God of Life

Chapter 414: After another shadow

"Girls go downstairs to find the car, the brothers follow me!"

With Wang Yan's order, Guo Zihao rushed out first, and Lu Yichen, Huang Xu and others followed closely.

Liu Li just wanted to persuade, but Wang Yan was stopped by an unquestionable tone.

"Don't worry, we can't suffer a loss, you can take them away from here, don't worry me."

Having said that, Liu Li nodded obediently and greeted the sisters in their coats to pack their bags.

A group of young masters hurried to the roller rink, and Guo Zihao had the opportunity to speak.

The situation is actually very simple, as simple as one sentence is enough to summarize-

Fu Yushi, Nawu and Wang Xue were spotted when they were rollerblading.

The six girls, all beautiful, were only followed by two boys, Guo Zihao and Han Luzhou. They couldn't take care of the coming people and couldn't control the wolf.

There are too many non-mainstream dudes in this place, and they are mixed together in groups every day. When they get into their brains, they always think that they are brothers.

From the rejection of the conversation, to the coaxing, to the push of the manual foot, and finally to the anger, it was a matter of ten minutes before and after.

Guo Zihao is also a pig brain, relying on the large number of people today, and the big Buddha Wang Dashao, who did not extinguish the fire when the conflict has just emerged, and waited for the group of little cubs to pretend to force it. .

When Wang Yan drove everyone to the roller rink, a group of non-mainstreamers with colorful chicken crowns and rainbow heads surrounded the girls and Han Luzhou, shouting and scolding there.

The young man took a closer look, and suddenly lost the interest to go out in person.

The group of guys, all thin like chicks, are at most 17 or 18 years old, and are under 18 years old who are malnourished.

All kinds of cool hairstyles, a piece of chicken and dogs, the most valuable thing all over is an iPhone.

And only a few people can afford Apple, hold the phone in their hands when scolding, and lift their fingers to show off, fearing that others won’t see it.

Take a closer look at the model, rely on, the results of the previous year 5.

Shamelessly like this, from the inside out the atmosphere of the marginalized groups of society, Wang Yan was too lazy to speak up.

Waving his hand, he instructed Lu Yichen and Huang Xu: "Empress them and get out."

"Okay, look!"

Lv Yichen got excited, flushed with excitement, rushed violently, grabbed the head of the boy with red hair, and went up to a big neck.

"Sun Thief! You haven't survived it, right?"

Wang Yan's eyelids jumped: "Don't you have to fight?"

Sure enough, the crowd opposite was a little restless.

However, Huang Xu immediately rushed over and raised his finger: "Fuck all the gods, I think who dares to blast!"

Shui Jiao Chi Hao swayed like a gangster, and kicked his foot: "A group of younger than cei son, with whom? Who takes care of things? Stand up!"

A group of restless little chickens shrank back and forth, and they were so calm.

Wang Yan felt incredible.

If it was placed on the northeastern or southwestern border, such a simple and rough handling method has now been properly done, and if it does not work, the knife is used.

The younger the younger, the less likely he is to become accustomed to any big brother. When the knife goes down, the king will have to lie down and call an ambulance.

But in the Imperial City, this set is really good.

The impulses of the ghost fire boys came and went faster, and they were sobered by the most arrogant attitude of this group of well-dressed young men in the most arrogant manner.

The number is not dominant, the physique is not dominant, and the background money is incomparable, so what is it?

We are the royal family's funeral family, the smartest group of non-mainstream teenagers!

Others counseled, but Lu Yichen didn't stop. He pressed the red hair and pressed down. He smiled and asked, "Who is it with? Come, there is a wristlet to report one, and listen to him!"

The red hair hurts, grinning, and hurriedly beg for mercy: "Hey grandpa, I'm wrong, really wrong!"

Weeping and crying, it's called a pitiful one.

Wang Yan had no intention of starting, but now it is even more impossible to care about the other party and lose the man.

Just about to stop, Huang Xu grabbed the front and scolded: "Are you so busy? What an eye in front of Shao Wang Shao? Hurry and let them go!"

Lu Yichen glanced back at Wang Yan's face, let go and kicked: "Go!"

The Ghostfire boys were in a hurry.

When Guo Zihao came to call people, it felt like a big deal. The result was so simple.

"Don't be so boring!"

Not fighting, the combatant Wu Fanlin regretted it, shook his head and asked Wang Yan: "Wang Shao, why should we go?"

"Go back and play?"

"Yeah, you haven't finished playing billiards..."

Who specifically mentioned billiards? !

Which pot do not open which pot do you mention!

The young man didn’t forget what he was going to do-hiding Lin Weiwei was the first goal, and the rest had to go back.

Is it easy to hide and go back?

are you crazy!

Wang Yanxu glanced in the past, secretly remembering these two lively and fearless goods, and greeted everyone downstairs.

"Let's go, let's play enough anyway, go to dinner."

Guo Zihao's eyes widened: "I didn't play..."

Halfway through the speech, Lu Yichen put his arms around his neck and covered his mouth: "No, you have enough play."

Mostly nodded in satisfaction.

Hey, there is such a good dog licking ha...

