God of Life

Chapter 240: Deficiency and shortness of breath

"Send me your melon!!!"

He Miaomiao responded quickly, and... very directly.

The three exclamation marks made Wang Yan almost laugh out loud.

Question: "Watermelon or Cantaloupe?"

Huh? !

Have a door? !

He Miaomiao was refreshed and he typed two words without hesitation: "Watermelon!"

"The watermelon is gone."


He Miaomiao immediately changed his mouth: "Nami cantaloupe is also OK!"

"Hami melons are gone too."


After a loud noise, all the students in the tourism class looked in the direction of He Miaomiao. I saw the little fairy with her head down, lying on the table, her shoulders twitching.

Xiao a startled: "Miao Miao, what's wrong with you?"

"No, it's okay...hey...the legs are on the table...ha!"

He Miaomiao Qiang smiled and looked up, burning flames in his eyes.

Wang Yan, you are dead!

While he was angering and typing, the opposite **** suddenly sent another message.

"However, I still have two peaches and eight blueberries. Now I am in our refrigerator. Wanna eat it?"

⊙▽⊙? !

Across the screen, He Miaomiao could hear Wang Yan's unhurried tone, seeing the **** smile that seemed to be in control of the asshole.

No, I can't serve soft!

The one who is gritting his teeth is doing psychological construction for himself. As soon as Miao Miao lowered her head, she realized that the anger that had just been beaten out just now has been deleted...

I did it by hand, not me!

He Miaomiao watched his fingers without listening to the command again, typed two words, clicked to send, and his heart was almost dry.

"Want to eat!"

Well, since this is already the case, then simply support the momentum!

Send another message.

"Although you are also a victim in theory, you are a boy, and you are always so shameless, so the victim is only me, because you are reasonable, you should compensate me!"

Wang Yan couldn't laugh, and planned to tease her again, and suddenly remembered something.

Ask casually: "You have known about the forum for a long time? Why didn't you take the initiative to find me?"

He Miaomiao replied in surprise: "You can't blame you, why did you find you?"

Hey, little fairy, how divided you are, are you clear? !

The front still depends on me to compensate, but the back will not blame it immediately?

Feelings are that the brother has come up together to make you feel that if you don’t strike it, you simply miss the heaven-sent opportunity, right?

More and more, Wang Dashao found the little fairy interesting and decided to give her some sweetness.

"Okay, I will go to the library to read after the self-study next night. You can come to me and the fruit will be half of yours."

"I'll go find you?!"

When he saw the text, Wang Yan even had a picture of He Miaomiao's eyes widening.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and Wang Dashao replied with an expression of "you are happy" and continued reading.

In the classroom, everyone was excited to discuss how to play and what activities to do at the time, but Wang Yan stayed alone in the corner. The years were quiet and time spent reading.

Well, handsome.


Later in the evening, the sand sculptures asked Wang Yan: "Brother, don't you go back to the bedroom?"

"I'm going to the library. You help me get the two peaches and blueberries in the refrigerator."

After Wang Yan finished speaking, four of the five people secretly stared at each other, eyes smirking.

"Okay, brother, read the book with peace of mind, and your uncle will send you fruits!"

Ruyu opened the mouth and sold Song Chen, then nodded and bowed to the elder brother to drive.

Wang Yan walked slowly with the book in his hand, sneering in his heart: Sample, I am afraid that I will pull you back to the bedroom and hold you four guarantees one, right? !

Brother is not here, you can open up to your heart's content, right? !

All waiting for brother!

Silently in my heart but smiling on the surface, Brother 303 is really getting darker...

Go to the second floor of the library, just find a small reading room, there is not much meeting, Song Chen came with fruits.

Sitting there for a while, the little handsome guy couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Brother Wang, you are so rich, why should you fight so hard?"

"Huh? Very hard?"

Wang Yan wondered and looked up.

Song Chen's eyes were unbelievable: "Don't you fight?"

"I don't think so." Dao's tone was extremely casual. "Learning is actually very interesting."

Song Chen couldn't understand it, the little handsome guy was actually a scumbag.

"The textbook textbook is similar to the heavenly book. Where is it interesting?"

Wang Yan thought seriously, but did not respond.

Talking about this with your uncle is basically playing the piano with a cow.

Some things really can only be understood through experience.

Song Chen actually wanted to ask, but when he saw He Miaomiao coming from afar, he stood up immediately.

"Brother Wang, Missy is here to find you, I went back to the bedroom to play games with them."

"okay bye bye!"

Song Chen went out from the back door and He Miaomiao saw it and immediately understood that Wang Yan must be in the reading room.

