God of Life

Chapter 455: Sin Fate Continues


Can walking and walking activate rewards?

God my father loves me too much? !

Wang Dashao is very excited, recovering from that tranquility, and opening the panel with anticipation.

[You feel peace and calm in the air, so activate a mysterious reward]


【Status Aura】

[Your sleep is fast and deep, when you wake up naturally, you will feel the ultimate ease]

[In the long run, the slump of your body will slow down significantly, and effectively extend life]

[In sleep, your breathing rate will slow down, but the breathing salary will become 5 times the original]

[Note: Your sleep time will vary according to your physique and fatigue. Normally, you only need 7 hours of sleep to meet the needs of a day of activity]

[Tranquility will replace the previous powerful sleep]


Wang Yan pondered the changes, and his mood was a bit complicated.

The new aura is undoubtedly a magic skill, but it is more suitable for the 35-year-old man.

Prolonging the physiological peak and prolonging life, the two great effects, Wang Yan, who is only 20 years old, is not a very urgent need.

After replacing the original powerful sleep, sleeping three hours a day is equivalent to slowing the learning and accumulation of youth.

3 hours is really a lot of heart, enough for Wang Yan to use [efficient reading] to finish his studies, and then deal with the daily work of the company.

Squeeze it out, of course you can squeeze these 3 hours back from somewhere else.

However, that would be equivalent to Shaolang...

As an uncomfortable surfer, most of them are a little unhappy.

Well, for the time being, even if the value of the two special effects is the same!

As for the remaining benchmarking effects...

[Powerful sleep] The nap is a long-lasting warrior skill. If you lose it, I am afraid that you will fall from the throne of the duck king? !

Ma'am, I'm not going to get it right...

Even, maybe even one Ye Fupo can't be settled...

But after careful calculation, I earned 1.4 million from Ye Fupo in 3 days. Now I sleep for about 1 million overnight. Isn't it a loss?


Why not lose money!

How can a little money compare with the dignity of a man?

Gordon waking up from a nap!

But brother is really poor now...

Wang Yan left and right thinking, almost split.

[Tranquility] The breath wage crit is a developmental skill. The daily breath wage was stable at about 1.18 to 1.23 million. The difference is not big, mainly depends on whether there is intense exercise on the day.

In the past few days, I met Ye Wenwen, and it exploded to a maximum of 1.3 million, which was really cool and profitable.

Now it is more, at least 1 million in 7 hours, about 80+ in the sober 17 hours, totaling about 1.8-1.9 million.

One month... at least 55 million? !

Lying trough can solve many problems!

It is still only a level 10 system. If you upgrade once or twice, the [Quiet] state will not be replaced...

Isn't it necessary to fly? !

No, I have to find a way to cure the new aura!

After taking a nap, it's gone. I'm hitting 100 million on my physique. Brother is still the king of ducks!

Wang Dashao, who was previously unhappy about losing his nap, is now thinking about curing aura, so ah, the essence of human beings is just that...



Liu Li didn't realize the change of Wang Yan, but just felt that her lover suddenly became lively and started to resemble an uncontrollable Husky.

Snickered and asked, "Tired of shopping?"

Wang Yan nodded: "Let's go, eat, I have to go back to the mountain in the afternoon."

The snow on the mountain roads has not turned into snow, and it is too risky to walk at night, and there are still drawings hanging, it is not easy to drag it to tomorrow.

Liu Li behaved extremely reluctantly: "You will come back on the 5th?"

"On the evening of the 4th or the morning of the 5th, we have a high school party on the 28th, and we will be busier afterwards."

"Are there any big beauties in your classmates?"

Well, that’s not a problem...

The young man had a bit of a big brain pain. After thinking about it, he asked ingeniously: "He Miaomiao, you are not afraid, and you still care about a few high school classmates?"

Liu Li was stunned and roared wildly in her heart: Who said the old lady was not afraid of He Miaomiao? !

Do you have any misunderstandings about me!

Of course, there was no timidity on the surface, and Yun Danfeng gently waved his hand: "I just ask casually."

Well, there is a taste!

Wang Dashao sighed, spitting lightly and revealing the truth.

"There was a girl who was my crush in high school. However, my goodwill broke up during the holidays at the end of the college entrance examination. I never contacted her again afterwards. I don't know if she will go to the party.

Because, I already have the best 30,000 in the world..."

Liu Li was so coquettish that she couldn't control her. She nodded her teeth and said: "I can talk! Go for it, it's your pass!"

