God of Life

Chapter 448: Put on your clothes?


Yu Qiuli, with a loyalty of 90+ and a favorability of 60+, sprayed Wang Yan casually.

The young man subconsciously wanted to go back, but suddenly realized: Should I surrender her loyalty?

Immediately take a holiday back to the drum corner, once there is no work, loyalty is useless, but I like it...


Thinking of this festival, Wang Dashao suddenly held back the fire, calmed the gas field, and smiled peacefully.

"Why haven't you been home, squad leader?"

It's okay not to ask. When asked, Yu Qiuli exploded: "You still have a face! You can move on the 15th and let you drag it to the present! The new address is not packed, how can I get there?"

Blame me?

Well, it seems that I blame...

Prime Minister Wang was not upright, he did not dare to follow Yu Qiuli's hard-top, and decided to lure it to his advantage.

"Then let's go together, the car picks up the car and sends you to the first class, and at the drum corner we will bring some smoke and wine to our parents, are you satisfied?"

Yu Qiuli dismissed with a sneer: "There is a kind of shouting in front of you on New Year's Day!"


Can't bear it anymore!

Mr. Wang got angry from the heart, the fire burned from his kidneys, grabbed Yu Qiuli's arm and pulled her into the elevator, then pressed the button to the top floor, turned back and stepped out the elevator door.

Yu Qiuli didn't react at all, so I saw the elevator doors closed slowly.

Outside the door, Wang Yan waved and smiled like a sand sculpture: "Bye!"

"Sun! Why am I going downstairs!"

Wait until she responds, then press the button on the floor, the elevator has already started to climb up.

He was so angry that he pressed his temple and felt that his brain was hurt.

Angrily, angrily laughed.

"The mental patient has a wide range of thinking, and the mentally handicapped children are more joyful... You can really do it, there are tricks in any situation?"

President Wang was walking towards the company beautifully, and there was another ding in the panel-Yu Qiuli's favorability +2, loyalty -1.

A glance at the panel, Wang Yan's footsteps, a little stunned.

what happened?

According to the status effect of [Happy Joy Enemies], should she be angry and increase her loyalty and reduce her feelings?

Coaxing her to be happy will make her feel better and less happy!

Assuming that the state effect has not failed and no errors have occurred, it means that Yu Qiuli is a little happy now? !

Could it be that……

She was swayed by me, and developed an M attribute?

Will you be happy if you hurt? !

For a time, Wang Yan could not figure out the truth at all. Wang Yan didn't get too tangled, but suddenly realized that there might be a chance to brush up loyalty and goodwill at the same time.

The loyalty attribute is for career, and the goodwill attribute is for emotion.

If the height is double, the tasks she can undertake are not limited to managing a few credit cards...

Now there are no people everywhere and it is worth trying!

President Wang made up his mind and glanced at another prompt in the system, and ignored it for the time being.

No hurry, solve the company's problems first.

Seeing that he was moving, Wang Ting Entertainment was not as crowded as it was a while ago, but he was even more busy.

The major events that need to be solved as soon as possible one after another, moving is the most urgent, but not the biggest.

Seeing that Wang Dashao finally showed up, Wang Yunxi immediately hugged a pile of documents and rushed over with red eyes.

"Hurry up!"

"The first thing, to open tomorrow and move in the day after tomorrow. Would you like to invite some private friends to watch the ceremony? Who are you asking for? Take the notice!"

Kerry Ai, Huang Huang of the Intermediate People's Court, Sun Hongwei, club brothers... Hey, wait a minute!

Wang Yan's eyes widened: "Move tomorrow?"

Seeing BOSS still confusing, Wang Yunxi was almost crying.

"Otherwise? We don't have a job that we can afford now. How many things will follow?"

Wang Yan used the only B number in his heart to appease Xi Zige: "Don't worry, do it one by one, let's take it slowly."

"The second thing is financing, don't you let me sort out the investment intention? 27 angel investors, 40 investment institutions, want to interview you, you can do it!"

"So much?" exclaimed blurted out.

Wang Yunxi smiled happily: "How much? This is what we screened..."

Wealthy brother finally understood what was meant by the wind, and the investors simply waved their bills and rushed in, Wuyang Wuyang.

But how can this be seen?


Why is it so hard to make some money simply...

