God of Life

Chapter 464: Godfather Wang is online again

At this point, there should be a ding, before the scene.

——It is true, but Wang Yan is too late to read.

The students finally reacted and started crying out loudly.

"Lying trough! God of singing?"

"Wang'er, you sing too much!"

"Hey I am grass, almost singing and crying me..."

Xiaokai, who was almost crying, was actually laughing, but Zhang Yin, who was silent, actually cried.

In a corner that didn't pay attention, the sand sculptures that he used to hesitate to cover his face with his palms, tears flowed silently.

As everyone's enthusiasm grew higher and more noisy around, the tears finally turned into sobs.

As one of Wang Yan's two earliest friends, Zhang Yin and Wang Yonglei are all little ones—just like Wang Yan used to be.

Wang Yonglei is cheeky, has no B count, and passes, but Zhang Yin still has a strong unwillingness, so the stimulation is even greater.

At that time we were living together, now you are a male god, but I am still living together...

How strong is the contrast so far?

A pompous piece, directly tied to the bottom of my heart, was bloody.

In tears, Zhang Yin gradually let go of Qiu Li's infatuation and deliberately made a decision in her heart.

There is only one exaggerated like Zhang Yin, but the tearful eyes are unknown.

The empathy ability of drunk songs is too strong, and the poems of "Flamboyant" are so poked, that any lower and middle class can't be indifferent to hear Wang Yan's singing.

Yu Qiuli didn't feel inferior and transparent at all, still moved to tears and offered Wang Yan a hug.

"Wow! I'm blind!"


"Don't squad leader! Wo will also sing!"

Yu Qiuli didn't pay attention to the wolf howl, clinging to Wang Yan's cheek, whispering excitedly.

"You are awesome, really..."

The young man can understand her mood, which is about a kind of admiration mixed with compassion and compassion, because she not only knows Wang Yan’s past, but also understands Wang Ting’s current scale and potential.

Compared with each other, they are particularly touching.

Although Wang Yan didn't need her pity, she still appreciated it.

He smiled frankly and gently hugged, patting her shoulder: "Thank you."

Gu Jiashu's expression is complex, with a bit of green visible to the naked eye, envy and envy are both, but there is nothing to say.

Finally, he had to laugh: "Grass! Wanger, are you here to smash the scene?"

Wang Yan smiled and said nothing.

He Meng sings bad songs, but his appreciation ability is not bad, standing on the side to applaud gently, his face full of arrogant appreciation.

The way she expresses praise is different from others, and she still holds it.

"I found that you are especially fond of hiding, and you haven't shown anything in high school for three years. If you are willing to take the stage at the party, how can anyone else do anything?

Remember to call me when you have activities like singing K in the future, I am your fan. "

The young man was photographed very comfortably, but his heart was smirking.

Are you willing to listen to a soft use? Cheng Bingjin still has three axes, but I only have one... nail.

If you insist on going, you can sing a big river eastward for you, I'm afraid you will pee on the spot...

Although the inventory is no longer available, Master Huyou didn't panic at all and took the initiative to play with the high school goddess.

"Something practical, did you embrace?"

He Meng immediately raised his neck and squinted at people: "No!"

The young master shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, the idol I admire most is Wu Yifan..."

He Meng didn't understand it for the first time, but Yu Qiuli laughed out loudly and patted Wang Yan intimately: "I am also your fan..."

He Meng obviously didn't pay enough attention to the entertainment circle and still didn't understand.

But Wang Yan no longer paid attention to whether she understood it, and she was all amazed-how much did the monitor increase?

Take a closer look...


Goodwill 83!

And not only is the goodwill skyrocketing, but the loyalty hasn't changed much, at this time there are still 80.

Classmates, you are getting closer and closer to a perfect secretary, make persistent efforts!


He Xiaolu looked at Wang Yan with a blink of an eye.

She was young, had little experience, and didn't feel so deeply about life.

Although He Hongyuan is not very reliable, he has never lacked her materially, and since she was pretty since childhood, she has not been neglected.