A group of people clamored to the parking lot, Lin Weiwei Liu Li they were waiting there-at the end, Lin Baizhou contacted them as soon as possible.

Pingzhi stared at Wang Yan with wide eyes, holding a breath.

Wang Yan took the initiative to block her mouth: "There are two games left. Let's fight another day. Rest assured, I will never hide!"


I can't wait for the remaining two games in my life!

Lin Weiwei knew too much that she could see Wang Yan clearly.

It's extremely difficult to get caught in a dead dog once. Today's God-given opportunity is not grasped. I hope it will be a dream next time.

Lin Weiwei didn't even bother with the dead dog, with a cold face, pulled Liu Li and turned into the car.

It was her own car.

"Let's go, let him go!"

Wang Dashao didn't care at all, and threw a kiss to 30,000, and was **** back by the younger sister, and flew back to the original one.

However, without waiting for a seat, the **** followed with a smile.

"Wang Shao, their car can't sit down, please trouble me!"


The good mood that thwarted Ping Zhi was suddenly dismissed, and Wang Yan frowned in frustration.

Do you want to push her down?

The thought wandered in my mind for a moment, but Wang Yan rejected it.

Not doing things like that, but in the end, Liu Li and Lin Weiwei were added to them.

Most of them simply took out the high-cold shelf, nodded, and then closed their eyes to recuperate.

The meaning is simple: Obey your car, don't talk to your brother, you're not interested.

The **** ate a cold face, but just smiled and sat next to Wang Yan, looking at the teenager deliberately.

There are nearly 10 cars in the 20-odd people, which is definitely more than enough, so no one will step on Wang Yan's hotel courtesy car.

When everyone started to go on the road, the atmosphere in the carriage began to be weird.

Although Wang Yan closed his eyes, he could sense his sight, but he was too lazy to take care of her.

The **** seemed to be on Wang Yan and looked at him all the way.

It wasn't until she got off the bus, and **** bitterly happily went to the sisters that Wang Yan was relieved.

This girl is really evil.

What picture?

Addicted to the beauty of brother can not extricate themselves? !

Obviously not.

So what kind of water is this girl selling in the gourd?

Wang Dashao didn't think about it for a long time.

Fu Yushi came down from the car and passed Wang Yan, suspiciously asked: "What are you talking about? Why are you so happy?"

The young man whispered: "No, I have something to chat with her?"

"So what's going on with her? Picking up the treasure like..."

I go!

Wang Yan was agitated and suddenly realized that it was not good.

But on the surface he showed nothing, shaking his head quietly: "What does she have to do with me?"

Wang Yan was too calm, Fu Yushi may still have doubts, but did not ask any more.

But things are not over yet.

Fu Yushi had just left his forefoot, and Na Wu rushed over again, yelling: "God, you're so sloppy!"

Affirm the sentence pattern and sigh.


Wang Yan decisively denied it, but Na Wu refused to believe: "Why is she so excited? She doesn't usually do that!"

It was at this time that He Luonu, who was mixed with her sister, suddenly turned her head and peeked at Wang Dashao. After reading it, she immediately turned her head and made trouble with her sister.

Seeing this scene, Wang Dashao was dumbfounded.


After another shadow? !

Na Wu scorned Wang Yan's disdain and ran forward: "I will tell Liu Li to you!"

Wang Dashao didn't even think about it, grabbed the back neck of this silly girl, and made her die.

After being restrained, it was embarrassing.

What next?

Nawu didn't break away with two kicks, and suddenly Yi Yi looked up abruptly: "You killed me!"


You're just a little girl, don't you mess with yourself? !



Wang Yan was so angry that his head was smoking~www.readwn.com~ Half of it was because of Xiongda's second fool's chaotic behavior, and the other half was naturally because of the bitch.

Hell, it's a routine for others. Let's play with a chick today, depressed!

That's more than just playing, it's also white playing.

The benefits of fart are not available, and it's irritating.

The key people haven't said anything, so Wang Yan couldn't find the reason for the explanation.

Is your emotional excitement related to your fart?

People love blushing to stop you fart?


Anyway, Wang Yan did not have any stand to explain anything, unless the **** first lied.

Will she?

Certainly not!

How good is the current scale?

Wang Yantou was so angry that his teeth tickled, but it was all right. He didn't know where to use it.

Bitch, how can you be so bitch? !

However, if this is the case, the problem is not big. The mutual trust between Liu Li and his brother cannot be shaken by your performance.

Wang Dashao sneered twice and decided not to give the girl any chance.

If you don’t listen, don’t ask, don’t look at the reasons, I don’t believe what you can do!

Wang Yan's coping strategy is no problem, but the sister-in-law's routine defense is invincible.

After entering the room, she didn't look for Wang Yancha without saying a word, instead she sat beside Liu Li, kissed and kissed her, and her mouth was as sweet as honey.

Wang Yan could not be completely corrected.

Immediately afterwards, the group of buddies began to find Wang Yan to fight wine.

After the big holiday, Wang Yan couldn't keep his attention on a female partner, and soon threw her behind her.

The atmosphere came to a climax when the drinks were full and the gifts were exchanged.


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