God of Life

Chapter 176: chicken soup

Oh oh oh!

79 physique pot!

With the development of the body, the body shape is fixed, the vital capacity starts to change, and the breathing rate becomes slower... everything happens naturally.

So, now there are no more than 115,000 bonuses every day.

System, you deduct my salary!

Wang Yan wanted to be very angry and asked: Is it easy for me to breathe hard and earn a little money for you?

But think about the rigidity of the system... pull it down and show it to whom!

Throw that little fire aside, thinking rationally.

Essentially, breathing wages and physical fitness are in conflict. The higher the physique, the lower the wage income.

But this attenuation has its limits, no matter how strong a person cannot breathe.

So once there is a chance, the physical fitness should be improved. After there is no shortage of money, the importance of health immediately jumps above the money.

Wang Yan simply tested and found that the number of breaths per minute is about 18 times. Mental calculations show that there are still about 100,000 breathing wages per day.

It hasn't decreased much.

If that is the case, then accept frankly.

While still having time, Wang Yan thought about the new card he got yesterday.

The current cash, if you buy the European-African turntable, there are almost 20,000 self-defenses. You can’t do anything you want to do, so you must wait until the weekend to buy it, or find a chance to make a wave.

Six cards have been saved in the inventory, and every time you look at it, you will be so cool.

But the problem is that not every card makes money.

For example, the newly acquired [Grumpy Brother] card can save a lot of money, but it is not necessarily possible to make money. The grumpy value must be piled up to more than 100 points at a time.

The interesting thing about breaking a card is that you must be hurt yourself to accumulate a grumpy value.

But seriously, being injured and sprayed is actually not a very pleasant thing.

The buddy is a magnificent hero, can't he ask for a spray himself?

The point is, it's useless to ask for it!

Once you play the game with a joke mentality, one can imagine that it can't be irritable at all.

So ah, you have to play hard, devote yourself, and play supernaturally, and then be sullied by a chicken who doesn't understand what is conscious, in order to maximize the irritability.

At Wang Yan's current game level, if you play normally...emmm, it is not difficult to be sprayed.

Super God's play... a little bit difficult.

Okay, it's time to watch luck.

It is temporarily unavailable anyway.

However, the appearance of [Grumpy Brother] is not meaningless, and breaking the card urges Wang Yan to make a difficult decision-

How to use the [Luck or Strength] card.

Two directions: game master, or Emperor Advent.

The former is a permanent curing skill, the latter is a temporary buff.

This card can only be kept for 30 days and will disappear on the 28th of this month.

So definitely can't choose "game master", once the strength is improved, sweep the bronze, silver, gold and diamond master king...

That's a grumpy fart!

Although President Wang has misjudged his own strength, the overall idea is correct.

So, now, you can start thinking about how to use the "European Advent" buff.

Wang Yan has a general idea in mind, but he still needs the right cooperation in time and place, so he can't wait for the time being.

After pondering over all the cards, after knowing all of them, everyone finally got up in a hurry.

"I'm careless! Hurry up, get up quickly!"

In fact, it was still early to gather, but packing up and stacking quilts was a torment.

It's a bit bad to install air conditioner: you can't help turning it on when it's hot.

Comfortable is comfortable, but in the morning looking at the messy quilt, all dumbfounded.

Looking at Wang Yan's bed again, the silk quilt covered by his home has been taken back into the suitcase, the bed board is neat, and the quilt issued by the school is a square tofu.

"I'm going! Brother, you're a little bit out of the crowd..." The squirrel was full of envy.

It didn't help Wang Yan to open his mouth. Ruyu killed the squirrel directly.

"Big Brother should just take the high-end route, Ye Di, are you not convinced?"

Take it, won't it work?

You still fight?

A group of sand sculptures were noisy and noisy, washing up the quilt, and tossing to the end, Wang Yan, Dutch beans, and uncle had breakfast.

Study major events while eating.

"Who buys sanitary napkins?"

Uncle and Dutch beans squinted.

"You have a sister, you know, you go."

At the critical moment, the Dutch bean is not stupid at all.

Song Chen's egg hurts: "I bought it for my sister...but are we fair now?"

"You have the most experience, you go to the fairest!"

