God of Life

Chapter 53: The unspoken rule in the legend?

  Wang Yan nodded to answer the phone when he found the restaurant manager’s office.

   "Okay, you can rest assured! Yes, I will handle it!"

   Hangs up the phone, Manager Liu glows all over his face and smiles.

  British tea to Wang Yan personally and put his thumbs up.

   "Ouch, President Wang, you are really this!"

   flattered by a middle-aged greasy man exaggerated, it feels...emmm, it's strange.

   "Awesome! Our boss is full of praise, saying that you are stirring the tide, and the future generations are awesome!"

   was boasted again, and it was also spoken from the well-known entrepreneurs in Gujiao City. Wang Yan was not only unhappy, but trembling.

   lying trough!

  Don't you give me a discount!

   thought was over, and only listened to manager Liu's good news: "Our boss said, your consumption...we only charge one crab!"


   Scared the dead man...

  Wang Yansong took a breath and waved carelessly: "Thank you for your boss for me. I will choose Dongyuan International if I need it in the future."

   "Wang total atmosphere!"

   Manager Liu was convinced by Wang Yan's calmness and gave his thumbs up again.

   Next is the account.

   Killed a total of 30 king crabs, more than 128,800 yuan, Wang Yan just gave the hotel 130,000.

   That little nibble, it was so big to call awe-inspiring--

   "You can't let your friends be busy!"

   Manager Liu was so moved that the tears were about to fall. Then he waved his hands and exempted the room fee, spa treatment fee, and drinks and food from the bill.

   Actually, those things didn't reach 10,000, and the four bottles of Maotai didn't open, and everyone only drank some drinks and mineral water.

  Wang Yan also paid an additional 50,000 to the hotel, and asked Manager Liu to directly withdraw the cash. Later, the winners will be awarded bonuses and lost work fees.

  The fare that Liu Yuanfang had previously reported was 20,000, 10 people, and the standard of 2,000 per person was slightly unreliable.

  Wang Yan was too lazy to pay attention, and directly transferred over 40,000 yuan on WeChat.

   activities total consumption 220,000, experience value came to 22/500.

   Manager Liu looked at Wang Yanyi's money and tried to ask: "Mr. Wang, today's live broadcast is a blast, do you really have little income?"

   "Really not." Wang Yan shook his head and smiled.

   "It's more than one million just for rewards!" Manager Liu's eyes widened.

   "And then? How much can the platform give the anchor?" Wang Yan still didn't care.

   "Even if there are only half, there are still five or six hundred thousand!"

   Manager Liu felt completely incomprehensible. How could this teenager be so calm?

   That's five or six hundred thousand, not fifty or sixty!

   Today's defeat, in the end, it lost more than two hundred thousand?

  However, Wang Yan really looked down on those five or six hundred thousand.

  The eldest brother of the other platform named the surname to the anchor, Liu Yuanfang wanted to divide it up to them, and the brother did not mind.

  One crab king card, 30 king crabs, how much benefit does it bring in total?


  In just one meal, the deposit skyrocketed to a full 4.97 million!

  In other words, not only is the [Attribute Modifier] available immediately, but the system can also be upgraded to level 6.

   Such a time, how can Wang Yan have the leisurely mind of Liu Yuanfang's little money?

  To say something bluntly, in Wang Yan's heart, that little money is not as important as tomorrow's college dinner.

   But Manager Liu was particularly uncomfortable and whispered: "Even if there was no agreement before, President Liu should also say that? Without you, where can this event be done today?"

  It happened to be five cents of cash from the downstairs financial manager. Manager Liu took over and continued to say, "If you want me to say, you should let him pay this bonus..."

  Wang Yan understood the urgent thoughts of Manager Liu wanting to have a good relationship with himself. Besides being funny, he also had a little anticipation for Liu Yuanfang.

   does not need your money, but you should have an attitude.

   Otherwise, I can't make you this friend.


  Wait until all the chores are done, the live broadcast has ended for a while, 10 people sit around the big dining table, and are discussing heatedly.

  Liu Yuanfang copied the chopsticks in one hand and the bowl in the other.

  When Wang Yan entered the door, he immediately put down the tableware and greeted him with red light.

   "Ouch! Mr. Wang! Today we have a great success, you are not there, missed a lot of wonderful scenes, what a pity!"

   turned around and commanded everyone again: "Come on, brothers and sisters, let's applaud President Wang, and thank President Wang for giving everyone such a good opportunity!"

  Everyone started applauding. Dagang and another young man whistled. Lingya jumped and screamed very lively. Although Mizi was quiet, the worship of her face was undisguised.

   The scene is very lively.

   was replaced by a normal man. At this moment, it must have been floating, but Wang Yan waved his hand, his manners were still correct, and there was an extra humility and sincerity in his words.

   "Your achievements are made by yourself. I dare not take credit."

   "The platform is there. I will not refuse anyone to go for gold. Today I am not giving you the opportunity, but you have done a wish for me. I thank you very much."

   "Come on, don't talk too much nonsense. The lost work fees and championship rewards previously promised will be issued now."

   Concluded speech, Manager Liu immediately took the divided envelopes and presented them one by one.

   20,000 Mizi, each of the remaining six people got 5,000, all in a thick pile.

   got the money, everyone was excited and moved.

  Wang Yan's attitude is really very comfortable. Now, how much awe was there for everyone, how much they are grateful now.

  Mi Zi clutched the envelope tightly, her cheeks flushed, and there were small stars in her eyes. She couldn't help but quietly said to Lingya: "Mr. Wang is good, not as cold as it looks..."

   Lingya nodded subconsciously, her eyes a little dignified, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

   Next, Liu Yuanfang was touted again, but he didn't mention the income and income distribution.

   Wang Yan knows, no longer waste time.

   "That's it, everyone take a good rest today, we will have a chance to meet again."

   waved his hand, refused Liu Yuanfang's gesture of shaking hands again, and Wang Yankui smiled and said goodbye.

   The money you get is always difficult to release again~www.readwn.com~Humanity.

   And Liu Yuanfang even wanted to understand: one Tiannan, one Haibei, each has its own path and development direction. Seeing that it is about to part ways, why do you want to spit out profits again?

  Anyway, the brand has been established, and I don't plan to cooperate with you for the second time!

   Can't say that Liu Yuanfang's ideas are totally unreasonable, but people who don't know how to share are destined not to go far.

  Liu Yuanfang has done more than 70 episodes of video, but did not make any famous ones, and has been able to explain many problems.

  Even if you are polite: "You don't need to reimburse the toll, we will take care of ourselves."

  Wang Yan will feel that this is a partner who can keep in touch.


  Wang Yan sneered as Wang Yan secretly shook his head.

   ‘The second generation of a brain watt, what if you are rich and powerful again? I don’t mix in mines! ’

   ‘You want to play, I’ll play with you and make you feel comfortable. ’

   ‘As for anything else... I’m sorry, I’m sorry to say that all the live streaming revenue belongs to me! ’

   ‘I’ve worked so hard, no one is qualified to remember! ’

   ‘Seriously, President Wang will find me to cooperate, thanks to you... Haha! Thanks myself! ’

  Liu Yuanfang had all sorts of filth in his heart, but on the surface he was still so enthusiastic, sending Wang Yan all the way to the entrance of the hall.

   was about to wave goodbye, Lingya suddenly got out from behind him and chased after a few steps.

   "Mr. Wang, wait! I want to... thank you individually..."


what's the situation?

  Wang Yan didn't react for a while, and an idea came out of his mind uncontrollably——

   Is it...

  Legendary unspoken rules? !

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