God of Killing

Chapter 492 Sisters

The snow peaks reach straight into the sky, and at a glance, there are shining glaciers at the top of the snow peaks. Under the sunlight, they shine with a dazzling cold light, which catches the eyes and makes people feel chilly.

The Black Ice Flame seemed to have discovered something, and turned into a cluster of bright white light, entering directly from the glacier and disappearing in an instant.

Shi Yan was dumbfounded, knowing that this snow mountain should be the so-called extremely cold snow mountain in his mouth, and it was an icy spiritual land where it was possible to condense the cold chalcedony.

Flying towards the snow-capped mountains calmly, he let go of his consciousness and tried to sense the abnormalities in the snow-capped mountains.


Two strong souls suddenly appeared in an area behind the snow-capped mountains. As soon as his consciousness approached that area, the two souls immediately reacted, and strands of cold consciousness were like air-conditioning. The breeze blowing over his consciousness made his soul tremble slightly.

The power of the other party's consciousness seemed to be even higher than his. It actually made his consciousness feel cold, affecting his main soul and making him feel cold from the bottom of his heart.

Smiling, Shi Yan was not nervous at all. He immediately withdrew his consciousness and flew towards the direction where the two streams of consciousness came from, like lightning.

On the backside of the extremely cold snow-capped mountains, there is an area that never sees sunlight all year round. The snow-capped mountains are as thick as ice.

In the center of the extremely thick snow, there was a spring that was braving the cold air. Drops of cold water dripped out of the spring. Around the spring were plants growing about 30 centimeters, with ice roots and snow stems, shining brightly. , like white crystal, quite beautiful.

There are about two hundred plants, all of the same height, spread out in a fan shape, emitting crystal light and having a faint fragrance.

In the center of those plants, two tall women with white necks wrapped in ferret fur shawls and thick and luxurious brocade clothes, with bright eyes and white teeth, and snow-capped muscles and bones, stood pretty like two frost flowers in the snow-capped mountains. She looked at him with an unkind expression.

The two women looked to be only in their twenties, and they looked very similar in appearance and demeanor. They should be sisters.

There is a faint cold air exuding from their bodies, and their physiques are of the Han surname. They should be warriors from Ice Emperor City. They are all at the third level of heaven, and their realm is extraordinary.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the snowy mountains of our Ice Emperor City?" The woman who looked a little older and had a cold temperament suddenly shouted coldly, "Are you here to steal the Cold Heart Grass?"

"It must be!" The slightly smaller beauty pouted with an angry look on her face, "Our Ice Emperor City is just a snowy mountain rich in cold-type spiritual grass, and it is so disgusting that people are thinking about it! You guy, obviously not Why would a person who practices cold-attributed skills steal cold heart grass? He must be planning to sell it, right?"

This pair of sisters preemptively assigned Shi Yan as the thief. They had a bad attitude and cold tone, and it looked like they were about to take action.

"No, I passed by here by chance. I just came to take a look because I sensed your aura. There was no other reason." Shi Yan smiled and looked relaxed, "I just passed through the dark magnetic miasma. I haven’t met any warriors along the way, but I finally met you two. I was just out of curiosity and had no intention of stealing your spiritual herbs.”

"Who are you lying to?" The little beauty snorted, with a small dimple emerging from the corner of her mouth. She was quite cute and charming, "Those who went to the Dark Magnetic Fog Miasma returned two years ago, and those who did not come back two years ago , they all died inside, and it took so long for you to come out of the dark magnetic miasma, which is obviously a lie."

"What on earth do you want to do?" The beautiful lady said with a cold face, "This territory belongs to our Ice Emperor City. Even those who are going to the Dark Magnetic Fog Miasma will pass by this area. Say hello to us first, I have seen most of the people who entered the Dark Magnetic Miasma, but I have no impression of you."

"Well, I didn't enter the Dark Magnetic Fog Miasma from your Ice Emperor City." Shi Yan shook his head and said calmly: "I entered the Dark Magnetic Fog Miasma from the Endless Sea. Naturally, you can't have seen me."

"The Endless Sea?"

The two sisters looked surprised and exclaimed softly at the same time, their bright eyes shining with doubts that clearly showed disbelief.

Ice Emperor City is located in the far west of China, separated from the Endless Sea by a bitter cold land, sea area, and dark magnetic miasma. Ice Emperor City should be the warrior force in China closest to the Endless Sea. Since these two sisters are Ice Emperors It is normal for people in the city to have heard of the Endless Sea.

However, the two sisters had never heard of people from the Endless Sea who could pass through the extremely dangerous dark magnetic miasma and enter the land of China through hardships and dangers.

"Yes, I came from the Endless Sea." Shi Yan felt that there was no need to hide this aspect, "In your eyes, the Endless Sea is very lonely? In your opinion, the warriors of the Endless Sea are barbarians. Pronoun, right?”

