God of Killing

Chapter 783: Meeting in the Barrier

After Jiang Ge left the Purgatory Star, he galloped all the way in the direction of the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce. He did not have a battleship or chariot, and was alone, galloping at the fastest speed of a powerful person in the third level of the God King.

Three months later, he passed through the star field near Tianneixing, traveling in the cold and dark starry sky.

Whenever Jiang Ge's strength is depleted, he will find a place to stay, use the divine crystal to restore his strength, and then continue to fly.

On this day, he also consumed a lot of strength in his body and saw an abandoned mineral star.

That mineral star has been mined completely, and there are countless large and small caves on the star. At a glance, it looks like a huge hornet's nest. The energy has long been exhausted, and there is no precious ore left.

Jiang Ge grinned indifferently, and like light and shadow, he immediately landed on the mineral star.

Ten pieces of middle-grade divine crystals emerged from his Illusion Sky Ring. Just when he was about to sit down and recover, his expression suddenly changed.

Absolute darkness, like a sky curtain, immediately enveloped the area he saw.

In that darkness, not a single speck of light spilled out, and I couldn't see my fingers. It was like being imprisoned in a heavenly prison, and my soul felt a sense of decadence.

Jiang Ge looked moved and startled. He looked around and found that he couldn't see anything, and his heart sank to the bottom.

He was just stunned for a moment, then reacted quickly. He suddenly fell to one knee in fear and said respectfully: "I have met Lady Lianna."

In the Fiery Star Territory, there are countless types of mysteries of power. However, there are a few special mysteries of power that are famous all over the world, and no one knows about them.

The secret of absolute darkness is unique to Lianna, the leader of the five great princes of Tiannei Kingdom, and there is no other semicolon.

Therefore, when he saw being covered by endless darkness, he was just stunned for a moment and immediately knew who he had met.

The bloody butcher of the Kingdom of God, the leader of the bloody legion, the fierce demon who is the leader of the five great powers, Lady Lianna.

Jiang Ge had no intention of resisting. He knelt down on one knee and lowered his head slightly. "I wonder if Lady Liana has condescended to come here. What can I teach you?"

A glimmer of light quietly flashed out, and at the entrance of a cave that was filled with coldness and reached the ground, a cold woman who looked like a ghost sat coldly on the stone ground at the edge of the cave entrance, squinting her eyes and saying calmly: "You have two A choice.”

Jiang Ge looked solemn and lowered his head even lower, "I would like to hear the details."

"Either I kill you, destroy your soul altar, imprison your soul, and use secret methods to obtain all your memories." Liana's tone was calm, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

"I want to hear another option." Jiang Ge felt deeply fearful and uneasy, his voice even trembling slightly, "Lady Lianna, I want to live, please give me such a chance."

"Tell me everything you saw in the forbidden area about Shi Yan. Of course, you can try to lie - if you think you can deceive me." Lianna was indifferent, as if she didn't care about his life or death. There was no intention of taking action, and the calmness made people feel heart palpitating.

Jiang Ge suddenly raised his head, his body trembled slightly, and without too much hesitation, he immediately answered: "He is not dead, but is in the forbidden area, temporarily imprisoned by the barrier of the forbidden area. That piece of purgatory token, I got it from him He got it on his body, but he did not kill him. In the forbidden area, there is a palace with forty-nine layers of barriers surrounding it. It should have been established by the former national master of the Kingdom of God, and it contains some unknown secret... "

He seemed to know that he only had one chance in front of Liana. If he lied, this woman would have a reputation far and wide and would never hesitate to be kind to him.

Therefore, Jiang Ge did not dare to lie, and he did not even dare to pause his narration for just a second, for fear that the other party would think he was organizing a lie. A series of words poured out of his mouth like a barrage, without any hesitation.

Lianna listened quietly without interrupting, and when Jiang Ge finished his narration, she remained silent.

Jiang Ge raised his head slightly, looking at her uneasily, not daring to move, waiting for the other party's judgment.

He fully understands the viciousness and terror of this woman. All the legends about this woman are related to bloody massacres. He also knows the other party's realm, which is enough to easily kill him. No one here can know that he has been crushed and crushed. .

Therefore, he didn't dare to move or say a word, and just waited silently.

"You can go." After a while, Liana waved her hand as if she was trying to shoo away flies, "Remember, I have never seen you, and you have never seen me."

"I will remember this for the rest of my life." Jiang Ge raised his hand and swore an oath neatly. He looked at her seriously and saw that she did not behave abnormally, so he moved out uneasily. As soon as he left Liana's dark realm, he ignored everything. He started galloping wildly, not daring to stay even for a second.

In the darkness, Lianna slowly stood up, her dark blue eyes looked deeply towards the direction of the Purgatory Star for a while, she curled her lips and snorted, "You brat, you made me lose a Life Star, I'll give it to you first. You took note of it.”

Absolute darkness is like a black cloud, quietly drifting towards the vast star field, swaying continuously for a while, and disappearing.

