God of Killing

Chapter 623: If you want to do it, do it!

Things like burning bridges across rivers are perfectly normal for those who do not follow rules and moral principles without any psychological barriers.

Especially, when there is a big enough interest, everything will become more logical.

Soul-cleansing divine water and star source essence are the rarest treasures in the world. Even warriors who have reached the divine realm may never see them in their lives, let alone possess them.

Now there is such an opportunity in front of us. Chu Baiqing and Ning Duquan are both warriors of Tiangong. To kill the leader for these two rare treasures, there is not much hesitation and it is easy to make up his mind.

Poor Li Zhengrong and Ye Changfeng, who were the key to unlocking this door, were abandoned by them alive. They did not kill immediately because they were temporarily unable to free their hands and were unable to deal with the blood hyena first. .

Shi Yan suddenly understood why Li Zhengrong was so cautious when he came over and kept staring at Ning Duquan and the old woman behind him.

It turned out that he was afraid that Ning Duquan and the old woman would suddenly kill him, so he desperately killed their master and disciple first.

"Kill Chu Boqing first!" Ye Changfeng gritted his teeth, his face filled with hatred as deep as the sea.

Shi Yan could understand his mood, but he didn't answer immediately and fell silent.

"Shi Yan, can you help me?" Ye Changfeng saw that he didn't say anything, his face was a little ugly, and his eyes were burning.

Li Zhengrong didn't say much, his expression also darkened.

He explained the soul-cleansing divine water and the Star Source Essence, especially the magical effects of the Star Source Essence, in order to hope that Shi Yan would take action to help him solve his current troubles.

When they were in the Necromancer Mountains, Li Zhengrong was pretty good to Shi Yan. He felt that he and Shi Yan were quite harmonious, and coupled with Ye Changfeng's relationship, he felt that Shi Yan would help.

Even if it wasn't for him, for the sake of the Star Source Essence, he should be obligated.

However, Shi Yan was silent, which made him a little uneasy and he couldn't guess what Shi Yan was thinking.

At the bottom of the lake, the eyes of Ning Duquan and the old woman were flickering, looking at this area from a distance, and they seemed to be preparing secretly.

"Ning Duquan and I have a deep hatred." Shi Yan looked indifferent and said in a leisurely manner: "Of course I will help you, but I am thinking about what method should be used to kill them all. We Once the action is taken, no one will be allowed to escape, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Chu Baiqing and Ning Duquan were both from Tiangong. Although the identity of the old woman was unknown, she was probably a master of Tiangong.

If the three of them were killed cleanly, it would be fair to say that if... one of them was allowed to escape, it would be a matter of serious consideration as to whether the Heavenly Palace would go to war and come out of the secret realm to cause trouble for them.

Shi Yan is not alone now. The Yang family, Shi family, Cao family, and Yin Yang Dongtian are all dependent on him, as well as the Yin Mei clan and the Yi clan. It is impossible for him to ignore everything and escape alone.

He found an excuse for Tiangong to come out of the secret realm to kill people in large numbers. He wanted to ask if he could resist?

With the Yin Mei Tribe and the Yi Tribe here, plus he really launched a killing move against Tiangong Chu Boqing and others, Shun Hao of the Guangming God Sect would definitely not be able to help. With the power they have now, it is impossible to face them head-on. Competing against the Heavenly Palace.

"Shi Yan's consideration makes sense." Li Zhengrong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, his face solemn, "If we really want to take action, there is no room for error. If you want to do it, do it!"

"Did anyone else know when you came here together?" Shi Yan hesitated for a moment and asked immediately.

"No." Li Zhengrong shook his head, "Chu Baiqing and the others want to enjoy everything here to themselves, so naturally they will not tell others. I can guarantee that no one will know about this matter."

"Very good!" Shi Yan finally revealed his bloody fangs and said decisively to Yan Long: "You have to help me with this matter. You must first put aside the fight with the blood hyena, join forces with us, and help us kill the intruder. Wait. Now that those people are dead, how about we discuss other things? If you have any losses, I will be responsible for compensating them afterwards!"

"No problem!" Yanlong grinned ferociously, rubbed his hands and said fiercely: "Although Yanlong and I don't get along, these bastards are killing my fellow tribesmen, pulling out muscles and bones. Naturally, I won't sit idly by and watch what they do. There are monsters in the demon clan. Rules, no matter how fiercely we fight, we will always be united when facing this kind of practice!"

"That's easy to handle." Shi Yan's smile was as cold as a blade, and a flash of blood flashed in his eyes, "Let's kill Ning Duquan and the brand first. Yanlong, you are responsible for dealing with the true god realm human master. We must kill him I can’t get away in a short time.”

"Chu Baiqing has the cultivation level of the True God Realm, and his soul has already matured. It is difficult to target him. I'm afraid that if he doesn't do anything, his soul will escape." Li Zhengrong looked excited at first, and then suddenly remembered this, and became worried. said.

"He'd better not escape from his soul, otherwise... I'll let him know how unwise it would be to escape from his soul in front of me!" Shi Yan grinned with a sinister smile.

Li Zhengrong's eyes suddenly lit up and he said in surprise: "You have one?"

"Yes." Shi Yan nodded affirmatively, "Don't worry, everyone, if he really dares to escape from his soul, it will be the worst decision in his life."

Ye Changfeng also cheered up and sneered in a lowered voice.

