God of Life

Chapter 190: 1 hand

When Lingya entered the door, she was excited and excited.

Beautiful and smiling, with a smile on his face: Come and praise me!

Wang Dashao really felt that this girl was powerful.

All three companions can be managed in silence, and they can withstand the temptations of the outside world and hug their thighs.


Well, the thighs are not thick at the moment, but Wang Yan knows clearly that he can still grow longer, and he will definitely get thicker and thicker in the future.

Lingya, do you have any wild instincts?


Wang Yan smiled and gestured for Lingya to sit up, picked up the decanter and asked, "A glass?"

"Okay!" Lingya stared at the glass expectantly. "What kind of wine is Wang Shao?"

"Moutou in 1982."

Unsurprisingly, I heard that in 1982, Ling Ya thought of Rafi for the first time, just like Wang Yan.

"Ah! Is it a sub-brand of Lafite?"

"Same level as Lafite." Wang Yan explained patiently, "The same five great wineries, very powerful."

Ling Ya was very relaxed, her lips vomited: "Then its logo is really ugly..."

Wang Yan glanced down at the wine label and smiled dumbly.

Mouton's 1982 wine label is... er, personality.

The lower half has a white background, and the upper half is a very simple watercolor painting of a sun, a sheep with open arms, blue sea water and grape leaves shaped like a continent. A bunch of purple grapes hang under the grape leaves.

Strictly speaking, with today's aesthetics, that watercolor is even a little ugly.

"It's really not pretty."

When Wang Yan agreed, he didn't know at all that there was a group of Moutons blowing abroad, who believed that Mouton's 1982 label was arbitrarily romantic and free, with a style far superior to Lafite-even in all Mouton labels of.

Among the five first-class estates in Bordeaux, a wine label is changed every year, and art is regarded as the pursuit.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the 96-year wine label and the 2008 wine label of Mouton are the works of the Chinese painter Gu Qian and the Chinese painter Xu Lei, which shows the friendship of the Mouton winery for China, or for the China market. Coveted.

Mr. Ai of the Kerry Hotel, the reason why he chose to send Wang Yan a 82-year-old Mouton is not a slap in the head, which contains all kinds of original ingenuity.


There is an idiom called playing piano against Wang.

Ling Ya was more embarrassed than Wang Yan, she took a sip of wine and straightened her tongue with a bitter face: "Wow! It's sour!"

Sigh twice, exclaimed again: "Huh? Does it smell like coffee?"

Startled, very lively and cheerful.

Wang Yan smiled and encouraged, "Take another sip and give it a try. You have to learn to try more things. In the future, there may be times when you need to hold a wine glass to talk to people about business."

Ling Ya's eyes lit up suddenly.

Wang Yan’s subtext is not difficult to understand, and it may not be possible to say how much trust is now, but the kind of optimism is clearly expressed.

"Okay! Then you want to teach me Wang Shao, I will work hard!"

Smart boy.

Moreover, there is a saying that "a woman who can coquettish is the best life", Ling Ya's delicate, finally let Wang Yan take a look at her.

Today she is wearing a fresh **** makeup, her eyes are shining and she can talk, and the temperament of the whole person is biased towards the Japanese style with full of vitality, a little girl with 85 points.

Especially her current eyes, with warmth, admiration and careful curiosity, can particularly ignite the man's sense of accomplishment and conquest.

Wang Yan guess, if you take the initiative, it should not take long for her to win.

However, it’s impossible for them to do that.

It's not a question of her face value. Even if her face value is not 85 but 95, Wang Yan won't touch her.

Once the cooperative relationship deteriorates and is mixed with personal feelings, there will be more trouble than benefits.

For a company that wants to develop, the most taboo is that the leader can’t control the crotch, act effectively, gossip, and directly destroy everyone’s fighting spirit.

You can't engage in crooked ways and evil ways. If you do it once, you will eat the taste and ruin the whole company.

As a boss, the limit is to engage in private secretaries. The employees in the company can't touch them at all. If you really want to touch them, you should first drive her away and keep her in another environment.

Toss is better than fire.

Although Wang Dashao knows nothing about business management, he knows instinctively that some things can't be done, so his eyes are clear.

"Ling Ya, you are the most potential girl I have ever seen. Any ideas for the future, despite communicating with President Xi, be bold, it is the same as a shareholder, everyone's goal is the same-to engage the company it is good."

