God of Killing

Chapter 764: Tearing the Sky!

To Shi Yan's surprise, when he appeared, the three death row inmates were even more excited than him.

The three death row prisoners of the Sea Tribe with only one eye left, the prison lines on their faces were all distorted, and they couldn't help but laugh wildly, feeling inexplicably excited.

"God takes care of us three brothers!"

"Yeah, it's really an eye-opener for God. This is the first time I've met such a lonely guy who only has the True God Realm!"

"Haha, great. This time, one of our three brothers can finally escape!"

The three death row prisoners from the Sea Tribe looked excited. When they discovered that he only had the cultivation level of the True God Realm, they all became excited, howling and screaming. Before Shi Yan could restrain his body, they actually rushed forward.

Strong men who have reached the realm of God Kings can possess the realm of God, and these three people are no exception.

The three of them are from the Sea Clan, and most warriors from the Sea Clan can practice the power of water. Their divine realms are naturally attributes of the power of water. Once they are used, the sound of gurgling water can be heard all around them. .

The moist atmosphere suddenly spread, and layers of water patterns visible to the naked eye surrounded them. They seemed to be in the rapid water, and their figures were floating, reflecting the advantages of the Sea Clan.

In the realm of the God of Water, the Sea Tribe is even more at home in the water. The perfect integration of their strength with the realm of God has doubled the speed, strength and explosive power of the three of them, creating a turbulent wave like a torrential flood. , sweeping directly towards Shi Yan.

In an instant, Shi Yan seemed to be submerged by sea water, and his power was blocked layer by layer. When he moved, he was also hindered by the energy of the water realm. He was restrained and could not activate all his power.

For any one person, his unique divine realm will bring great help to him. Different divine realms will conflict with each other. If the power and mysteries of the three people's cultivation are different, once they join forces, if they cannot be separated, the gods will The areas will conflict with each other, and the strength will be reduced.

But these three people are all from the Sea Clan, they all practice the secrets of the power of water, and their attributes in the realm of gods are completely the same.

In this way, when they display the Divine Domain, they will not only not affect each other, but also strengthen each other, making the coverage of the Divine Domain wider.

Shi Yanru was stuck in the quagmire, and his hands and feet were weakened. Seeing the three death row prisoners charging towards him crazily, his face suddenly became solemn.

He had a rough estimate of the opponent's strength and the mystery of the superposition of the divine realm. As soon as he met him, he was at a disadvantage.

Seeing the turbulent waves rolling in the realm of God, he suddenly calmed down, his eyes changed, all distracting thoughts were eliminated, and his mind was as calm as an ancient well, without any ripples.

At a point between his eyebrows, the soul altar suddenly started to spin crazily, and clusters of strange flames appeared from his eyes.

An extremely hot breath surged out of his body, and he was instantly covered in a sea of ​​flames. Balls of flames shot out in a dazzling way, covering him.

This is the fire energy of the Sun Source Essence!

In the Sun Star Explosion Field, he absorbed a lot of sun flame power. As long as the star secrets moved, the sun flames contained in the chest would be instantly ejected.

He also relied on the power of sky fire from Suzaku True Fire and Earth Core Fire.

In an instant, he became a flame monster. Hot clusters of fire covered his body and spread continuously towards the surroundings.

The turbulent water energy released by the realm of the three death row gods, before it touched his true body, a white mist emerged. A large amount of the water's soft power was melted by the flames, turning into mist and becoming The lost energy spreads and cannot be condensed again.

Suzaku True Fire and Earth Core Fire are both one of the heavenly fires. After countless years of purification, they have become the hottest and most masculine flame energy. They poured their power into it and doubled Shi Yan's solar energy.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Thick white smoke filled the air. For a moment, Shi Yan and the three death row prisoners were covered, and the images disappeared immediately.

The princes such as Ogudo and Liana who were watching outside could not see the real scene at this time, and they all looked surprised.

Ogudo was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, this kid actually practices the power of fire. No wonder he dared to confront those three death row prisoners. He was really lucky."

The mysteries of the power of fire have always been the nemesis and natural enemy of the power of water. They have an instinctive conflict with each other. If the stone and rock flames are strong enough, they can completely suppress the mysteries of the realm of gods.

Ogudo didn't know much about Shi Yan, so when he saw the torrential flames coming out of his body, he immediately mistakenly thought that the main secret he was practicing was the secret of the power of fire.

Lianna's expression calmed down, but her eyes were quite strange. She frowned deeply and was equally surprised.

She has had contact with Shi Yan and has a unique understanding of the secrets hidden by Shi Yan.

Lianna thought to herself.

If the mark on his forehead really exists, then shouldn't the secret of his power be like this? Did I see it wrong?

Ka Xiuen and Rochester also subconsciously believed that the main secret of Shi Yan's cultivation was the secret of fire. They also showed expressions of sudden realization. They secretly praised this guy for really knowing how to choose people, and specifically found Hai, who practiced the secret of water. When the clan came to fight, it was clear that they were using Xiang Ke using the mysteries of power to make the three death row prisoners of the sea clan suffer heavy losses.

