God of Life

Chapter 106: Sea of ​​flowers

  On the morning of the 19th, Liu Li set off to perform, but Wang Yan didn't let it go.

   So Wang Yan really didn't go. When she got on the train, Na Wu whispered to Liu Li: "Wang Wang really has no conscience. When you come back, you don't have a soft heart, and he will clean him up!"

  Li Liu was holding her mobile phone and looking at the photos sent by Wang Yan. There was a lot of doubts in her heart, and she was a little bit shy.

What does   汪汪 mean?

  Why did I send a photo of the suite?

   And it's still such a strange angle... Isn't it like that kind of suggestion?

   I didn't want to understand until departure.

   As for Nawu, a little whisper, of course, I won't mind.


   The morning is still step by step, after dinner at noon, Wang Yan called Dave.

   "Mr. Wang, what did you tell me?"

   "I want to arrange the room into a sea of ​​flowers. Is the hotel allowed?"

  Dave's answer almost made Wang Yan swell into the sky.

   "As a distinguished guest of our hotel, you can be tougher when you make reasonable requests, and I will reply "as you wish" like a British butler."

  Dave rarely showed a sense of humor, which made Wang Yan feel comfortable and laughed.

   No wonder everyone likes money, being served by such a smart person, holding it in their hands and carefully caring, can it be uncomfortable?

   "OK, then help me find someone who can do this, and estimate how much flowers are needed and how to arrange them."

   "As you wish."


  At about 1:30 in the afternoon, Dave brought a florist to report on the situation.

   "Mr. Wang, this is a partner of our hotel wedding department, the strength is very trustworthy."

   The florist is a young woman in her early 30s, gentle and friendly, full of charm.

   "Hello, Mr. Wang, this is Chen Xiang, the designer of Xiangyu Floral. What do you want to arrange the room like?"

  Wang Yan actually has no concept in his heart, but can only describe the effect he wants to achieve.

   "First of all, to have a sense of design, I hope it is not a simple pile."

   "Second, I don't understand the type of flowers, but I want four colors-fiery red, pink, blue and white."

   "Finally, there is no need for the entrance and bathroom. In addition, the entire suite must be filled."


   full of? !

  Chen Xiang was a little embarrassed, looked back at Dave, and found that the other person had the same expression, and finally confirmed: Oh, yes.

   Subconsciously licked his lips, the tip of his tongue swirled around the lips for a whole week, and it looked as if he intended to seduce and seduce—in fact, no.

  Chen Xiang was just too surprised. For a time, she was dry and heartbeat.

   "Mr. Wang, are you sure? Your suite still has an area of ​​more than 150 square meters without the entrance and bathroom. If you want to make a "full" effect, you may need a lot of flowers..."

   Wang Yan glanced at her and smiled.

   "I just want a lot of flowers."

   "Uh... ok."

  Chen Xiang was stammered a little.

   Then, floating in the room like a wandering soul, it looks like a professional, practically amusing measurement space.

  Descriptive preliminary ideas while measuring.

   "The wall facing the living room, and the bar area, I want to design the theme to be at first sight, need..."

   "I will reserve a double dining table for you in the center of the living room, with the theme of Hua Wu Jia, doing three-dimensional design..."

   "The bedroom is the dream of the sea blue, the blue and white are the main..."

  So, the overall design is a little bit shaped.

  After completing the preliminary calculation, Chen Xiang reported a rough price.

"Mr. Wang, according to your requirements, we need about 30,000 red roses, 6,000 pink tulips, 3,000 lilies, and a lot of forget-me-nots, Dutch chrysanthemums and blue fairy-the last three are used for modeling Of blue."

   "All flowers will be delivered on the morning of the 21st to ensure freshness."

   "Then it will be arranged for 6 hours, and it will be completed by 2 pm at the latest."

   "In terms of design fees, the area of ​​less than 150 square meters, four large theme designs... give you a friendly price, take 30,000 yuan."

   "We are responsible for all the freight charges."

   "The above, the total price will be between 200,000 and 350,000."

   "If you have no comments, then I will go back and do the design. Let's hurry up and we can change a few more editions."

  Chen Xiang tried to whisper softly, slowly, and carefully, and he gave a glance at Wang Yan from time to time, for fear that the offer was too high to make the other party unhappy.

  The inner turmoil is beyond words.

   Large-scale floral art design is a trendy, romantic, and time-sensitive new industry. Basically, they are collaborating with major hotels and major wedding companies, and rarely enter the sight of ordinary people.

  Because of its high price and its one-time use, it is not practical enough to rank above the fireworks.

   Er, basically it is first.

   200,000 fired a firework, can be seen in half the city, pretending to be at least on the bright side.

  Flowing a room of 200,000 flowers to decorate a room, it was only beautiful for a while, few people saw...emmm, what do you think?

  Anyway, with Chen Xiang’s experience, a luxury wedding with an overall cost of 2 million, only about 50,000 is spent on wedding arrangements, of which the direct consumption of flowers will not exceed 10,000 yuan.

   The only exception is the century wedding of Little Ming and Big Baby, consuming 500,000 flowers, 6 helicopters flying by air, and costing RMB zero.

  Emmm, sponsored by the floral company.

  So, Wang Yan's request is definitely a rare big order, big and thick... Ah, yuck, wealthy.

   Therefore, UU reading books www.uukanshu. Com Chen Xiang is particularly worried.

  However, Wang Yan almost said that Chen Xiang regretted her intestines.

   "Eh? It's much cheaper than I expected...your flowers are very priced?"

  Chen Xiang wanted to spit blood to show respect.

   200,000 hit a house of flowers, do you still think it is cheap?

   Disrespect, disrespect, it’s because I don’t get home, I am wronged!

   Even Dave, who was accustomed to the rich, shuddered in his heart, feeling that his blood pressure was a little high.

  Wang Shao, when you halted, it really halted. When you zoom in, you will be killed...

   Even if it is a wedding banquet in our hotel, the flower spending of 50,000 is quite a big scene, you just pile a suite, as for?

   Well, you are rich, you are brother!

  Chen Xiang grabbed her palm with her fingernails. The stinging pain made her stabilize her emotions, but her attitude became more respectful.

   "Mr. Wang, this year's spring city is very productive, and the wholesale price of roses on the surface of the city is 4 yuan. At your dosage, we will give you 2.5. There is absolutely no moisture."

  Wang Yan was undecided, and nodded at will: "Make the design first, and then the price."

   In fact, the price is not a problem, Wang Yan's intention is still beating, I hope the other party will do their best.

   works well, with only a few words, Chen Xiang classifies the boy in front of him as a "non-slow" client and works hard to make this list.

   "You can rest assured that I will come up with the highest standards, the fastest speed, and the greatest sincerity. You will wait for the good news!"

   Gee, this attitude...... You are very conscious, young woman!

  Wang Yan gave away Chen Xiang with satisfaction, and agreed to produce the first version of the design draft tomorrow morning, and then rushed to the nearest mall nonstop.

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