God of Killing

Chapter 6 Immortal Martial Spirit

The Duangchang Powder slid all the way from the intestines into the stomach. Shi Yan felt a dull pain in his intestines and stomach. It was as if chronic sulfuric acid had been poured into his intestines and stomach, which was slowly corroding his intestines and stomach bit by bit. The pain in his body was also increasing bit by bit. .

"The medicine of Duangchang Powder is extremely powerful, but it does not attack immediately, but slowly progresses. For a normal person, the inside of the body will be completely rotten in two days, and it will spread throughout the body in three days at most, so that the whole body will rot and die." Kalu squinted his eyes and said calmly: "No hurry, let's wait a day and see."

"Okay, let's see him again at this time tomorrow night." Mo Yanyu nodded, glanced at Shi Yan happily, and left side by side with Kalu in a happy mood.

"Hey, kid, your good days are over." Johnson bared his teeth and laughed twice. When he thought that Shi Yan would rot and die soon, he suddenly felt much more relaxed, as if a stone had fallen to the ground in his heart. .

Shi Yan lowered his head, his eyes cold.

The power of Duangchang Powder had begun to take effect in his intestines and stomach, which he could clearly feel. At this time, there seemed to be hundreds of millions of ants vying for territory in his intestines and stomach, gnawing at his intestines and stomach.

The ray of essence in the lower abdomen circulates silently and quickly flows into the intestines and stomach. The essence is like a warm stream, silently washing the poison in the intestines and stomach under his control. Wherever the essence passes, the poison in the intestines and stomach increases in potency. Being slowed down, Shi Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The moist breeze blew over, and Shi Yan took a greedy breath. Without avoiding Johnson beside him, he sat down on the spot and concentrated all his attention on running his essence to resist the corrosion of the poison.

That wisp of Jingyuan, which had become much stronger in recent days, became Shi Yan's life-saving herb, flowing continuously in his stomach and intestines. Every time the Jingyuan flowed around, the potency of his gastrointestinal poison seemed to be slowed down a bit, and the poison seemed to be weakened. The rate of corrosion in his stomach has never been accelerated.

At this moment, Shi Yan realized the beauty of Jingyuan, and became more determined to cultivate Jingyuan and become the most powerful warrior.

Just the essence of essence has such great benefits, so how powerful can the "martial spirit" that warriors regard as a god-given talent be? If you could possess a "Martial Spirit", wouldn't you be able to become more powerful and avoid suffering a lot of sins?

Shi Yan suddenly secretly resented that the owner of this body had not been able to inherit the Shi family's "Petrified Martial Spirit". Otherwise, he might have given it a try just now and might have been able to resist Mo Yanyu with the help of the "Petrified Martial Spirit". "Lightning Martial Spirit", and then escape from death without swallowing this fatal Heartbroken Powder.

Time flies, the moonlight becomes cooler and cooler, and in the blink of an eye it is late at night. The warriors in the distance have been busy for a day, and they all quiet down at this time, each looking for a comfortable place to cultivate their essence, in order to break through the shackles of the body and enter a deeper realm. , gain stronger power.

The drug slaves looked at the sky one after another. In the silent night, they were more likely to miss their relatives far away, and they were more likely to feel fear. They often thought that maybe tomorrow they would become the target of the drug test and become a new corpse. They were desperate. It overflowed the body, feeling slightly cold.


Under the moonlight, Shi Yan sat cross-legged on the ground, his calm face gradually becoming more dignified.

Five hours of Jingyuan movement controlled the rapid spread of Duangchang Powder in his body. However, unknowingly, he found that one-third of the Jingyuan had been consumed, and it was still being consumed!

But the effects of the Duangchang Powder left in the intestines and stomach showed no signs of disappearing. On the contrary, they still had tenacious vitality.

Duangchangsan seemed to be waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the moment when his essence was exhausted, and then suddenly counterattacked!

Shi Yan suddenly felt cold all over his body.

Once the essence is exhausted, he will no longer have anything to rely on. At that time, without any means, he will be like ordinary people, and his body will start to rot from his intestines and stomach until it spreads throughout his body.

There was nothing he could do.

In this case, he cannot gather more essence through practice, because once he ignores the medicinal power of his intestines and stomach, the Duangchang Powder attached to it will strengthen in vain, causing him to die faster.

Therefore, knowing that this would be a dead end, he could only continue.

Another two hours passed.

Not only did the power of Duangchang Powder show no tendency to slow down, it was also gradually increasing. The essence in his body was being consumed faster, and he could clearly feel it!

He seemed to see himself getting closer and closer to death...

Once the essence is exhausted, his intestines and stomach will rot. At that time, he will not die immediately. The rot will continue to spread to the internal organs. It will last for five or six days at most, and his whole body will rot like other medicine slaves. And died.

Shi Yan had a gloomy face, and his eyes were as cold as ice, shining on Mo Yanyu on an ancient tree in the distance.