She didn't ask how it was broken, and saved Wang Yan's heart.

Otherwise, you have to talk about the embarrassing things that Liu Weilong had at the school banquet, and the change of mind after thoroughly seeing the class gap.

But if we tell the truth, we can't explain the current rich second generation design...

Really, it's really hard to hide the outbreak. Wang Yan has done so many designs and still needs time to cover many traces.

Well, another one or two years.

Therefore, within two years, you should actually avoid meeting 30,000 with your parents until your parents have developed some real nobility.

It doesn't need to be as exquisite as the city's rich, but at least it can't be timid when it comes to spending money.

Even more than 30,000, all friends such as Pingzhi, Miaomiao, Huge, etc., are the objects that need to distance the family in the short term.

Personal personal contact is fine, but it is not possible to go deeper. Try to avoid it.

When Wang Yan was contemplating, Liu Li stopped asking. He smiled and looked at the quiet face of the dog, happily playing a little nympho.

After turning back to the main road of the last century, she began to bother to consider: what to eat?

"Do you need to control your figure during the holidays?" Wang Yan asked.

Liu Li nodded: "Of course, the amount of exercise during the holidays is small, and it must be more strictly controlled than when I was in school. I can't eat big meat."

The young man pondered for a moment: "Then expect it?"

It is not blindly worshiping neon cuisine, but in terms of low fat, low salt and low sugar, Japanese food is indeed stronger.


Liu Li had no opinion, and the two discussed and went straight to Yingtian Tian on the side of the century.

It was the best Japanese food shop in Gujiao. When the 6 small boxes were not available until the meal, the dine-in set meal for 598 people, resting in big cities, was considered a luxury buffet.

Of course, a single point is more expensive.

When Wang Yan and Liu Li arrived at the store, they were in their early hours, but the box was still not empty, so they had to go down to the dining table under the guidance of the waiter.

Before waiting, Liu Li's hand held Wang Yan's hands suddenly tightened, and most of them looked up—hey, the fate continued!

There were already two people sitting on the dining table, one man and one woman, Duanmu and Li Yunyin.

When Wang Yan looked up, Li Yunyin took back his gaze quietly and dropped his head out of his phone.

Liu Li also didn't like the present encounter, just wanted to stop the waiter and sit in a different position. As a result, Duanmu looked up in a sense, and just saw the two of them.

"Huh? Liu Li!"

Are you excited about it? !

That is my wife!

Wang Dashao was either angry or feeling a bit crying and laughing.

Did you say that you grabbed Li Yunyin next to her, wasn't she fragrant?

To look good, to have a figure, to be special... Oh, brother hasn't checked her score, mainly because she is not willing to give up that silver league.

Now poor...

Anyway, no matter what her score is, Tuotu is a big beauty, the kind that deserves anyone's attention.

As a result, Duanmu greeted him and made the atmosphere a little weird.

The two beauties were originally quite tacit, pretending that nobody saw anyone, Tie Han Han shouted, and now can not pretend.

"Hello, what a coincidence."

Thirty thousand people were guilty of committing a grievance, but they had to say hello.

"Yeah, what a coincidence! You haven't eaten yet? Come and sit down!"

Duanmu's happy and kind invitation, people have stood up, Li Yunyin had to stand up with him, smiling politely--

Six teeth were exposed, and it was a standard.

It was no longer possible to refuse now. Liu Li simply greeted him and gave the final reminder with kindness: "Will you not be disturbed? We always feel like a light bulb."

Duanmu nodded busy: "Don't disturb, don't disturb! Everyone is a classmate, I haven't seen you for a long time, just chat!"

Wang Dashao almost didn't laugh and cry, only one feeling: Brother, you are not saved!

Liu Li didn't quit anymore and smiled across from Li Yunyin.

Wang Yan was about to pay for it, but he saw that Duanmu had opened his wallet and pulled out a card: "I'll treat you! I have a VIP card from his house, and I still have a lot of money in it. Don't be polite to me."


But what are you trying to figure out?

Wang Yan just didn't understand it, and felt that experience and wisdom were not enough.

Looking at Liu Li, Liu Li sighed and nodded.

She mainly considers that there are more diners around, and it is not enough to make the price off for such a small amount of money.

Wang Wang usually settles his bills, and it is common for more than one hundred thousand at a time, and it is not worth it to tear for 1,000 yuan.

The key to Duanmu is an iron fool, and it is impossible to know what is more than enough. It can only be made by oneself.

