God of Life

Chapter 193: Trench without soil, terrible afterlife

With the last 40 minutes remaining in the game, Wang Fugui accounted for 3.75 million shark fins.

Wang Yan rubbed his hands excitedly and smiled at the flowers.

Spending 3.75 million yuan is actually nothing.

But today's tricks are different.

Brother Wang, I am not a Shenhao today, but a squire!

I was finally able to experience the feeling of being a squire, spending money, dressing up, and pitting, cool!

Wang Yan found this kind of thing interesting in his heart. Especially, the principal on the opposite side was a figure standing on top of the second generation of rich people in China.

Come on, comeonbaby!

Seeing the rabbit er's list has surpassed dumb and Lingya, is hitting the second position of Dagang, Wang Yan directly transferred to the rabbit er's live room, the shot is a 500.

500 rockets, a full 250,000.

Typing: "Perform well, come on."

In the broadcast room, the audience watched a first-class little white hit a wave of 500 rockets and jumped directly to the 38th level. They were all dumbfounded.

"Which big brother is this?"

"Wang Fugui? Is that Mr. Wang?"

The WXZ on the opposite side of the screen was all stunned. I didn't understand what Wang Yan was thinking. I was just typing, but I saw that [Wang Fugui] had left.

Within a few seconds, another station-wide banner popped up at the top of the screen: [Wang Fugui rewarded 500 rockets in Xiao Erhei’s live broadcast room. Come and grab the treasure chest! 】

Rabbit er, Xiaoerhei, and the rice bucket each received 500 rockets, and everyone finally reacted. Oh, it turned out that the mysterious Mr. Wang personally ended.

Wang Yunxi was so embarrassed by Wang Yan's actions that he muttered and asked, "Small words, what are you?"

"say hi."

Wang Yan casually persevered, without explaining clearly.

It's too complicated to explain.

In fact, events like today’s dynasties will inevitably conceal those big anchors, guild leaders, and internal operations once a single million-level reward is revealed.

Moreover, the relationship between Wang Yan and Ling Ya was originally a "non-secret secret".

Because Ling Ya's public statement is: since the last event, the relationship with President Wang has been better, and I plan to draw some sponsorship and come out to be my own guild.

The big guilds, including the official, did not continue to raise the price of Lingya and the four of them because they were too ambitious and wanted to become independent portals.

In a formed guild, it is impossible to distribute shares to them, just give money, and give too much but it is not cost-effective, so they all report their lively thoughts and wait for them to hit the wall.

Whoever really thinks that they have the wrong head to pay them this sponsorship?

Lingya and the four of them, after discussing with Wang Yunxi today, unified the caliber and released the news of the establishment of their own guild to some core fans.

The original words were: "The four of us account for the majority, and the shares are distributed according to popularity. One big brother is kindly sponsored and holds a small amount of shares. Today's event is run by the big brother and intends to give us popularity.

There is no falsehood, cleverly packing Wang Yan into a good brother.

Now, as soon as fans see [Wang Fugui] Xiaobai with a huge sum of money, they immediately understand: Oh, Big Brother, come to Lingya and their platform!

The reason why Wang Yan rewarded the rabbits first is a very clever expression——

I organized the event, thank you for participating, and wish you all a reward.

The etiquette is exhausted, and then the main drama follows.

Although Wang Yan's mouth swelled, but his heart did not swell, it was still so disciplined and decent to do things.

Next, Wang Fugui directly went into the dumb live room, shot 1000 rockets.

The audience is numb.

If you are willing to grab the treasure chest, just click on it. The treasure chests are opened one by one.

Lingya, Mizi and Dagang are all 500,000 per person.

In less than a few minutes, [Wang Fugui] has already disbursed 2.75 million, and it has soared to the current full level, 50 level.

The dense and fleshy toast in the live room.

"Mr. Wang's criticism!"

"God-like trenches... The cost of the event is 1 million, and the reward is 2.75 million. One night, the 4 million younger one fell down?!"

"Brothers, you never know how many bullets Mr. Wang is holding..."

"Full level in 10 minutes! Lying trough! What a special knowledge today!"

"Kneel to watch the live broadcast, really, not kneeling is not enough to express my respect!"

