God of Killing

Chapter 59 The storm is surging

Beiming's house, Ice Pavilion.

The Ice Pavilion is made of snow and ice rocks. Snow and ice rocks are natural cold stones, which can emit a bone-chilling chill even on hot summer days.

The Ice Pavilion has nine floors, dozens of feet high, and is filled with cold air, like a cold iceberg.

——This is the place of penance for Bei Ming Shang.

The Beiming Family's "Extremely Cold Ice Flame" martial spirit has a surname of Yinhan. Practicing in such an ice pavilion made of snow, ice and rocks will be of great benefit to the Beiming Family's "Extremely Cold Ice Flame" martial spirit. .

Generally speaking, Beiming Shang would hardly leave the Ice Pavilion unless he tempered the secret treasure.

Everyone who comes to visit Beiming's house has to endure the cold air of the Ice Pavilion and must see him there.

And when Bei Ming hurt this person, he never cared about other people's feelings and would only make people adapt to him.

From the first floor to the ninth floor of the Ice Pavilion, the coldness gradually worsened. Even the ordinary sons of the Beiming family could only wait on the third or fourth floor every time they came to visit him. It was a bit too much.

The sixth floor of the Ice Pavilion.

In the center of the towering icicles, sits the majestic Beiming Shang. There is a thick cold air lingering around him. On the icicles on the sixth floor of the Ice Pavilion, strange icy fires are burning. It makes the cold here even more intense and bone-chilling.

Mo Tuo frowned and stood opposite Bei Mingshang. Next to him was the handsome Bei Mingce.

Yin Kui and Jiu Shan, like two ghosts, sat behind the two icicles, with their brows lowered, as if they had fallen asleep.

Under the leadership of a warrior from the Ice Pavilion, Mu Yudie and Diyalan arrived at the sixth floor of the Ice Pavilion.

The cold air on this floor is twice as heavy as that on the fifth floor!

As soon as the two women stepped onto the sixth floor, their delicate bodies trembled slightly. They felt as if they had entered an ice cave, and even their hands and feet began to gradually stiffen.

"You guys are here." Bei Mingce stepped forward, winked at Mu Yudie, and said, "This is my grandfather, and this is... the head of the Mo family."

Mu Yudie and Diyalan's pretty faces changed at the same time. They glanced at Mo Tuo, and their expressions seemed to stiffen.

Hu Long made it clear that Luo Hao died. In addition to the intervention of Barnard and the dark moon messenger, there were also streaks of lightning falling from the sky...

The two women also met Mo Chaoge afterwards. Knowing that Luo Hao was dead, Mo Chaoge must have been involved.

It's a pity that the Mo family is also very powerful in the business alliance and has some contacts with the Beiming family. The reason why Bei Mingce simply dismissed Mo Chaoge was obviously because he didn't want to get into trouble with the Mo family and had no intention of standing up for them.

Now in the Beiming family, they suddenly met the head of the Mo family. Mu Yudie and Diyalan were naturally a little unhappy, but in front of Beiming Shang, they couldn't express anything and could only secretly sulk.

"I've seen Grandpa Shang." Mu Yudie and Diyalan both bowed to Beiming Shang, but deliberately ignored Mo Tuo.

Mo Tuo looked as usual, with a faint smile on his lips, as if he didn't mind the neglect of Mu Yudie and Diyalan at all.

"I heard that you spent some time with a boy in the dark forest? I want to find out something from that boy. Do you know the origin of that boy?" Bei Mingshang nodded lightly, his slender eyes There was no special expression, just straight to the point.

Mu Yudie felt a shiver in her heart, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "He is just an insignificant young martial artist. How could Grandpa Shang know such a person?"

"There is something I want in him." Bei Mingshang frowned slightly and said, "Do you know the origin of that kid?"

Shaking his head, Mu Yudie said: "I don't know, we met him by chance on the road. Because we were afraid of monsters killing people, we traveled together. I really don't know the origin of this person. I just know His name is Ding Yan, he seems to be an ordinary warrior from the Merchant Alliance."

"Ding Yan..." Bei Mingshang nodded, paused, and said, "Do you know which city he comes from and what area he hangs out in?"

"I don't know." Mu Yudie shook her head again.

Bei Mingshang suddenly fell silent. After a while, he said calmly: "Okay, nothing happens anymore. The martial arts competition will be held in a while. You two can go and see it with Ce'er. Stay here every day. I think you will also be bored. I had some friendship with your grandfather back then, but now that he is gone, I will naturally take good care of you. Don’t worry, the people in the dark world will never dare to touch you in the business alliance. "

"Thank you, Grandpa Shang." Mu Yudie's eyes gradually became moist, and she choked a little: "When I think of what happened to my Mu family, Xiaodie wants to crush those people to ashes! The whole family of my Mu family was slaughtered overnight. Clean, it hurts grandpa, you have to make the decision for me!"

"We can't rush this, let's talk about it later." Bei Mingshang nodded, waved his hand and said, "You guys should have a good rest. It's too cold on this floor. I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand it based on your cultivation."

"Yes." Mu Yudie did not hesitate, bowed and bowed again, tugged on the corner of Diyalan's clothes, and the two of them left together.

