God of Killing

Chapter 52 Secret Realm


Shi Yan could no longer maintain his handstand and fell directly to the ground, breathing heavily.

Wisps of strange negative aura that cannot be seen with the naked eye and can only be felt with the mind, like threads, quietly fly out from the acupuncture points in his head.

Those negative auras formed a ball in his mind, entangled together, as if mixed with his nerves.

In his mind, the piercing pain spread instantly.

This pain was like an electric current, radiating from Shi Yan's mind and flooding his whole body in an instant, activating all the acupuncture points in his body.

Just three seconds!

All the acupuncture points in Shi Yan's body had a strong negative aura emanating from them.

The negative forces coming from the acupuncture points were constantly swimming in the muscles and veins of his body, slowly spreading to the blood, flesh, muscles, cells, and internal organs of his body.

There seemed to be electric currents passing through his body. In addition to the severe pain in his head, his hands and feet had begun to gradually shrink and become thinner.

A faint white mist emerged from the pores of his body...

Soon, a circle of pale mist appeared around him. The white mist was filled with bloodthirsty killings and possessed the evil power to confuse people's hearts!

After all the negative energy was released from all the acupuncture points in Shi Yan's body, he actually lost a full third of his weight!

Standing there, Shi Yan's body was emaciated, and his body was filled with astonishing murderous aura. The murderous aura condensed and lingered around his body, like substance.

It was also at this time that the pain in his mind suddenly and strangely disappeared without a trace.

Opening his eyes, Shi Yan suddenly felt that his nerves had become extremely sensitive, his thoughts were clear, his calculation ability had been greatly improved, and even his thinking speed seemed to have become much faster.

He remained extremely calm and his mind was as clear as ever!

Those traces of negative aura in his mind seemed to be wonderfully combined with the nerve lines in his mind, making his body extremely sensitive!

Standing there, he could even feel the changes in various negative forces in his flesh and blood, and could clearly sense how much extra power those changes would bring.

At this moment, he seemed to have become a cold machine. He no longer seemed to have human emotions. He only had various ways to kill his opponents in his mind, and only thought about how to reach the enemy and his death as quickly and efficiently as possible.

At this time, he is undoubtedly extremely terrifying!

All the messy thoughts in my mind were thrown away, except for the thought of killing. All the thoughts in my mind were based on the premise of killing the enemy.

At this moment, he had no mercy, no more considerations, no worries.

"Hoo ho!"

Shi Yan was breathing heavily, like a bloodthirsty beast, murderous in the gravity room, his eyes were cold and devoid of any human emotion, as if he was looking for a target to devour.


Shouting in his heart, Shi Yan used his tenacious perseverance to collect the white mist lingering around his body into his acupuncture points.

Suddenly sitting down cross-legged, he closed his eyes, restrained himself, and let the thoughts of killing disappear from his mind, and let the strange negative aura in his mind slowly flow back into the acupuncture points on his head.

After a long, long time.

Shi Yan exhaled evenly, feeling exhausted, and slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, his eyes had regained their clarity and depth, and there was no longer an absolutely cold and bloodthirsty look in them.

Rampage to the first level!

Until this moment, Shi Yan didn't know what it was like to be truly violent.

In addition to the changes in the body, the changes in the state of mind are even more direct and terrifying!

He believed that in that state of mind, he would become the most cold-blooded killing machine, able to better unleash his body's potential.

In that state, he seemed to have no emotions, only a murderous heart! All the thoughts in my mind revolve around how to kill people faster and more efficiently. They are absolutely ruthless!


Shi Yan, who had recovered, couldn't help but exclaimed when he thought of that weird state.

It was also at this moment that he realized that the direction of his cultivation seemed to be wrong.

The first step in the practice of "rage" should start from the head. The completion of the entire "rage" is also driven by the changes in the brain. As long as the "rage" of the brain starts, the whole body will change accordingly.

His previous training started with his hands and feet and gradually covered his whole body. When he finally trained his mind, he first transformed his body and then slowly attacked the acupuncture points in his brain.

Obviously, his original method was not correct, so he suddenly fainted during several times of hard training.

At this point, the last step of training for violence has finally been completed...

Full of exhaustion, Shi Yan no longer had any strength to practice the "Finger Spear Technique". He had to sit where he was and let the "Immortal Martial Spirit" in his body recover from the side effects of the rampage.

A week later, his essence had recovered a lot, and he tried to attack the blood pattern ring on his finger again.

During these days, he often carried out the impact of the blood pattern ring, wanting to break through another layer of barriers to see what secrets the blood pattern ring contained.

It's a pity that every attack he made was in vain. He who was in the third level of the innate world couldn't even break through a small barrier.

When the sharp essence touched the barrier in the blood pattern ring, it was blocked alive.

The essence of essence faded like a tide, and Shi Yan stood up helplessly, walked to the corner of the gravity room, and found the spiritual-level martial arts book called "Magnetic Destruction Field" from his backpack.

Sitting in the corner, Shi Yan frowned and turned the pages of the dark yellow scripture.

At this moment, Shi Yan was secretly grateful to the original owner of this body. If this guy hadn't had a profound knowledge of ancient literature and monuments, he wouldn't have been able to understand the content above.

In such a large Shi family, except for this person, there seems to be no one who is proficient in this type of ancient writing.

Fortunately, that guy passed down his memory of ancient Chinese knowledge to Shi Yan word for word. Otherwise, Shi Yan would be in great trouble and would have to find a special person who was proficient in ancient Chinese to help him translate the above text. come out.

This is a spiritual level martial arts book.

He even hid the news about this spiritual-level martial arts from Shi Jian and Yang Hai. If the translator released the news, who knows how many troubles would arise.

Each ancient character that was difficult for others to understand was silently recited by Shi Yan in his heart.

The scripture was not too thick, with only twenty-seven pages. Soon, Shi Yan read all the ancient characters in the scripture.

After closing the scripture, Shi Yan had a strange expression and murmured: "This spiritual level martial arts is really interesting. It actually requires different powers in the body to practice it."

The practice of this kind of spiritual-level martial arts has no restrictions on realm, but it has special requirements for strength.

Although this is a spiritual level martial skill, it can be practiced by warriors in acquired and innate realms.

To practice it, there is only one condition - the cultivator must have at least two different powers in his body!

Only the collision of two different forces can create a "domain field". The "domain field" has the magical function of distorting space, causing it to collapse, and producing a strong suction force.

Once the "field" appears, people other than the releaser will be drawn into it.

For people who are pulled into the "field", under the influence of the power of the "field", their bodies will rotate involuntarily, their flesh and blood will be squeezed, and even their essence will be affected, and they will not be able to release martial arts smoothly at all.

According to the writer of this "Magnetic Killing Field", the more types of power a cultivator has, the greater the power of the "Field" will be.

If there are three or four different forces that mix to form a "field", then the "field" can even directly strangle warriors in the realm of hundreds of calamities!

If the types of power in the "field" can reach five, then even a warrior in the realm of status will definitely die if he enters it!

Shi Yan grabbed the scripture and pondered for a while, his eyes gradually brightened, and he suddenly laughed softly.

Normal warriors have only one kind of essence in their bodies. Only those with special martial souls can have an additional type of power that is different from the essence. For example, Diyalan has an additional "Blue Demon Flame" martial soul.

Obviously, most warriors cannot practice this kind of strange spiritual level martial arts, because few people have two or even three different powers in their bodies.

But Shi Yan happened to be one of those few people, and the negative power flowing out of his acupuncture points did not belong to the same group as Jing Yuan.

He can practice directly.

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