God of Killing

Chapter 807 The storm is rising

"My lord, who is he?"

The charming Sea Tribe woman asked curiously, with watery eyes and a pleasant smile.

The warrior wearing a bloody skull suit pushed the Sea Clan woman away from his arms and chuckled: "Get out of here, you bitch, don't make a fortune like me."

This person followed Shi Yan closely, watching Shi Yan go to Kraft's store. His eyes lit up and he left immediately.

He walked around the street and came to a hidden training ground. He found a skinny old man and shouted: "Old Safa, I have news about that kid."

"Which boy?" The old man asked casually, squinting his eyes.

"Back then, you gave me a portrait and asked me to pay attention to the boy who knew how to use the power of space. Some time ago, he snatched the Sky Magic Crystal and escaped from under our noses." The warrior chuckled strangely, "Give me the reward, I'll tell you Where is he?"

Safa's eyes suddenly lit up, and without any hesitation, he gave a soft drink. Not long after, a warrior came over and gave him a fantasy ring.

He handed the Huan Kong Ring to the warrior and said, "Tile, please order a little and see if the amount is enough."

Known as the Tile warrior, he laughed loudly, his consciousness wandered around in the empty phantom crystal, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Okay, a little bit, not bad, not bad, that guy is at Kraft Store, you can find it yourself. "

Before Safa could say anything more, Tile immediately left from here.

Safa waited for him to disappear, and immediately took out the sound stone for communication. After connecting, he bent slightly and whispered: "Lord Kashun, the person you are looking for has appeared."

...After Tile left, he circled around again and came to the stronghold of the Blood Skull Raiders. He raised his voice and shouted: "I want to see the leader."

"What are you doing with the leader?"


"The leader is in the secret room, you can go alone."


Tile rushed to the secret room excitedly, knocked on the stone door lightly, and shouted: "Chief, I have important news to report! About the boy who understands the power of space."


The stone door suddenly opened, and Russell, the leader of the blood skull, sat on a blue lotus platform, squinting and asked: "Where is he?"

"I just saw Kraft's shop, and he probably hasn't left yet." Tile said respectfully.

"Considering your great achievement, I will receive one hundred high-grade divine crystals for myself, and I will also give you a chariot." Russell suddenly stood up, looking excited and laughing.

Tile lowered his head and smiled, then turned and left.

...To the southwest of the Land of Divine Punishment, a battleship floated quietly in the void, motionless.

Kashun was in front of the battleship, touching a sound stone with a moved expression.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and released a ray of consciousness, falling directly towards Zi Yao's training room.

Zi Yao suddenly flew up and rushed out of the training room. He quickly came to Ka Xiu En and shouted: "Uncle Ka Xiu En, is there any news about him?"

"Well, he did appear in the Land of God's Punishment, and he is now in Kraft's shop." Kashun smiled slightly, "Since I confirmed that the kid is alive, I have asked people to pay attention to him, and today I finally got something. Haha, We are about to go to the Land of God’s Punishment, and it seems that we will be able to meet him in the Land of God’s Punishment soon.”

Zi Yao's beautiful eyes sparkled, and there was a smile on her lips, "I knew he was destined to be lucky."

Three months ago, Kashun received news and determined that the person who used the power of space was Shi Yan. After confirming this, it didn't take long for them to receive news from the Heavenly Nirvana Kingdom that a sudden change had occurred on the Purgatory Star, and the temple built by previous generations of national masters collapsed.

Regarding the star map, Ping Tianle also knew a little bit, saying that the legendary star map might have been obtained by someone.

As soon as the news was confirmed, Ka Xiu En and Zi Yao, who were planning to go to the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, immediately changed their route and rushed to the Land of God's Punishment.

"If there are no accidents, the star map should be in the hands of Shi Yan and a woman. The prince last sent a message saying that Lianna and Ogudo were heading to the Land of God's Punishment with all their strength. They had already set out for two months. Otherwise, How long will it take for these two people to appear in the Land of God's Punishment?" Kashun explained.

"That bastard is really a scourge. Wherever he appears, there will be no peace." Zi Yao gritted his teeth, feeling both hateful and happy, "I hope he is okay."

"The news of the appearance of the star map, for some reason, has spread. Not only us, but also the Youmeng and the Nine-Star Chamber of Commerce are here. It won't be long before the Land of God's Punishment will be bustling." Ka Xiuen rubbed his forehead. , said with a headache: "It's not easy to get the star map. That guy is related to the star map. The situation is worrying."

"Uncle Kashun, you are familiar with the Land of God's Punishment. Shall we go there immediately?" Zi Yao looked slightly anxious.

"Of course I have to go there, but I can't take a battleship. I have to go quietly and hide my identity."

Kashuen had already made a plan and explained: "The guys in the Land of God's Punishment hate us extremely, especially me. They have been encircling and suppressing them for so many years. If I go to the battleship, it will be too public and will cause unnecessary trouble. Trouble. Well, I will only take Aram and Tie Mu with me. The most you can take is Auglas and ride in a chariot. After arriving at the Land of God's Punishment, you must not easily reveal your identity, otherwise it will be difficult to leave safely. Feng Ke, Russell, Barrett, and Jie Nong are all in the Origin God realm and are not weaker than me. That Feng Ke is at a higher level than me. If I show up blatantly, I will anger them."

"That's all." Zi Yao nodded.

