God of Life

Chapter 422: New opportunities in dreams

With great excitement, he waited until 12 a.m. on the 1st, and Wang Yan opened the system mall for the first time.

Every refresh of the mall under the new rules is worth looking forward to. It can be measured simply and directly with money-the price of new products is more than ten times that of the past.

In the ability of banknotes, expensive is good.

At a glance, the wealthy brother's tiger body shocked, another shock, another shock...

Rely on rely on!

Finally waited!

It was an artifact that Wang Yan expected to brush out, but did not wait for a long time——

Attribute modifier, genius version!

The benefits of the 79-point full attribute to the majors can't be finished.

Face value, figure, wisdom, health...

And most importantly, one hits two waists and legs...

Cough, it's still a bit hard to fight two now, and I have to take a nap, and as a pure man, I can't be satisfied with playing two.

In short, this is the biggest surprise!

[Attribute Modifier (Genius)]

[You can use money to modify physical attributes until the upper limit of the genius level, 89 points]

[Price: 50 million]

[Between 80 and 89, it costs 10 million to modify 1 point]

[Note: The so-called talent is the favor of God, cannot be controlled by wealth and power, and even difficult to inherit through genetics. Jordan’s son is mediocre in the college basketball league. None of the Buffett family has Buffett’s investment talent. No matter how good it is. , Can not make up for the lack of talent]

[But as the host of the system, you can easily complete the leap from excellent to genius, only need to pay a little bit of money]

[The ability of banknotes is not invincible, only you are the exception]

[Please do not miss this opportunity]


Who misses who is stupid!

The rich man said that he would place an order and pay without saying anything, and was immediately prompted by the system: You are a poor B.

Experience: 6169/300000

Cash: 5.28 million

Halo, a little bit worse.

In fact, Wang Dashao, who had just won the [Groundwater Purifier], can be called a poor man and a poor man.

That little money in my pocket is only enough for daily consumption. It is enough to go to the next night club and sip two girls, doing big things... dreaming.

Not to mention buying a modifier, Sanshen can't get it.

Wang Yan never felt that he was poor, and suddenly realized today.

Fugui's nickname is like a mockery.

"MMP, money, money, I want to make money!"

Wang Yan was so anxious to go round and round in the living room.

"Purchasing 50 million yuan, the entire property mentions 89 points to need 400 million yuan, the land of the manor needs to be at least 50 million yuan for leveling, opening, and planting. The manor’s design plan needs 100 million yuan, the construction of at least 300 million yuan starts, and the film 60 million... …"

"Ma eggs, how many holes do I have in the next six months?"

"The monthly salary is only more than 35 million yuan, and only 200 million yuan in half a year is not enough..."

"By the way, the system store that is refreshed once a month is not counted!"

"Ouch I go, how can this be played?!"

Wang Yan's egg hurt, and it hurts.

Even so, Wang Yan still has no dissatisfaction with the price of the modifier.

50 million purchase price, worth it!

10 million 1 point modification price, more value!

As long as it can be changed, money is not a problem at all.

The rich and the second generation of Niubei can't afford this kind of opportunity for as much money as they want.

In contrast, how lucky is Wang Yan?

In fact, Pangbiwang doesn't need to bother to change the price at all now, as long as he takes down the modifier within a month, the rest can be done slowly.

Therefore, the biggest problem is that there is no such thing. The reason why you are in a hurry is that you can't hold back the excitement for a while.

Slowly calm down, and the future genius Wang began to plan according to the priority of the matter.

The money that must be spent in January: modifier 50 million + movie investment 10 million = 60 million, breath salary 35 million, shortfall 25 million.

The money that must be spent in February: unknown goods (provisional 50 million) + film investment 20 million + manor start-up capital 20 million = 90 million, a gap of 65 million.

The money that must be spent in March: unknown goods (provisional 50 million) + movie investment 10 million + manor start-up capital 30 million = 90 million, a gap of 65 million.

The money that must be spent in April: unknown goods (provisional 50 million) + film investment 10 million = 60 million, a gap of 25 million.

By May, even if the attributes were not modified, the total funding gap was still as high as 180 million.

The more than one hundred million yuan in the credit card cannot be cashed out and must be used exclusively for top-up official brushes. The development of Wang Ting Entertainment cannot be stopped, not to mention washing horse milk.

