God of Killing

Chapter 745: The Origin of Mysterious Inheritance

Zi Yao was in a very low mood when there was no news about Prince Plate, Berg and others. She first asked about Zi Yaoxing's current situation, arranged some trivial matters, and then took Shi Yan to the purple palace complex.

Along the road, many warriors knelt on the ground to show their respect. Behind her, thousands of warriors followed, supporting her like a goddess and sending her into her exclusive Amethyst Palace.

Shi Yan followed all the way, silently, but did not bow down, which was obviously different from other warriors.

Many of Zi Yao's subordinates looked at him secretly, with complicated expressions, not knowing who he was.

When they asked Shi Yan's identity from Zi Yao's mouth and found out that he was also one of Princess Zi Yao's followers, they were all quite surprised and secretly frightened.

Princess Ziyao also has a distinguished status in the Heavenly Nirvana Kingdom and has countless followers. The strong men in the God King Realm have to bow down to her.

And Shi Yan is just a warrior in the third realm of True God. Logically speaking, he is not worthy of Zi Yao's special treatment.

However, everyone secretly looked at him for a while and found that Zi Yao's attitude towards Shi Yan was different from how he treated them.

This makes some people envious, and makes some people secretly jealous and have other thoughts.

Who is this boy? How can you be so virtuous? How come you are favored by Her Highness the Princess if you are only in the True God Realm?

Those people thought to themselves.

Regardless of what those people thought, Shi Yan remained silent all the way and followed Zi Yao to his exclusive Amethyst Palace.

"You all go down first. If you have any news about Ping Feng and Berg, report it to me immediately." Zi Yao was a little tired, waved his hand and said in a loud voice: "Keep an eye on me these days, and... Please sort out the recent situation in the Kingdom of God and let me take a look."

Many of the subordinates nodded silently and bowed back.

"Shi Yan, you can choose a place to stay in the Amethyst Palace. There are training rooms, secret halls and various material storage rooms here. You can use them if you need them. I can open my private items to you. Zi Yao pondered for a while, "You and I have gone through hardships together, and fought side by side with me in the most difficult times. You are different from others. In fact... when I entered the forbidden area, I did not treat you as a follower. Follow me, I treat you as a friend, and I hope you do the same."

Shi Yan smiled lightly and nodded, "Thank you for your favor, princess."

"Don't do this. I know you are arrogant and have all kinds of mysteries in you. But you are not familiar with the Flame Star Territory. It is very complicated here. I believe your future is boundless, but now... your realm is still Low, you can't help me with many things for the time being." Zi Yao rolled his eyes at him, "I know you don't respect me from the bottom of your heart, and that doesn't matter. It's hard for people like you to really submit to one person. I I understand in my heart.”

Shi Yan smiled dryly, "No way? I really think about the princess wholeheartedly."

"Don't say such hypocritical words, this is not your true intention." Zi Yao snorted, "I also want to take a good rest and sort out my thoughts. As for you, you can make up your own mind. I'll give you this jade token, Zi Yao." You can travel freely in the Crystal Palace. In my Purple Star, with the jade token, no one dares to do anything to you if I am here in person."

"Thank you, princess." Shi Yan took the jade token unceremoniously and pinned it on his waist. Shi Yan smiled and thanked her.

Waving his hand, Zi Yao urged: "Go, the Amethyst Palace is three hundred meters high, and there are training places on each floor. You can choose as you like. The jade tablet has the directions of the training room, the secret hall and the material storage warehouse. You can do whatever you want. Oh, by the way, you said you are a weapon refiner, so I won’t give you any weapons. You can choose the materials and refine them yourself. You have heavenly fire, and you can refine the weapons yourself. , more suitable for you. Many of the materials in my material storage are rare in the Flame Star Territory. I have many bones of tenth-level monsters like the ones you use to refine bone spurs. I even have eleventh-level ones. ,It's up to you."

Shi Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he bowed slightly for the first time and said, "Thank you." This time, his attitude was a little more sincere.

Level 11 monsters are comparable to those in the Origin God Realm. Their bones are very hard and are excellent materials for refining weapons.

On the Divine Grace Continent, he had never seen monsters of this level rushing outside the territory long ago.

Even the bone spurs made from the bones of the tenth-level demon clan after their death are already extremely terrifying. The bone spurs can contain the power of his space, which makes them easy to use. He was originally planning to temper them again. This is also The reason why I was so jealous when I saw Suzaku's bones.

Suzaku is also a demon clan. According to his speculation, he is at least level 11, or even level 12.

But Suzaku Zhenhuo insisted that he had no choice but to give up. Of course, if Suzaku really reached level 12, even he might have difficulty refining its bones.

Level 11 might be a bit difficult for him.

Zi Yao gave a few instructions and said no more. His figure flashed and disappeared in the Amethyst Palace. He didn't know where he went.

Shi Yan stood there, not in a hurry to leave. He touched the jade tablet with his fingers and let go of a ray of consciousness to swim inside the jade tablet.

The jade tablet is a thumbnail of the Amethyst Palace, and the restriction has been lifted. Through the jade tablet, he can have a clear understanding of the construction of the Amethyst Palace and the distribution of various secret rooms.