If Wang Yan's emotions are heard by those serious generations, they will probably rush to the top.

Who doesn’t start a business for more than ten or twenty hours a day?

Who is not asking grandpa to sue grandma to find money everywhere?

67 investment institutions, we dare not think about it, you are too much!

President Wang really wanted too much.

Now that there is not so much money, there is no need to consider accepting investment any more, and it is really impossible to pledge stocks.

So he waved his hand decisively: "Too much! You have to sieve for another round. It is necessary to talk about funds and individuals that can accept a valuation of 1.5 billion."


Wang Yunxi was startled: "Is this too false?"

In fact, 1.2 billion is already a bit high.

The two-storey fixed assets are essentially worth 550 million at most. The remaining four major anchors are estimated to be 150 million, which is sensible, plus fixed equipment, company brand, more than one hundred beauties, 1 billion, and 1.2 billion. .

Mr. Wang rose another 300 million in one mouth, which means that he took money improperly.

The 500 million bubble is really a bit crazy, and now Panda TV is crying for 1 billion, not many people recognize it, otherwise why bother to sign the right bet.

However, Wang Yan had made up his mind, and Niu could not come back.

"Just report it. After two more months of brushing, they must admit it if they don't recognize it!"

Wang Ting Entertainment's Niu Bie, Niu Bie is really willing to brush on the rich man.

In Wang Yunxi's view, Wang Yan has a net loss of at least 15 million yuan per month, which is shocking.

Wang Ting Entertainment did not make much money. Wang Yan's "official brush" used personal funds instead of company capital, otherwise he could not hide the bank and the outside world.

But how long can that special channel last?

You are hurting the "other" to fatten yourself, could it be that this is called legal pumping?

I dare not ask...

"Then don't ask, let's mumble our wealth."

General Manager Wang glanced lightly at the past and instructed, "After moving to a new home, Yu Qiuli's official brush team will be independent, and you can no longer mix and match with everyone."

Wang Yunxiguo didn't really ask anything, he directly came up with the idea: "Let them rent a separate office?"

"Yes, pay attention to confidentiality anyway, and hire another commissioner in the headquarters to be directly responsible to the operation director, to manage the company's official brush, and to distinguish it from my personal private brush."

Wang Yunxi nodded: "Okay, anyway, with you there, the company's official brush scale does not need to be too large to cope with."

What the rich man now commands is actually isolation.

Guild official brushing is an unspoken rule in the industry, but Wang Ting Entertainment is going to go big and go public. Guild official brushing should not be too excessive.

In the modern financial system, high-standard audits cannot be carried out in any way.

Bank loans are subject to review, listed IPOs are subject to review, and overseas leek cutting is subject to stricter review.

Appropriate use of their own funds for official brushing, that is called operation, is too much, it is fraud.

But Wang Yan's "fake official brush" is not in the audit and monitoring. Most of them use personal funds, which is essentially just a big brother who gets a "certain discount".

The gameplay is-

In the name of welfare, the guild allows a certain part of the reward to be distributed to the anchor in full without charging a commission;

The anchor gets a special reward share, and after paying personal income tax, the balance is returned to the elder brother in private.

The first half is legally compliant and strictly abides by the financial system.

The second half is the private personal behavior of the anchor, safe and concealed, and does not violate any regulations.

Finally, only one confidentiality agreement is needed to close the chain.

It is inconvenient to write it down. The point is that any organization can only see the healthy and excellent running water of Wang Ting Entertainment, and it can't be found at all.

Oh, it's not right, because the purpose of the guild official's brushing behavior is actually a little bit of a mess.

But that will only make everyone smile, and increasingly recognize Wang Ting Entertainment's profitability.

Rich Sao's Sao, Sao is in the deepest depths, very human.

After two unspeakable external procedures, even one special investigation, investment agency due diligence report, came one by one.

Moving is the most urgent thing, and this is the most important thing.

"Third, foreign investment, there are currently three small platforms available, and the next focus is on pandas..."

"Princess Wang voted in my own name, you don't care."

Wang Yan temporarily interrupted Xi Zige's report and was ready to talk privately with Wang Gongzi.

Now there is no shortage of money-not too short of money, it is time to consider a little long-term layout.