However, it is precisely because of the birth of the illegitimate daughter and Cen Ting's targeting of her mother that her self-esteem is particularly sensitive.

Therefore, the resonance is stronger than that of sister He Meng.

The sentence "I'm not your cup of tea, you can drink it, drink it, drink it", is what she most wants to say to Cen Ting.

I dare not divorce He Hongyuan and bully my mother when I find a chance. Now I am forcibly taking me back to the villa for the New Year. Have you asked me if I want to? !

The rebellious girl with a strong rebellious heart instantly felt that Wang Yan was pleasing to the eye.

It's nothing like the little **** kids of the same age. They are mature, confident, and reckless, so handsome!

With her eyes staring at the little star, she took out the tried-and-true method of coquettishness and begged Didi: "Brother Wang Yan, you sing too well! Sing me another song, OK?"

He Meng subconsciously hugged his sister's shoulders and locked tightly.

Well, the height difference is just right, perfect!

Wang Dashao first gave He Meng a definite look: I am not lo*ic*n!

Then smiled and refused the little fairy: "I have fun today, let's play."

He Xiaolu's mouth was deflated, but Gu Jiashu was overjoyed Zhang Luo got up: "Come and come, drink and drink, song and song! Who is it?"

Everyone picked up their glasses and hula la la came to pay tribute to Wang Yan.

Yu Qiuli made a toast and then took the initiative to grab the microphone: "Give me "New Heartbeat"!"

She stood one step ahead, and Hi Pi jumped in place, calling on everyone to applaud, and the applause immediately rose.

The majors didn't hold back and were dizzy.

When she opened her voice, everyone couldn't help cheering.

Compared with the rooster dream, Yu Qiuli is the real KTV song, the voice is thick and solid, full and full.

"Maybe, you have seen too many tragedies and too many wrongs. You are afraid that the past that you do not want to look back on will continue..."

As soon as the lyrics came out, Wang Yan froze.


It's kind of interesting...

As soon as the chorus came out, Yu Qiuli projected her eyes at the same time, and the young man was immediately determined: sing for me!

"Let us, forget how sad in the past, open the injured wings, to wear for yourself, the fallen crown..."

Refer a girl!

It can only be said that it is Yu Qiuli who was not only active but smart when deciding to start.

Especially know how to seize the man's psychology, see stitches.

Wang Yan was a little touched, but it was impossible to respond, so it was easy to get up. What should I do if my brother's high-cold person set up?

A glance at it was still unnoticed, Gu Jiashu was madly applauding, and the rich and appreciative brother applauded with a cold smile.

He Meng, who was secretly observing on the side, was satisfied and no longer minded Qiu Li's repeated provocations.

Are you useful to provoke me?

Although I haven’t thought about arguing with you for words, it’s clear that you are not good enough for a man like him!

Of course, even if someone grabs the good, He Meng will never end easily. Her vision and level determine that she does not need to worry.

If Wang Yan sincerely pursues a sincere pursuit...

Um, that's a bit of investigation...

Although He Meng is keen, it is clear that she does not know what it means when a former crush is beginning to be able to joke with her.

Four words: Put it down completely.

The previous obsession with the demons has been completely cut off, and everything has been restarted. We can get together, be friends, not get together, and be strangers.


He Xiaolu whispered to He Meng quietly: "Sister, is that your classmate a fool? All the secret love objects have fallen completely, are you still in that fool?"

He Meng knew who she was talking about, smiled, and replied faintly: "Gu Jiashu may not like her more. Men's desire to conquer is most vulgar and cheap."

He Xiaolu ignorantly looked up: "What about the woman's desire to conquer?"

He Meng silently said: "Good women should not be proud of conquering men, otherwise they are as vulgar. Love should be pure."

He Xiaolu's eyes flashed, and there were contradictions in his eyes.

It seems that you don't like Wang Yan much...

The little fairy was a little frustrated, but more relaxed, because if He Meng really loved Wang Yan, she didn't know if she could really take it.

Her mother is Liu Mengxue and He Meng's mother is Cen Ting.

It was a dog blood story that the people loved to hear, but the ending was very lying.