The above is even a normal barrage, and some fans who experienced the last event blushed Wang Yan.

Wang Yan didn't understand it until now. Last time, it was obviously just a small event, and he didn't pay a penny. Why are there so many free sailors bragging for themselves?

Don’t you think it’s ridiculous and boring?

However, the reality really happened.

There are quite a few people who started to blow from the end of the last event until the opening of the brush. Wang Yan didn't think what was going on. Those people were about to climax...

But thanks to the incomprehensible tap water, the rhythm is very good now.

The vast audience, after grabbing the treasure chest in everyone's live broadcast room, directly smashed the fish **** that were snatched, and the dense gift information was swiped on the screen.

Not worth much, but the atmosphere is extremely warm.

Then, in the rabbit er live room, WXZ looked at the rabbit er that fell back to the fifth place, frowning and scooping out a group of 1,314 rockets.

In an instant, the ranking of rabbit er jumped to the second place, pressing on the heads of dumb, Lingya and Mizi.

Even, it is not far from Dagang, and it is only about two hundred thousand gifts away.

The audience's emotions were immediately stirred up, and began to rhythmically.

"Lying trough! Are the two elder brothers fighting?"

"It’s so lively today!"

"Mr. Wang, don't be an annoyance! Look early, who doesn't like it, it's dead!"

Wang Yan ignored the rhythm in the barrage, and even ignored the three people who dropped in the rankings, but at his own pace, he hit another 1,000 rockets in the Dagang live room.

Not the same 1314, not all 2000, still the original rhythm.

"Dagang, come on, I wish you a shame."

After throwing the rocket, Wang Yan made another colored barrage in his spare time, encouraging Dagang.

Then the sand sculpture just slammed and knelt down on the ground.

"Brother assured (broken sound)!"

The wise man immediately saw it: Mr. Wang did not mean to tear his face with WXZ. At present, he is probably just swearing sovereignty.

The subtext is to say: I am the master of my activities, you want to support your family, welcome, but you can not step on me to support.

Dagang here is my bottom line.


Lest the rhythmic dogs in the world not be chaotic, of course, it would be boring.

However, there are also many fans who are sensible and concerned about Lingya and have a good impression of Wang Yan.

This is China's big brother!

Will tearing the face completely and intensifying the contradiction, is it good for Lingya?

Absolutely not.

As it is now, not being humble, not being overbearing, not being afraid and not retreating, but not being rampant, is the really mature way to deal with it.

No matter which platform, the real Shenhao is relatively cold.

Tear it off in person, how much Low? !

It's basically a sentence or two, show your attitude, and then talk about it with money.

For example, there are several well-known Doufu on the previous major platforms, and the lines are too simple.

"Sometimes I'm guaranteed, I don't want to hold back", "I'm in a good mood today, play with you", "Talk with money, shut up and lose."

They were from the mouths of three well-known Shenhaos, especially the second one at first glance, and then waited until several million smashed out, and immediately forced to burst.

And Wang Yan is better than them.

There was no extra words in the whole process, but he expressed his attitude clearly, and faced a tearing of millions, it was a light weight.

Appropriately over!

Come and come, old irons, brush Mr. Wang with "decent"!

No one brushes decently, they are all brushing "powerful and domineering 666", which is vulgar.

The lively huh la la lively, the scene also caused a lot of noise.

The time has come to 10:30. At this moment, those who still remain in the cafeteria are basically visiting the lively water friends and some guests who have leisure.

At the moment of opening the brush, Fugui brother was given strong eyes by various eyes of the scene.

Even sitting in the corner, it still looks like a firefly in the dark night.

Anyway, various discussions are super much.

Among the crowd, there are three girls who are particularly eye-catching, with white skin and beautiful long legs. It is Lu Yitian and her two girlfriends.

"Look, I said I can keep him today?"

Lu one day proudly show off with his girlfriends.

Another girlfriend turned her lips back and said: "How come you didn't say how hard it was to wait back and forth in the swimming pool, gym and bar?"

"It's a matter of aspirations, what's the hard work? You say it's worth it?"

Lu was too lazy to care about anything else all the time. He had been watching the barrage in his cell phone, turning his head from time to time to look at Wang Yan.

