God of Life

Chapter 410: Can it be done?

At the premiere of the old bastard, the stars shined.

There are so many media, Wang Yan did not join An Xiaofang in the excitement and took Wang Muye to a theater near the Water Cube to buy tickets to enter the venue.

It's a bit weird for the two men to watch other movies. It's a special fit to watch old men.

Many emperor capital men came to watch movies in groups, and it was rare to suppress the female fans of small fresh meat.

Before the start of the painting, the screenings at 6:30 were almost full, and the attendance rate was about 90%.

Wang Yan secretly observed and whispered, "What do you think of the box office?"

Wang Muye casually said: "Only for those actors, there will be 200 million box office in two days, let's look at the quality."

This is the reason.

The film emperor's shadow + small steel gun + two sizes of fresh meat, envy the lineup that will not come.

The two watched the movie with peace of mind, and from time to time came out a comment.

Wang Yan's first feeling was: "The first half is too edgy, and the plot correlation is too loose."

Wang Muye’s focus is quite different: "The image presentation and scene design are very good, and the lines are palpable!"

Looking back, Wang Dashao frowned: "This plot development a little insults the audience's IQ?"

Wang Muye nodded and expressed his agreement, and then found another advantage: "The hero's sense of mourning is very well paved."

"The skeleton of the plot is too fragile to break."

"But the spiritual core should resonate-the reason why I am Luther is the fault of the times. I can lose, but I will not take it."

Wang Dashao finally agreed: "Although it is a bit cheap, but the point of this film should be poked, it is commendable."

It is commendable because the bad films in the current film market are gathered together and compared.

If you really want Wang Dao to rate the movie, the 10-point system gives a maximum of 6 points.

The early period was really supported by the charm of acting, superstars, and the dialect of the imperial capital. It is nowhere stronger than the original witch.

Although the original Witch is cumbersome in the early stage, the story line is not scattered, and it is always pushing forward.

"Take it as a warning, when we shoot the witch, it will be beautiful in the early stage."

Wang Dashao finally made a summary, closely linked to the core theme of watching movies today.

Wang Muye nodded silently, thinking about something.

The cooperation between Dashao and Wang Muye is very good. This is a very dedicated young director. With his heart, he has a love for the film and it is rare.

After watching the movie, the two took a car to the Pangu Seven Star Hotel nearby to attend the thank-you banquet.

It is no exaggeration to say that today came half an entertainment circle.

Huayi + small steel gun + pipe guide, amazing power.

Not to mention Wang Yan, a layman, even An Xiaofang, a famous producer, is not a big man on today's occasion.

Wang Yanle was relaxed, touching female stars everywhere.

Nothing happened, the thief turned on the radar, swiped the actual value of the makeup, and special points.

Hiss... swollen!


The special points of many well-known actresses are pitifully low.

Long-term high-intensity work, irregular schedules and heavy daily makeup are all important reasons.

As for the core reason... Cough, there is no core reason!

Seeing the big crab with claws and teeth on the buffet table, Wang Yan silently broke a crab pliers and put everything he swept to the bottom of his heart.

At the scene, Wang Yan finally saw the slag.

With a face value of 99 points, he exists as a benchmark in the minds of the young and old.

In the state of full makeup, beauty is killing people.

Then there is no traffic actress around, it is estimated that they are afraid to become a foil.

Not only her, but the other actresses who are famous for their beauty are all the same, far apart from each other.

Even if there were no media reporters carrying equipment on the court, they still maintained the attitude that Wang did not see Wang.

Bingbing, Yaya, hot bars, secrets... all under the makeup are top beautiful.

However, Bingbing had the lowest total score, and Yaya was so thin and distressing. The hot bar was thick and old-fashioned. The secret was so tired that the state was extremely bad.

The legendary makeup first, as expected.

Then Wang Yan saw Wang Haiou, one of the female No. 2 candidates.

The score was unexpectedly well maintained, mature and charming, and full of style.

Observing the other party for a moment, imagining how to model a viper beauty, and what effect it will look like in the future, Wang Dashao nodded in satisfaction.

It really is suitable.

Women—especially female stars—are always sensitive to such observations.

Wang Dashao was looking around. She suddenly turned her head and looked at it.

Facing each other, Wang Haiou froze slightly.

It should be because it is too raw.

Wang Dashao's 83-point score is a handsome guy in daily circles, and nothing in the entertainment circle counts.

The 90-point handsome guys whom people have contacted all talked about box calculations, and they should not be surprised by Wang Yan's appearance.

One hundred percent is thinking: Who is this? Why look at me with that kind of eyes?

Wang Dashao nodded to her, but Wang Haiou frowned slightly and turned his head like he didn't see it.


Regarding the matter itself, Dao said that it is understandable. Now on this occasion, everyone has to pay attention to the change.

But my heart is still a little uncomfortable.

Young people are all the same and can control their emotions, it does not mean that they have no emotions.

So don’t give her the female number two, replace?

How can it be!

A good film is the first, and the temperament image fits the role, then you must ask her.

At most, I don’t tell her the drama...

After a round of shopping, Wang Dashao was pulled into the circle of Ning Dao by Wang Muye.

