God of Killing

Chapter 713 The Domain of God

Shi Yan smeared the flowing gold sand evenly on the corner of the door of the plated room. He looked at the flowing gold sand corroding the barrier bit by bit. He found that everything was as usual and there was no huge change in the barrier, so he felt relieved.

For the next period of time, he was still using solid pills to restore his strength and temper his body, unaware of the passage of time.

Time flew by, and he didn't know how long it took. On this day, he actually found that the sealed consciousness came out of the room on its own initiative.

With an expression on his face, he quietly left and came to the sealed door. He found that after being corroded by the golden sand of these days, the barrier broke through a small corner, and the sealed spiritual consciousness was transmitted through the small corner.

"Can you come out?" Shi Yan looked shocked, "By the way, what realm are you in? Even if you come out of the barrier, do you really have a way to leave?"

"I can't do it for the time being, but once the barrier is torn, I can send the message out. Soon, the people from our Tianne Kingdom will come looking for us." Jin Feng sneered from inside, "Wait for the masters from our Tianne Kingdom. Come on, I’m going to make your bitch unable to eat and carry you around!”


"Who else could it be besides her?"

"Why were you captured?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" Plate Feng was a little annoyed, "You don't need to worry about anything else. Anyway, I will do what I promised you."

Shi Yan nodded, did not continue to ask further questions, and returned to the original place.

Not long after, Na Arad came down again, took away the Shen Yan Dan from the centipede, added the medicinal materials again, and left five bottles of solid pills for him to replenish his blood.

Shi Yan felt at ease and felt that these days were not sad at all. He used solid elixirs every day to restore his essence, temper his body, and stabilize his power. He found that his realm had made great progress. This way, he did not need to worry about the outside world and could concentrate on cultivation. His life is very good for his martial arts.

Fei Ji never came down again. Ever since Shi Yan cursed him last time, she had learned the lesson and stopped coming to scold him.

Birou, on the other hand, would occasionally come over to take a look, as if she was quite interested in him, and curious as to why he could not only not have his energy and blood decline during the period of becoming a human medicine cauldron, but could also continue to make progress.

Shi Yan didn't like this young lady at all, so he tried to prevaricate her every time. He tried to hide everything about himself as much as possible, but if he couldn't hide anything, he was also full of lies, leaving the woman confused.

On this day, he swallowed three solid pills in one gulp on the bottom floor of the cabin. His energy and energy benefited a lot, and he felt that there was violent power in his body, which made him feel very happy.

It was also at this moment that a huge roar suddenly came from the bronze ship. The hull seemed to be hit by a heavy object, shaking violently. A wave like a mountain pushed exploded on the hull, causing him to wake up suddenly and his face changed slightly.

Immediately, a surprise message came from the other side of the plate, "My people are here, hehe, now I want to make that bitch look good!"

Shi Yan was shocked, knowing that things had turned around. He didn't dare to show up at this time, and hid in the cabin, waiting silently.

The vibrations of the ship's hull became more and more intense, and a huge amount of energy exploded from the ship. The earth-shattering energy fluctuations seemed to be able to destroy the stars, and it was so violent that his soul was shaken and uneasy.


A huge crashing sound came from the cabin beneath him. The bronze ship seemed to be cut open. A violent storm from outside the territory shot in, and many houses underneath were cracked by the impact.

There were many human medicine cauldrons that could not withstand the huge pressure during those impacts, and their bodies were shattered.

Shi Yan's face changed slightly. He knew that it was unwise to stay in the cabin because he didn't know the direction of the attack from the outside. If an attack from outside came towards him, he wouldn't even be able to dodge, and he might be killed instantly. .

With only a slight hesitation, he came out of the cabin, went up the stairs, and came to the deck of the bronze ship.

Hidden in the hut, Ying Feng carefully explored for a while, but did not act rashly and was still waiting.

Shi Yan came to the boat with a heavy expression and shining eyes.

Outside the dark and cold territory, stars twinkled in the distance, and fierce energy storms raged next to the ship's hull.

On the ship, Birou, Arad and three strong men from the God King Realm were all fighting with the enemy. Those people should be from the Tianne Kingdom. They were all wearing orange battle clothes and holding different sharp weapons. Each weapon is quite huge, three to four meters long, and has amazing combat power.

The people coming were of different races, but their uniforms were the same, and the energy fluctuations on their bodies were terrifying. There were five masters of the God King Realm.

The five people blocked Biorou, Arad and the three God King Realm masters. All kinds of mysteries of power were unleashed on the sharp weapons in their hands. The mysteries of power reached an extremely deep state and formed the realm of God, like the most violent energy storm. , wreaking havoc in all directions.

Only a strong person in the realm of the God King can form a divine body and master the mysteries of power to a certain extent, in order to form the realm of God.

Everyone's God's Domain is different, but they are all extremely fierce and fierce. One of the people's God's Domain seems to be a gold element. When used, it is indestructible.

Wherever the God's Domain passed, the hard decks of the ship exploded one after another, as if they were being slashed by countless sharp knives. The overbearing energy fluctuations made Shi Yan's heart tremble inexplicably.