Cen Ting did not give up He Hongyuan, and suppressed Liu Mengxue everywhere, but he defaulted on He Xiaolu's existence and even wanted to take the mother and daughter apart.

He Xiaolu knew exactly what attitude he should use to face his father and Cen Ting, but he didn't know how to face He Meng.

This made her crazy.

What should I do? !

In her irritability, she took a bottle of beer in a self-effacing manner, and He Meng was chatting with Wang Yan, but did not find it.

"Sister, I'll go to the bathroom."

She sandwiched the beer in her lapel and walked quietly to the door, but instead of turning into the indoor bathroom, she opened the private room door.

The little fairy should not drink...

But today I don't want to be a fairy, I just want to be an adult!

Will it be so uncomfortable after being drunk?

She didn't know, but wanted to try it.


"Wang Yan, do you have any foreign investment now?"

Although the song just now has conquered He Meng's ears, she is still most concerned about business.

The future strong woman?

Wang Yan could not understand why she was so obsessed with achieving commercial success.

You are not short of money, do a good job of Bai Fumei, travel shopping and fall in love, not moisturizing?

If it is not for upgrading the system, Wang Yan is not willing to toss about to go to the peak position and take a look at the scenery. How tired?

President Wang shouted tired, 007's Xizi brother cried.

As soon as Mr. Wang was busy, Bai Jie and Wang Yufei cried while waiting for another time.

President Wang shouted poorly, yeah, Ye Wenwen was happy.


He Mengzheng was waiting for the answer curiously, and Wang Yan began to consider how to perfunctory.

It is impossible to tell the truth. I don’t like Wang Fugui to brag with women. Which male **** can talk in one mouth? "I have a big business with 200 million yuan recently"

Even if it is true, there is no style at the moment of speaking.

It should be said: "My enthusiasm has overflowed, please give me an hour, I will fill your heart..."


It's a series of dramas...

Wang Dashao began to seriously consider responding. At this time, two WeChat popped up in his phone.

A glance at the interface window revealed that it was Sun Hongwei's message.

The jade carving is finished?

"I'm sorry, I went out to call back."

Wang Yan immediately dropped He Meng, picked up his phone and walked out the door.

Just after going out, swiping to the right, I just saw He Xiaolu's back.

The little fairy was carrying a wine bottle and drinking while walking. It was a heroic Yazi.

Wang Yan didn't pay any attention to it at a glance. Loli was not guilty of drinking.

Opening WeChat to see the news, I saw a set of pictures sent by Sun Hongwei, which was shot with a bright and lush Buddha brand.

"Xiao Wang, your mother's Buddha card has been carved, and the first apprentice of Master Song Shiyi is out. The level is very high. See the photo for details.

But that set of jewelry is too late, and the design is more complicated, involving white gold hollowing process and diamond inlay, which takes about four or five days. "

Four or five days?

That is not to delay Valentine's Day...

Exactly, a gift to Mother Buddha in the New Year and a small surprise for 30,000 on Valentine's Day!

Wang Yan was very satisfied, thank you and guest set for a voice reply.

Sun Hongwei confiscated every penny for design, carving, and diamond decoration, and he was efficient in his work and gave him a lot of face.

Just after chatting and looking back, I saw He Xiaolu's figure disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Wang Yan couldn't help but stunned.

Is there a staircase?

The store on the third floor has been closed, and the upstairs is the meat market. How could this silly kid run around without knowing anything?

Without much hesitation, Fugui decided to follow the past.

It has nothing to do with anything else, it should be a reminder for everyone.

This place is no better than DìDū Magic City. Due to specific historical reasons, the demons in the city are dancing wildly and chaotically.

Of course, big things are definitely not easy to come out, but if something is small, it also affects your mood?

Wang Yan walked two steps tightly, from the stairs to the fifth floor, and saw that He Xiaolu was wandering about to find a room. The wine bottle was still carried in his hand, but it was empty.

Yo, you dare to drink...

The young man watched her swinging like a malnourished penguin, and felt very funny, and even wanted to record it and send it to Zhang Yao.

Hey, it seems quite interesting?