"Uh huh!"

Lingya nodded vigorously.

Since talking about this, she suddenly became a little curious: "Wang Shao, do you really not hold shares?"

"Some things... Once I hold shares, it is not very convenient to do."

Wang Yan didn't speak deeply, so Lingya was still ignorant.

"Then..." Lingya bit her lower lip and hesitated for a moment. "If something has changed?"

Wang Yan laughed dumbly.


You're afraid you don't know what he is doing...

After substantively taking out 1.5 million, the company's financial status is completely under the system's monitoring. My money, if any of it is embezzled, will leave a record in the system.


How to change? !

To tell the truth, if Wang Ting Entertainment’s accountant is not strong enough, when the annual financial report comes out, there will be no systematic results. It is funny to think about it.

So Wang Yan is not worried at all, trusting Xizi is one thing, and the system is another card.

Ling Ya didn't understand, so she felt that she couldn't understand Wang Yan.

Not understood, it is a good thing for Wang Yan.

The high-ranking person should try his best to create a calm, unpredictable, and unchanging image, so as to ensure a strong enough voice.

Otherwise, if your subordinates discover that you have a stinky problem, how can you be respected?

Closer is not inferior, farther is complaint, it is still suitable for use in the workplace.

In the end, Wang Yan and Ling Ya still didn't talk about anything serious, but when Ling Ya left, her mentality also stabilized and she was full of confidence in the future.

"I will cheer!"

"Okay, I'm waiting for you to surprise me."

"Hee hee! See you Wang Shao tonight!"


Wang Yan sent away the last guest, and finally he could rest for a while.

I lay down on the sofa for 10 minutes, made a review of everything today, and found that everything was OK, and immediately dragged my tired body to the spa.

Kerry's spa and Emperor Xiangji have the same source, the content and price are similar, so it is very worry-free and directly deep muscle recovery.

As soon as the masseur's little hand pressed up, Wang Yan was so comfortable that he wanted to hum.

Are you tired of standing and decomposing?

See how to stand.

Let's talk about the forward movement of standing on one leg, lifting the other leg, and straightening the foot.

If the idea is almost the same, then you don’t have to stretch your muscles so tightly, and the foot surface doesn’t have to be parallel to the ground, even if it only has a 5 degree angle, it will be more than doubled.

Shoulders, elbows, waists, and parts that need to be exerted at all times are slightly loosened.

Stand loose for 30 seconds, and immediately change the support leg when you are sore...

Anyone can persist for a long time.

But what if you demand yourself with the highest standards?

The forearm is level with the ground, the shoulders are tight, and the shoulders, chest, and abdomen are stretched. The thigh muscles are all exerting strength, and the feet are straight...

Ordinary people will be trembling after ten seconds.

Wang Yan is a true character. Even on the day when he didn't sleep all night and almost got sunstroke, he practiced to the highest standard.

In the next three days, not only were you practicing, but every time you practiced, you adhered to the limit of one leg. The physical exertion was so great that outsiders simply could not imagine it.

To be reasonable, can the intensity of the military posture training of the national flag class and the military posture training of the recruit class be the same thing?

Not to mention the physique of 79 points, even if you reach 89, you can still be exhausted!

The pinnacle of excellence in the final analysis is only excellent, and the standard that the second-level athletes depend on.

Which of the elites selected by the army and the whole army in the national flag class who can produce results in the sports institute is not 80+ or ​​even 90+?

Wang Yan is still far away from hanging those metamorphosis. The real strength of Shen Hao Wang is balance, comprehensiveness, comprehensive lack of shortcomings, and the ability to maintain attributes without falling down without training.

It's not a single item.

In fact, when boring, Wang Yan also pondered: What kind of exercise is best for me?

Thinking for a long time, the conclusion is... comprehensive combat.

For Li Min, the four attributes are all very important, and it is the effect of 1+1+1+1>>4.

For a moment, Wang Yan even considered whether to play with the champion of a world fighting competition in the future.

In an instant, Wang Yan strangled to death.

are you crazy?

In case it gets kicked on the egg, will it hurt?

In the future, I will still practice Japanese judo, go out in Brazil, and sleep skills...

In the imagination, after finishing a set of muscle deep massage, Wang Yan felt that his muscles were more sore, but the depth of the body surged with ease.

