God of Life

Chapter 129: Thinking about terror

Mr. Wang blacked a big beautiful woman and was in a good mood. She would call another big beautiful woman on her backhand.


   The result was so extreme that her phone came first.


   "Huh? Ping Zhi, what about you?"


   "Wang Yan your uncle's! Now it's getting bigger and bigger...how about dinner, do you have anything to do in the afternoon?"


   Lin Weiwei didn't have a good voice, but she was still accustomed to Wang Yan. After experiencing these two things, the revolutionary feelings were different.


   "The weather forecast indicates that it is going to rain. I was thinking about it. I went shopping today and bought a few sets of college clothes."


   "That feeling is good, that's what happened to you. By the way, what number are you leaving?"


   "No. 29, I have to give my father a birthday after all."


   "Then you have to book a ticket!"


   Lin Weiwei chewed on something while chewing on something, annoying Wang Yan.


   "You can tell when you can come out! I ordered, the hotel will naturally put the ticket on my bed, and an extra flight attendant may not give you a chance, why do you care about it!"


   Lin Weiwei was a little bit coerced.


  Wang Gouzi, please introduce a tone and an attitude... What do you think of me as a brother? !


  I want to have a look at it, but when I think of the skin in the dog's daily life, I suddenly dismissed my thoughts.


   "Assemble at Shin Kong Place at half past two, do I have to put on makeup after eating?"


   "Where is that? Why not go to Wangfujing?" Wang Yan was puzzled.


   "There is so much nonsense! Is Intime Department Store opened by your house? Do you aim at it without moving it?"


   Sexy Weiwei was irritable online, and Wang Yan didn't think much about it, so she decided to temporarily counsel her.


   "OKOK." Keep up with it, and boasted casually, "In fact, you don't look better than makeup."


   "Bah! Young straight man!"


   Lin Weiwei hurriedly hung up the phone, making Wang Yan inexplicable.




   Sister, I'm boasting you!


  Li Liu and some of her girlfriends are pretty good looking up to the sky, so they generally don't wear much makeup.


  Lin Weiwei's flaming red lips occasionally make an eye shadow style, Wang Yan really can't appreciate it, clearly said it well, I can't understand it.


   Er, President Wang at the moment, especially needs an experience from Yu Jie......


   Aesthetics are too narrow!




   2:20, Wang Yan touched Xinguangtiandi.


   called Ping Zhi, saying that it was still five or six minutes, and the parking lot entrance was a little blocked, so Wang Yan walked in by himself.


   Men's storefronts are familiar, just find a house to go in.


   15 years of international first-line brand, for the Chinese market is in a very important stage but has not yet fully catered to the stage, the simple description is-want to lick, but not willing to kneel.


   is reflected in many parts. For example, although the autumn clothing is launched early, many main lines have not been specially adjusted according to the Chinese people's body shape. Most versions of some brands are too European and American.


  Wang Yan didn't understand the twists and turns, but he felt awkward even trying a few autumn clothes, and soon realized that it was wrong.


   This is a very simple and unexpected situation.


  Wang Yan had just grown from 173 to 178, his height suddenly jumped up, and his weight did not keep up, so he is now a relatively thin body.


  Although the upper and lower proportions are perfect, the muscles are very smooth, but the width is not enough, and it looks particularly juvenile. It is the kind of thin but energetic just drawn.


   This figure is actually very difficult to wear clothes, the best fit is Uniqlo......


   is prickling, Lin Weiwei killed in time.


   "What to choose?"


   "I don't know... I just feel like I'm short of everything."


  Lin Weiwei looked up at Wang Yan—please note that it was up!


   When I thought that I was looking up half a month ago, Dawei's expression was sour immediately.


   "What did you grow up eating? Why did you jump at the age of 18...Sister and I stopped at the age of 16, I really have no place to go."


  Wan Yan glanced quietly at her chest, and suddenly came out a sentence: "14?"


   "What?" Lin Weiwei didn't react for a while.


"It's nothing."


  Wang Yan shook his head.


  Joke, brother is not stupid, don't say good things twice!


  Lin Weiwei didn't really react, and there seemed to be something in her heart. Jin Jiner dragged Wang Yan towards the second floor.


   "Let\'sgo, go with my sister!"


   Passing by a shop, Wang Yanxiangzhong a pair of leather shoes in the showcase, was about to go in and was dragged away by Lin Weiwei.


   "That house's stuff is too Gay, don't buy it!"


  Wang Yan looked back at the shop door and read out subconsciously: "Ah, you have more chicken... Hey? It's a little gay..."


   Lin Weiwei looked up in amazement, and when he looked at the signboard, he was full of black lines on the spot.




   "Are you mentally retarded?! That's called Zegna!"


   "Ah?! Lying!"


  Wang Yan's expression instantly became terrified: "Why do you Gildo! Borrow you? How do you become more and more scared after becoming a dialogue?"




   Lin Weiwei was really not expecting, the dog skin was so unreasonable, and smiled on the spot, stooping and standing straight.


   slapped Wang Yan's shoulder softly and hammered him twice.


   "Why are you so annoying!"


  Xiangfeng Ruandu snuggled beside her, Wang Yan didn't even think of anything, but she had a thought in her heart: From then on, she firmly refused this brand of clothes!


  How is love so famous?


  Wait until Lin Weiwei finally smiled enough and went to the place.


It is a very luxurious and cool shop with a decoration style. The first look of the integrated door is a bit like the zippo selling lighters. The same **** full frame one-piece structure, white font, the one above i is black and white. The only red.


   entered the store, and a shopping guide greeted him immediately: "Mr. and ladies, good afternoon."


   Their shopping guides rarely use young and beautiful ladies, but a very mature and gentle middle-aged woman in a well-cut lady suit that looks both elegant and capable, yet full of affinity.


  Lin Weiwei seems to be prepared~www.readwn.com~ After greeting, he directly asked: "Is Mr. CiroPalestra here? My surname is Lin, I will meet this afternoon by appointment."


   "Of course, Mr. Palestra is waiting for you, Ms. Lin, please follow me."


   There was no sign on the beautiful young woman. Wang Yan couldn't figure out her identity, but she thought the store was particularly tall.


   But, am I really suitable for this kind of place?


  Wang Yan raised a deep suspicion in his heart, and was confused, and walked out from inside a foreign old man with a plain face and gray hair.




   A string of English with a strong nasal voice blurted out, which was more difficult to understand than the Argentinian chef's flatbread English, and the little old man greeted Lin Weiwei while looking up and down Wang Yan, and his eyes contained a light with an inexplicable meaning.


  According to the environment of the store, there is an unspeakable taste...

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