God of Life

Chapter 104: Full bloom to full bloom【big

  Lin Weiwei glanced at Wang Yan and quickly waved: "Come here, start now!"

  Lu Yuanyuan whispered: "Dance drama is not the same as individual dance, there is a plot, you look carefully."

Nawu's stinky pendulum: "This play is a prototype of a key repertoire. Now Liuli Pai is regarded as the student version of the Chinese Opera. The instructor is Professor Sun Ying of our school. It's a step in the sky..."

   Nawu's speech was fast and urgent. Wang Yan did not understand it. It took a long time for him to figure out one thing-this play is more important than the future.

   was about to ask clearly, and the back field lights also went out.

  Dance drama began to be unprepared, Wang Yan didn't calm down, and chanted white in the dark.

   "In 33 BC, Hu Hanxian went to Chang'an to marry a princess and want to be close."

   "Yuan Emperor Yun."

   "The emperor can't bear the separation of flesh and blood.

   "All the women are afraid of the bitter cold in the north, and they are afraid to avoid it, and the only woman wins the crown."

   "This female name is Wang Qian, she has a light makeup, natural look, autumn eyes, green silk like a waterfall, and her beauty is unparalleled."

   "Just because he offended the painter in the palace, he was perfunctory, and he could not see the emperor for three years."

   "When she first stepped into the main hall of Weiyang, Yuan Emperor regretted it, and called Hanxian Danyu, a lifetime of glance."

   "This woman, whose surname is Wang Mingchi, is Zhaojun."

   The affectionate white voice still reverberates in his ears, and the lights have gradually turned on. Liu Li hit the red dress and knelt on the stage.

  Hair of her hair rose high, her golden hair accessories sparkled, her eyelids drooped, and her long eyelashes were printed with ink marks on her white and jade-like skin.

   The light struck her side face, and a lingering grief naturally appeared through the corners of her eyes and lips.

   And she was holding a piece of coarse cloth, sculpted on her knees, her body language was so numb, empty, and frozen, like a body that lost her soul.

   The soundtrack sounds, with chimes and dulcimers as the main instruments. The rhythm is slow, and it seems to be extremely monotonous and depressing.

  The ladies of the palace went on stage, stooped down sharply, slipped one step at a time, and moved towards the center of the stage in two steps.

   They are like lifting puppets, repeating the same steps over and over again.

  Wang Yan subconsciously moved his butt, feeling a little uncomfortable, and his expression became serious.

  Fu Yushi, who was sitting next door, looked up in surprise and muttered: "Yo? Is the art insight good?"

  Several girls looked sideways at Wang Yan, and when they saw the posture of sitting in front of them, they understood that at least the dog understood the emotions to be conveyed in the first act.

The content being staged on the stage may seem very simple, but in essence, it is a fusion of various elements such as lighting, soundtrack, motion design, body language, etc., to create a harmonious, the intention is to "pull" the audience into the plot .

  Dancing dramas are not only dances, but also dramas, but they cannot be directly expressed in lines like dramas, so it is more difficult to convey emotions.

   Even if the performance is correct and the communication is correct, there is still a threshold for reading to the audience.

  Cultural literacy, aesthetic taste, artistic insight, etc. will affect reading. If you do not understand, you will find it inexplicable. In your heart, you silently Tucao: What is this stuff?

  Wang Yan actually did not understand the plot, but was sensitive to the emotion, and it was the merit of high IQ.

   Lu Yuanyuan whispered popular science: "This scene is called Yeting......"

   The so-called yeting means "side house in the palace" and is the place where the ladies live and work.

  Liu and the ladies' clothes are doing laundry.

  Depressed bass soundtrack, repetitive mechanical movements, expresses the day-to-day life of the ladies in the palace.

   The kind of boring repetition that has not seen the sun has already ruined the court ladies to numbness.

  As they marched, Liu Li, who was sitting alone, slowly opened her eyes, looked up at the sky, slowly straightened her body, and finally stood up.

   When she stood up straight, her lips slightly opened, she seemed to sigh, a grief and sorrow came through the sky, directly hit Wang Yan's heart.

   She is accusing of life now!

   Wang Zhaojun, still not numb!

  In just a moment, Wang Yan understood the complex emotions expressed by Liu Li and was very excited.

   This is not a dance, this is a stage performance!

   Beautiful, thirty thousand!