Wang Yan gave the final word: "Don't argue, you two guess the fist."

Song Chen quickly agreed: "OK, Douer, come!"

"A set win?"

"Just one game!"

Scissors, rocks, cloth!

Then the younger uncle depressed downstairs to the supermarket.

Walking on the road, the more I think, the more I feel wrong.

Three people talked about sleeping six people, why are we guessing? !

Come on, Brother Wang, you're playing with me again!

When he came back carrying the small black plastic bag, he looked at Wang Yan's small eyes, which was called a grudge...

Everyone's beautiful insoles, such as the jade sand sculpture that tossed and flipped the thing back and forth, will not tell everyone...

Continue training.

While standing in a military posture, the captain of the instructor led the team to go to bed. No accidents happened. In each phalanx, there were several bad luck.

The School of Economics was embarrassed...emmm was the squirrel, Ruyu and Chuanwa.

"I won't deduct your points for the first time. Twenty push-ups, prepare!"

In the morning, the sand sculptures were punished in various ways, except Wang Yan, who could not pick out the faults, and the AIDS was disbanded.

At noon, I was too lazy to toss and continue to mix in the cafeteria.

While eating, Wang Yan suddenly received an unexpected and reasonable call.

Lingya that girl.

"Hello? Is it Wang Shao?"

"Lingya, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing?"

To say that Lingya can really breathe her life. Since the last talk, she has basically not had any communication with Wang Yan.

Wang Yan thought that it was yellow, but from the current situation, the little girl is clearly holding back the big move.

"Wang Shao, our four contracts are still over in 4 days. Everyone is sure not to renew the contract with Liu Yuanfang, so I ask you to report the situation..."

Ling Ya's voice was very excited, and Wang Yan nodded quietly.

"Okay, you said, I'm listening."

Along with Lingya's narrative, Wang Yan finally figured out that in the past half a month, the whole world of eating and broadcasting has changed.

The first is the rise of the four great kings.

Mi Zi, Ling Ya, Da Gang and Dumb, were sealed by water friends to play the four kings, representing the highest influencers in the broadcast industry.

In fact, the popularity and heat of the four people are still inferior. The strongest Confucius is one level stronger than the weakest dumb.

But even the weakest dumb, there are huge faults with the newcomers underneath.

In a short period of time, no one can threaten their four positions.

Especially Mizi and Lingya, with their beautiful faces, have been affirmed by the funny fish official.

Of course, not getting a direct contract means that there must still be a guild.

Throughout the month, I do not know how many brokerage companies and guilds have contacted them, and the conditions for opening basically meet the quasi-first-line value, but the focus is different.

Even Wang Siming himself had chatted with Mi Zi and Ling Ya once.

Wang Yan asked directly: "Why not go to Wang Shao?"

Since Lingya will talk to Wang Yanchao, she has already thought about it, and she gave her a response without hesitation.

"Wang Shao, the conditions given by the principal seem to be generous, but they are mainly based on long-term planning."

"I am a bitter child from the bottom. I don't know what will happen next year or three years from now, and I am not so interested."

"Compared with you, the principal has said too much, too ambitious, and has too high a vision.

"Nothing else, I talked to the platform on August 15th, saying that it will be available in early September and at the latest in mid-September. As a result, I asked deeply, the idea was one year ago, but the company is in late July Only registered..."

"I asked Brother Gang when I looked back. How long did you think it would take to build a stable live broadcast platform?"

"Gang brother said, from recruiting people to write code to internal testing and public testing, how can it take at least 3 months? As for stability, see the strength of the programmer!

With a move in his heart, Wang Yan suddenly recalled the day when Wang Siming called himself, as if it were the 16th?

Lingya continued.

"Anyway, we think that the company that signed the principal is definitely better to come out and sign your guild alone."

"Assume that the new platform will be launched in mid-September, and all four of us have a blank period of 10 days. Couldn't we do anything, just wait so?"

"What if it is postponed?"

"Stay in the funny fish, at least the popularity is stable and not lost, if the principal is really sincere to do it, when the platform is stable, when to talk to you."

"You and the principal are both people with identities. It is appropriate for you to talk. We are too lazy to use that brain."

Wang Yan smiled dumbly, I have a fart status!