"That line. The fourth thing, with the cooperation of Taobao Live Broadcasting, we have to establish a new department, from employee training to supervisor selection, no one understands the company, you see?"

Another headache...

President Wang waved his hand: "Look for headhunters! The new department is called the Business Cooperation Department, right? Give the supervisor the highest annual salary in the company. If 100 is not enough, it will be 200. Give the headhunter a 40% commission. The only requirement is to be quick!

The tasks that the new department is responsible for are definitely more than live broadcasting and selling goods, and even the content of those two parts is just a sideline.

However, the head of the new department cannot only understand business cooperation, but must be a compound talent.

New business is not so easy to start, and listed companies are not so easy to develop.

In some areas, Wang Dashao can hang and destroy, but more often he must abide by the basic law of reality. This is the only way to become a big man.

Next, one job after another was soberly and quickly handled by President Wang.

Busy until 7 o'clock in the evening, please employees to eat a luxury takeaway, the company began to stay up late to pack things in preparation for moving.

At the moment when the office building was completely evacuated, Wang Yunxi reluctantly looked around, feeling mixed.

"There are more than half a year's rent here..."

"It won't be wasted."

President Wang glanced back at him with a smile: "I am going to let Wang Ting Pictures move in."

Wang Ting Pictures is now a serious Caotai team, with a total of 5 small fish and shrimp, but this will not always be the case.

Coupled with the polite investment that is about to start foreign investment...

Damn, how do you feel that you have found a lot of work for yourself?


One night and one day, all the executives were so busy that their eyes were red, and Wang Yan had not slept for 36 hours. Finally, the Haiguang Building was cleaned up and only to be officially opened.

The area of ​​7400 square meters is loose and bright. More than 40 anchors stationed in the company use the best equipment and the most luxurious live broadcast room on the market. More than 160 anchors from the south of the world are rambling the house. And envy.

At present, the Imperial Capital, Qiantang, Special Economic Zone, and Star City have all opened branch bases.

More anchors are live broadcast at home, free from running around, peace of mind to waste the house, the treatment is not a little worse than half.

Today, No. 150 big beauties, 30 distinctive little cute, more than 20 male anchors gathered together, let Wang Ting Entertainment radiate great vitality and vitality.

Tomorrow, Wang Ting Entertainment will formally set sail and rampage in this new industry, vowing to break through that layer of social barriers.

Starting in the afternoon, everyone is decorating the company.

That is to prepare for tomorrow's opening ceremony, as well as preview for the company's first party today and the future Wangting Entertainment Carnival.

At 5 o'clock, before the buffet opened, the company's leadership came on stage and gave a speech.

It's not bureaucracy, but showing his face and expressing his attitude, so that the comrades in the south and the sea are familiar with the company and the team.

Wang Yan is the last one.

It's still the familiar and inexplicable requirement-turn off the phone, not take pictures or record videos.

Standing on the stage, Wang Fugui, who did not prepare a speech, slowly looked around the venue and decided to seriously perform the duties of the boss——

Paint the flatbread.

Cough, don't laugh!

This can only be done by the boss, but not every boss can do it well.

At least half of the beautiful women looking at the room are ready to coax at any time, which is really stressful.

So, Wang Wang decided to start with a joke.

"I said that we are the company with the highest average face value in the country. Who is not convinced?"

In the coquettish laughter, Wang Yan glanced at Xi Zige, deliberately listening to the probe, and then was shocked.

"Huh? We always say that heaven is dissatisfied, strange, why haven't I heard of it?"


The laughter became more wanton and deafening.

The girls were slanting, and the shyness might have been eaten by the dog.

What’s more, there are many people coaxing—

"I do not believe!"

"Fugui brother, pretending to be pure will be round!"

"Husband, I will meet in heaven!"


That's right, shyness is really eaten by dogs!

Wang Dashao looked in the direction where the last voice came, and asked with a smile: "Who is so versatile? Come, dare to show me?"

In the laughter, a snow-white girl jumped up and waved happily: "I am me!"


How dare you stand up?

Careless? !

Wang Yan wanted to frighten people, but when he met a girl who was two, she sat on the wax.

But in terms of wit, most of them haven't served.

Pointing at the girl, Wang Yunxi glanced again, waved her small hand, and snapped it again.

"President Xi said, let you go to him to report at night, if the project is not enough... your salary is gone!"