The two girlfriends couldn't do it well: "Value, you are so powerful, this time it really makes you catch the big fish!"

"The Long March is only the last step! Hurry, cheer for me! Bless me!"

Lu licked his hair and clothes all day, licking his lips straight at Wang Yan.

At first glance it is greedy dog ​​meat.

In modern society, hunters are no longer limited to men. Many times, women start to be cruel, and men have to sigh.

Wang Yan is still ignorant of the violent attack that is about to happen. At this moment, he is closely watching the movement of WXZ in this rabbit live room.

No movement for a long time.

No speech, no gift, no leave.

Actually hanging up?

At this time, outside the game area, where the live camera could not be scanned, Liu Yuanfang suddenly pulled out his phone, looked down, and immediately hurried out of the crowd to find a remote corner.

Nodded and answered the phone.

"Hello President Wang, how are you! Any instructions?"

"Are you on the scene?" WXZ asked directly.

"Yes, I am, I am!"

"Is President Wang also there?"

"It's there!"

Liu Yuanfang glanced at Wang Yan, his eyes full of envy and resentment.

Of course, he will not talk to WXZ about any emotions, just ask in a low voice: "Are you looking for him?"

"I ask you." WXZ ignored Liu Yuanfang's question and said to himself, "What is the full name of President Wang? Which one came out? Do you know?"

Liu Yuanfang’s expression suddenly felt bitter: "Oh, I really don’t know this. President Wang has never mentioned my name to me... As for which one, I’m a general porridge silver, President Wang. Not familiar..."

Ha ha, you know it's weird.

When he was engaged in activities, Wang Yan deliberately concealed his real name from the managers of Liu Yuanfang and Dongyuan International. On the one hand, he wanted to create a force, and on the other hand, it was for security reasons.

After Liu Yuanfang complained, he immediately took a cautious suggestion: "Otherwise...would you check with your father's strength?"

The result was directly sprayed back.

"Intellectual disability! Come, what do you tell me is necessary?"

Liu Yuanfang was speechless.

Yeah, fart is a little bit bigger, what the **** is necessary?

In particular, President Wang is from the Mining Province.

The boundary of the land was as chaotic as two or three years ago. Even a small coal kiln, the mine protection team may secretly contain some kind of control items that cannot be described...

It’s not a life and death feud, and it’s a crime to offend a second generation of a mining province for no reason. What is the picture?

Liu Yuanfang whispered and asked, "So... what shall we do?"

"After it is over, you will tell me on your behalf, you are welcome to cooperate at any time. Tell him that you can talk about any conditions."

Liu Yuanfang is also a personal elite, and as soon as he heard it, he understood that Wang Shao was about to withdraw.

I was in a hurry.

Don't go!

It’s good for the rabbit and me to continue to fight with you!

In a hurry, I couldn't hold back the fire: "Mr. Wang, you can't be robbed by outsiders..."

"Are you all shi in your head?"

WXZ scolded people as soon as he was in a hurry. It was no secret for a long time. Liu Yuanfang finally felt it himself today.

"Once I didn't fight against others head-on, why am I not Wang Siming?"

Liu Yuanfang was scolded, but actually failed to reflect what it meant for a while.

In fact, his vision was too low, and he didn't care about it at all--when he reached Wang Siming's level, he wouldn't be overly concerned about gains and losses.

If you lose once or lose twice, they are still the sons of the richest man, and the Internet has been hacked with a few words, which will not delay their time in reality.

So why should you find yourself blocking?

"Okay, you can do it! As for tomorrow's hot search... no one can take it away."

Liu Yuanfang felt aggrieved when he hung up the phone across the room.

If you can’t bear the money, then you can’t bear it.

Really funny!

After venting, I still have to think about how to coax the other General Manager Wang, feeling that my head is big.

Liu Yuanfang looked at Wang Yan bitterly, but he was jealous, but he was afraid.

WXZ feels no need to offend, how old am I? !


Back in the live broadcast room, WXZ suddenly brushed out 892 rockets for the rabbit, and then somehow throwing a lot of 1 yuan carefully.

Everyone was stunned, WXZ issued a super-barrel.