The depleted mineral stars have regained their tranquility.

...Purgatory Star, a forbidden area in the sealed Jidao Purgatory Field.

Shi Yan was in the center of the water-like barrier. He looked in surprise at the majestic palace that seemed to be very close at hand. In his eyes, there was an extremely obvious and wonderful wave coming from the depths of the palace.

Like things changing and the stars moving, the palace seemed to move, and bursts of strange roars resounded in the forbidden land below him.

The same changes also occurred in the other four forbidden areas. There were four warriors who had reached the third heaven realm of the God King. Like Shi Yan, they were also temporarily imprisoned by the barrier. They also looked up at the palace they saw and noticed what was going on inside. Shock waves.

The five forbidden areas, in the Jidao Purgatory Field, are slowly and actively approaching each other in a way that ordinary people cannot imagine or see.

This speed seems slow, but in fact it is extremely fast. In just a quarter of an hour, the forbidden areas distributed in the five directions of the Jidao Purgatory Field were miraculously merged into one.

Even five wonderful palaces appeared together at the same time, driven by some mysterious force.

Suddenly, the palaces Shi Yan saw were no longer one, but five.

The five palaces are like five dazzling and bright gems, floating in the sky above their heads under the push and pull of thick and huge towering stone pillars.

The five palaces displayed the strange symbol of a five-pointed star. Just like Shi Yan, there were also four people looking up at the palaces in the barrier with expressions of surprise on their faces.

Those four people were not as good as Shi Yan. They spent countless days, months, and hours, but they could only break through twenty or thirty layers of barriers, which was not as efficient as Shi Yan's.


Four surprised voices came from the four corners at the same time, with the same tone, and they all looked in the direction of Shi Yan.

Within the barrier, Shi Yan also turned his head and looked at the four people, his eyes shining with surprise.

Four God Kings are in the third heaven realm, three men and one woman. The three men are all old men. They are dirty and unkempt. It seems that they have not cleaned their bodies for a long time. They all look a little embarrassed, but their eyes have a hidden fierceness and irritability. .

The only female surname was in her thirties. She was quite beautiful. She wore a snake-print leather skirt that reached her knees, revealing two legs as white as jade.

The woman was not a human race, but a ghost-patterned race. Her exposed arms and legs, and her fair skin, were covered with exquisite cyan patterns, which perfectly matched her plump skin, giving her a strange charm.

She is in her thirties, like a flower blooming at its most beautiful moment. There are fine blue lines on her neck. On her slender cheeks, there are two delicate jade pendants hanging from her earlobes. There is a crisp ringing sound, and her beautiful eyes are like the ocean. , profound and unfathomable.

She looked at Shi Yan from a distance, with a strange look in her eyes, her crooked brows slightly furrowed, and she let out a subtle snort.

When the four of them looked at Shi Yan, Shi Yan was also secretly inquiring about them. After looking at them for a while, his face became serious.

Like Jiang Ge, they are in the third heaven of the God King. Everyone is also a death row prisoner on the Purgatory Star. Their hands are stained with blood, and they are definitely not good.

"Boy, are you the person Jiang Ge said to replace him?" An old man like a bamboo pole, skinny and bones, like a skeleton wrapped in human skin, with a faint light in his eyes, "It seems that you are faster than We are much faster, what did you do, why did you merge the Nowhere and Forbidden Areas into one?"

The other three people also looked at him, with expressions of surprise and hidden ferocity.

"Yes, Jiang Ge framed me and made me fall into it." Shi Yan frowned slightly and said calmly: "He should leave. I have been cracking these barriers. Up to now, a total of forty-two barriers have been broken by me. Lifted. The moment the last barrier was unsealed, the palace I saw immediately changed, and you were pulled over together. Well, this is a special function in the forbidden area, not my original intention."

"Fengrao, what do you think?" The old man who spoke first, pondered for a moment and couldn't help but look at the strange woman with exquisite lines all over her body.

Like him, the other two old men also looked at the ghost-marked woman named Fengrao, as if that Fengrao was their leader.

"Of course it's a good thing." Fengrao twitched the corner of his mouth, smiled strangely, and his eyes shone slightly, "The four of us spent so long, and each of us only cracked about twenty layers. Jiang Ge was the worst, and dragged us back. Now that he has left, isn't it a blessing to have arranged for such a boy to surpass us in a very short time?"

As soon as this statement came out, the three strange-looking old men, who did not look like good people, all laughed softly and seemed to agree with it.

"Everyone has been holding on for so long, and they all want to know what is inside the palace. This guy is here, and it will speed up the process, which is good for us all." Fengrao smiled, "Didn't you notice that the barrier... seems to be a lot looser? "

"Of course I found it." The three old men laughed in unison.

Shi Yan's face darkened, and he suddenly had a bad feeling. These four people acted too relaxedly, and their desire for this place was so strong, as if they had already planned something.

(To be continued)

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