Only Daler didn't think as they did. Among the people, he was the only one who had seen Shi Yan perform Soul Burial Ground.

He firmly believed that those who understood that kind of evil mysteries would never practice other mysteries as their main mysteries. He weighed it in his mind, was secretly surprised, and couldn't help but look up to Shi Yan.

The emperor of the Kingdom of God who was far away in Tian Nirvana also showed a hint of surprise. He stared at the huge mirror in front of him and looked away at Princess Zi Yao. "Yao'er, you said that the secret that that kid is practicing... is the secret of death?"

Zi Yao nodded affirmatively, and then smiled sweetly, "Father, that guy has many secrets. In the Sun Star Explosion Field, he used the secrets of the stars to communicate with the Sun Source Essence and harvested the sun's flame energy. He is now The power is all accumulated from last time, not the secret of the power of fire."

Ping Tianqi smiled and gave a weird grin, "There is no end to martial arts. Sometimes the practice is too complicated, which may not be a good thing. I hope this kid has realized this. If he insists on going his own way and wants to master all of them , and ultimately nothing will be achieved.”

"Father, don't worry, I think he knows his direction." Zi Yao said with a smile.

Ping Tianqi nodded, said no more, and continued to watch the battle in the mirror.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Thick white mist spread, and the frenzied attack of the three Sea Tribe death row prisoners ended in failure.

The three Sea Tribe death row prisoners couldn't help but cursed and secretly cried out that they were unlucky. They also thought that the main secret of Shi Yan's cultivation was the power of fire. Under the natural constraints of power, they couldn't make a single blow, and they couldn't help but feel angry. stand up.

The domain of the three gods still covered all sides. They had no intention of using all their strength, so they ignored it and spread out suddenly, approaching Shi Yan in a triangular shape.

In the white mist, three rivers hundreds of meters long were pulled by their power from ten miles away.

The three rivers are like the Tianhe River, carrying hundreds of millions of tons of seawater gravity, falling rapidly from the sky, like three whips, beating hard against the rocks.

These three people are all cautious guys. Every time they go to an area, they will first find out whether there are rivers and lakes in that area, so that when they encounter danger, they can use the power of rivers and lakes to fight the enemy.

Therefore, there must be rivers and lakes within ten miles of the area where they appeared.

Three Tianhe rivers, hundreds of meters long, made a roaring sound, condensed into crystal-clear water, and were thrown from the sky. The ancient trees could not bear the weight of the sea water, and they suddenly burst into pieces, and the dead branches and leaves Being stirred up by the river water, it also became the material weight of the river water.

One of the guys had a hidden agenda. His river deliberately absorbed many stones, and the stones rolled in the river with an extremely terrifying sound.

Tianhe was thrown from three directions, and the power contained in it was extremely terrifying. The area where Shi Yan was located was covered by huge force, a terrifying squeezing force that almost shattered his body.

He was still calm, with no trace of panic in his eyes, as if he was numb, and his pupils showed a bit of empty color.

Suddenly, his hands were like sharp claws, and he violently tore towards the sky above his head.

"Heaven splits!"

The flawless void seemed to be caught by invisible terrifying claws, and a dazzling gap was torn open.

That's a space crack!

The sky is torn apart!

Various spatial streams of light appeared from the cracks, dazzling with brilliance, and violent and chaotic extraterrestrial torrents shot out from the cracks, so ferocious that people's souls trembled.

A twisted force of adsorption suddenly emerged from the cracks, and like a giant whale sucking water, it swallowed up the three Tianhe Rivers that were thrown over, including the huge rocks, ancient trees, and sand carried in the Tianhe River.

Not a drop is left.

The secret of water, the surge of the Milky Way, was easily and completely resolved by the three strong men of the sea clan working together.

The faces of the three strong men from the sea clan turned pale in vain. The energy they poured into Tianhe was swallowed up by the gap in space. The connection with them was suddenly interrupted, and they could not be recovered no matter what.

Every God King Realm expert can freely control the exerted power. They spent a huge amount of energy to condense the three Tianhe Rivers. Even if the Tianhe River surges and strikes, even if it is not effective, all the energy contained in it can be absorbed. Pull back, then prepare for the next surge of attack.

But no matter how they imagined, they couldn't guess that their energy was pulled into the gap in space. The gap in space appeared so timely and accurately that even if they saw it, they couldn't take it back.

Just like that, most of the energy in their bodies was consumed.

The three of them looked ashen.

A corner of the Purgatory Star.

At the lake, at the top of the peaks, the five princes and Jin Tianle fell silent. They opened their eyes wide and looked at the scene in the lake with incredible expressions on their faces.

"Jiejie! Jiejie!"

Suddenly, Liana, who looked like a ghost, couldn't help but burst out into a sharp laugh, which shook the sky.

Ogudo gritted his teeth, his face was ferocious, his eyes were terrifying, he kept cursing, and he was extremely irritable.

(To be continued)

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