  Wang Yanzheng was amazed, but Zhao Jun bent down and straightened his body, and with the same heavy steps as the court ladies, slowly went to the central bank of the stage.

   The time has not come yet, and he cannot be relieved. Zhaojun can only press the flame of hope in his heart and continue to be a dying cage bird.

  Wang Yan sat down and looked at it, feeling empathy and deeply substituting into that situation.

   After a few seconds, as a woman in a white dress appeared, the soundtrack gradually became lighter.

   Zhaojun is like a little bird, walking briskly towards the girl.

   "Xiangxi, Zhaojun's dowry." Lu Yuanyuan explained softly.

   Zhaojun and Xiangxi looked at each other warmly, and then walked in small steps. Suddenly, there was a carillon music outside the palace, and the court ladies immediately passed around and listened.

   Zhaojun fell at the end, and the light spirit shuttled through the crowd, squeezing to the forefront.

   The steps are so brisk, she is on her toes as if stepping on a lotus flower, which makes her personal image more vivid, and then, with that longing smile on her face, it seems that she has once again raised a beautiful fantasy of her future life.

   is absolutely!

   Wang Yan couldn't help but want to applaud.

  In just a few seconds when the lights dimmed, Liu Li accurately conveyed the freshness and beauty with his body language and unclear smile, and his expressive power was so strong!

   When Pipa and Yaoqin came in, the lights gradually turned on, and the ladies danced a laundry dance.

   This is the first dance in the true sense. Wang Yan doesn't know how to describe that feeling, but just locks his eyes firmly on Liu Li, and produces an infinite admiration for "beauty" in his heart.

   At this moment, the language is so pale that it is simply not enough to describe that beautiful case.

  Liuli Liu Tingting, like a willow in the wind, moves with the song and dance, that kind of grace, softness, elasticity, restraint...

   Until this moment, Wang Yan finally understood what "body rhyme" was.

   rhyme, harmonious and pleasant voice.

   uses words as rhyme, Fang has poems and songs, the beauty is beautiful.

   takes body as the rhyme, Fang has a graceful and graceful figure, and the beauty is in the eyes.

   is the so-called "big sound, the sound of the elephant is invisible", the beauty of body rhyme, Wang Yan does not understand what is good, but the hope is drunk and the heart is surging.

   Until the end of the first act, Liu Li and the court ladies retired together, the stage setting became the palace hall, Wang Yan still failed to recover, and his love for Liu Li was infinite.

   30,000, it's usually hidden, tucked in as soon as it is shot...

  What was the second act, Wang Yan didn't even think about it at all. The consciousness was still immersed in Liu Li's performance, but he only knew about the plot. It was the Yuan Emperor's banquet that called Han Xian Shan Yu, and the two experienced a series of conflicts.

  The performances of the boys are still good-looking, but the main dances are not as good.

  Wang Yan didn't understand it, but he felt it.

   Beginning in the third act, Wang Zhaojun, played by Liu Li, appeared again, put on a luxurious robe, and wore a single gold crown on the head, and walked forward.

  Wang Yan regained his spirit and indulged in Liu Li's beauty in the prosperous age.

  Sister Miss is naughty, wise, and full of life in life, but on the stage, there is only one word that can describe her——

   is full of light.

  Wang Yan was full of joy, and suddenly developed a huge interest in dance dramas. He felt that this artistic method could really bring a different kind of spiritual satisfaction.

   Of course, the premise is that there must be a beautiful and excellent dancer like Liu Li.

   is sighing, the plot has developed to Hu Hanxian, who fell in love with Wang Zhaojun at first sight, with a bearded Hu Hanxie, suddenly stepped forward to dance.

   lying trough!

  Wang Yan was stunned for a moment, and then acted out instantly.

  You must touch my wife!

   Double dance, physical contact is inevitable, Wang Yan knew that there would be such a stubble, and thought he was completely understandable.

  However, it was not until the end that I discovered...


   I may have changed from lemon, sour!

  In fairness, this two-person dance is super beautiful, Liu Li's core control is very strong, all kinds of lifting movements are like a walk in the air, full of graceful beauty, Newton's coffin board can't hold it anymore.

  Wang Yan, on the one hand, really appreciates, on the other hand, but can't restrain the sourness in his heart.

   Suddenly, he remembered the question Liu Li asked the day before yesterday.