Under the bright moonlight, Mo Yanyu sat on a thick tree trunk, her skin as frosty, her pretty face peaceful, her long hair swaying gently in the wind, like an elf in the dark night. She did not notice Shi Yan's sinister gaze. He practiced silently, using essence to nourish the spiritual veins containing the "Lightning Martial Soul" in his body.

Karu was at the back of the team, with his left hand curled up in his loose cuff, leaning on another old tree, and holding a volume of Poison Sutra in his right hand, reading it with gusto.

From time to time, Karu would look in the direction of Shi Yan, with a malicious sneer at the corner of his mouth.

This was not going to work, Shi Yan frowned deeply, and while continuing to use his essence to resist the invasion of the poison, he was thinking about a solution quickly.

If this situation continues, the essence will be exhausted before dawn. Once the essence is exhausted, he will definitely die! The poison is in his body. Even if he escapes, nothing will change. The only solution is Karu!

Kalu can refine Broken Heart Powder, and he must have the antidote in his hand. Only by getting the antidote from Kalu can he avoid the doomed fate of body corrosion. However, in addition to being an alchemist, Kalu is also a warrior in the innate realm. Trying to seize the antidote for Duangchang Powder from him is almost the same as committing suicide.

Shi Yan secretly observed it and found that although Kalu was reading the scriptures, he looked at him from time to time. It was obvious that Kalu was not unprepared and might even have guessed what he would do and was waiting. Maybe he threw himself into a trap.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Shi Yan understood that although the chance of success was almost non-existent, he had to start with Karu, and he had to act as soon as possible, otherwise once all the essence in his body was exhausted, his chance of survival would be will be smaller.

Shi Yan secretly adjusted his breathing, temporarily ignoring the poison in his stomach, and took back all the essence, preparing for a desperate fight.

Unsurprisingly, after the Jing Yuan was withdrawn, the power of Duangchang Powder suddenly increased, and the spread of the poison immediately accelerated, and the pain in the body naturally increased.

Just when Shi Yan was about to take action, the ulcerated part of the intestines and stomach suddenly changed!

The cells in the ulcerated part of the intestines and stomach suddenly became active, and wisps of extremely weak power wrapped around the ulcerated part, as if an invisible hand was holding a needle and thread to repair his ulcerated intestines and stomach. , the ulcerated part actually healed slowly...

Shi Yan was suddenly stunned.

He planned to take action immediately, but instead of rushing out rashly, he immediately calmed down and concentrated all his mental energy to observe the strange changes in his body!

The cells were extremely active, as if they suddenly had life. The ulcerated flesh and blood squirmed slightly, and the ulcers gradually healed. In just half an hour, the ulcers returned to their original state, and he could not feel any pain.

An electric current seemed to flow through his body, and Shi Yan was ecstatic, but his face did not show any signs of it. He was still as calm as water, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

All strange talents that do not require the operation of essence must be a special "martial spirit"!

A sentence about the definition of the characteristics of "Martial Soul" suddenly came into his mind. Shi Yan just realized it carefully for a while, and immediately realized that the changes in his body were exactly the effects of a special "Martial Soul".

Self-healing of the physical body is a special innate ability, and it seems to be a magical "martial spirit" that has not yet been discovered!

The poison of Duangchang Powder is causing trouble again! It started to attack his intestines and stomach again. Without the essence to resist, the poison quickly caused part of his intestines and stomach to ulcerate.

Miraculously, those ulcerated intestines and stomachs changed again. With the activation of cells, the ulcerated parts healed in a short time!

The power of the poison continued to act, corroding Shi Yan's intestines and stomach again and again. However, every time his intestines and stomach were corroded by the poison, the body's self-healing "martial spirit" would take action. Before the next attack of the poison, he had already Successfully repaired those ulcerated areas.

The "martial spirit" will improve as the warrior's realm improves, and may even undergo special changes. The higher the martial artist's realm, the stronger the special talents displayed by the "martial spirit" will be.

Another sentence about the characteristics of "Martial Soul" came into his mind, and Shi Yan was overjoyed. Judging from the talent displayed by this self-healing "Martial Soul", as his realm improved, even if his body was damaged, he could heal quickly. Maybe when he reaches a terrifying realm such as heavenly status or spiritual communication, this self-healing "martial spirit" can restore his broken limbs to their original state.

If you can reach this point, even if you are stabbed in the heart with a knife, wouldn't you be able to use this "martial spirit" to recover as before and avoid death?

If this is really the case, wouldn't it be possible to live forever if you reach the realm of true god one day?

A series of thoughts passed through Shi Yan's mind. After careful consideration, Shi Yan silently named this "Martial Spirit" "Immortal Martial Spirit".

After feeling it in silence for a while, Shi Yan finally relaxed and gave up the idea of ​​risking his life to snatch the antidote from Karu after confirming that the "Immortal Martial Spirit" could withstand the poison of Broken Heart Powder, and continued to sit motionless. I began to ignore the repeated battles in my stomach and quietly restore my essence.

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