But then again, as long as the plan tied to that card can be implemented smoothly, brother will indeed have a brand on the surface...

For a single individual, consumption below 5 million does not actually need any cover.

Families that can withdraw 5 million cash across the country are said to have more than 10 million, or 430 million households, and the first 2.5% have net assets of more than 5 million.

Spend millions of dollars to buy a suite, one to two million to buy a car, no agency will check you.

Can you check it?

The only thing is that the large amount of cash flow will trigger the bank's internal alarm, but that thing is not artificial, it is an information flow, and it is aggregated above unless the amount is too large.

There is a system, but even this loophole does not exist.

The mechanism of [second to second, absolute security], Wang Yan is not sure how to achieve it, but it is certain that the system’s money is not regulated.

Of course, this is the current situation, because the quota is too small.

In the future, even if the system transfer does not leave any traces technically, Wang Yan must have a clear cover.

You can’t check your funds, you can’t hide yourself, right?

In fact, Wang Yan has been thinking about these issues since he started reading the Fed.

The Fed's discussion of the nature of currency, currency issuance, financial value, capital effects, etc., has greatly benefited Wang Yan.

Read it again, read it again, and Wang Yan has grown from a high school student who does not understand what finance is, to a prodigious master of money.

Therefore, Wang Yan has been thinking all the time, but it's just that when the time comes, there is no need to really do it.

After spending so many millions of dollars, if you want to spend it easily, who would spend so much time to check Wang Yan's parents, relatives, and assets?

Mental illness? !

If you really want to find out, you must get a certain high-level authority to lock Wang Yan and all relatives;

Then, another authority will take action to obtain all the account opening information and capital flow of all the banks in all banks;

Finally, another authority was dispatched to verify the ancestral property, cash, variable assets and so on.

When civil economic disputes apply to the court for enforcement, how many cases can't find out the defendant's assets at all?

It's not that simple.

Wang Yan intends to make up an industry before the winter holiday this year, the purpose is still not to cover up the current little money, but to prepare for the future.

However, Ling Ya's misunderstanding of beauty is a good thing.

Wang Yan didn't correct her meaning, so let everyone misunderstand it, covered with a layer of skin to handle things.

"So, did you decide to do it with me?"

"Uh huh!"

Wang Yan seemed to see the phone and Ling Ya nodded desperately.

This girl is going to come and have a lot of thoughts, not to be underestimated...

"Mizi, Dagang and Xiaodu all have a very good impression on you. They all say that you are a nice person with a cold heart, and you are sympathetic to me and Mizi... Ah, sorry, did I say too much?

Wang Yan almost couldn't help laughing.

Pity the same disease!

Brother doesn't have anorexia and nausea...you can really make up for it. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

But then again, the Lianjianweixiaoshi tablet last time really warmed everyone's heart, and there was a hint of anticipation.

Great medicine, certainly not cheap, don't know... do you have any?

Probably, this is also an important weight, which directly pressed Lingya on their hearts.

"Anyway, everyone thinks that cooperation with you will definitely not hurt, the mind is contrasted, what is Liu Yuanfang..."

Wang Yan smiled and shook his head: "Come on, you repeatedly emphasize cooperation, is there any cooperation plan?"

Finally talking about the topic, Lingya became cautious.

"Uh, the guild, you must have paid, you have someone to manage... But, we hope to use our own brand value, signing fee and other things to get a loss of equity, and then the salary is okay. Well, we can take only a small part..."

"Yes, how much?"

"Ah? You agree to pull?"

Wang Yan promised to be too simple, leaving Lingya a little ignorant.

"This is what you deserve."

Wang Yan couldn't help but want to laugh.

In fact, the four of you who can hold a group and are qualified to discuss and cooperate with any guild are nothing more than trade-offs.

I didn't even plan to make much money from you at all, I just wanted running water, why didn't I agree?

Obviously, it took the advantage, and President Wang had to sprinkle chicken soup.

"Ling Ya, you should be more confident and believe in your own value. Although I don't like this industry, I recognize you, so, let's say, how much do you want?"

Lingya was so moved that she almost cried.

Obviously they are all chicken soup. How can Wang Shao's soup taste so much better than Wang Shao's?


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