God of Life

Chapter 100: Past events, 1 knife 2 broken

  Eating, drinking and drinking, time passed quickly.

   After the free event started in the second half of the dinner, as everyone's mood became higher and higher, the topic of the conversation became more and more in-depth.

   Wu Fanlin came over to toast, just when Huang Xu went to another table, he sat beside Wang Yan.

  Wang Yan was suddenly curious: "So when did you struggle yesterday?"

   "I must have 11 o'clock?!"

   talked about this, Wu Fanlin was excited.

   "Brother, it's a pity that you weren't here! Chen Yuhang was almost detained and made a lot of noise... But in the end, he didn't toss the racing field CEO."

  Wang Yan didn't understand too much, how do you feel that the development of the situation is so fantasy?

  Wu Fanlin explained: "We take care of the matter, but Chen Yuhang is hitting and demolishing the building again. Relevant departments cannot reconcile and can only threaten it. If they make trouble again, they will bring it back to the chase!"

   "Chen Yuhang and Xu Zi's family have passed away, the person has not been tortured, but the argument is not yet to come, and I have to continue talking."

   "The General Manager of the Third Automobile Group of the China Automobile Federation did not give face at all, and did not show up until the end. It was a vice president who came to deal with it temporarily."

   "The bear children who throw the cans are locked in three, but the investigation can't go on. I guess, I must still go through the legal process in the end."

  Wu Fanlin took the cause and consequence seriously, and it was a new lesson for Wang Yan, a newcomer in society.

   Actually, Wang Yan didn’t understand why this matter was not selfish. Obviously, it was the pot of your venue. What happened in the past?

   Lin Baizhou smiled and continued: "Small words, you are still too young."

  Wang Yan is not dissatisfied. In the face of "someone who teaches me", he is willing to maintain a humble attitude to listen to learning.

   So, Lin Baizhou twitched a little.

   "In the Imperial City, any humble person may have both a relationship and a background, so what should I do if I encounter something?"

   "Try to solve it at your current level, eat a little loss, take a little bit of cheap, and almost meet the expectations."

   "It just doesn't work, then try hard."

   "The hard hit is to find a relationship and ask Lord Buddha, but the problem is that the territory of the imperial capital is too complicated. In most cases, the departments are not affiliated with each other, and a small part is to check and balance each other, and at the same time be afraid of each other.

   "Like aerospace, in fact, no one here can manage the China Automobile Association. It doesn't matter how much money we have in our family, unless we find a critical position in the relationship, we can get the final word."

   "If you can't find it, you can only lie."

  Wu Fanlin shot his thigh: "Isn't it! Yuhang now asks to accompany two cars, mental loss and medical expenses, and get 7,800 together, and people don't want to recognize this account at all and call away insurance."

   "Anyway, if you don't agree with you, you will sue and drag you for a year or two. If you can win, okay, the court will admit any amount of money. Anyway, you can't take the pot yourself."

   "Leaders don't have face? Don't have achievements?!"

   The words are not rough, and Wu Fanlin made it quite clear.

  Lin Baizhou also urged Wang Yan to say something: "Small words, when you encounter something, you should pay attention to ways and methods. Society is not as simple as school. It is not easy to go out when you have money at home."

   Wang Yan was very grateful and nodded.

  Lin Baizhou said Jin Yuliang's words, even if the family is rich and rich like Wang Siming, there are still times when he will eat.

   Modern society, especially Huaxia, does not really mean that you can cover the sky with one hand, you must abide by most rules and regulations.

   But Wang Yan was deeply aware that he was actually very different from ordinary rich people.

   Some aspects are weaker than them, while others are far stronger.

   Just like the parking lot, if Wang Yan was to deal with it, a delicious card would make the cold boss kneel down and call his father.

  The way of the gods and the ordinary rich are completely two concepts.

  So, Wang Yan is really not afraid of the messy things in society.

   Want to play with brother?


  I happen to have five ridges and six beasts every day. I spend money to play with you. If you don’t play for 5 years for 10 years, companies like Google have a headache.

   After all, you all have to make money, brother only needs waves, who is afraid of who?


  After Chen Yuhang's conversation, Wang Yan suddenly felt a little pitiful to Huang Xu.

  Forcing a child, a new car less than a year later, I don’t know when I can pay after the crash, and it seems that the insurance will not be accepted in full. Now I still have to pay a small vault to invite everyone to eat... Gee!

   sighed here, Wang Yan's mood became more and more happy, and she ran after the table, and pulled Huang Xu to have another drink.

   "Brother Huang, money is something outside of us, people are the most important, come and go!"

your sister? You give me your watch for something outside!

   Huang Xu murmured and was filled again.

After   , things were still so happy. Everyone caught the national banquet and ate and slammed. The atmosphere did not need to be bothered at all. The old emperors of this gang played all kinds of troubles.

   changed to usual, Wang Yan had been impatient for a long time, but today he was happily accompanied to the end.

   When checking out, Huang Xu saw the bill, and Xiao Bai looked at the zoom green.

  Meals are collected according to the cost of meals per person, single meal price 3000 standard, a total of 21 people; venue fee 5000; 4 bottles of red wine 2 bottles of champagne 19858; 20 bottles of Maotai 73760; additional 15% service charge...

   A total of 18,800 yuan.

   Huang Xu is still not completely independent. The sum of money in the small vault is not enough to be 180,000. Fortunately, today’s meal is the place reserved by my father. I said that I have reimbursed all the money.

   But also because it is a card of my dear father, it is not distressing to brush it up, but knocks on the stimulation instead.

   "Brothers and sisters~www.readwn.com~ Are you satisfied with the hospitality today?"

  Huang Dashao is so bold and courageous that he feels handsome.

   Of course, everyone really supports it, shouting words like "satisfaction" and "Huang Shaotai".

   Even Wang Yan gave a thumbs up sincerely: "Brother Huang, you are a good person."

Eh? !

   was sent a bit by a good card, Huang Xu's expression was a little cute.

   "Goodbye, you! Love you!"

  Wang Yan Pi Pi rushed to the master to leave a blowing kiss, laughed haha, turned and set foot on the hotel's courtesy car.

   Get in the car and lay down on the back seat, immediately open the system panel.

   [You successfully use the gourmet bamboo bar card, the banquet atmosphere is warm, you get 43 times the crit]

  【You get a total reward of 7989400 yuan】

  The total deposit has officially exceeded the 8 million mark!

   The first time he got the money, Wang Yan transferred 3.6 million to Dapeng's CCB card.

  If you want to pay off all loans and interest at once, you must sign the contract again to confirm, Wang Yan is absolutely impossible.

   Then simply deposit the principal and interest for two years, and then no longer need to manage that card anymore, every loan due date will be automatically deducted.

   Starting today, Wang Yan will officially bid farewell to debts and no longer have to be associated with those small loan companies.

  After half a year, I would go back to the drum corner, and my appearance must have changed a lot. It was a problem if my mother recognized it, and it was impossible for outsiders to perceive the connection.

   Past events, cut off!

   From then on, the sky is high and the bird is flying, the sea is wide by diving... cool!

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