God of Killing

Chapter 685 The Second Demon Realm

Like most secret realms, there are no sun, moon or stars here, no aura of heaven and earth, only strong magic clouds hanging high in the sky like cotton balls.

The air in the Demon Realm is dry and cold, and the cold and sharp winds are raging across the land like knives. There is no warm spring-like environment, and there is not much light to see.

Like the night when the Divine Grace Continent disappears, it is dark and dark. If ordinary mortals come here, their vision will be greatly affected, and they may not be able to see the scenery ten meters away.

The earth is pitch black, as if stained with a thick layer of ink, giving people a heavy feeling.

The stone rock was hanging in the air, looking far into the distance, and found that the dark earth was covered with huge pits, like an abyss, bottomless, like the giant mouth of a monster, containing infinite dangers and mysteries.

Some deep pits cover an area of ​​thousands of miles. There is no light in the deep pits, and you can't see your fingers with your hands. They are so dark that they are like black holes in the starry sky that can swallow up all living things, making people feel frightened.

On the dark land, it is not that there is no grass growing. On the contrary, there are many ferocious-looking trees with branches covered with sharp thorns. The smallest ones are a hundred meters high, and their roots are deeply embedded in the earth, like monsters.

Under the blowing of the cold wind, the branches with sharp thorns danced slowly, blooming with strands of cold black light.

There are many monsters moving in the endless forest. The monsters are murderous and cruel, and they will never rest in peace. They are fighting at all times and devouring other monsters to survive.

In the world of Warcraft, only those who simply kill and reach an extremely high level can unlock wisdom, possess supernatural powers, and inspire some kind of power hidden in the bloodline soul.

The dark land, the endless ferocious forest, and many dilapidated palaces in the abyss. The huge demon statues that were seen from time to time were shattered into many pieces and covered with black dust. The traces of history were submerged. Hard to find.

This is the Second Demon Realm, a large space on the periphery of Shen'en Continent that contains demonic energy and is suitable for the survival of demons.

As early as ancient times, this land was excavated and developed and became the home of many races of demons.

A long time ago, there were many strange treasures on this land. There were strange stones and metals that had never been seen on the Divine Grace Continent, and they could be tempered to produce powerful secret treasures.

The demons were once extremely powerful, so in the ancient times, they occupied four fertile spaces. The first, second, third, and fourth demon realms were also extremely enviable in that era.

Because of the power of this race, they have four territories in which to develop their power, allowing the race to become stronger quickly.

Shiyan hung high under the dark magic cloud, and his spiritual consciousness spread, searching for human traces and sensing the fluctuations of life.

Not long after, as his consciousness flew thousands of miles away, a soul wave returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, reaching directly to the origin of his soul.

Frowning, he did not hesitate too much, activated his energy, gathered the secrets of space, and stepped out step by step. Circles of space ripples appeared in front of his eyes. Each layer of space ripples was imprinted with his divine consciousness. .

Under his feet, the ground seemed to be moving back quickly, as if a huge curtain was being pulled back, and all the forests and abyss were quickly disappearing.

This was caused by his speed being too fast due to his infinite spiritual consciousness as he crossed the space.

The earth has not moved, but his body and spirit have moved.

Corpses of demons, ghost-patterned tribes, dark spirit tribes, corpse tribes, and underworld tribes appeared from under his feet as he crossed the space.

He didn't investigate carefully, but the moment he knew a battle broke out here, he guessed that this demonic realm would be littered with corpses.

Even if the Ghost Pattern Tribe, the Dark Spirit Tribe, the Corpse Tribe, and the Nether Tribe join forces, it will be difficult for them to gain an absolute upper hand on this land. This is the territory of the Demon Tribe, his home, and they are most familiar with everything here. Thick demonic energy.

Here, even if they are weak, they are not easy to chew.

His spiritual consciousness tightly locked onto that wisp of soul fluctuation. Under the influence of the mysteries of space, his spiritual consciousness was condensed into a tunnel in advance, and the energy was circulated to achieve coordinated fluctuations. It only took half an hour to reach the destination.

It was a huge abyss covering an area of ​​thousands of miles. It was dark and filled with demonic aura as thick as ink. From the rolling demonic aura, the huge roars of monsters could be heard from time to time.

At the edge of the abyss, there are corpses lying on the ground. Most of them are demons and some monsters. A few are corpses of people from the Nether Tribe and the Ghost Pattern Tribe. The blood has dried up and turned into a layer of dark matter stuck to the black. on land.

The thick smell of blood lingers in the demonic cloud of the abyss, and the battle continues.

Shi Yan frowned deeply, looked at the abyss where he couldn't see his fingers, pondered for a while, and decided to dive in.

He owed Bao Ao and Jie Ji a favor. Now the demon clan was obviously in danger. The one who took action should be the strong men of the other four clans. Even he who had reached the true god realm did not dare to say victory.

During this infiltration, he might also be killed, be severely injured like the demons, or even beheaded in this demonic realm.

But he came in anyway.

Dive all the way down.

The rolling demonic energy is surging, the hunting cold wind is raging in the demonic aura, the strong smell of blood is gradually becoming apparent, and in the abyss, there is a faint interweaving of light, and a unique power and artistic conception is rippling, forming a strange magnetic field.