Wang Yan took out his phone decisively, held up to start recording, and then slowly walked towards her.

The distance of twenty to thirty meters before and after should have been fast, but when Wang Yan just started recording, a door beside He Xiaolu was pulled open, and a young man with a chunky neck and shaved green skin came out.

The man was drunk with eyes and drunken his eyes. When he saw He Xiaolu, his mouth widened slightly, and Harazi almost dribbled down.

He Xiaolu was about to go around, but the other party stopped in front of him, and asked narrowly:

"Hey, old girl, hiccup, which private room are you from?"

"Go away!"

"Hiccup! What are you going to do... Do you have a platform? No... Hiccups! Do you go with your brother? Do you have a lot of tips!"

The drunken fat man said that it was not enough. He directly pulled He Helu's arm and pulled it into the box.

"Ah! You get away!"

He Xiaolu screamed in horror, and then struggled desperately.

It's a pity that I just got drunk, no matter how screaming or struggling, there wasn't much movement.

In fact, at this time, the best way is to calmly remind each other: "I am a guest, not sitting on the table."

Basically it can call back the other's reason.

No matter how drunk, the fat man is just here to play, not to dare to move the guests.

However, He Xiaolu didn't have that kind of concept at all. His usual smart brain was paralyzed by alcohol, leaving only the instinctive struggle, and he was about to be dragged away by the dead fat man.

There are not so many waiters at the door of Cunchang room. The only two are at the end of the corridor to deal with any problems. The fairy’s voice can’t suppress the sound of the row of rooms in the back. No one noticed it for a while. This scene.

Of course, except Wang Yan.

When the young man saw that the dead fat man was drooling, he had already speeded up, and he never put down his phone.

Three steps and two steps, seeing that it was almost time, just about to warn the other party, but the fat man had to get started to hug He Xiaolu's waist!


I haven’t... Uh, I haven’t thought about this kind of thing. Are you so crazy about lo*ic*n?

This also warns Jill!

The young man rounded his arms and smashed the phone out violently, woo... bang!

Directly shot on the back of the stack of goods, it was broken.

"I grass you..."

The dead fat man stumbled, covering his head, scolding with his eyes closed.

Fighting Wang, who completed the transformation in an instant, rushed over, grabbed the finger of the opponent and twisted it, and immediately bent the dead fat man like a shrimp.

I was about to habitually split my legs and ride up... forehead, plate up... forehead, twist up...

How can I learn such a broken skill for paralysis!

The irritable fighting Wang finally managed to control his body instincts, reached out and pressed the other person's fat face, scrambled to the side, and pulled back He Xiaolu.

The little fairy didn't suffer much, but she was terrified.

His face was flushed and drunk, looking at Wang Yan, dazed and dazed.

Hiss...just looking at the face, it really looks good...

The young deer are average, clear and ignorant, I still feel pity.

Wang Yan wondered for a moment, stooped to pick up his cell phone, looked at it for a moment, and his face suddenly sank.

Drop my phone?

You are doing something!

The dead fat man staggered two steps, slammed into the door of his box, and fell to the ground.

Suddenly, it was like a big worm.

"MLGBD, dare to move me? Little BZZ, you are doing something!"

In the door that was knocked open, a group of young people watching Yanwu finally reacted, realizing that something had happened, and picked up the wine bottle and rushed to the door.

"MGBB's, who is looking for something?"

"Third Brother!"

"Brothers **** me!"

As soon as Wang Yan looked at the number of the other party, he knew immediately that he couldn't beat it!

Gracie is a one-on-one fighting martial art, playing one Yao Ming easily and two Zou Shiming 80% kneeling.

Don't look at a Yao Ming's weight can split the two Zou Shiming still have surplus, the account is not so calculated.

If only Wang Yan was himself, then it must have been a spoiler to run away, a dignified hero, and fate with a group of gangsters?

But with He Xiaolu again... dare not run!

People throw wine bottles in the back, how do we hide when we hold large loli?

On the back of the head is a curly baboon!

If you can't fight, you can't escape, you can see the first burst of hammer in your life, but Wang Yan is still calm enough.