Quickly walked over to the door and started to rub again.

Dart, careless, and rumbling of the magazine, only a few big words were stuck on the forehead: I also read books!

Wang Yan silently looked at his textbook, didn't say anything, didn't look up, but just reached out and took a peach from the transparent plastic bag, biting it with a sneer.

The juice overflowed instantaneously, revealing a greasy and reddish flesh, which seemed to be fluffy, fragrant, and sweet.


He Miaomiao's eyes were straight, he couldn't shake it anymore, he rushed to Wang Yan a few steps and sat down across the table.

Although there is a longing in his eyes, He Miaomiao did not directly do it, but seriously confirmed: "Wang Yan, you have to divide me by half, do you count?"

Wang Dashao finally looked up, his eyes full of smiles.

"Of course. I personally recommend that you eat blueberries first."

How big can blueberries be?

And there are only eight in total.

He Miaomiao found it difficult to understand, and he asked straightforwardly: "What do you think? It's like picking and picking like this, and the result is to buy so many tablets?"

Suspicious of death, who can eat it?

Wang Yan smiled and reminded her: "You are only half."

"Humph!" Missy wrinkled her nose, her mouth very stiff, "I don't like blueberries anyway!"

Picking out one that looks bigger, she wiped it carefully and sent it to her mouth.

At the moment of biting the juice, the eyes shine straight.


Sweet and sour, cool Q bomb, delicious!

He Miaomiao seemed to have discovered the New World. He kept starting, and in the blink of an eye, all four blueberries went into his stomach, which didn't make him happy.

"You really pick fruits? How come they are so delicious?!"

In a big box, Wang Yan only selected 8 of them with a score of 85 or above, which is quite rare.

Unfortunately, too few.

He Miaomiao looked at the remaining four blueberries and a peach, his small expression was crying without tears.

"How do you buy so little?"

Because there are so many more than 85 points.

Wang Yan is an old glutton who has personally tasted 91 points of Japanese beef, 88 points of Australian cattle, 83 points of black cattle, and mixed beef below 80. He has a particularly profound impact on the score.

Above 90 points and below 80 points are simply two things.

If you always eat meat with 60 or 70 points, you can't imagine what it is like if you eat more than 90 points. You might think: Oh, isn't beef the same?

It's the same after stewing. Isn't it the taste of seasoning?

It's not like that at all.

Meat is limited by cooking skills, and the difference may not be particularly obvious.

As a food eaten raw, the importance of the score will be multiplied.

Anyone who has eaten local specialty fruits knows that the 9 ripe fruits picked in the field are now fresh and delicious.

When you go to the field to try again, it is basically 7 when it is mature, and then it is taken out of the box, and the long-distance transportation used to be "simmering", and the taste is too far away.

7 mature and 9 mature is the difference between 60 points and 80 points.

Star City does not produce blueberries. Shipped from the Northeast, individuals with high scores are basically exceptional cases. If there is no Wang Yan plug-in, how can He Miaomiao eat such delicious blueberries?

Growing up so big, she was eating blueberries of such high quality for the first time, all of them were delicious, and finally realized the charm of this fruit and fell in love with it in an instant.

and so……

Why are there so few? !

Is it too pitiful? !

Eyes staring at the remaining four tablets for a while, she resolutely reached out and grabbed the peach.

Wang Yan just ate up his own, licking his lips in a good mood, and stood up holding the peach core.

"I'm going to wash my hands, you look at the house."


He Miaomiao didn't think there was anything wrong, and God should not give up.

When Wang Yan came back from the bathroom, she found that she was holding four blueberries.

One, two, three, four, wiped cleanly and laid on the table, like soldiers standing in line.

Hearing Wang Yan's footsteps, she suddenly looked up: "Wang Yan, give me another capsule, OK? Just one!"

Not only did her expression look pitiful, but in order to strengthen her tone, she raised her finger again.

The long and slender index finger, as bright as white jade, stood in front of Wang Yan's eyes, revealing a healthy blood color, tender and tender under the light.

The hands are so beautiful...

94's figure and 94's special points make her details beautiful everywhere, which is really rare.

Coupled with the pretty face full of pleading, the lethality exploded.

I am afraid that it is difficult for a man to refuse her little request.

In addition to Wang Yan who was hanging.

"Read well and watch your performance."

Wang Dashao's refusal with a smile, simply neat.

He Miaomiao called a depressed, bulging cheeks, more and more lovely.

"You just... hum!"

She didn't even know how to describe Wang Yan. She acted like a coquettish man and swept it until now.