"Is that girl hiding the truth?" After Mu Yudie and the two girls left, Mo Tuo frowned and said, "There is only one name, and it will be very troublesome to search for it."

"Cer, what do you think?" Bei Mingshang glanced at Bei Mingce.

"It doesn't sound like a lie. I'll ask again when I get a chance. Anyway, the remaining pictures in the Piaomiao Pavilion are still there, so I'm not in a hurry." Bei Mingce replied.

Bei Mingshang nodded and said: "Well, keep an eye on those two girls and remember not to be confused by others. I don't want you to become a sword in the hands of others, do you understand?"

"Grandpa, I know it well." Bei Mingce said with a smile.

"Brother Mo, don't be anxious about this matter. I'll send someone to notify the Shi family and the Zuo family soon, and ask them to keep an eye on Ding Yan. Don't worry, I will come to find someone in my name and won't bring you out. ." Bei Mingshang said proudly: "We, the five major families of the Merchant Alliance, are looking for someone together. I don't believe we can't find a commoner! Well, remember to have someone send that kid's portrait later. As long as he is alive, he will definitely run away. No."

"Well, I'll take my leave then." Mo Tuo didn't say much, nodded, and left.

"Ce'er, pay more attention to Zuo Shi from the Zuo family. Zuo Shi and Chi Xiao are on the line. If you can marry Zuo Shi back home, it will save us a lot of effort." Bei Mingshang glanced at Mo Tuo after he left. He glanced at Bei Mingce and said calmly: "That girl is extremely talented in her own right. She is also Zuo Xu's sweetheart, and she is also quite willful. If you can subdue her, that old guy Zuo Xu can't do anything. Can be tied to our Beiming family."

"No rush, come one by one." Bei Mingce said confidently.

Nodding, Bei Mingshang said again: "That girl Mu Yudie is indeed very talented, but although the music spirit is domineering, it has no help to our Beiming family's 'extreme cold ice flame' spirit. On the contrary, The girl named Diyalan possesses the 'Blue Demon Flame' martial spirit, which may complement our family's 'extreme cold ice flame' martial spirit. Watch this girl carefully. If you can combine with her, she will In the future, he may be able to give birth to an outstanding offspring for our Beiming family."

"Grandpa, don't worry, nothing I like can escape."

"Well, since they have come to my Beiming house, they can't even think about leaving."

Zuo family.

Zuo Xu was drinking tea leisurely in the side room. Behind the screen behind him, a shadowy figure squatted and reported: "Beiming Shang sent someone to deliver a letter, please let us find a young man named 'Ding Yan', saying that the young man stole We have stolen the belongings of his Beiming family, and as long as we find someone, they are willing to give us five Xuan-level weapons."

"Five mysterious-level weapons." Zuo Xu sipped his tea and chuckled: "Beiming Shang is really stingy. He wants to exchange five mysterious-level weapons for half of the residual map leading to the 'Tianmen'. It’s a good calculation.”

"Master, what should we do?"

"Looking for it, let our people shout in each city, but don't pay too much attention, just find a few guys named Ding Yan to deal with it, so as not to make that guy suspicious."

"My subordinate understands."

Shi family.

Shi Jian also received the same news. He held the envelope with a sneer and said, "It seems that Mo Tuo was hurt by Beiming. Humph! Fortunately, that boy Shi Yan told me the truth. Otherwise, I wouldn't know the situation. Beiming Shang, Bei Ming Shang, I'm afraid you never dreamed that Ding Yan is Shi Yan. He asked me to help him find someone, hehe, then I will help him find someone!"

"How to find it?" Han Feng said calmly.

"Find a few people related to the Mo family and make them mute. I told them they were all named Ding Yan and sent them to Beiming's family."


The Beiming Family, the Zuo Family, the Moh Family, the Shi Family, and the Ling Family, the five major families in the Business Alliance, were looking for a person named "Ding Yan" in various cities of the Business Alliance, either with great fanfare or secretly.

For a time, the name "Ding Yan" quickly became popular in the business alliance.

Many people named "Ding Yan" suffered disaster and were taken away by people from the five major families. Many people who were closely related to the Mohist family but were not named "Ding Yan" also suffered Wuwu disaster and were directly beaten to disability. He was rendered mute and escorted to Beiming's house.

Because the martial arts tournament is about to begin, all the warriors from the Merchant Alliance are sharpening their fists, and there are also some warriors from other places who have come all the way for the martial arts tournament.

What's funny is that many of the warriors who came were directly captured by the five major families because their names were "Ding Yan".

Overnight, "Ding Yan" became a street rat, and everyone shouted for him to be beaten.

But the initiator has been in the gravity room of the Shi family, poking the iron sandbag with his finger tens of thousands of times a day.

Every time he stabbed it with his finger, a deep hole would be punched through the iron sand bag hanging high in the gravity room, weighing hundreds of kilograms.


Shi Yan inserted his five fingers straight, and his arm sank directly into the center of the iron sandbag. When he pulled out his arm, his five fingers shone with a strange cold light, like a sword made of gold and iron, which was extremely terrifying.

"Well, the martial arts competition is about to begin, and the storm in the Piaomiao Pavilion is about to come. My 'finger spear technique' can finally be considered a small success."

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