The 40 million cashes held by the major banks are even more immobile, which is a sign of the credit card limit, and it is also the guarantee of the wealth of the rich man in the financial system.

So now we have to plan how to make money to make up for the hole.

"Witch" certainly can't count on it. The best result is to be released in July. The account period is half a year. It will be quick to settle it in January and February next year.

The official brush funds from Wang Ting Entertainment's circulation needed to make up for the hole in the credit card, which was just enough to be transferred after the tax deduction.

A serious profit of 800 should be used to expand operations, and dividends should be paid at most quarterly. The first payment may be made in April-most likely according to the financial year, then wait until January next year.

Although Wang Yan is the largest shareholder, he still has to respect the financial system.

So this hole is really too hard to make up, and there is no way to come through the regular way.

What about the informal way?

The young man turned over the card inventory again and found nothing that could come in handy.

Is it...

Can only sell yourself? !

I won’t spend any money on sleeping in the future.

Hemp-skinned, working hard every day for three months to earn 50 million yuan, a lot of money...

The key is who is willing to pay this money? !

Wang Yan wanted to call He Miaomiao on the spot: "His Royal Highness, do you need a small waiter?"

It's definitely He Miaomiao who was sleepless if he didn't get a fan.

The most reliable way is actually to sell part of Wang Ting Entertainment's stock.

Valuation of 1.5 billion If an institution willingly recognizes and sells 10% of its personal shares, it can just cash out 150 million.

Now cash is definitely a loss, and the value of Wang Ting Entertainment is far from being maximized.

However, if money is really not available, most of them are afraid that they can only go this way, and no one can drag the manor, movie, or mall.

There are always trade-offs in doing things.

But cashing out is a very skillful thing.

As the founder of the company, accepting investment when there is no money to develop, it is a legitimate demand at the company level.

However, if the company does not lack money, but has to cash out personally, it will greatly affect the external perception and internal confidence.

As a founder, you have no confidence, can you expect the organization to recognize your behavior?

No matter how much money you want, at least you have to wait until the company goes public?

Therefore, if there is no valid reason, the money is not easy to set.

In particular, the young man had just invested in a two-story office building, and that building was still bought with "personal funds."

Having just installed a wave of "rich and easy", it is not possible to slap oneself on one's own face now, which is likely to cause outsiders to question.

The best way is to sell it to someone in a "reluctant" state.

Anyway, this matter is not in a hurry, but you must start planning immediately.

Therefore, Wang Yan can no longer go down in the imperial capital, and must return to the magic capital.

Li Yixu, Black Tiger, Chu Hong and Chuxin all kept in touch, and the opportunities related to money basically fell on them.

It happened that Liu Li came to relatives, and besides practicing on New Year's Day, he had to take a break. Wang Yan simply checked out and booked the ticket, and flew back to Modu on the afternoon of the first.

After getting off the plane, Li Yixu volunteered to pick it up and the two chatted about the witch's preparations.

The script and the actors are almost the same, and now the work is only left to save the group and Kan Jing, and there is no problem with starting the film on schedule.

On February 15th, the 8th day of the eighth day of the boot, Wang Yan must do all the chores before the eighth day.

Once the shooting begins, most of the energy must be put on the witch, which is related to the efforts of too many people and cannot be ignored.

Time is tight, tasks are heavy and pressure is high.

At this time, Li Yixu also casually asked Wang Yan: "Brother, Prince Gongzi is looking for investment in Panda recently. The opportunity is very good. How about it?

Very good, brother still looks like a very rich Asian child...

Poor than Wang silently vomiting, continue to play trenches: "Let's watch after this busy time...How many shares does he intend to release? Too few are boring."

Li Yixu took it seriously, drove the car, and said casually: "Should it be 20%? The first round is to go to the speculation market value, it should not be too much. I tell you, if it is not related, it may not be possible To."

It only makes sense to stir it up...

Wang Dashao pouted silently.

Panda bears have been standing for more than three months. What their achievements are, people outside the industry don't know. At most, it's hilarious, and the industry knows all.

Brief description: chaotic management, general momentum, no imaginary outbreak trend.

Development is of course developing, and all data have increased.

But that's because the entire industry is exploding, not how well Panda itself is doing.