He knew that if he was covered by the realm of God, even his abnormally tough body might not be able to withstand it.

Arad, who was covered by the God's Domain, kept swallowing pills to replenish his strength, but he still couldn't take it. His body shot out countless sparks, like polished gold and iron, and his expression was extremely embarrassing.

The remaining people all have different attributes of the Divine Realm, different powers and mysteries they have comprehended, and the power of the Divine Realm is also different.

Birou seemed to have mastered the secret of water. After she released the realm of God, her whole body seemed to be surrounded by the vast ocean. As soon as other people's attacks came over, they were offset by the secret of water in the realm of God, and the power was reduced layer by layer. When he arrived in front of her, all power became too weak to pose a threat to her.

The battle was in full swing, but no one paid attention to Shi Yan who emerged from underneath. He could carefully examine the situation.

There are many warriors belonging to Birou on this bronze ship, nearly five hundred of them, but many of them are not at a high level. Facing the powerful God King Realm who owns the Divine Realm, they all hide far away, for fear of being affected.

Fergie also appeared. She was hiding far behind the stern of the big ship, carefully staring ahead. As soon as she saw that the God's Domain was about to cover her, she took the initiative to avoid it so as not to be implicated.

She saw Shi Yan, and there was a strange light in her eyes, but she didn't pay any more attention to him, and continued to move her figure, constantly changing positions.

Not far from the bronze ship, there is an amethyst chariot. The chariot is ten meters long and five meters wide. It seems to be cut from a whole piece of top-grade amethyst. It shines in the starry sky with a dazzling luster.

There is a crown pattern on the top of the amethyst chariot, and there seems to be a graceful figure underneath. She is sitting lazily, covered in layers of purple light, and her true appearance cannot be seen. She seems indifferent to the battle, and seems to be still eating. What kind of fruit, leisurely and leisurely.

Shi Yan paid attention and found that Fei Ji had been carefully paying attention to the amethyst chariot, with an unpredictable expression on her face, full of deep fear.

Even Birou, Arad and others in the battle would glance at the amethyst chariot from time to time, with fear in their eyes, as if they knew that the people on the amethyst chariot were extremely terrifying.

"My good brother, how long are you going to hide? Come out before I die." A lazy voice like nature, slowly rippling from the amethyst chariot, seems to be able to reach the depths of a person's soul. Generally, it makes people's souls feel intoxicated and want to indulge in that beautiful sound.

Shi Yan's eyes were briefly intoxicated, but he soon woke up and his expression changed slightly.

The woman's voice seemed to be able to penetrate the soul, bewitching people, reaching the bottom of people's hearts like a nightmare, making people feel lazy and powerless, without any fighting spirit, as if it was an extremely powerful secret of power.

There were many psychic and true god warriors belonging to Birou on the ship. As soon as the voice came out, they were as dumbfounded as if they had been cast on a body-holding technique. Their expressions were intoxicated, as if they were flying in the most wonderful dream, with a glow on their faces. Looks like a dirty pig brother.

There was no one in sight, but just the sound made those people unconscious. Shi Yan secretly shouted fiercely, silently using the power of the Black Ice Flame, spreading the sea of ​​consciousness with an icy cold breath to prevent his own mind from being taken away.

A cold and cold voice finally came from the cabin in a calm voice, "Sister, why are you here?"

"If I don't come, you will be captured by Youmeng. When the time comes, the other party will threaten you, don't you want us to hand over a few life stars and mineral stars?" The woman's heavenly voice sounded again, "Father The king said that you will be imprisoned for ten years this time, and you will stab Lou Zi every day when nothing happens. Hey, when can you let my father have some peace of mind?"

A rather handsome young man with a cold expression walked out of the cabin. His clothes were covered with dust, and a stench occasionally overflowed from the cabin. He was the Prince of Plate.

"How could he come out?" Birou's pretty face changed, and she suddenly looked at Arad, "Didn't you say that the barrier is foolproof?"

Arad was still fighting with others, and his face turned pale when he heard this, and he kept shouting: "I don't know, logically speaking, he will never come out."

"Hehe, it is indeed impossible to get out. Your barrier isolates spiritual consciousness and blocks all transmissions. It is impossible for me to transmit the message with my own strength." Plate Feng smiled gloomily, and then suddenly raised his voice. He shouted loudly: "Friend, where are you? We have been communicating spiritually, but we have never met, but I don't recognize you."

His coated gaze swept back and forth among the crowd, with an inexplicable smile on his lips.

When Birou, Arad and others heard his words, their expressions suddenly darkened.

Even the woman on the amethyst chariot was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "So there is help, I mean, how can you, an incompetent guy, be captured and still spread the word Message, who is so stupid to help my bastard brother? I really don’t know whether to thank you or scold you, I actually don’t want him to come out, haha.”

As the woman spoke, the amethyst chariot under her body slowly sped over and settled next to the bronze ship. Immediately, a purple figure floated out and slowly fell to the deck in front of countless eyes.

(To be continued)

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