God of Killing

Chapter 771 Create a miracle!

Under the pressure of Lackey and Flo, the two warriors at the first level of the God King just fell into the sea without splashing out any sparks.

For a time, the thugs, death row prisoners, and madmen who appeared all calmed down and looked ugly.

In this way, Lackey and Flo's coercion may have no effect, and no one will die foolishly.

Those who were not in a hurry to leave looked at the entrance of the cave for a while, then retreated silently, faster than when they came, and disappeared in a flash.

Only half of the people were still staying where they were. These people were all anxious to leave and had reasons to persist.

In the outside world, if there were people they cared about or there were blood feuds, they would be in a hurry to leave, so the danger revealed in the cave did not really scare them away.

Lackey and Flo, both of them, are still there.

These two warriors at the second level of the God King looked at each other with uncertain expressions on their faces.

After a while, Lackey suddenly spoke: "That kid must have set up some tricks in the cave. It might be a bit dangerous to go in alone. However, if we all go deep together, I think the dangers he set up will definitely not be combined." effect."

After a pause, he looked at Flo, "What did you say?"

"Hmph, you know I have to leave, how can I give up so easily." Flo gritted his teeth, "No matter how powerful he is, he will be very weak when he breaks through. As long as we can break through that level and see his true self, With your body, you can naturally kill him easily."

His statement was recognized by many people.

These death row prisoners quickly discussed the outcome: a joint attack.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the onlookers suddenly burst into flames and turned into silhouettes. Each of them spread out their divine realm and shot toward the cave.

Whether it was Lianna and Ogudo from Purgatory Star, or the two people from Tianneixing Palace, they all became interested again and focused on that area.

One after another, the figures knew that they were in danger, so they all raised their power to the extreme, and the realm of God spread.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Suddenly, in the direction of the cave entrance, cracks appeared in the void, and the cracks were like swords floating in the sky, shining with dazzling luster.

The first three warriors who rushed into it didn't even have time to scream, before they were torn apart by cracks. Their flesh and blood quietly disappeared into the cracks, and they were so easily wiped out.

Many people screamed and tried to retreat, not daring to move forward.

However, as soon as those space cracks appeared, they spread. There are similar space cracks in every corner where the energy is condensed outside the cave.

The gaps in those spaces are long and narrow, not particularly wide, but they are enough to crush anyone who enters into pieces, leaving no trace of dregs behind.

Those who were in a hurry to escape did not expect that their way back would be filled with gaps in space. When they passed through, their arms, hands and feet suddenly disappeared strangely. Some were unlucky enough that when they stepped back, their heads also appeared out of thin air. disappear.

Suddenly, six more anxious people who were in the first level of the God King died tragically.

"Damn it, it's space power!"

"Oh my god, it's actually a space power practitioner who has advanced. What a fucking unlucky person!"

"Damn it, it's so memorized, I knew it wouldn't be that easy!"


Different curses and shouts resounded through the crowd. Everyone's face turned pale and they were frightened to death.

Even Lackey and Flo looked frightened. They were frightened by the space gaps that appeared one after another. They suddenly froze their bodies and did not dare to move.

Liana leisurely ate the green and crystal fruit, glanced at the livid Ogudo, and said sarcastically: "Do you think everyone is a fool? He dares to break through in the Jida Purgatory, so he naturally knows how to protect himself. Those What will happen to people who are as stupid as you?"

"The secret of power breaks through and triggers changes in space. Could it be that the main secret that this kid has cultivated is the power of space?" Ka Xiuen was startled for a moment, and suddenly realized, "Let me tell you, he is not that reckless. There is no reason why people should not set up any barriers at all, and just work hard to break through?"

"When practicing the mysteries of space power, when you break through, the divine realm around you will form, and dense space gaps will form. It seems that we have all ignored this, no wonder he is confident." Rochester also suddenly realized, grinning, " It seems that the vicious boy has a plan a long time ago, and those death row inmates who want to take his life deserve misfortune."

Everyone here was laughing and talking. In the Jidao Purgatory Field, the space gaps that appeared at the entrance of the cave were getting denser and denser.

All the warriors who rushed over were completely dumbfounded. Their bodies were stagnant in the area where the space gap was not there. They did not dare to move and were cautiously on guard.

At this moment, another wonderful artistic conception suddenly emerged from the cave, seeming to echo the energy of heaven and earth covering their heads.

The breath of death leaked out little by little. Under the penetration of the profound meaning of death, it stayed in place. Suddenly, I felt mentally exhausted. I found that the power of my soul was being pulled hard by invisible hands, bit by bit. Pulled into the cave entrance.