In fact, now the growth rate of Panda bears completely sorry for its fame.

Bundled with today's first online celebrity king, the sum of traffic and IP access times is the sum of the two major platforms, but the user conversion rate is ranked in the bottom, which shows the big problem.

From Wang Yan's perspective, the management team of Panda is afraid that even Wang Yunxi is not as good.

Although Xi Zige has no strategic vision and no experience, he has strong execution and Wang Yan's requirements can basically be achieved without discount.

Wang Ting Entertainment's entire management team is more positive, united and energetic, and is able to do things.

Panda bear...haha.

Moving in his heart, Wang Yan suddenly asked: "Brother Xu, what is the management team of Panda?"

They are all one-level seniors, and Li Yixu didn't hide it at all.

"I don't know all. There is a deputy uncle who is always Wang Gongzi, a husband's husband who manages finances, and an internet celebrity's brother is operating. Several other small partners are local second-generation, one of them is quite It’s hard to mess with the official background, but I don’t care much, it’s quite familiar to me.”

Hearing this configuration, Wang Yan immediately had confidence.

"Is there an agreement on gambling?"

Li Yixu shook his head: "I'm not sure for the time being. If you drag on for a while, will there be a high probability?"

"Oh? Don't you have enough money?"

"There is indeed a problem with funds, the key is that it is impossible to spend all of your own money on this matter..."

Li Yixu was very honest and talked dry.

Companies that are determined to list leeks have to rely on a large number of institutions to work together to speculate, which is enough to burn their own money.

Li Yixu also said: "In fact, it was also a bad luck. The stock market accident just happened, and the CBRC was pinching the flow of funds. The money on the market was very tight. Now the investment institutions are shrinking. It is really not easy to take money by face alone."

It is true.

Two years ago, Wang Gongzi's face would cost him tens of millions of investments, and many would be happy to send him up.

The situation this year is really bad.

Wang Dashao has been in contact with the small loan industry in parallel time and space. From the second half of the year to the present, Huang has almost 70% of it, and he has born countless bad debts.

"There is a lot of downward pressure on the economy..."

Wang Yan was not a college student who knew nothing, and sighed.

Li Yixu nodded: "Who said no, the central government put forward the characterization of the'new economic normality', and the slowdown in economic growth is inevitable. At this time, it is the real uncle who has the cash... Hey, Uncle Wang, I have all my pocket money Expect you!"


Uncle Wang snorted, and his heart was extremely unhappy.

What's wrong with Lao Tzu?

Now I don’t know who pitted that $108...

However, regarding the investment in pandas, if it is only 20-30 million, Wang Yan is really interested in investing.

Anyway, it is the first round.

If there is a prospect, just follow another round, go to market and cash out, dig some meat in Wang Gongzi's mouth to eat.

If you have no prospects, you have to follow. Anyway, there is an agreement on gambling.

Taking advantage of Wang Ting Entertainment’s unique advantages, I might get special terms, lay a long line to eat some fat, roast meat with three layers of meat and thin slices...


(Severely ill bread that has been suffocating at home for a long time is greedy when I think of barbecue.)

No matter how much money is lacking, it can squeeze out 20 or 30 million, and Wang Ting Entertainment can be used as the main body of investment. Wang Yan lacks money, and the company does not lack.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan didn't say anything to death.

"Look at the movements of panda bears, I will see if it is a good deal."

Li Yixu understood, nodded, and turned to talk about something else.

"Uncle, don't you need to catch the wind at night? Just two buddies want to meet you."

Wang Yan asked directly: "Come on our film and television project?"

Li Yixu added: "There is also your Wang Ting entertainment."

"Nara, do you guys, I can't recognize you!"


Li Yixu was amused and laughed, sent Wang Yan to the door of the company and waved goodbye.

"That's it, you are busy with you, and you have something to call!"

"Fine, bye."

At the company's temporary location, Wang Yan found Yu Qiuli and slapped a bunch of cards on her desk.

"When did you... Hey? What is this?!"

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows and grinned: "What makes you cool..."

"Go! Drive less with me! Are you the old lady? You have no business at all every day..."

Yu Qiuli's little temper was not used to Wang Yan at all.

Loyalty is too high, favorability is slightly lower, the result is so cruel.

But Wang Yan was not a good stubborn, leaned forward and looked at her face curiously.

