God of Killing

Chapter 809 Overrated?

Russell rushed towards the Aoki stronghold without stopping.

He did not know that he had been deceived and thought that the star map was really in Feng Rao's hands. In order to be afraid that Feng Ke would come over, he did not waste his energy and silenced Shi Yan and the others.

In his opinion, the importance of the star map was naturally much more important than the lives of Shi Yan and the others.

However, he was sneaking underground, and when he came to the underground of Qinggui's stronghold, he immediately secretly screamed that something was wrong and became angry in his heart.

Feng Ke has arrived.

He could clearly feel the huge life magnetic field coming from Feng Ke on the hard stone above his head.

"Russell, what are you doing here?" Feng Ke's voice came faintly from above his head, and a burst of energy that ripped apart the earth suddenly shot down to the center of the earth.

Russell knew that it would be difficult to hide, so he hesitated for a moment, chuckled, and suddenly emerged from the ground.

Inside the spacious hall, Feng Ke, Feng Rao, and Feng Xiao are all there. In addition to these three people, there are dozens of Qinggui warriors sitting there. Most of them are in the second and third heaven realms of the God King, and their strength is beyond compare. Look down upon.

Feng Ke came galloping all the way. Before he could reminisce with his daughter, he immediately noticed Russell's unique life magnet coming from the underground. He immediately reacted and used his strength to force him out.

The face of Feng Ke, who had a thin face, suddenly darkened, and he snorted coldly, "What are you trying to do secretly?"

"I heard that my niece is back, so I came here to congratulate her. Brother Feng, don't you welcome me?" Russell looked calm and smiled, "After seeing my niece on the abandoned mining star some time ago, I wanted to protect her. My good niece, I sent him to you safely. I just didn’t expect that my niece was kidnapped by a kid and escaped with the help of the energy of the Sky Magic Crystal. I couldn’t help, and I felt very guilty. Today I found out that my niece My son is back, so I naturally want to come and have a look."

Russell is full of lies, his words are better than his songs, and he is very shameless.

Both Feng Ke and Feng Rao knew that he didn't tell the truth and his attitude was not friendly. They looked at him indifferently as he boasted and acted.

"It's good that my niece is fine, haha. I just came over to check on the situation. Well, I'm relieved now." Seeing that no one was welcoming him, Russell was very understanding and hesitated for a few words before preparing to leave.

"Wait a minute." Feng Ke shouted.

"What?" Russell looked surprised, "Maybe Brother Feng wants to stay with me for dinner? Haha, you and your daughter have just met, so you should have a lot to say, right? It's not convenient for me to stay."

"Since we are here, we might as well have a good chat." Feng Ke squinted his eyes and frowned and said, "I summoned the leaders to gather together to discuss the star map. Now that my daughter is here, this matter can be raised. It’s on the agenda. Well, Russell, you are not weak, you are a very strong force among us, so naturally you are indispensable.”

"Haha, Brother Feng is really brave, and he is willing to share the star map. Okay! Count me in!" Russell agreed immediately. He came just for the star map, and of course he was not willing to let it go.

"The Star Map is of great importance. I can't swallow it with my own strength." Feng Ke snorted, "Russell, although your Blood Skull is not weak, if you really want to have the Star Map to yourself, I'm afraid you won't be able to swallow it." It's just a dream. I have received accurate news that the three powerful forces are heading towards our land of divine punishment. Soon there will be many powerful people in the land of divine punishment, and people from the Nine Stars Chamber of Commerce will also appear, most likely from the Fan family. The strong one is coming, we have a common enemy, I hope you can be more sensible and don't do anything secretly."

After a pause, Feng Ke said slowly: "For example, going to Kraft and trying to snatch the star map. This kind of thing... I don't want to see it again."

Russell's expression changed, he snorted, and returned to the underground without saying a word. He didn't explain anything, and disappeared in an instant.

"Father, how do you know he went to Kraft?" Fengrao was surprised and couldn't help asking.

"I was walking all the way back to Tianpu City, and I noticed Russell's movements. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but to remind you that the kid went to Kraft, I naturally knew that he was up. What are you thinking?" Feng Ke smiled.

"Will Shi Yan have an accident? No, I want to go over and check the situation!" Feng Rao said anxiously.

Feng Ke and Feng Xiao looked slightly startled and looked at her in surprise, their expressions became strange.

When Fengrao left, he had a bad reputation in the Land of God's Punishment area, but they knew in their hearts that Fengrao was not as bad as the rumors. Over the years, they had only seen Fengrao playing in the Land of God's Punishment one by one according to his surname. A strong young man, but I have never seen her really care about anyone.

Now that she realized that Shi Yan would have an accident, she immediately became anxious and didn't want to waste any time. It was obviously a bit abnormal.

"You... why are you looking at me like this?" Fengrao also felt a little guilty, her cheeks flushed, and she lowered her head slightly in embarrassment.

Feng Ke saw her expression in his eyes, pondered for a moment, and said: "Don't worry, that kid should be fine. Otherwise, Russell wouldn't have come over in a hurry. If he got the star map, he would immediately get it from God. Leaving the place of punishment."

Concern leads to chaos. After being reminded by him, Fengrao reacted and bit her red lips and smiled sweetly, "That kid actually managed to hide this from the lunatic Russell, haha."