Quickly scan, instantly collect information about the other party's clothing, temperament, drinks on the table, handbags resting on the sofa, etc., and judge the other party's level.

A group of gangsters, the level is not high, but it is easy to get on... Thunder swept the hole, cut the mess!

"I see who dares to move me!"

Wang Yan screamed, but stood still, and was not afraid, but actually shocked the other party for a moment.

In the next moment, Wang Yan took the initiative to step forward, blocking the door of the other party, quietly relaxing in his heart.

Well, even if I can't beat it now, at least I can hold the opponent, face one at a time, and use the door to block the bottle. The danger is not so great...

The step of attacking and defending by the younger and younger made the opponent more inaccurate.

And it's not over yet.

The young man easily turned off the other party's spotlight, leaving only the dim ceiling light in the room. The bright light shone from the corridor to the inside, hiding half of Wang Yan's face in the shadow.

The young man slowly looked around the room for a week, his expression was cold, his eyes were murderous, and with his half-dark face, Godfather Wang was officially launched!

"What did your friends do, you ask yourself, this matter is not over yet."

The godfather Wang slowed down and opened the **** his left hand-the classic AP Royal Oak shape, not everyone knows, but those with long eyes know that it is not cheap.

Take off the watch and hang it on the door handle of the room, the tone is cold three points.

"Audemars Piguet, Offshore Royal Oak, less than 3 million. Who knocked my watch off the ground, I called his family to death!"

What kind of Audemars Piguet, what kind of offshore oak tree, can't understand but can feel the tallness in it, and then listen to 3 million, then immediately dumbfounded.


Who is this fat man? !

But before and after five breaths, only the accompaniment was echoing in the box, a group of foolish ass!

The drum angle is very chaotic.

The gangsters are dancing all day long, and the little surviving little babies are rushing around. The people who are gray and black are often feeding the desperate. The security guard may have shot someone with a real gun...

At the same time, the tycoons in the drum corner are not easy to provoke. The turtles go out, and the mountain carvings are set up.

Drum horn chaos, inherent order.

Those who can live and jump without getting into the game without being crippled, at least know what kind of people are not easy to mess with.

The set that Godfather Wang made out is the handful of people who are not easy to mess with.

In the drum corner, money equals power and danger.

The dead fat man was almost frightened, and he turned up and smiled, "Brother..."

Wang Yanli ignored him, and said to He Xiaolu: "Call your sister and ask her to come up."

He Xiaolu's legs are soft until now, and his body is softer. He didn't fall down with his arms around Wang Yan's waist.

With a hot face, she hurriedly took out her phone to unlock the dial.

"Brother, do you think there is any misunderstanding? We are Longge from the coking coal plant..."

"It has nothing to do with you! But no one can leave until things are clear."

The godfather Wang politely interrupted the other party, took He Xiaolu's mobile phone, and put it in his hand with one hand, standing like a solid.

Judging from the current situation, Wang Yan can make up for himself.

However, things are not so done.

If He Meng is not downstairs, it is a matter of urgency. Since the sister of the little fairy happens to be downstairs, she should let her handle it.

The previous help came out of a sense of justice to protect Lori everyone, but now, there is no need to do anything.

Afterwards, the waiter finally realized that something was wrong, and immediately rushed over with the security guard.

Wang Yan glanced at the other party, picked up the watch hanging on the doorpost, and slowly brought his wrist back.


I don’t know who it is~www.readwn.com~ Relaxed in the room.

The young man took a step back and instructed the security guard casually: "Look at this door, and the person inside walks away, and don't open your shop."

In fact, Wang Yan cannot do it himself, but he believes that He Hongyuan will certainly be able to do it.

Of course, it’s up to you to talk about your girl. Brother is only responsible for telling...

Wang Yan did not feel that he was threatening anyone, and he was even ready to retire.

However, the security guards, waiters, Taiwanese girls, and unlucky **** obviously didn't think so. An adult voted in awe as he looked at the juvenile teenager.

The little fairy... continued to hang on Wang Yan's waist.

She felt that she was drunk even worse.

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