Wang Yunxi's face was green, and she kept on surrendering, raising her hand to surrender.

One of the remaining employees counted as one, and the group laughed madly.

These things are common on the anchor day. Communicating with them is too official and useless, so you have to melt in and be grounded.

If this is not possible, it will not be a level leader.

Successfully speculated in the opening atmosphere, Wang Yan looked right.

Start heavy and start the topic.

"Everyone knows what the world is like. In fact, our industry, in the eyes of outsiders, is currently a similar image, and it has been misunderstood and suspected."

"Actually, I don't like this very much."

"In the beginning, I just wanted to give my friends a refuge."

"A lot of old friends know that I don’t need to make money in this way. The new anchor may not understand or believe it. You can find an opportunity to study the research contract."

"Wang Ting Entertainment gives you the highest base salary in the industry, the most generous commission, and the least restrictions and routines."

"Pressing everyone's salary for one month is because the platform has a settlement cycle, and the industry generally presses for three months to control the job-hopping behavior of the anchor."

"Someone suggested to me, I said no."

"Some people suggested that I often chat with the anchor and talk about the heart, but I still said it was unnecessary."

"Wang Ting Entertainment is not a home. Playing routines with employees to talk about feelings is a hooligan. I just start a company with rules to make everyone feel at ease and make money."

"I can give you, I will try my best."

"In the future, you will be awesome. The contract has expired. I want to negotiate more points with the company. I welcome it."

"If I put it here, Lingya Mizi Dagang dumb is already a company shareholder. In the future, you have the ability to open a studio and want to go out independently, completely OK!"

"I'm not afraid of anyone's ability and ambition. I'm just afraid that you'll be ignorant and put your mind under your eyelids, and engage in the little things that are intriguing.

"The outside world's misunderstanding of the anchor originated from a single individual, but it hit all."

"Who wants to make money by selling, I do not support not advocating, but do not despise."

(What is my qualification to despise, cry!)

"But it's better not to sell, you can't sell big prices, you can't sell it to the peak."

(1.4 million just enough for me to pant all day, and continue to burst into tears)

"I have high expectations for you, we don't talk about those virtual things, such as purifying the air in the industry, it is boring."

"Let's talk about the most real thing-you do a good job in live broadcasting, and give it with your heart. If you don't fall for 5 years, Wang Ting Entertainment is fully capable of taking you into the entertainment circle."

"Luck is a little better. You can have everything in your career, contacts, love."

"Actually, your luck has been very good. Basically it is the first batch of crab eaters, and it is under the first guild of the industry. There is no reason to be unsuccessful, right?"

"Even after another year, the newcomers will not have your opportunities anymore."

"I'm going to pick up Mizi Lingya and give them an example... It's only 3 months before and after. The new eating anchor, can someone achieve their level?"

"I have created the best opportunities, the strongest resources, and the cleanest environment for you~www.readwn.com~ Next, it's up to you."

"Finally, announce a small promise—"

"The company has created an option pool to reward executives and outstanding employees, regardless of the type of work, and everyone has a chance."

"Besides this, once the company launches its listing plan, everyone can buy the original shares at an internal price."

"The above is a vulgar summary-the future is bright!"

"I am willing to share, I hope you have the courage to embrace."

"Okay, thanks..."


Thank you for failing to export a few words, and then drowned in thunderous applause.

Fu Gui's strategy is accurate and correct, and the language is straightforward and full of aftertaste, which makes everyone feel **** and passionate.

When they stepped down, the girls cried out as "male gods" and "husbands".

Although it is a joke, it means that people's hearts are available.

Wang Ting Entertainment has truly become a dynamic and combative company.

And it is a company that belongs to Wang Yan.

Even if there is a strong capital force to intervene in the future, no one can replace Wang Yan's leadership.

Like the pictures of the pain of the vine, the raccoon raccoon.

To ensure this, the remaining operations and management are just technical issues.

At the start of the banquet, the girls began to perform, and the employees came over to toast.

Everyone looked at Wang Dashao's eyes abnormally.


Lots of goblins greedy me!

Most of them are painful and happy, drinking wine from cup to cup, all over the world, smelling the fragrance.

Not long after, the system suddenly rang.

The last reward is not seen, the new card is coming again.


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