"When Lianna comes, there won't be any problems. The ones who have to escape then are the looters." Kashuen smiled, "Let's go there first and hide our identities. Anyway, the place in Heaven's Punishment City has never been The identity of the visitor will not be checked.”

"Okay, I'll make some arrangements, and then we'll ride over in a chariot." Zi Yao was also very decisive.

"Well, if you can do without Augras, try not to take him with you. He and that kid are not on the same page. Once they meet, there may be conflicts." Kashun hesitated and reminded him in a friendly way.

"It's difficult. As long as he lives, I can't get rid of him. Don't worry, if there is a conflict with Shi Yan, I will handle it well."

"That's okay. It'll be a big deal by then, but don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Well, I understand."

... Heavenly Punishment City, the gathering point of the Green Ghost plunderers.

As soon as Fengrao, Bao Ao, Jie Ji, and Bo Ruo suddenly appeared, the plunderers here were shocked and shouted: "The lady is back! The lady is back!"

Many Green Ghost predators filed out, bowing and saluting each other with excited expressions.

Before Fengrao left that year, she was well-known among the Green Ghost Predators. Many people had received her favor and respected her very much.

Her appearance made many warriors here excited, and they all came out from their training ground to greet her.

"Little sister!" Feng Xiao suddenly appeared, his face full of ecstasy, and he laughed loudly, "You are finally back. Father has been worried about you. It's great."

"Where is father? Is he here?" Fengrao asked.

"Not in Heaven's Punishment City, but in the stronghold of God's Punishment Land. I'll inform him and he will come soon. Haha, father will be very happy to know that you are safe and sound. He will come over soon." Feng Xiao was extremely happy, He looked at her deeply and said, "Little sister, you are much thinner than before."

"Where's the elder brother?" Fengrao looked around and said in surprise: "Isn't the elder brother always stationed here?"

The smile on Feng Xiao's face faltered, and his eyes suddenly dimmed. "My eldest brother died in the battle. He was killed by the suppressors of the Nine Stars Chamber of Commerce. He has been dead for more than a hundred years."

Fengrao's face suddenly turned pale, her eyes were moist, she stood there blankly, and said blankly: "How could that happen?"

"We live in the Land of God's Punishment, and we are all prepared to die in battle. Who can guarantee that we will always be safe?" Feng Xiao also looked sad, "After my eldest brother died, my father was depressed for a long time. He kept talking about you and hoped that you would be safe. It's okay. Now that you are finally back, my father should be able to feel a little more at ease. Hey, I just hate that we don't have enough strength, so we can only let the three major forces sweep us away, but we don't have the strength to go to their territory to take revenge."

"It won't be like this forever. My return this time brings the possibility of reversing all this!" Fengrao gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Feng Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up, "Little sister, there are rumors... that you got the star map, but is it true?"

"I don't have the star map, but it's almost as good as what I got. I want to see my father immediately and explain the situation."

"Okay, I'll notify father right away!" Feng Xiao immediately took out the sound stone and sent out the message.

"I'm coming over!" From within the sound stone, the ecstatic voice of Feng Ke, the overlord of the Land of God's Punishment, came, "Rao'er, wait for me, my father will come to see you right away!"

...In a large shop, there are a dazzling array of colorful stones, as well as many elixirs and herbs in containers, exuding an alluring fragrance.

A rough warrior with a broken right arm lay lazily on the couch, squinting at the people on the street.

This is the shop where Blood Butcher Card sells stolen goods, but it has been quite deserted recently.

Since Cato's defeat at the Sunshine Explosion Field, his reputation has declined, and he has gone into hiding to practice, and has not come out to loot battleships for a long time. As a result, there are no high-value treasures in the shop during this period, which also makes the shop relatively Cool down.

At the door, a majestic figure appeared. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Who is Kraft?"

"Who am I? Young man, what do you want to buy?" The limp armless warrior came over excitedly and enthusiastically, with a smile on his face, "I have everything here..."

"I'm looking for Cato!" Before he could finish speaking, Shi Yan cut him off, took out the token, and shouted, "Did he give you any orders?"

Kafu, who had lost his arm, was stunned for a moment, then suddenly woke up, took the token, looked at it carefully, and said, "Are you Shi Yan?"


"Big brother is right here!"


The power of chaos suddenly flashed, and a figure suddenly appeared from the quiet underground behind the shop, it was Cato the Blood Slaughter.

"You are finally here!" Cato was overjoyed, "I was waiting for you to give me another copy of the secret so that I could break through to the realm of the Origin God! Haha, my good senior brother, I have been waiting for you!"

"Brother, didn't you just come from your hometown when you heard that the star map appeared? Feng Ke had already announced that he would gather the leaders of all parties to conspire on this matter." Kraft laughed dumbly.

"No matter what the star map is, there are guys like Feng Ke, Russell, Barrett, and Jie Nong here, how can it be my turn to get a share of the pie?" Blood Butcher Cato snorted indifferently. , "How can it be so easy to snatch food from those old ghosts? The reason why I came here is to wait for my senior brother to come. Haha, only if I break through the source god realm, can I have any hope of plotting the star map, otherwise it will all be It’s a waste of effort.”

"Not necessarily." Shi Yan smiled lightly, "The star map is in my hand, you really have a chance."

The two brothers Cato and Kraft were stunned when they heard what he said.

(To be continued)

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