Emperor Yang Qing and Di Shan were also eager to give it a try, secretly using their power to prepare for action at any time.

At the beginning, Chu Baiqing and his party strongly advocated annihilating the Yang family together with the Yinmei and Yi tribes. Among the masters of the Seven Ancient Sect who came out of the secret realm to kill the Yinmei and Yi tribes, Tiangong occupied a very important position.

"Yanlong, you take action first. As long as Chu Boqing is restrained, we will kill him immediately. When those two people die, we will work together to help you and make sure Chu Boqing stays!" Shi Yan took a deep breath. He said in a calm tone.

"Okay!" Yanlong's eyes were not red, and he ordered to Lieyan and Yinjiao: "Once I take action, don't be idle, help them kill those two human race guys."

"Lord Yanlong, don't worry!" Lieyan and Yinjiao nodded solemnly, "We will definitely make them pay with blood for killing our clan so cruelly!"

"You can pretend to deal with the blood hyena first and take the opportunity to kill Chu Baiqing. If the blood hyena misunderstands... that would be the best." Shi Yan suddenly suggested sinisterly.

Yanlong was stunned for a moment, looked at Shi Yan strangely, and said, "You humans are really insidious." Immediately, he let out a dragon roar at the bottom of the lake, turning into a long shadow of blazing flames, heading straight towards the blood hyena. , Chu Baiqing rushed away.

Xue Hui and Chu Baiqing, who were fighting, quietly gathered some strength at this time and waited cautiously.

Both Xue Hui and Chu Baiqing discovered Yan Long's arrival. During the fight, they also secretly observed Yan Long, not knowing that he would participate in the battle like this.

These two guys are also secretly afraid. Blood Hyena and Yanlong are enemies. He is afraid that Yanlong will attack him, so he is cautious.

Chu Baiqing was even more nervous. Yanlong was a demon clan, and it was natural for the demon clan to help the demon clan. Yanlong's delay in taking action did not reassure him. He was also waiting to see what would happen.

Xue Hui and Chu Baiqing are evenly matched. No matter which side Yan Long helps, the other side will definitely be at a disadvantage and directly change the development direction of the situation. They are all afraid, so they are cautious, so they reserve their strength.


The blood hyena let out a terrifying roar, with golden light shining in his eyes, and howled angrily: "Yanlong, you bastard, you actually dare to attack me! Although we have always been hostile, you dare to join forces with the human race, which will make all monster races look down upon you! "

After the Yanlong roared, the sharp horn on its head burst out with a fiery red energy beam. The energy beam locked onto the Blood Hyena. He reacted immediately and naturally couldn't help but curse.

Chu Baiqing, who was nervous and uneasy, was really overjoyed when he heard the roar of the blood hyena. He burst into laughter and immediately released the mountain of pressure in the square stone in his hand and blasted towards the blood hyena.

During the battle with the Blood Hyena, he had always been at the bottom. He was not sure at first, but now he found out that Yanlong was actually the mortal enemy of the Blood Hyena. His excitement was simply indescribable.

God help me! With the soul-cleansing divine water, the star source essence, and the materials for two level nine monsters, it is now possible to break through to the second level of the True God!

Chu Baiqing was very excited. He made the most ideal plan in his heart. He felt that all the pores in his body felt comfortable and started roaring. He wanted to join forces with Yanlong to kill the blood hyena first.

The flame dragon roared angrily, and strange ripples appeared from the horn on its head. It turned into a monster body as it marched, and every scale on its huge body shook, as if shaking countless leaves on the ancient tree, with fierce and hot waves. Energy fluctuations burst out from his body.

The blood hyena roared and became furious. It temporarily avoided Chu Baiqing and regarded Yanlong as its main enemy.

He could see that the Yanlong that appeared today was different from the past. The power fluctuations coming from his body were really fierce. The body that had been tempered by stone rocks made the blood hyena feel like facing a powerful enemy, and he did not dare to deal with it carelessly.

Although the level division of the demon clan is clear, the strength does not entirely depend on the level.

Because the way the monsters fight is different from that of humans, they do not rely entirely on the power of the body. They pay more attention to the strength of the body. In battle, the monsters with strong bodies can make up for the lack of strength.

Blood Hyena obviously found an abnormality in Yanlong's body, and knew that the overall strength of Yanlong, which was one level lower than him, was no longer inferior to him.

In addition, Yanlong, as a demon clan, violated the rules of the race and joined forces with the human race to target him, which made him even more angry, so he had to suppress Yanlong's arrogance first.

When the flame dragon passed by Chu Baiqing, its long tail covered with dense scales suddenly moved strangely, and countless red flames bloomed on his tail, as if there were hundreds of blacksmiths using red-hot iron. The hammer was hitting the gold and stone, and the long tail, by accident, hit Chu Baiqing's virtual protective mask directly.


Chu Baiqing was caught off guard, and all his power was condensed on the thrown stone. The power contained in the protective virtual shield was limited, and the virtual shield turned into countless light points and exploded instantly.

Chu Baiqing himself was immediately thrown thousands of meters away from the bottom of the lake by the blow, with blood all over his body.

He never expected that Yan Long would do something like this, and he would hatefully use this method to trick him.

In everyone's mind, although monster beasts are intelligent, they are by no means an insidious and despicable race, so...he made a mistake, and the price was that his body was severely injured!

(To be continued)

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