"Little sister, what is your relationship with that boy?" Feng Xiao was stunned for a while and couldn't help but ask, "I see that you care about him very much? What's going on? What is his origin? It can't be Tian Nie. A 'nail' sent by the Kingdom of God, right?"

"It doesn't matter, we just share the hardships together. Well, we have a little friendship. That guy is very extraordinary and has endless potential. If time goes by, he will be one of the strongest in the Tiannir Kingdom!" Fengrao said seriously.

"I've never seen you evaluate a person like this before. Is that kid really as outstanding as you say?" Feng Ke's face became solemn.

"I still estimate conservatively." Fengrao also looked solemn. "Although he is only in the second heaven of the God King, I believe that if it is a life and death battle, I am no match for him. He will definitely die in the end. I, he must be alive and well."

As soon as these words came out, Feng Ke, Feng Xiao and his son were horrified and moved, and their hearts were horrified.

In the Land of Divine Punishment, Fengrao is famous for being tough and difficult to offend. Her secrets are mysterious and strange, and her power is very terrifying. Generally speaking, warriors of the same level will not be her opponent, but Shi Yan is still one level lower... "Little sister, you're not deliberately looking up to him because you like him, are you?" Feng Xiao shook his head and laughed: "How is that possible? Can he beat you? Or is he overstepping his level? That's ridiculous."

"Don't get involved with your personal emotions. To be honest, how is he?" Feng Ke also frowned, not really believing it in his heart. He was still very confident in his daughter and didn't think anyone was missing a child. Level, can still beat Fengrao.

Both father and son had obvious suspicions, and they also implied that she deliberately promoted Shi Yan because she was in love, which made Fengrao feel embarrassed and annoyed. She snorted and said helplessly: "You will know it in the future. "

"Okay, I want to meet him and see how he is doing." Feng Ke nodded.

"Do you want to treat those three people? Father, that old guy Jester is not easy to talk to. Let him heal the three guys who were harmed by the soul-absorbing demon flower. The price... is not small." Feng Xiao reminded, feeling as if Don't quite agree.

"Rao'er, what do you think?" Feng Ke asked with narrowed eyes.

"Cure! No matter how high the price is, it can't be compared to the star map?" Fengrao replied decisively.

"Can he be trusted?" Feng Ke asked again.

"The man is in our hands, what will he do if he doesn't exchange the star map for it? Besides, this is the land of divine punishment, our territory, can he still change the world?" Fengrao smiled, "Don't worry, I can do it. Guaranteed, there won’t be any problem with him.”

"Okay, that's it." Feng Ke pondered for a moment, nodded in agreement, and said to his son Feng Xiao: "Take those three people to Jester, and let him impose any conditions."

"My child understands."

...The west side of the Land of Divine Punishment.

The surface of the earth is devastated, with countless huge and dark caves reaching deep underground.

Inside one of the caves, which is like a giant mouth of a monster, there is a large underground stone hall. The stone halls are connected through stone passages and extend in all directions. It is said that they can directly reach the Tianpu City.

In a restricted stone hall, Shi Yan briefly explained to the Cato brothers the process of obtaining the star map, and there was no hidden explanation and a generous agreement.

Brother Cato listened silently. When he finished speaking, Cato frowned and said with a heartache: "Are these three human medicinal cauldrons really worth the price you pay for the star map? Senior brother, senior brother, you are too affectionate. Right? This is not necessary. Among us predators, only the interests are eternal, and the rest is bullshit. You see, how about we escape from the Land of God’s Punishment and use our own strength to open up the new star field ?”

Cato himself became excited first, and his fierce eyes showed a dreamy and longing color. He opened his arms and murmured: "The new star field, a dozen stars of life, countless strange minerals, elixirs, and herbs, If we have it, we won't have to worry about it in this life. Senior brother, we can build our own territory and let the star field there one day become as powerful as the three major forces. How wonderful..."

"Stop dreaming." Shi Yan snorted coldly, "We can't achieve all this with our strength alone. The news of the star map has gone out. I don't know how many strong people are watching. Even Feng Ke thinks he can't do it by himself. To realize the power, I still need to contact your leaders, can you?"

"Brother, wake up. This boy is right. Even if we can find the new star field, we can't protect it. The reclamation of a new star field requires countless manpower and material resources. Your power is not bad at all. Halfway." Kraft advised without politeness.

"I just want to think about it, you don't have to be so serious, right?" Cato was a little embarrassed and snorted, "I will send someone to Tianpu City. If someone asks about it in Fengke, there will also be someone to pass on the message."

"I have to make sure that my three friends are fine before handing over the star map." Shi Yan nodded, "The important thing is that they are fine, and we can discuss the rest slowly."

"Well, I understand, and I won't mess up your affairs." Cato took care of you, "In the Land of God's Punishment, I, Cato, am also well-known, and I do things in a measured manner."

"I'll get the things over here and give you the remaining inheritance in a moment to help you break through to the Origin God Realm as soon as possible." Shi Yan pondered for a moment and said suddenly.

Blood Butcher Cato's eyes widened, his whole body trembled with excitement, and he laughed endlessly.

(To be continued)

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