God of Killing

Chapter 681 Three-layered Soul Altar

Shi Yan woke up leisurely.

As soon as his eyes opened, he suddenly froze, with a strange expression.

The Divine Pond of Creation disappeared into thin air. The spiritual platform and all the materials used to construct the Divine Pond seemed to have exploded. In the direction of the Divine Pond, there was only a huge hole left, tens of meters deep, dark and filled with lake water. Full.

Looking around, he found that all the top-grade crystals had turned into ordinary stones, with no spiritual energy and no energy fluctuations.

Emperor Yang Qing stood on the edge of the pothole, looking quite embarrassed, with red eyes, as if he had not slept for hundreds of days and had no energy at all.

After just one glance, Shi Yan withdrew his gaze and turned to examine himself internally.

A look of extreme surprise appeared on his face, and he was shocked as if he had discovered something wonderful.

Great changes have taken place in my mind.

The area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​consciousness has expanded nearly five times. In the vastness of the brain, every ray of consciousness is like a brilliant light in the starry sky, crystal clear, dazzling, and containing pure fluctuations of consciousness.

The sea of ​​​​consciousness is vast and vast, following some wonderful principles of heaven and earth, slowly floating, and the pure spiritual consciousness becomes the sea water of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, as if it has reached a wonderful connection with every muscle and vein in his body, making it He can clearly recognize the changes in the essence in the muscles and veins of the physical body.

After calming down, he realized something, then his face was slightly shaken, and a joy couldn't help but flow through his body.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness and the Ancient Jingyuan Tree are connected to each other.

Wisps of spiritual consciousness, through communication with the muscles and veins of the physical body, can directly reach the ancient essence tree in the lower abdomen of his physical body, and skillfully move each essence essence in it, distribute it to the muscles and veins, and display the mystery of magical powers.

This is an experience I have never had before.

When he is in the realm of spiritual connection, if he wants to use the energy of the physical body's essence, he needs to use his spiritual consciousness to merge into the main soul, and the main soul will form a wave of consciousness, and then allow the essence to gather and flow with specific muscles and veins to form effective martial arts. Come.

It seems different now.

Wisps of his spiritual consciousness are directly connected to the tendons and ancient Jingyuan trees. A thought in his mind is like ripples falling into the sea of ​​consciousness, which can immediately produce changes and mobilize the power of the physical body.

This reaction speed seems to be many times faster, which means that he has a faster and better way to control the physical body and control the movements of the essence.

The changes in my mind are not just that.

Above his sea of ​​consciousness is a triangular altar. The altar is not substantial, but erratic. It is condensed from countless light points. It contains the mysteries of stars, life and death, and space. It has these three types. The special fluctuations in power are extremely mysterious.

The triangular altar formed by the condensation of the mysteries of life, death, stars, and space power is the divine soul. The divine soul is like a ball of chaotic flames, not his true form. It is like a transparent and white liquid, gurgling and moving, quietly suspended in the triangle. on the altar.

Looking carefully, he found that the altar was not on that level, but divided into three levels.

At the bottom is the vast sea of ​​consciousness, which is vast and boundless. Above the sea of ​​consciousness is a new layer that contains the mysteries of life, death, stars, and space. In the shape of a triangle, the three powers of life, death, stars, and space seem to form three parts of a triangle. The three mysteries inside the thread had strange fluctuations, which resonated with his soul.

The top layer is the chaotic flame-like soul, which is constantly releasing soul energy.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Mystery of Power, and the Divine Soul took on the appearance of an altar. The Sea of ​​Consciousness was the broadest, followed by the Mysterious Power. The topmost Divine Soul was only the size of a fist, like a ball of flame.

With a thought, he discovered that the soul, the secret of power, and the sea of ​​consciousness are perfectly integrated and unique. There is no stagnation in consciousness and thoughts. When a thought enters the layer of secret power, it can immediately trigger the fluctuation of the secret on that level of the altar, and then connect to the sea of ​​consciousness and communicate. The physical body allows the essence and muscles, veins, skin and flesh to cooperate to form martial arts that multiply the power and exert incredible power.

The soul is the main one, supplemented by the mysteries of power and the sea of ​​consciousness. Finally, it is connected with the essence of flesh and blood. The martial arts formed by the mysteries of power can be greatly stimulated and increased.

Is this the realm of true gods?

There was a trace of doubt in Shi Yan's mind, and the next moment, his spirit flew out of his body, and his eyes were in a trance.


A wisp of bright silver flame jumped uncertainly on the sea of ​​consciousness, as if it was driven out of its home and had no place to stay.

That is the Nine Nether Soul-eating Flame.

When he broke through to the True God Realm and condensed his soul, the heavenly fire was expelled and separated from his main soul.

Now that his soul has become, the flame can no longer be integrated into his soul. Although it still has a subtle connection with the soul, it is difficult to truly merge into one.

Shi Yan was silent, thoughts passing through his soul one by one, as if he was searching for something, secretly communicating with Tianhuo.

After a long time, his eyes lit up with horror, and his expression suddenly became excited.

The fusion of sky fire can also form a direction, which can become the center of his three-story altar, a new level. This is the knowledge conveyed by the thoughts of the Nine Nether Soul-Eating Flames.

According to the fluctuations of his soul, the soul is extremely mysterious and unpredictable, containing the purest secret of the rules of heaven and earth. Once formed, it can only accommodate the secret imprint, spiritual understanding and memory, and cannot be integrated into other creatures. Tianhuo has independent consciousness, so it cannot Integrate into his soul.