Wang Yan understood her thoughts after seeing that look, so she withdrew her wallet and thanked her generously: "Thank you for your kindness, then we are disrespectful."

Duanmu paid the money as he wished.

"A little money, don't mention it! Brother, are you a native?"

This is the beginning?

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Yes, graduate from the experiment."

"Yo! Half an alumni...you are also in DìDū?"

"No, the South."

"Huh? A different place... When did you spend with our class?"

Impatience, strongness, no city.

Is this 30,000 so-called warm men?

In three sentences, Wang Yan was a bit puzzled to accurately judge the character of the other party.

This is actually black under the lights.

Most of the boys around the age of 20 are like this. As mature as Wang Yan, they are heterogeneous and extremely rare.

After all, it was hardened by secrets and cannot be compared to normal situations.

Wang Jiangyin, Li Lei, and even the previous generation of Ma Lei Liu and others had done a lot of stupid things when they were young. Not to mention the second generation of a mining city.

Wang Yan lives on his own, and always feels that most of the rich second generation should be smart and cautious, and it is completely a deviation of thinking.

After confirming the opponent's level, the young man became more at ease: "Last August."

There is one sentence, one sentence back, no curiosity at all.

The opposite Li Yunyin is the kind of woman who doesn't talk much. An An quietly looked at Wang Yan and Liu Li, with a smile that seemed to freeze on her face.

Duanmu asked for a few words about Wang Yan and Liu Li's acquaintance. Wang Yan dealt with it easily, and suddenly the topic changed.

"Which year were you in the experiment? I read it in the experiment in my freshman year, and I didn't seem to have seen you."

"I am one year younger than Liu Li."

The young man looked sideways at 30,000, teasing his eyebrows: Miss Sister, your old cow eats tender grass!

30,000 read it, and grabbed Wang Yan's thigh under the table, unable to pinch and flex his fingers.



A little sour.

Duanmu didn't find the interaction between the two, and he still lingered Wang Yan.

"Eh? Then you and my sister once? Do you know Duanmu Chuge?"

"I know, but I don't know."

The young man shook his head, thinking back to the nightclub party.

It is said that Duanmu Chuge went to sit for a while, but did not go upstairs, so Wang Yan did not really touch the golden flower, and she would not be deeply impressed by Wang Yan if she wanted to come.

And this is the only intersection between the two.

Duanmu Qinwu's attitude suddenly produced a subtle change.

"No wonder I have never heard of you before..."

Mining City is not rich, but the upper circle is smaller. Even if you don’t know, you will always hear.

Never heard of it, plus the tattered wrangler outside, made Duanmu think that Wang Yan's condition has been determined.

As a result, the next question became less polite.

"Brother, good luck, how did you lie to our class flower? She didn't take care of her back then..."

The brother clearly felt provocative, but was not angry at all, just inexplicably funny.

So seriously, he really helped him analyze: "It should be the wrong time. Lili wanted to test imperial dance in high school, and did not have a love affair. After the university, he gradually let go of his feelings, and then I was met by the traits like me ...This is fate."

Duanmu was stimulated by this wave of analysis so that the corners of his mouth pumped straight.

What lili, fate, really sad.

What's more exciting is that Liu Li is in a good mood, just a bite, and she kisses Wang Yan's cheek with a sweet smile.

Li Yunyin couldn't stand it anymore, the smile disappeared, and the corners of his mouth tightened.

Instead, Wang Yan felt that she was more beautiful at this time, her upper lip was naturally raised, and her shape was unique and seductive.

So Duanmu is really honest...

Even such a charming woman doesn't know how to catch it, but she is reluctant to fall in love with someone else's girlfriend. What's in her head?

Duanmu really doesn't count ~www.readwn.com~ or sincerely thinks that his condition crushes Wang Yan and is still forcing questions.

"Brother, I read politics and law, rhyme is in the central sound, and Liu Li is in the imperial dance. It is not far away. Which university are you in? We have a chance to get together."

He knew the off-site long ago, and now it is pure deadlift.

The young man didn't take it seriously, and continued to tell the truth: "Star City Teachers, it seems very difficult to get together."

"so far?"

Duanmu's eyes lit up, and finally found a chance, leaning his head to look at Liu Li.

"Old schoolmates, your thoughts are still... um, unique. It is not easy to go to DìDū after graduation, you two have to plan ahead..."

It sounds like a concern. In fact, I didn't even ask "Li Liu, are you blind?"

Liu Li frowned, her smile faded and her expression became unhappy for the first time.

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