"Huh? Your aunt came back to hold back halfway? Why is it so atmospheric today?"


The staff of the official brush team next to them sprayed water on the screen, but they didn't dare to wipe it, and rushed out of the office area.

As for Yu Qiuli...


Loyalty +1, favorability -3.

And staring at the beads, he picked up the notepad and smashed it over: "Smelly rogue!"

Wang Yan was hit hard, and his arm hurts even more.

It’s not worth the money...

It is too difficult to improve loyalty to 90 points or more. After 60 points of favorability, thieves can fall off easily.

The young man touched his chin and looked at the status of [Happy Joy Enemy] in the system. He touched it for a while, and decided to tap it lightly.

"What's the matter? Squad leader, does anyone bully you? Follow me, buddy help you out!"

Good buddies are righteous, Wang Yan snapped his chest.

Yu Qiuli rolled her eyes, but she didn't appreciate it.

"I'm better than nothing if you're angry! Hand over the password security, and get away quickly, I still have a lot of work!"

Wang Yan immediately knew how this girl was so irritable.

It stands to reason that she only needs to be responsible for the credit card recharge, the work is very easy.

However, the staff of Wang Ting Entertainment is seriously insufficient, and they can't take care of their normal job positioning when they are busy.

Lingya has to work half a day every day, not to mention Qiuli.

And she was so strong, not willing to be a idler.

So... was tortured by the endless messy chores!

Touching for a while, I feel that staying here will really hinder me, and Wang Yan immediately worships Yu Qiuli.

"All cards have exclusive customer service, you first say hello, and then come according to the plan, all are handed over to you, come on hey!"

"Wang Paipi!"

Rolling her eyes again, she buried her head and continued to be busy.

Wang Yan returned to his office and found that it was already occupied.

Before moving, Wang Ting Entertainment had no place to recruit people. The Ministry of Commerce, which had just been established and connected with Taobao Live Broadcasting, was temporarily crowded into Wang Yan's office.

"When will the new home be renovated?"

Wang Yunxi said without looking up: "I just came back from there in the morning, and it is estimated that it will be at least half a month... you can see it for yourself."

Wang Yan is only responsible for proposing strategies, not for specific implementation. Now there are no strategic meetings to be held, and standing in any way is a hindrance.

Seeing this, he simply picked up the G65 key and left.

"OK~www.readwn.com~ Let me take a look."

At the entrance of the parking lot of Haiguang Building, the security guard in the security kiosk took the initiative to raise the railing as soon as he saw the license plate.

"Mr. Wang is good! Yo, is Wang Shao today?"

"What do you call it?"

Wang Yan turned his hand back to turn the cigarette, but did not turn it over. The security guard waved his hand with a smile: "Don't, Wang Shao, my surname is Li, your parking space is at Area B, No. 88, please come in!"

Wang Yan no longer forced, waved goodbye to Lao Li.

Last time, I didn’t have any trouble. Haiguang Property has a good attitude...

From the elevator to the 18th floor, a middle-aged man waited at the elevator entrance. As soon as he saw Wang Yan, he immediately greeted him warmly.

"Hello Wang Shao, welcome home!"

That was the new manager of Haiguang Property, Chen Xiaobo.

Comrade Lao Chen accompanied Wang Yan to go back and forth between the two floors.

It stands to reason that Lao Ge is a special case. Things have changed, Wang Yan certainly has no ability to decide Chen Xiaobo’s stay, and Lao Chen need not be afraid of him.

However, since Wang Yan has shown enough strength and the acting style of young and big men, it is worthy of respect.

Lao Chen is mature and smooth, and certainly will not make the mistake of his predecessor again.

It is foreseeable that Wang Ting's entertainment days will be very comfortable in the future.

On the contrary, there is nothing to say about the decoration. With the encouragement of the banknote ability, the engineering team worked in two shifts, 24 hours a day, and the progress was fast.

After more than a week of installation, and then use one week to ventilate and deflate office equipment, it will definitely move to a new home in about half a month to 20 days.

By that time, all anchors can officially start broadcasting, and can even start a new round of expansion.

Wang Ting Entertainment will enter a period of rapid development.

After a round of inspections, Wang Yan went out with satisfaction, and went to the new Miss Sister's dinner.


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