Which floor is suitable for living, which floor has the training room and the secret hall, all are clearly visible in the jade tablet, and it is clear at a glance.

What he is most curious about is the so-called Mystery Hall in the Flame Star Territory. It is similar to the Martial Arts Hall and the Martial Spirit Hall in the Divine Grace Continent, and is imprinted with various introductory training techniques of mysteries.

After Zi Yao left, he thought about it secretly for a while, then followed the directions in the jade tablet and found the Secret Palace in the Amethyst Palace.

A thousand-meter-long huge room made of complete amethysts. In the center of the room, there is a big tree made of tempered multicolored crystals. The big tree has no branches and leaves, only crystal branches, and the essence of Yuan Gu in his body. Trees are similar.

That big tree is the source of mysteries, and it is full of wonderful mysteries, and new mysteries can be added to it. Of course, in many mysteries, the condensed body of mysteries is not necessarily in the shape of a tree.

For example, the corpse race will make the source of mysteries in the form of a tombstone, and some races will make it look like a mountain, even an ocean, or a soul altar.

The appearance of those mystical inheritance sources are all kinds of strange, but they have the same name. They are called the mystical inheritance sources. They have the same function, and they all allow warriors to understand the mysteries.

Different mysteries are imprinted in the source of mysteries in wonderful ways. New mysteries can also be added using unique secret methods. The source of mysteries is very precious and can only be held by the most powerful forces.

Staring at the tree-shaped source of mystical inheritance, Shi Yan watched silently for a while before smiling calmly.

He suddenly understood that in the first demonic domain of Shen'en Continent, the seven demon god statues were also the source of mystical inheritance, but their level should be extremely low. Most of the imprints on them were martial arts, and there was no root of martial arts: the mysteries of power.

The source of the secret inheritance here is obviously much more advanced. What is imprinted in it is the foundation of martial arts. As long as you understand a secret and continue to deepen it, you can freely create a variety of different martial arts. Following the rules of the heaven and earth of the secret, you can A kind of power is expressed in an extremely dazzling way, and that is martial arts.

The colorful tree in front of me is filled with wonderful fluctuations, and every branch seems to have the aura of mystery.

Shi Yan let go of his consciousness, emptied his soul, and tried to touch the source of mystical inheritance.

The jade medal around his waist suddenly flashed, and a faint ray of purple light poured into the source of mysteries in front of him. The next moment, the barrier imposed on the sources of mysteries seemed to be released.

His spiritual consciousness also poured into it.

The tree-shaped secret source of inheritance has many forked branches. Each branch seems to contain different secrets, including the secrets of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, the secrets of thunder and lightning, the secrets of swift wind, the secrets of hypnosis, and the secrets of light. There are mysteries, including the mysteries of sound, and the mysteries of gravity... Many different mysteries are imprinted in the source of mysteries. Each tree trunk contains the introductory cultivation techniques of the mysteries. Of course, the source of mysteries is not really omnipotent.

The secrets it reveals are only the rules and principles of power for entry. Once you obtain it, you may not be able to truly enter it and form a secret altar within your soul.

Only by truly comprehending the essence of the primary mysteries, gaining one's own understanding, and continuing to practice hard and study, can one hope to truly gain entry and form the imprint of the mysteries on the soul altar.

Generally speaking, warriors do not practice many mysteries. The in-depth study and hard training of one mysteries may consume a warrior's lifetime energy.

Every secret has countless barriers and shackles after entering it. The depth of the secret is extremely long, as if it has no end, it is endless.

A secret meaning that a warrior can ponder over his whole life will never reach its peak.

Even a strong person with great wisdom and perseverance will only practice two to three mysteries, and the mysteries they choose will be similar and have something in common, so that they can really work.

No fool can comprehend many mysteries at once. If this were to happen, he might not be able to gain access to even one of the mysteries, he would never be able to form a mark of the mysteries in his soul, he would not be able to practice the soul altar at all, and he would have no hope of breaking through to a deeper and stronger realm in his lifetime.

If you don't get started with a profound truth and don't understand it at a very deep level, it will be difficult to exert its great power.

A warrior's energy is also limited, and the mysteries are too broad, profound, and infinitely profound. It is the kingly way for a warrior to study one mysteries all his life. This is also the practice law of most warriors in the Raging Flame Star Territory.

His spiritual consciousness was swimming in the source of mysteries. Shi Yan tried to find mysteries similar to those of the stars, space, and life and death. However, as he scanned through them one by one with his spiritual consciousness, he found helplessly that there was no one that could be practiced at the same time.

The mysteries here are very common. There are similar martial arts in the Divine Grace Continent. The mysteries of space, life and death, and stars are obviously extremely advanced mysteries. They are very evil and are rarely seen in the Raging Star Territory.

Even if Zi Yao has a noble status, he cannot obtain such high-level secrets, and it is difficult to engrave them in this tree-shaped secret inheritance source.

But he thought about it and realized that the source of mysteries may not be of much use to him, but if his relatives and friends in the Eternal Night Forest of Shen'en Continent come to this source of mysteries and can understand it with their spiritual consciousness, they will definitely gain huge benefits!

After staring at the source of mystical inheritance for a while, he quietly left and went to the material storage room to select bones to re-temper bone spurs for himself.

(To be continued)

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