   "Lin Weiwei, they studied the national standard. Once they lined up, they hugged with the boys every day. It was two or three hours. If you like Sister Weiwei, do you mind?"

  Thirty thousand people, do you have classical dances for couples?

  According to you, are you asking for yourself? !

   Wang Yan felt a little irritable, and for the first time he was not sure about his answer.

  Calm down, leaning on the back of the chair, silently observing the interaction on the stage.

   Classical dance costumes are conservative and thick, not as hot and **** as the national standard.

   Liu Li's long skirt was double-layered and dragged all the way to the ground. There was also a pair of trousers tied to his ankles, and the skirt danced like a fairy.

   Specific to physical contact, in fact, there are not many movements such as lifting and hugging. The main purpose is to use the implicit expression unique to classical dance to show the beauty of love by imagery.

  Most of the cuddle movements are virtual, the body is not in contact, and it is very restrained.

   is only 18 years old, Wang Yan, has never seen a real dance drama, suddenly saw this scene, the impact was a bit big.

   After a momentary gaffe, gradually, the kind of harmonious beauty derived from real art, Wang Yan began to learn to look at the interaction on the stage with appreciation.

  It's just a matter of throwing it up, just your farts!


   Then, at the end of the whole scene, Hu Hanxie squatted down like a tiger, Wang Zhaojun stepped on his knees, and sat on his back gently, looking up at the sky.

   Lying trough!

  Wang Yan was not calm again, and his heart was a mess, and even subconsciously used a beauty radar on Liu Li.

  I opened a special point at the first time to see the instructions, which clearly stated that [the love experience is zero], while I was relieved in my heart, I couldn't help but burst into annoyance.

  Halo, what are you doing stupid dog? !

  Is it naive? !

  Is it silly? !

   Say good respect? !

  Wang Yan knew that he was wrong after doing it, and he regretted it.

   He didn't want to use the excuse of "I am 18 years old" to comfort himself at all. Some words are okay to deceive others. It is quite boring to deceive myself.

  Mind means to mind, not to see that it has nothing to do with age, but a manifestation of the world view is not mature enough, the mentality is not strong enough, and possessiveness is too strong.

   Actually, Wang Yan didn't worry about Liu Li's empathy or anything. If it was so easy to move, he wouldn't even be able to turn to him.

   The world view is also not a big problem. In his heart, Wang Yan can understand the rationality, legitimacy and necessity of such contact.

   The only thing is that the possessiveness is too strong, sincere.

  So, now it is reason and emotion fighting.

  Reason thinks that this dance is really beautiful, shouldn't treat this matter with such a narrow mind;

   is emotionally a little awkward. I feel that my girl is the only one I can touch.

   It is because of such intense mind-brain conflict that it loses its sense of mind at that moment, and makes that kind of particularly childish behavior.

  Now Wang Yan finally realizes that although he is growing rapidly, in fact, all aspects are not strong enough, far from a mature man...

   In reflection, the plot is still advancing from scene to scene.

  Wang Yan hasn't been able to mention the interest to take a serious look, until a moment.

   In the depressed soundtrack and dim light, Wang Zhaojun slowly raised his head and looked into the distance, his eyes seeming to cry.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Li's expression came to life suddenly, and a touch of happiness from his heart jumped on his face, like a sun breaking through the clouds, illuminating the whole world.

   The soundtrack gradually became cheerful. In the indulgent dance, Liu Li smiled more and more sweetly, her big bright eyes seemed to shine, and the joy of bulingbuling came.

  Wang Yan felt that what he saw was not a dance, but a poem: Qiaoxiao Qianxi, beautiful eyes looking forward.

  Even if he didn't understand the plot, Wang Yan's mood improved with it, and the whole aunt laughed.

  After the whole dance, Aunt Wang sighed involuntarily.


  Only expression, eyes, body language can pull people in and stick together, what a powerful expression!

  Wang Yan finally understood why Liu Li loved dance so much, this girl was born for the stage.

   under the stage, she was as smart as an elf.

   On the stage, she was in full bloom to the temple.

  To fully possess her beauty, she must accept her silence and full bloom.


   passed by in an hour.

  After the whole drama ended, Liu Li flew down like a bird and rushed to Wang Yan.

   "How about it? Is the dance fun?"

  She didn't want to ask a dance drama, Wang Yan knew.