Get a good night's sleep and be a good guy tomorrow morning.

Looking at the time, it was almost 7:20, Wang Yan went upstairs to change clothes, and immediately came to Thecook cafeteria.

More than 7 o'clock in the evening is the peak of dining in a big city like Modu, but there are not many diners in the restaurant.

Kerry's two restaurants, in fact, have no particular advantages in every aspect.

The positioning itself is not high-end, but it is limited to the five-star status, and it can't let go of the figure, resulting in not going up and down, and its reputation and reputation are very limited.

Therefore, President Ai will be so eager to eat and broadcast activities.

In 2015, the concept of online celebrities has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but the way the online celebrities are created has always been fascinating.

Sometimes when it's fried a little, it immediately becomes red.

Sometimes the marketing efforts are not too great.

So I am very worried.

Kerry’s Mr. Ai and Manager Madre belong to the kind of people who are willing to accept the impact of new things. If they think that the novel activity of eating and broadcasting games is very good, then they will support it.

When Wang Yan arrived, Madre manager was sitting in command.

A very large restaurant, almost one-third of the location was allocated for this event.

The first to bear the brunt are three open kitchens, two for teppanyaki, and the other for various ingredients, side dishes, and side dishes.

The Kerry Hotel and Thecook self-service logos can be seen everywhere and shine.

The semi-circular dining table was deliberately spelled out, with seven seats placed on the curved side, and seven mobile phones and seven iPads fixed on the desk.

The former is used to broadcast live in his room, the latter is used to watch the barrage.

At the same time, Wang Yunxi directly communicated with the funny fish official through Lingya's matchmaking, and applied for an additional official event live room for live broadcast of the overall situation.

It is foreseeable that today's event, the diversion of the audience will be very serious.

But in fact, this is a good thing, and it is more conducive to creating momentum and creating popularity.

Think about it, at least 5 live broadcast rooms are hung on the home page, all ranked high on the popularity list, but the live content is the same event, is the momentum scary?

Wang Yunxi wanted this momentum.

And Wang Yan... Da Shao now only want to see Ling Ya's expression.

The specific food is currently strictly confidential to the players and will not be announced until the live broadcast is started.

That was a surprise for them, and a surprise for the audience.

The remaining three of the seven players, one is officially recommended by Douyu, one is a newcomer trained by Liu Yuanfang's studio, and the last one is Dagang's fellow brother.

The players are already sitting at the table and are doing final adjustments and makeup.

Dumb first saw Wang Yan and would soon stand up to say hello.

As a result, Wang Dashao raised his hand and pressed down, shaking his head to indicate: What are you doing~www.readwn.com~ Within two seconds, Madre also found Wang Yan and immediately led a woman in a lady's suit The young woman greeted us.

The elder sister surnamed Liu is the vice president in charge of catering and services, and the spa, fitness, restaurants, bars and VIP galleries all belong to her.

After a few words of greeting, Zhang Delei immediately came together, followed by Liu Yuanfang, a mid-level operations supervisor of Douyu, the heads of the other two guilds, and Wang Yunxi and a well-known local host.

Well, this is like the treatment of the protagonist...

However, Wang Dashao did not like this treatment very much.

Can everyone do it?

But there is no need for Wang Yan to say what he says. The level is not enough. Everyone knows what they have in mind, so they won’t be clumsy.

Simply talking to President Liu and President Zhang, Wang Yan immediately walked to the corner in a very low-key manner, sitting quietly and quietly, only Wang Yunxi followed.

"Why did Liu Yuanfang come?" Wang Yan asked casually.

"It's necessary to give the principal Wang a face."

Wang Yunxi explained very seriously: "Now the master is destined to be a live broadcast platform, maybe there will be time to deal with it in the future. And he entrusted Liu Yuanfang to give me a message saying he is welcome to join us."

"Jump what jump." Wang Yan shook his head disapprovingly.

"Yes, for the time being I haven't considered that much. Anyway, it's a quota for everyone. If President Wang appears today and rewards his people, it will increase our popularity. We won't lose money!"

"It's okay, like this kind of decision, you can make your own decision."

After casually returning, Wang Yan suddenly moved: Huh? Wang Siming should give the grass rabbit heat to that "rabbit who loves meat"?

If appropriate, it is a win-win situation.

If not?

Hey, I have to guard against you...

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