If it is necessary to fuse, it is possible, unless the sky fire is extremely compatible with a secret brand he has comprehended, and the consciousness in the sky fire must be erased first, and then the mark of the sky fire can escape into the soul's secret brand, which will greatly enhance the power of the secret brand. Progress and breakthroughs.

However, in his soul, the three profound meanings of stars, life and death, and space are not consistent with the attributes of sky fire, so it is difficult for him to achieve them.

Another point is that he does not want to obliterate Tianhuo's consciousness. Without consciousness, Tianhuo has no intelligence and only has strength. This is not what he wants.

Perhaps it was because he recognized his true surname that the Nine Nether Soul-Eating Flames transmitted this soul knowledge and provided him with a new solution: coexistence.

On top of his sea of ​​consciousness, a new altar was formed from the sky fire, which coexisted with the profound meaning of power and together nourished his soul. It could live with the help of his sea of ​​consciousness and absorb part of his power. Of course, the same You can give him strength back.

This is equivalent to the sky fire becoming a unique power secret, but it is not integrated into the first layer of secret power, but is distinct from the second layer. Although it is not as perfectly connected with the soul and sea of ​​consciousness as the second layer, it can still be connected with each other. , make up for each other.

Shi Yan did not listen to him immediately, but first contacted Xuan Binghanyan to hear his opinion.

After Xuan Binghanyan received this proposal, he thought about it seriously and felt that this proposal was feasible and beneficial to both parties.

Tianhuo can use the power of his sea of ​​consciousness and flesh and blood to nourish and strengthen himself. Because he is not integrated into the soul, he has no worries if he really leaves him in the future.

As for him, the three-story altar has an additional area composed of sky fire. He can also call on the power of sky fire and use it at any time when fighting people.

This is a win-win situation.

He didn't quite believe in the Nine Nether Soul-eating Flame, but he had considerable trust in the Black Ice Flame. After getting his feedback, he immediately started to carry out the project.

The thought moved, and the Nine Nether Soul-devouring Flames turned into a cluster of bright silver sea of ​​fire, stopped at the corner of the triangular layer of power, and floated quietly on the sea of ​​consciousness.

The black ice cold flames in the blood pattern ring quietly swirled out together with the earth's core fire, turning into two clusters of small flames, which penetrated into his eyes and passed away in a flash, reaching directly to his sea of ​​consciousness and the Nine Netherworld. The soul-eating flames are together.

A hot and cold breath rippled in the sea of ​​consciousness, and his soul felt briefly uncomfortable. However, after a while, under the deliberate restraint of the black ice flames and the earth's core fire, his soul adapted.

The breaths of the Nine Nether Soul-eating Flames, Black Ice Cold Flames, and Earth Core Fire seemed to have become three special energy hot springs. Like the triangular layer of mystical power, they also had a warming and uplifting effect on his soul.

He was keenly aware of it.

"There is another thing..." Shi Yan's consciousness fluctuated and he passed it to the blood pattern ring, "Let go, I want to detain him."

The aura of Bijue Corpse Fire overflowed from the blood pattern ring bit by bit. This heavenly fire obtained from Qing Ming has always been dishonest, so it has always been imprisoned. At this time, when he realized that the blood pattern ring was loose, he immediately To escape.

Star Chain!

Shi Yan's soul moved, and gurgling waves came from the sea of ​​consciousness. In the triangular layer of mystical power, the mysteries of the stars seemed to be mobilized, and the true meaning of the stars was suddenly revealed.

A crystal chain, as if studded with stars, suddenly sprang out from his heart, instantly wrapped the Bijue Corpse Fire, and dragged him into his body.

Not long after Shun Hao entered the inner city, various secrets and secrets of the Guangming God Sect related to the Star Art and the Flame Sun Art were revealed to him. He had a completely new understanding of the various power utilization techniques of the Star and Flame Sun.

This star chain is a derivative of the mysteries of star power. It has the power of star confinement and has extraordinary restraints on strange living souls.

The breath of Xuan Bing's cold flame emerged from the depths of his eyes, and wisps of extremely cold air filled the air. The chain of stars extended, strengthening the power of the star's imprisonment, making it impossible for the Bijue Corpse Fire to break free.

"Don't be disrespectful. Let you enter the heart of my consciousness. This is to give you face. If you don't obey, I will make it more difficult for you to cause trouble."

Shi Yan's cold soul and will rushed into the green and faint corpse fire.

The star chains dragged him directly to the sea of ​​consciousness. As soon as he entered the sea of ​​consciousness, the energy of the black ice cold flame, the earth's core fire, and the nine ghosts soul-eating flames surged in, firmly suppressing him.

Bijue Zhihuo gave up his struggle and suddenly became honest, accepting his fate and letting him do what he did.

Ignoring the changes in the outside world for the time being, Shi Yan looked indifferent, and there was a strange flame beating in the depths of his eyes. He used the techniques mentioned by the Black Ice Cold Flame and the Nine Nether Soul-eating Flame, using the sea of ​​consciousness as the foundation and guiding the soul to collect The physical body, blood, essence, and energy are re-condensed at the triangular altar into a place suitable for the heavenly fire to rest.

A new layer of power, a fluctuating magnetic field that is beneficial to both parties, and an area that helps both parties improve and evolve, is slowly forming.

At the beginning, Bijue Zhihuo was quite fierce, but after he discovered Shi Yan's true intention, he suddenly became overjoyed and tried his best to cooperate.

He is not stupid. When he realized that Shi Yan did not want to erase his consciousness, but wanted to coexist with him and perform actions that were beneficial to both parties, he naturally would not make trouble and would actively cater to him.

(To be continued)

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