Ning Dao, Bo Ge, Zheng Ge, Babe, and half of the Chinese comedy circle are all together.

People are good people, easy-going and unassuming, but there are not many common topics in conversation, and they can only float on the surface.

Wang Dashao didn't force him, and only said: "If Makino's new film lacks investment, despite looking for me, you must look at the conditions."

Let Ning Hao Zheng give thumbs up and speak directly.

Well, good faith, first and foremost.

Wang Dashao's most important thing is money. He has invested 18 million to fill the hole, without blinking his eyelids.

What is the loss of money?

On the one hand, Wang Muye is encouraged, on the one hand, selling favors to Ning Daozheng, and incidentally having a relationship with the Han family, how can it be earned?

It doesn't matter what the script of that film is.

As for realism, Wang Dasha was too lazy to read it.

After chatting for a while, An Xiaofang finally emptied and took Wang Yan to "pay respect to the pier."

The pure actor, Wang Dashao did not bother to know, even the female star.

Mainly to meet the directors, investors and theater parties to promote Wang Ting Film.

Dapeng who shoots the real pancake man makes Wang Yan feel very kind-I have a little old girl who loves pancakes...

Chen Zhacheng made Wang Yan feel uncomfortable, this thing is too crazy.

There is no sentence in the chat, and there is a sentence high up: "Xiao Wang, it is a good thing for young people to dare to toss. Come on, I think you can do it. Brother sees people and never makes mistakes. But being a director is not that simple. When it comes to things that are not fair, just call him."

Is it bad?

Not true.

It's that gesture, the image of Therma, the whole image of a successful predecessor, like pointing a child.

Wang Yan is really not used to the sense of superiority.

An Xiaofang turned around and comforted the young man: "Don't know the person as usual. He has always been like a narcissist with a big mouth and dare to spray everything out."

Wang Yan heard about this person slightly.

In an interview last year, Zha Cheng said extremely honestly: "Sometimes I suspect that polygamy is the right thing. Most successful people start with a woman who wants to have a lot of women and beautiful women. It is desire, it is the most natural thing, and we should not avoid it."

Talking about why to be a director, the proverb came out again: "I am too rich, just being an actor cannot bear my richness."

Using cigarette butts to burn a scar to his wife, she was proud: "The cigarette scars are still there!"

When faced with such a person, what can Wang Yan do?

Hold back for a while!

Today's occasions are really unbelievable, and most of them don't have any achievements that can hurt the girl-the circles are different, and talking about money is meaningless.

Don't give me a chance, otherwise I will give you a piece...

Cough, Brother Crab, put down your pliers, I just revitalize the atmosphere...

Silently remember, Qiu Wang followed An Xiaofang to another place.

The highlight is to say hello to the main team of old bastards.

Guan Dao's clothes are simple and simple, not much talk, but he is a very personal and stubborn director. By comparison, Ning Dao is much smoother and more grounded.

Therefore, when we met, the supervisor didn't pay much attention to Wang Yan.

Guan Hu is particularly dismissive of the second generation of coal boss Fu, who is holding a ticket for women, and feels that those people have no sincerity in making movies.

Wang Yan smiled and pulled down, and didn't post anymore, but he was somewhat admired.

The filmmakers are enthusiastic and attitude towards the film, which is a blessing for the audience, but also a blessing for the development of national cultural strength. Regardless of strength, all exploration is beneficial to the nation.

As for individuals who don’t get along, then they don’t make friends and do their own thing!

The attitude of the small steel cannon is more cold than Guan Hu, his nostrils are sky-high, and he has a lot of cattle.

However, Huayi Wang Sanshi showed enough respect for An Xiaofang and curious about Wang Yan, but his attitude was too slick and unpleasant.

Small fresh meat Fanfan... Seeing that An Xiaofang avoided it directly, like the **** of plague.

An Xiaofang gritted his teeth angrily.

Wang Yan's mentality was maintained very well. The newcomers entered the circle without any reputation. It is normal to be ignored.

This is also true of the several entertainment circle dinners that Wang Siming attended. It is not like the outsiders imagined, that the actress and the big guys in the circle are on the pole.

The actress is actually hiding from Prince Gongzi, whose reputation can't be lost.

The big guys are more wary of Yida Pictures. Good projects are never willing to play with Yida. They only talk about business when grabbing films.

The real bad guys are more powerful, mainly the traffic and the third-line actress, which is really coaxing like a father.

Wang Yan doesn't have that strength right now, it has nothing to do with money, and there is a theater line.

If one day you can eat Yida's theater line and go directly to the place, it will be more horizontal than crabs.

It is a pity that I can only think about it for the time being.

The most important thing at the moment is to be a producer and director and give Wang Ting Entertainment a way out.

Earned in a lap, not angry, the gain is basically equal to no.

If you have to say something, it is to understand more about the entertainment industry.

Here, everyone's ultimate goal is money, but money is not the most important thing.

Money, more like an incidental result, comes naturally.

Instead, the most vain and glitzy circle despised money. How ridiculous?

However, this is true.

