God of Life

Chapter 283: Demon

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The list was in hand, but Wang Yan was not in a hurry to sort it out.

Look at the time close to 1 am, simply wash your face and go to sleep.

Waking up in the morning, the sand sculptures quickly came to call the door: "Boss, go, punch in and take a photo!"

"Girls just take pictures, what are you looking for?"

The enthusiasm of the sand sculptures is too high, Wang Yan was a little puzzled.

Ruyu hey smirked: "Oh, be handsome, be tall, go back to the circle of friends and Weibo, there will be girls who will take the initiative to talk..."


Chuanwa nodded desperately: "Since I used your Parame's selfie as my avatar, I can chat with my sister on any social software. The thief is popular!"

The Dutch bean immediately dismantled: "Then I heard that the car is not yours, bye bye."

"That's Brother Taicheng, whoever asks next time, I will laugh and let her guess!"

Chuanwa anxiously distinguished, and accidentally exposed his inner stuffy routine.

"You guys..."

Wang Yan shook his head, sighed, and served the group of men.

But age is here, and hunger is normal.

After thinking for a while, Wang Dashao decided to teach them a little experience.

"Take a photo, don't draw a pair of scissors, now, the man is the thief;

Ask the girl for more information on composition, take long legs and pat the legs as much as possible, muscular as much as possible to reveal the flesh, such as jade.

Then the style of the circle of friends should be as uniform as possible, less information should be exposed, and the text should be high.

The purpose is to attract the curiosity of the girl as much as possible, so learn to keep hooks..."

The sand sculptures listened attentively, their little eyes hungry.

Ruyu can't wait to ask: "Brother, dear brother, how can I keep the hook? Seek a demonstration!"

"Okay, let me show you. Ruyu, come here."

Master Wang went online, adhering to the purpose of teaching people to teach to the end, and directly pressed Ruyu into the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window to sit down.

"I'm holding this glass of red wine in my right hand, and point naturally, holding my cheek in my left hand, looking out the window."

Like Yuzhao.

Wang Yan looked at the angle from the back of the side, clicked, and included the small half of the forest, hot springs, and jade side faces outside the window, but the red wine in his right hand only showed a small corner.

Matching words: The clear sky is like a wash, the lake is sloping, but I am so terrible, miserable! (Laughing and crying)

The photos basically did not have any retouching, and they were just sent out.

Several sand sculptures kept busy pulling out their mobile phones to see Ruyu's circle of friends, and suddenly burst into wonder.

"Lying trough! I didn't expect Ruyu to have a relationship with style one day..."

"A little handsome!"

"Big Brother Niubai!!! Unconsciously!!!"

The sand sculptures can't figure it out by themselves, but they are not blind. Compared with the style of Ruyu's previous circle of friends, it is obvious that they can be divided into different grades.

Ruyu even knelt down, wagging her tongue and shaking her tail, and kept asking, "Brother, where is the hook? What shall I do next?"

Master Wang stroked his beard and smiled.

"Girls with low ranks will basically ask you: Why do you say you are a turtle? Very good!

Then you can go back: Did you see that glass of red wine? Do you think it deserves the scenery in front of you?

If the girl answers: worthy.

You tell her: However, it is a cup of 82 years of Kuo Le.

If the girl answers: it is a bit strange.

You tell her: I don’t think it’s right to take it up. I knew it would be better to replace it with a 82-year-old Coke!

With another (laughing and crying) expression, OK, you can officially start chatting. "

"Lying trough!"

The sand sculptures were stunned and simply stunned.

"High, really high!"

"Brother, no wonder there are so many sisters around you, what are you doing!?"

Wang Dashao humbly waved his hand: "Where and where, this is just a basic psychological application, using the sister's inquiry psychology to do a simple reverse test.

The real trouble is how to analyze the test results and how to take appropriate medicines.

Then it takes experience...

Of course, as long as you practice harder, you can never worry about not finding a girlfriend. "

The masters of theory Wang set one by one, stunned the students of sand sculpture.

Everyone was anxious to go to the net red pool to check in, but now they are not in a hurry. They surround the master and beg to teach the truth.

Wang Yan had a lot of work to do, how could he be bragging and farting with the sand sculptures, waving his hands.

"Fuck off, why should you go! Brother's mantra, how can you wait for coveting?"

Ruyu held Wang Yan’s thigh and did not let go: "Brother, you are almost dead. Poor little brothers are going to dry up. I beg you, pull the brothers!"

"Get the girl away and beat it again."

Wang Dashao greeted everyone: "Brother Hui will open a small class for Mr. Wang!"


The brothers were overjoyed, and when they went up, they put up Ruyu and carried out Wang Yan's suite.

Uncle Song Chen fell to the end and asked Wang Yan: "Brother, don't you go up and see?"

Wang Dashao waved his hand: "I'm not interested in taking pictures. You go, it just happens that I have something to do."

"Sometimes it's easy..." Guinea Bean persuaded.

"If I have time later, I will go up by myself."

Wang Yan continued to refuse.

The two said nothing more and turned to go out.

The door closed, but Wang Yan didn't show up, and the boys in the sand sculptures were a little ignorant.

"What? Brother Wang is not coming?"

"Yeah, everyone is going. What's the point of Wang Ge being alone?"

"Who's going to call it again? Brother is not here, playing hard!"

Lin Weiwei came upstairs and called Wang Yan to eat~www.readwn.com~ Seeing so many people gathered in the corridor, he asked Song Chen casually: "Little handsome boy, Wang Yan? Didn't follow you Come out together?"

Intimidated by Lin Weiwei's bright and magnificent beauty, the sand sculptures all shut up in an instant and looked at it quietly.

Song Chen replied: "Brother Wang said he had something to deal with, and he wouldn't move with us."

Lin Weiwei nodded: "Thank you, I know."

Turned around and retreated directly, did not disturb Wang Yan by knocking on the door.

The sand sculpture boys watched Lin Weiwei come and go, and finally realized.

"Don't we block the door, is it a good thing that broke the boss?!"

"MMP, will you be beaten?!"

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and suddenly they rushed away, rushing downstairs.

The squirrel warned everyone with palpitations: "Don't want to die, don't come back before noon, have you heard?"

"Relax, we are not stupid!"

Everyone swears and swears, but the small eyes burn with the blazing gossip fire, squeezing each other's eyebrows.

I thought the same question, but no one dared to ask.

Brother Wang, do you come one by one, or... pack up together? !

Poor Wang Dao, quietly thinking about work in the room, but he took a big cauldron and put it firmly on his head.

The things the sand sculptures guessed are not touched at all.

After finishing breakfast, Fu Yushi and Lin Weiwei checked out and returned to Star City. The two of them had to catch a plane and struggled all the way.

Knowing that Wang Yan is busy with something, he simply saves his guest set and says goodbye.

And Wang Dashao is staring at hundreds of beauty materials.

Face value 95, figure 83, special 62...

Face value 92, figure 88, special 43...

Face value 90, figure 93, special 27...

Oh my god, what kind of demons and monsters are these? !

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