Scattered starlight shines from time to time from where the energy of heaven and earth condenses. After a while, many star points, like a vast galaxy, become more and more obvious.

Even this extreme purgatory field seems to be unable to hide the brightness of those stars. The starlight seems to be connected with the sea of ​​​​stars outside the territory. The starlight gradually becomes brighter, forming a beautiful and dazzling galaxy.

The dense space cracks are the realm of God condensed and evolved by space mysticians. The released soul burial ground is the realm of those who practice the mysticism of death. The magnificent sea of ​​stars is the unique form of the realm of God that is unique to the mysteries of the stars. .

Three different mysteries of power, in three directions, together show the characteristics of the realm of God, making those death row prisoners and thugs who rush in burst into tears.

No matter how they imagined, they could not guess that Shi Yan, who was hiding in the cave and breaking through, actually mastered three weird and terrifying mysteries of power. What was most difficult for them to accept was that all three mysteries of power could actually form the power of God. field!

This is simply unbelievable and absolutely violates the principles of training for warriors in the Raging Flame Star Territory.

Any warrior who breaks through to the realm of the God King will only have the main mysteries to form the realm of gods. No matter how profound the auxiliary mysteries are, it will be difficult to evolve into the realm of gods.

This is also the reason why a warrior almost always has only one divine realm, and why most warriors will only choose one secret to practice until death.

The formation of God's Realm contains the wonders of heaven and earth, and hides the principles of heaven and earth. Even the most intelligent people cannot explain how the God's Realm is formed and cannot grasp the mystery.

Shi Yan's breakthrough revealed three different signs of the formation of the Divine Realm. Not only did the prisoners on death row and thugs turn pale with fright, but they also shocked some people in Purgatory Star and Tianne Star.

"The three mysteries of power all form the realm of God, what a miracle!" Ka Xiuen murmured.

"How to balance, how to be in harmony, how on earth did he do it?" Rochester's eyes shone, his face full of horror.

"Damn boy!" Ogudo gritted his teeth.

There was a strange smile on Lianna's lips, and she remained silent.

The Lord of the Kingdom of God, Ping Tianqi, stood up from the throne, his eyes as bright as a torch, and he looked deeply at the mirror in front of him. He remained silent for a long time, and his expression became extremely strange.

Princess Zi Yao underneath him covered her mouth in disbelief, her beautiful eyes shimmered with dazzling beams of light, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

"I think there are really miracles in this world. I didn't believe it at first, but after seeing it with my own eyes today, I believe it." Ping Tianle stood up on the mountain peak, came to the corner of the mountain peak, looked deeply at the lake, and said leisurely: "If he can successfully advance, the Flame Star Territory will take on a different color because of him. If this son can be used by the Kingdom of God, perhaps the territory of the Kingdom of God can double its current size! "

No one dares not to believe it.

No matter Lianna, Cassione, Rochester, Dahle, or even Ogudo, they all fell silent and did not speak out to object.

Breaking through the realm of the God King, three realms of gods appeared, which means that Shi Yan has reached an extremely profound and superb level in the three mysteries of power, and the three mysteries of power are wonderfully balanced, with no one being too strong. None are too weak.

Those who can possess three realms of gods are unseen and unheard of in the Raging Flame Star Realm.

Today, Shi Yan's appearance, witnessed by many powerful people, filled in this blank.

His appearance seemed to tell everyone that the journey of martial arts cultivation was not as narrow as they thought. He told everyone that a truly outstanding warrior could not only cultivate one secret, but could only form a divine realm.

This miracle that broke the rules was deeply imprinted in everyone's heart, as if it opened a new picture for them.

Many people were thoughtful.

Even the lord of the Kingdom of God and the strongest warrior, Ping Tianqi, was stunned and began to doubt the truth he firmly believed in. He was inexplicably shocked by the magic of this martial art.

"Are we all wrong?" Ping Tianqi murmured, "Are the warriors in the entire Flame Star Territory, with their countless years of knowledge and common sense, incomplete? Do we not really understand the mystery of martial arts and our understanding of power?" Lack of understanding?"

"Father, perhaps, in the higher-level Star Territory Continent, we are not like us who only practice one kind of secret. Shi Yan has been inherited by that person. That person is not from our Raging Star Territory. He may be from a higher-level one. In the star field, there, perhaps we can really know the true meaning of the mysteries. We are all a little shallow. At least, Shi Yan has proved that several powers and mysteries can all form the realm of God."

Zi Yao looked at him deeply and said softly.

"He opened a door for me, which made me even more determined. I must break free, break the shackles, and see if the sky outside is just as gorgeous?!" Ping Tianqi shouted deeply, his eyes firm, and he seemed to have finally made up his mind. What determination.

(To be continued)

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