The boss of the coal wants to smash 10 million people overnight. Yes, but no matter how much money is spent, it will never be respected in the circle.

If you don’t show your grades, resources, talents, no one will treat you as a root.

If you are talented, even if your character is ugly and ugly, someone still worships it-like Chen Zhacheng, like a small steel gun.

So, Wang Dashao found his motivation again.

You don’t take Shenhao or handsome guy seriously, do you?

Wait, brother started art, I'm afraid you can't eat it!

This movie, brother guide!

Originally, Wang Yan intended to make Wang Muye the first director, but Wang Muye has signed a contract with Ninghao, so doing is equivalent to doing charity, giving away gifts for others, and has no effect of promoting Wang Ting Film Industry.

Now, Wang Yan wanted to open.

The director-general comes by himself, and Wang Muye normally hangs the second director, but when promoting the road show, let Wang Muye lead, Fu Yushi, and Na Wu escort.

I want to be a producer, director, screenwriter, and show no face, that is, take the mysterious line, love how!

It's a big deal to spend money on gossip.

The media nowadays is too good to deal with, as long as you are rich and willing to spend, you can do anything.

Who is more afraid of whom than playing money?

Determined to be certain, Wang Dashao suddenly relaxed, and then looked at the gangster beauty in the hall, only to feel that this was the case, a group of puppet dummy.

With this mentality, Wang Yan found Zitao.

With the teammates, the four returning home, today came all.

But the four people have little communication, and it is the rule that the king does not see the king.

Shaking hands with a few words of greeting, before waiting for Wang Dashao to cut into the topic, Zi Tao grabbed the front and said: "Your movie wants to go to summer?"

Huh? interesting……

Wang Yan smiled easily, but did not die: "I have this plan. Do you have any thoughts on the release date?"

Zi Tao gritted his teeth inexplicably: "If you promise to be released in the summer, I will pick it up."

Wang Yan has been neglected, so smooth?

An Xiaofang thought a little, thinking about the taste coming.

A small voice reminded Wang Yan: "The grave robbing notes are set in the summer period, so that Youth 2 is not finished, but the summer period is most likely..."


"The starring roles in those two films are Fawn and Fanfan..."


Zitao’s two teammates, right? !

Wang Yan finally understood that the feeling is that Tao Tao in the house was somehow irritated and wanted to stay away from his teammates?


Zi Tao nodded calmly: "I just don't want others to compare me with them and say I can't. I want to prove that I'm not worse than anyone! Whatever it is!"

Hey, this man is really a rare rectum!

Wang Yan didn't know Zitao before, but now he appreciates it a bit.

Outspoken people tend to be a little stunned, but no matter how bad they are, they shouldn't be too troublesome.

After thinking about it, the young man began to take Joe instead.

"As long as you put your energy into the movie and everyone works together, I think the filming progress should have time to compete for the summer file. The quality of the film is the work of our director group, but the role is not outstanding, you can control it in your hands.

This statement made Zi Tao more emotional than anything, and immediately reached out to Wang Yan.

"It's a word! I'm professional in making movies!"

Tease, where are you confident?

Wang Dashao couldn't help crying, but he liked the strength of the other party.

It's cheap, it's cheap, and it's easy to use.

Talking about prices and scheduling, Wang Yan did not participate anymore.

The final price is set at one month, 5 million, which is lower than the normal price but very sincere.

It is the project team's sincerity that Zhang Jin, the nominal male one, only paid 2 million for the film, which was more than double the difference.

The movie world is so cruel, there is no box office appeal, everything is empty.

How about getting the best male match with "Generation Master"?

The box office is not high at all, and the point of the box office is also the credit for the director of the sunglasses king, the star of the electric eye beam and the film poster.

If it were not that An Xiaofang had a very good relationship with Zhang Jin’s lover Cai Shaofen, this opportunity would not be Zhang Jin’s turn, so he had to attend the audition and compete with others.

The main roles of female one female three male one male two have been determined, and the remaining roles can be auditioned normally.

The day is scheduled for December 28, just before the year before.

Female two female four plus a bunch of supporting roles, it is very simple.

Female No. 2, Wang's producer actually liked Wang Haiou, but since he was not familiar with it, he had to go through the procedure.

The three main goals plus actresses of major companies, whoever gives the best performance.

After setting the day and sending out an audition invitation, An Xiaofang and the young master made a joke.

"After the audition, until the time before the contract is issued, if you are young and willing, you can be a bridegroom every night without any trouble. How about, do you want to try?"

"I'm not that kind of person."

Most of them behaved very calmly~www.readwn.com~ It was cold and quiet, which surprised An Xiaofang.

However, Wang Yan originally planned to tell her: I will not go to the interview, you can get it.

As a result, he quietly changed his mind and said nothing.

Uh, I’m just curious, just take a look and do nothing...


The scary thing is that An Xiaofang believed.

Even more frightening is that Wang Yan didn't believe himself...

In this world, it always makes the wealthy have a dilemma!

Fortunately, before that, there is a Christmas dinner waiting for the imperial dance, which can help Wang Producer to concentrate.

Can it be done?

Can it work... right? !


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