"No bullets, funny fish."

What the hell?

None of the audience understood what it meant, and there was much discussion.

Wang Yan knew by looking at this situation, that's right, the richest one would not play anymore.

More than 400,000 gifts were brushed out, and the rabbit er ranking is still in the second place, far away from Dagang.

Wang Yan simply stopped moving, pinching the last 500,000 bullets, and remained quiet until the end.

No accident happened.

It was those local fans who reinvented the secret to the second place, but unfortunately, the honor of the champion was firmly embraced by Dagang.

The reason why it is stable is that although Dagong was spiced to the point of flushing, he did not frequently drink excellent EC.

And the other few anchors are almost drinking You EC as water, and they keep quenching their thirst, greasy and spicy.

Seeing the time reaching 11 o'clock, all the dust settled, Wang Yan smashed the last 1,000 rockets to Dagang, and set off a wave of final aftertaste.

Then called Brother Xizi, only one command, turned around and left.

"The next thing is up to you, you live in the presidential suite at night, I will withdraw first."

Wang Yunxi was confused: "Why are you going to say something?"

"Return to the true nature of students."

Wang Yan laughed, buckled the Hermes cap on his head, and walked low-key along the corner to the door.

If you don't leave, you can't catch the plane.

School military training is only a day off, and tomorrow we have to continue to practice.

For money, just stay in Modu...

Fugui brother consciously had the style of a true hermit who "was in trouble, hiding deep and hiding his name", but only two steps out, Rich was surrounded by two security guards.


I really want to be low-key, but the people are so handsome, I have no choice...

Come on, someone is guarding, it is more convenient to go out.

Rich not only guarded, but also presented a return flight ticket, no matter how detailed the report.

"Mr. Wang, at 11:58, our hotel courtesy car will take you all the way to the VIP lounge of the airport to ensure that there will be no delay. There are only two first-class seats, side by side, we have booked for you You can rest undisturbed..."

"thanks, thanks."

As he was coping, a rabbit suddenly jumped out of the door...ah no, a girl.

Frightened Wang Yan jumped.

"Handsome, do you have time to hang out now?"

That girl, Wang Yan was extremely impressed.

Where do you want to take me to play, Lu one day?

Wang Yan subconsciously glanced at the opponent's hand, his five fingers were slender, tender and springy, and the nail art was beautiful.

I was puzzled after aiming: Huh? Why should I look at her hand?

Shaking his head, crazy self-implication: no! You didn't think about anything!

"Sorry, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still inconvenient, I am in a hurry to go out. Bye!"

Waving hands, stepping directly to the Rolls-Royce that drove to the door of the hotel, sat in the back seat, and waited for the waiter to deliver the shoulder bag.

Lu one day refused to leave, standing in front of the car door, bending down to spoil the car window.

"Hey, you rejected me twice!"

It's embarrassing for her, the car window is stuck with the car film, and you can't see it at all, but this girl can accurately show the career line in front of Wang Yan.

The major presses the window and gestures: "OK, I know."

Lu Yitian was very happy, his eyes became more hooked, his tone became softer, and his lines deeper...

"Then there won't be another time, okay?"

After thinking for a while, Wang Yan replied, "If you are really destined, you will gradually get used to it."


Handsome, what do you mean? !

Lu one day rounded his eyes and was ignorant.

As the waiter took the shoulder bag, soon, Rolls Royce disappeared into the neon of the magic city.

What hasn’t disappeared is the legend left today that will be repeatedly mentioned by those boring people and imprinted in the long history of the live broadcast industry.

Dagang was cheering with the championship trophy of dozens of dollars. Although Lingya, Mizi and Dumbah were envious, they were not jealous. They were full of hope for the future.

When everyone finally released their excitement, the man who looked back and brought them everything disappeared again in advance.

Kerry Vice President Liu Yan watched the whole process with cold eyes, and couldn't help but sighed at the ignorant Zhang Delei.

"The trenches are not soil, the afterlife is awesome..."

Zhang Delei nodded deeply, a complex expression.


[Chapter 191 is a 7600 monthly pass plus change, this chapter is 5000 words, plus a change to 8100 votes]

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