  The praises twirled around, but when it came to the exit, after all, it turned into a complaint, and even the habit of being cautious did not stop.

   "You let other boys hug you and even sit on the back of others!"

  Wang Yan didn't realize that when he spoke, he unconsciously pursed his lips slightly.

   Liu Li was stunned. At first, she seemed to be aggrieved. But when she saw Wang Yan's jealous look, she still couldn't hold back her laugh.

   She bit her lower lip lightly, her big eyes twirled vigorously, and suddenly slap her, and Hui Hui smirked.

   "Well, I will allow you to hug other girls, Wei Wei, Shi Shi, whoever you want to hug, hug anyone, I promise not to be jealous. How is it fair?"

  What is the condition of sand sculpture!

   Can this matter be counted? !

  Wang Yan couldn’t do it, kicked Shen Yan's habit and kicked it straight away: "Who is rare? Those two firewood girls? I eat your ribs, do I have to eat ribs?"

  Li Liu's eyes lit up, raised her index finger, and immediately filled in the loophole: "Nawu Nawu! Nawu is braised meat! Is this the head office?"

Eh? !

   Am I getting stuck?

  Wang Yan suddenly realized that something was not right and was thinking about it. Several shouts came from the stage.

   "Luri, come over for a summary meeting!"

   "Wow! Is that your little baby dog? We will bring it to everyone later!"

   "Hey, don’t leave the dog food here. Will it work? How many single dogs are there on the stage and you don’t have a B count?"

  Li Liu turned around and shouted, "I'm going!"

When    turned back again, he lifted up his small face and stared closely at Wang Yan, hesitant to speak again.

   "Wang Wang..."


  Wang Yanzheng was puzzled, Liu Li suddenly stretched out her hands, hugged his neck, and pulled down hard...

   kissed fiercely.

   "Oh oh!"

   "Tianna Tianna! Xiao Liuli online spring!"

   "Wow... Liu Li you are better than others!!!"

  The stage went up and down, and the nest was blown up directly.

  However, Liu Li ignored everything and kissed passionately.

  After five seconds, let go of your hand, push Wang Yan's chest hard, turn around and run away.

  Wang Yan's face was full of two-faced dumb-heartedness, and he touched his lips subconsciously, a little painful, a little sweet.

  It wasn't until Lin Weiwei's merciless ridicule came from his ear that he realized that the audience was broad...

   Brother was rude to a little sheep!


  30,000, how do you want to die? !

  Wang Yan was quietly ruthless, rolled his arm net sleeves, and then turned his head away.

   Er, at your home today, for the time being to save you some face, brother is not sincere!

  Li Liu stood on the stage, looked up with her head high, and watched Wang Yan leave. There was anxiety and uneasiness in her heart, but more pride.

   Dance is dance, I am me.

   I never ambiguous.

   Your concerns, I will give you the answer now!


   New words:

Mengxin is 19 years old this year. Many years ago, when I was a baby~www.readwn.com~ I met a professional dancer, I liked it, and I respect their artistic pursuits. Deformed feet are really not easy.

   Rehearsal performance with heterosexual partners is a boring, exhausted and painful legitimate work. Fortunately, I have seen the rehearsal process. I only feel distressed. I feel that dancing is really tormenting.

   When Liu Li was set as an imperial dance student and an art maniac, I did not consider that the mental cleanliness of a small number of readers was so serious, so I was hesitant once to write this plot.

  However, since people are placed there, sooner or later they cannot escape.

   I can understand the possessiveness of some readers, because Wang Yan is such a setting. At the age of 18, he has little knowledge of society, so it is inevitable.

   This is reasonable and logical.

   But it can't be too glassy, ​​right?

  Mengxin can guarantee that this book will not be literary and sloppy, but is a relaxed and refreshing article.

   I have designed the finale. After growing up to the end, there are not many girls who can deserve the dog. Art maniac is one of them.

   Actually, I am not afraid of a small number of readers abandoning books. There will always be people who abandon books for various reasons. The reasons are justified.

   But I am really afraid that someone will take the rhythm. In case there are very specific glass hearts, staring at this book to "what" is another big trouble.

   Previously, it really blew my head, so after this very normal plot, I explained a lot to you.

  Some words, make it clear now, if you don’t accept Liu Li’s design, please delete the book silently, be sure not to scold others and take rhythm.

   That's it, thank you all, bow!

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