God of Life

Chapter 142: Wang Shaoxiubi

After eating and drinking, everyone immediately went to Shangri-La Hotel.

Chang Kai was still awkward in his heart, and refused to go together. Fu Yushi politely said goodbye to the other party.

It's embarrassing to think about this among students.

Watching Chang Kai squeeze his mouth tightly, he made a face and walked to the school indifferently, his back seemed...

Wang Yan suddenly gave birth to a trace of happiness.

In Experimental High School, the eighth class in three years has two people in love, one is the class leader Yu Qiuli, and the other is the little princess He Meng.

At least two-thirds of the boys in the class like them.

Just during Wang Yan’s summer vacation, several boys made inhuman expressions of them through different means and on different occasions.

Why is it inhumane?

It doesn't matter whether people like you or not, Tiehanhan is hard on.

The brain went up as soon as it was hot, and it was cold in less than a minute.

A bit of self-esteem concealed his face and fled, and continued to lick his heartless eyes. After many years, it is estimated that we would sing a song with tears in our back then.

Fortunately, Wang Yan was his choice. Fortunately, at that time, he was so fresh. Whom do you love?

Be the best yourself first, there will definitely be sisters waiting for brother somewhere.

Pulling Liu Li's little hand tightly, Dada walked forward, and a song suddenly appeared in his head.

Go forward, just go like this, even if you have been given something.

Go forward, just go like this, even if you are taken away.

Go forward, just go like this, even if you will miss something.

The kind of handsomeness in the lyrics, it is really difficult for the young to understand.

Wang Yan was a young man, so he didn't understand it, but suddenly felt that it was in line with his current state of mind.

"Eh, shall we karaoke this afternoon?"

Liu Li was so confused that she didn't understand how the topic jumped here suddenly, but she still didn't agree with her position: "Okay! But where are we going?"

"No need to go, let dave prepare to chant!"

Wang Yan found another job for dave.

Soon, a large force killed the hotel.

As soon as we entered the presidential suite, everyone knew how much Wang Dashao had a face.

Dave led the four waiters at the door and opened the door. The same introduction.

The first is a house of flowers, of course not as exaggerated as the number 21, but it is also everywhere, the whole suite is fragrant.

"Ms. Chen specially provided you with a batch of flowers free of charge, mainly with aromatic flowers such as narcissus, lily, michelia, gardenia, etc. The amount is not large, but I personally feel just right."

It wasn’t just right. The girls cheered immediately, rumbling around, sniffing at the bouquets, and then snapped pictures.

One by one is not satisfactory.

Then there is the presidential office area, which was transformed into a small Internet cafe.

"In view of the age of you and your classmates, we specially modified the gaming area for you, five high-configuration computers, I believe that can meet everyone's need for game cracking."

Reyinawu cheered and rushed to touch the gpro keyboard affectionately, just like a peerless swordsman finally touched the magic sword worthy of his skill.

Dave was greatly encouraged and continued to introduce the bar area to Wang Yan.

"The ladder I prepared for you today focuses on three wines."

"Champagne is a **** a gold, red wine is your favorite Lafite 96, and white wine is a selection of sweet white wines from Chateau Emour."

Liu Li was not interested in wine or anything, and was pulled over by a to see the flowers. Fu Yushi and Lin Weiwei were on the contrary. They were particularly interested and joined them to listen.

How much dave will take care of customers? Immediately the science became more detailed.

"The one you often drink is actually a sub-brand of Lafite, not an authentic Lafite Castle."

"The main difference between the two is the place of production. Although the production areas are located in the pauil of the Médoc production area, the vice cards are actually located next to the authentic card-the Kashade platform."

"Because the secondary brand uses more rlots (grape varieties that play a role in blending, the red grape queen) in the brewing, the taste is softer and is easily accepted by first-timers."

"I think the reason why you particularly like this wine is because of the above reasons."

Wang Yan suddenly realized that Dave felt particularly reliable.

The taste of red wine can't be enjoyed by ordinary beginners, but sweet wine is much better.

The Lafite deck that Wang Yan picked was just the kind of special variety that went from sweet wine to dry red.

"In terms of price, the second deck is half as cheap as the original deck, but the taste is very suitable for first-time drinkers and young people. It is a goodhoie at the party.

A pleasant ladder is not always proportional to the money spent, so I did not prepare the more expensive 96 Rafi Castle for you. Are you satisfied? "

Wang Yan applauded him directly: "Very satisfied!"

Both Lin Weiwei and Fu Yushi were not surprised. Sister Weiwei asked directly: "Dave, are all the waiters in your hotel so intimate and as good as you?"

Dave smiled and bowed, without answering directly, but thanking him: "You've been praised."

Fu Yushi gave thumbs up to Wang Yan as if to say: You are so powerful, just picking a personal commissioner is so good.

Nowhere to go, Guo Zihao whispers quietly behind Wang Yan's ass, and feels that Wang Shao is almost as good as God.

Seeing how much a person has a status, there are countless things that are placed outside. Only when they are detailed can they have a realistic sense.

For example, Xiangji's emphasis on Wang Yan and dave's consideration of the intimate service at the front are the best comments.

Smashing money to death is not a skill, and buying the most comfortable experience with the most appropriate money is the real comparison.

At this moment, Guo Zihao just wanted to shout his voice: Wang Shaoxiu b!


"Okay, then please look at the last main wine, Yimu's selection of sweet white."

Dave smiled and smiled, picking up the last bottle of wine.

"Yimu is a winery in Shazburg, Germany, Germany is rich in white wine, and Shazburg is one of the best places to produce."

"Sweet and white grades are arranged from high to low, in order of tba (selection of dry grapes, noble rot), ba (selection by grain), alese (selection), spatlese (late picking)."

"Although the selection is only the third level~www.readwn.com~ is a grade lower than ba in daily drinking wine, but its sweetness is the most suitable for Chinese taste."

"Ba is very uncomfortable in side dishes because of its high sweetness."

"Especially for today's buffet, we have prepared a lot of heavy-taste foods that are loved by young people. If you pair it with a wine that is too sweet, it is better to drink cola or sprite directly."

"So after careful consideration, the selection level may be the most suitable for most people."

Crack, crack, crack!

Lin Weiwei, Fu Yushi and Guo Zihao applauded consciously.

Wang Yan even admired dave's attitude very much and was too dedicated.

"You are satisfied."

dave bowed again.

"In terms of price, since all drinks are provided by our in-house lounge, it will not be as exaggerated as in a bar nightclub."

"Roughly, spades a6000, Rafi 0, and Imu 9500. If you agree, I will set up the wine stand now."

Wang Yan didn't have any opinions, and he really couldn't fault others.

Service is better, but cheaper than outside, how comfortable?

Immediately signed on the confirmation form, brought 5 bottles of spades, 2 bottles of Lafite, 2 bottles of Imu, 2 boxes of Budweiser red aluminum.

For the group of Diwu wine, it was almost enough to turn them over two times.

After signing, I was about to look at the layout of the dining table and was suddenly stopped by Nawu.

Xiong Daka's eyes were pitiful and asked them four: "One lacks three... Does anyone want to play mahjong?"

Wang Yan directly assigned Guo Zihao: "Brother Guo, you go and give them a hand."

Guo Zihao was stunned: "Wang Shao, how can I get together?"


Wang Yan suddenly reacted, one missing three?

I go!

You are the same? ! Genius remembers the first of three fives in one second

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