Bursts of huge roars resounded from below, and many black iron stones the size of millstones flew out, flying everywhere, with huge energy inside them.


A hundred-meter-long magical beast was thrown out by someone and flew directly into the sky, almost colliding with him.

The demonic beast had sharp horns on its head and was covered in dark blue scales, but its entire body was covered with countless scars, deeply embedded in its bones. Its vitality was rapidly passing away, and it was obvious that it was dead.

Shi Yan frowned. The monster had reached the seventh level, which was equivalent to a human warrior in the Heavenly Realm. It seemed to have been killed by one blow. The strength of the person who took action was at least a high-level divine.


He suddenly let out a long roar, the sound was like a wandering dragon, resounding in all directions. In the roar, his figure surged, and he flew hundreds of miles away in an instant, and suddenly fell into the ground.

It was a vast dark abyss, surrounded by crystal clear stones. Some of the stones were not as black as ink, but like gems, emitting colorful luster, illuminating what was underneath quite clearly.

Nearly a thousand strong men from the demon tribe were roaring on demonic beasts. The tribesmen from the Nether Tribe and the Ghost Pattern Tribe were chasing and fighting each other. All kinds of rays of light gathered, countless electric rays flew around, and all kinds of magic weapons and The secret treasures of the underworld collided, sputtering out an increasingly dazzling light.

The two strong men of the demon clan, with the demon beasts under them on the verge of death, looked slightly embarrassed, looked crazy, and fearless of death under the siege of the three great Hades, Abi, Heitian, and Huangquan, as well as the two strong men of the ghost pattern clan. They were roaring and shouting to fight to the death.

Those were Boruo and Gudasi whom he had met before, followers of the Gu Bao family, strong men under Bao Ao.

Boruo and Gudasi, with fierce and murderous expressions, still resisted tenaciously under the attack of the three Hades of the Nether Clan and two strong men of the Ghost Clan. One of the strong men of the Ghost Clan had blood flowing on his body. It turned out to be Cassidy's breath and soul fluctuations.

Boruo and Gudas were obviously at a disadvantage. Their bodies were covered with scars, and their dark scales also had many cracks.


Shi Yan suddenly appeared, and before both parties noticed, he remained indifferent and shouted lowly.

The light of the stars condensed into diamonds from the palms of his hands, blooming with dazzling starlight, rolling and shaking from his hands, like stars falling from the Milky Way.

An eternal artistic conception of stars ripples from every star. The stars are arranged in a strange star array, like flying meteors, drawing beautiful and enchanting arcs. , flying down from the sky one by one.

The members of the Nether Tribe and the Ghost Pattern Tribe who were touched by the stars instantly felt as if their bodies were ignited by sparks. Starlight flowed around them, screaming, and their vitality gradually disappeared.


With another low shout, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the gathering place in the center of the three Plutos, Abi, Heitian, and Huangquan. A gap in space opened, and billions of spatial streams of light splashed.

The three Plutos were so frightened that they saw ghosts. They immediately moved away in embarrassment, their faces becoming extremely ugly.

The suction force that came in vain from the gap in the space was extremely terrifying. If they hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, once they were pulled in, they wouldn't even know how to die.

The space gap is infinitely dangerous, especially if it has no direction and is suddenly torn out, it is a dead place within a dead place. Once a living being goes deep into it, there will be no aura or energy, and the consciousness will be shattered, which will be even more uncomfortable than death.

"It's your kid!" A member of the Ghost Pattern Clan suddenly laughed fiercely. He had a rather young face, but his aura was very old, exactly the same as Cassidy.

"It's you!" Poruo and Gudas from the demon clan also exclaimed, looking surprised.

Bo Ruo is still dressed in men's clothing and is very handsome, but now her bun is broken due to the fighting. Her hair is like a waterfall of black hair hanging down, sticking softly to her round buttocks. There is a small sharp corner on the top of her head, which is originally The supporting points of the bun are now revealed.

That is the unique symbol of the Dragon Horn Clan.

Gudas is a member of the Black Scale Clan. He is a natural-born black scale armor that penetrates deeply into the flesh. He holds a huge double-edged axe. The axe is stained with blood and has a blood-stained aura that reaches the sky. It was made by drinking a lot of blood.

"You...are Cassidy? Have you found a body of flesh and blood again?" Shi Yan's face changed slightly, and he looked at the young man from the Ghost Pattern Tribe seriously, and suddenly exclaimed after feeling it for a moment.

When he was in the Evernight Forest, he destroyed Cassidy's physical body and allowed his soul to escape. Only a year had passed, but he didn't expect that Cassidy would come out to cause trouble again, and the aura on his body was even more powerful than before!

"Yes, hehe, it's me." Cassidy smiled sinisterly, "I didn't recover my strength at first, because you kid tricked me. Fortunately, the patriarch has great supernatural powers and helped me reshape my body, which made my strength stronger. He has really recovered as before. If the clan leader hadn’t advocated attacking the demons first, I would have killed you in the Evernight Forest and skinned your kid alive. Hehe, I didn’t expect you to come to the door yourself, good, very good!”

The Ghost Pattern Clan has a clan leader? An existence more terrifying than Commorragh?

Shi Yan suddenly changed color.

(To be continued)

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