"Everyone thinks so." The younger sister nodded simply, "In such a remote place, there are no powerful people, the cultivation resources are also very poor, and martial arts and secret treasures are scarce. Of course, it is impossible for any top warriors to appear. What's the matter? Isn't that what it is?"

She seemed to take it for granted, but instead asked Shi Yan in surprise.

"No matter what kind of remote place, there will always be powerful warriors. It can only be said that your land in China is uniquely endowed by nature, and more powerful warriors will appear." Shi Yan frowned and explained patiently.

He was waiting, waiting for the return of Xuan Binghanyan, so he could continue on his way. Since he had nothing to do now, he could just kill time chatting with these two pretty sisters.

"Are you really from the Endless Sea?"

The little beauty looked at him blankly, with strong curiosity, as if she had discovered a savage, "In the Endless Sea, are there warriors like you who can cultivate to the heavenly realm? Are you very poor there? Are there people who eat them? Human things? I heard that in your Endless Sea, everything is very backward, and many people are starving to death..."

As soon as the little beauty opened her chat box, she started to chatter a series of questions about the unstoppable trend.

In her understanding, the Endless Sea is a land of stubborn barbarians. The people there are still living in ancient times, nothing is civilized, and they have all kinds of strange traditions that are puzzling.

Shi Yan had a dark look on his face.

He finally understood how the warriors of China viewed outsiders. These people had a natural sense of superiority and felt that they were the center of the Divine Grace Continent.

In addition, outsiders are all barbarians, they know nothing, have low strength, but have all kinds of weird traditions.

"Is it this way?"

The little beauty danced through a series of self-understandings. Seeing Shi Yan's indifferent expression, she stopped, looked at him curiously, and asked again.


"What's that like?"

"Same as you."

"Tch! I don't believe it."

"Believe it or not."

"You are such a stinky person. You are an outsider, but you still put on airs for me and come to our territory. You should be more honest and be careful about being taught a lesson."


"Okay!" After listening for a while, my sister gradually became impatient. She interrupted coldly, waved her hands and shouted like a fly: "Go away. Stop being so nagging here. You are not allowed to linger around the main peak, otherwise we will meet again." When it comes to you, it’s not so easy to talk to.”

Shrugging, Shi Yan looked indifferent and said, "Goodbye."

After saying that, he left here and flew not far away, preparing to find a quiet place and slowly wait for the return of Xuanbinghanyan.

According to Xuan Bing Hanyan, the cold chalcedony is hidden deep in the heart of the extremely cold snow-capped mountains. Even in the coldest place, it is difficult for even him to penetrate deep into it.

The black ice cold flame has a special shape and is of the cold attribute. Shi Yan believes that if there really is cold chalcedony in the extremely cold snow mountain, it should not be difficult to obtain the black ice cold flame, so he did not intervene and was not in a hurry. Be a bystander and wait for the good news.

..."Sister, do you believe what that guy said?" After Shi Yan left, my sister Bingwei asked while carefully picking the cold heart grass.

"It doesn't matter where he comes from, as long as it doesn't affect our work." Bingqiang frowned deeply, "Little sister, be careful when you return later. I always feel that something is not right when I come. There are some rumors in the city recently. , said that a certain elder has close contacts with Tiangong, I’m afraid something might happen.”

"I know who it is!" Bingwei snorted, "It must be that slut! She left Ice Emperor City some time ago and probably went to Tiangong. She has always wanted to replace her adoptive mother and become the city lord. She has a conspiracy. It’s been so long, I’m sure I can’t hold it back anymore!”

"Don't talk nonsense!" Bingqiang glared at her, "Even my stepmother wouldn't dare to say that. Don't talk nonsense. If she hears it, even my stepmother can't protect you! Remember, even if If you have an idea, keep it in your heart and don’t say a word in the city.”

"There's no one here, why are you so nervous." Bingwei didn't care. "That slut wants to be the city lord. She's crazy. She actually wants to use the power of Tiangong. She really has no sense of shame."

"Don't talk like a slut. No matter what, she is an elder." Bingqiang said helplessly, "You girl, you are so open-minded that you always offend people. If you hadn't been caught with your words this time, , how could we be arranged to come here to pick cold grass."

"Sister, I'm sorry for making you come here with me." Bingwei lowered her head pitifully.

"Two sisters, don't say these things. Just be more careful next time." Bingqiang pondered for a moment, "You contradicted her in person. With her vengeful character, she will definitely cause trouble for you. It's not good for her to be in Ice Emperor City. Take action, and she knows the news about us coming here, I'm afraid she will arrange someone to deal with us, so it's better to be careful and don't let her find someone to deal with us quietly."

"The foster mother is still in the city, does she dare?"

"She even wants to replace her stepmother, so why not? Hey, you girl, you are still a little too naive. The city is very complicated now. The stepmother asked us to come here because she wanted us to avoid the limelight for a while. It's a pity that we came here I don’t know who leaked the news about her, but there should be someone from her side..."

"Ah, what should I do?"

"We can't control it. Protecting ourselves is just helping our adoptive mother."

(To be continued)

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