Of course I felt frustrated in my heart, but I still felt novel.

So he opened the book angrily, pretending to read it, and glancing at the other party from time to time.

The more I saw the more I felt, I couldn't understand Wang Yan.

Young Muai is truth.

Young boys can hardly refuse beautiful girls. As long as they are oriented normally and truly believe that the other party is beautiful, they will be extremely forgiving.

How can we live at the age of 25 or even 35 years old?

Wang Yan is no exception in character, and will also be affected by hormones.

But the most powerful thing about Big B is that...

Wang Yan has an extraordinary sense of confidence.

The second generation of normal Shenhao, who wants to know the best of 99 points, can only rely on life.

If you are unlucky, you may not be able to live in the community next door for a lifetime.

Wang Dashao knows whoever he wants to know. He Miaomiao without 99 points can have He Huahua and He Caocao with 99 points.

As long as it exists in the world, it can be swept out, and you can meet any way you want.

Without that sense of urgency, without the strong desire to "how do I have to", naturally there is resistance.

Therefore, He Miaomiao from countless beauty to big, dumped countless rich second generation, with the exception of Wang Yan.

And it's not an exception to wanting to make a fuss, it really can hold it.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Gouzi met Liuli in this state, there would be no anchor.

No one can hold it.

Returning to the topic, He Miaomiao couldn't guess Wang Yan's hole card, so he felt more and more that the teenager in front of him was different from ordinary people.

There are so many extraordinary places that I don’t need to describe them one by one. In short, I am not curious enough.

Endure and endure, and finally did not hold back.

"Wang Yan, why do you work so hard and so hard?"

I am dizzy!

Wang Dashao couldn't help crying and laughing, why is this problem again?

Shaking his head, a moment of silence.

I didn't want to answer, but in fact, He Miaomiao also had something that made Wang Yan curious, so he finally looked up.

"One question per person, only three, can you play?"


He Miaomiao is in a good mood, and finally no longer need to turn over the magazines that he has already read!


Fugui nodded and looked at the little fairy.

"Are you asking that question just now?"


He Miaomiao focused on her head, her small expression was almost curiously dead.

"Your family is so rich, you can look good, and your personality is very humorous, almost everything, so why?"

"Because mastering knowledge and verifying intelligence is a very satisfying and fulfilling thing in itself."

Wang Yan will either not speak or tell the truth if he wants to speak.

He Miaomiao did not understand: "Halo, how can you lack a sense of accomplishment..."

"There is no shortage now."

Wang Yan smiled and continued to tell the truth boldly.

"However, the sense of accomplishment that can be brought by spending money and flirting is diminishing marginally, and sooner or later it will be reduced to an uninteresting level, and there is no limit to exceeding yourself."

He Miaomiao's eyes widened in amazement, and he couldn't even say a word for a long time.

In front of me, you can say so straightforwardly, it will be boring in the future, is it really appropriate?

Me, is it one of your provocations?

No, no, UU reading www. uukanshu. com this question can not be asked, as if I am afraid of you!

Come here as soon as possible!

Invigorating, she asked again: "Don't you feel so tired? Beyond yourself..."

"Not tired, because I was not smart since I was a child, and experienced the stage of being nothing, so I cherish everything I have now."

Of course, systematic things cannot be said, but the true mood can be said.

Wang Yan really thought so.

The lucky winners are generally very difficult to have this mentality.

Wang Yan was ripened by one thing after another.

There is a coincidence, there is self-improvement, it is difficult to copy, it is rare.

After Wang Dashao finished his lecture, he suddenly smiled, which meant a very complicated meaning.

"In fact, if we can digitize progress, we can see that everybody can fall in love with hard work."

He Miaomiao rolled his eyes.

"You are talking the right bullshit!"

"When I was learning piano, the period of the fastest progress was so exciting every day that I couldn't wait to actively practice the piano."

"But after waiting for the bottleneck period, I didn't feel a little progress for many days, and my interest was quickly wiped out..."

"Really, who would know how much progress will be made in a book and two etudes played today?"

I know……

Wang Yan smiled refreshedly.

Although the system does not digitize the specific skills, but after reading 50 books carefully, there is a great chance that the reading reward will burst. Isn't that a huge incentive?

A normal Shenhao, even if his assets exceed one hundred billion yuan and one trillion yuan, there can be no brother's mentality.

It’s different, don’t compare with brother.

Wang Yan smiled like this, and immediately smiled at He Miaomiao well.

It's over, it seems to be mocked by Xueba...

What should I do? !

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