempt for you before. It was me who underestimated you. Well, I didn't believe it before. , you were able to solve the crisis in Huangcheng, but I didn’t expect that you not only killed Minghai, Fu Hao, Yanfeng, and Jiulanxin, but also made Bao Qian and Bowen recognize the dominance of your Yang family. I underestimated you."

Shi Yan laughed dumbly, shook his head and said: "You don't need to apologize, I should thank you. Along the way, if you hadn't told me the information about Ming Hai and others, I wouldn't have been so sure. Well, it was also because you told Jiulan I know how to decide about the relationship between my heart and the Water Scorpion Tribe, and I want to thank you."

"You're welcome." Feiya said with a smile.

"Don't be so polite. You are so polite." Lisa smiled playfully and said softly: "The Yang family and our snake people have always been closely related. This time your Yang family was in trouble, I originally wanted to come forward. Well, I want to Explain that I came here this time not to make decisions for your Yang family, but to protect the lives of your Yang family when Minghai and others went too far. I made an agreement with the various tribes at the beginning that they would abandon your Yang family. I don’t have the right to make the decision, but I said that I want to preserve the lives of your Yang family, and there’s only so much I can do.”

Yang Zhuo's expression was shocked, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

(To be continued)

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