God of Music

Chapter 122

36 – Autumn is the season for men (2) MG Entertainment branch in USA LA.

I was a Lee Han-seo director who did not want to move to the domestic region, but he made a difficult step up to the USA.

Lee Han-seo, director at the governor’s training room, met with Jung Min-ah.

“Contract renewal?”

Jung Min-ah had a hard look when Lee Han-seo, who was in charge of his own autograph, made a difficult story.

Really? I want to know what everyone thinks. ”

“I do not know what other kids are thinking. This story is taboo. ”

Jung Min-ah avoided direct mention. In fact, the daily story was a renewal story. But I did not want to tell this story to anyone but myself. Even if it is the one who is responsible for it. As a result, the company’s credibility was bottoming out.

Now in October.

It was a couple of months before the contract expired with MG Entertainment.

“Everybody’s thinking is complicated. This is the situation right now. ”

“…..” “But if you want it will be a contract renewal.”

In hopeful words, Jung Min-ah was silent. I did not want to imagine creating a company and future anymore. Life in the USA has completely broken trust in the Company.

“Is that your idea, or is it your company?”

That’s… Lee Han-seo, director, took a long sigh. In that sigh, Jung Min-ah could see his answer.

“That’s what you thought of me.”

Ah… I’m not sure yet. So with hope … ”

“Hope, hope.”

Jung Min-ah bites his lips. However, he shook his head as if he was resigning.

Good The idea that MG would do something is because I gave up in the old days. ”


Lee Han-seo The director was sad. Everyone in EDDIOS was very interested in him. But where did it go wrong? The desire of someone to rise in the Company’s position and achievement has ruined the children of the future.

‘….MG has no idea. I’m sure. ‘ Jung Min-ah had already guessed. The contract expires now two months. It was time to bring plans such as giving an album if you renewed the contract. But they had no response.

Membership fraud has already hit the bottom. It was not only because of the loss of status in Korea. Artists eventually buy popularity. I have been living anonymous life for many years. .

Now, the members who were so thorough in self-management were getting one by two.

‘What do you have to do to make these children go well … . ‘ Lee Han-seo, the director, was so disgusted that Jung Min-ah’s shoulder had fallen down. I hated myself for not being able to prevent the directors from moving. My heart keeps burning.

Jung Min-ah talked about whether he knew the idea.

“But I know that you are different from the other directors. I have to travel all over the USA. If I did not have a director, I would have had to go through a lot more … . Thank you. ”

“But I could not stop it. I’m sorry. ”

“I can not. The people are stronger. The uncle Kang-yoon who worked so hard against such people was great. Even though I was a director, I stayed there. Really… ”

Lee Han-seo The director was bitter. Since I took over EDDIOS to Kang-yoon, I knew everything was going to be released. EDDIOS, which was taken over by Kang-yoon, was the best. I was young, but I did not have any personality defects like talent and talent. Moreover, it was modest. After all, I shot the best in Korea and knew that I could keep going.

However, all of them came from the bottom because they came to the USA in the absentia of the directors. Since then. This is the situation that has been forgotten by all because Korea has lost and USA has not.

“….I can not do it if I can not renew it. ”

Jung Min-ah seemed to have already put down everything. The girl who is only twenty-two is putting down her face … .

‘If you do not have MG, you have to send it elsewhere. This is my responsibility. ‘ Lee Han-seo, the director, could not let EDDIOS go this way. I could not finish the EDDIOS delivered to Kang-yoon without ruining it.

Lee Han-seo, the director of Jung Min-ah, saw this in the face of the powerless Jung Min-ah.

—————————– The fall of World Entertainment was a busy season for everyone.

White Moonlight has established a dedicated venue called Lunas and has started to perform regularly on Fridays and Sundays. Kim Jae-hoon spurred preparations for a new album. Kim Ji-min is no longer only stopping in music training, but has gone into comprehensive training for debut.

The feature of the entertainment company is that when the singer is busy, the temples are busy.

“My lord. There are too many receipts. Who took my work off … ”

For a few days, Jung Hye-jin was worried that his skin was getting thinner at night. Lee Hyun-ji, who was in front of him, snorted.

“I will only do it.”

Lee Hyun-ji looked at the documents piled up next to him and the rash on his face. The women in the office screamed happily (?) By pushing.

“The CEO is bad.”

A few days already.

The two women who had to root in the office were sore.

In the studio, Kang-yoon and Kim Jae-hoon were working on album work.

“let’s try again. When you call ‘any wish’ I think you should call it a little weaker. ”

Got “Oh, wait a minute. Who is my story? ”

Kang-yoon took off his headset and scratched his ears.

– You do not have a headset for a long time.

Yeah, right. I am sensitive today. ”

Putting the headset back on, Kang-yoon sent a signal to Kim Jae-hoon.

Gonna go.

Kang-yoon regenerated MR. Then a heavy rock ballad came out. It was ‘Only One’ given by Lee Hyun-ah.

– Now. – Anything you want.

Kim Jae-hoon was touched by lyrics and accompaniment in his hand. The heavy feeling of accompaniment and his voice were combined and changed appealingly.

‘It’s early, but it’s too old.’ But Kang-yoon shook his head. Kim Jae-hoon’s notes combined, and the light weakened slightly. Kang-yoon turned off the accompaniment and said again.

“Let’s go a little weaker.”

-Oh, sure.

The accompaniment came out again. Kim Jae-hoon shed his lyrics on his neck.

– Now. – Anything you want.

The notes of Kim Jae-hoon were combined with the notes of the accompaniment. It was a little stronger than the previous light. However, Kang-yoon was puzzled. It seemed to be stronger by a little more.

“Let’s do it one more time.”


But it did not change much. I tried so many times and the intense white light that Kang-yoon wanted came out.

“This will do. Let’s move on. ”

Kim Jae-hoon was pleased with the recording of Kang-yoon. Even though he was satisfied with Producer, he was not satisfied. He could not work with Kang-yoon. Lee Hyun-ah gave me this song, but it was good to hear it. It was a strange thing.

So 6 hours of recording was over. 12 hours of recording was basic. It was a very short time for Kim Jae-hoon to lightly turn around 24 hours.

Kang-yoon extended his handkerchief to Kim Jae-hoon in the booth.

for your troubles.” When I work with my brother, I certainly do not have much time. ”

“I do not have time and efficient.”

“That ‘s true. Brother, you do not see music in your eyes, right? ”

Kang-yoon instantly turned off. But it was soon over.

“I wish there was such a thing.”

“I wish I could watch a note. I am completely done with today. Oh, I heard you’re showcasing it to me … ”

“If you have a venue, you should eat it. I want to invest money and do it right. I also want to take a music video. ”

Four Kim Jae-hoon screamed in joy like no other.

Showcases You can hold a new album and stand before people. Kim Jae-hoon was a newcomer. It was a different feeling from May when I was singing around the country.

But Kang-yoon’s words were not the end of it.

“Let’s consider a national tour if this album is good.”


Kim Jae-hoon’s answer grew larger at the end of Kang-yoon’s growing scale.

—————————- Kim Jae-hoon’s album release was decided in mid-October, when the autumn leaves are in full swing, with the aim of reaching the end of the season.

album work, music video, and so on.

What’s left is a showcase that will show people the first line.

The place decided to do in Lunas as a singer of World Entertainment. Kang-yoon started an invitation to Kim Jae-hoon’s fan club and started an invitation to record companies.

And on showcase day.


Jung Hye-jin was busy with fan club members. The fans who came with packs of various placards and gifts came into Lunas with a full expression. They were victorious in a fierce showcase invitation battle. Of course, the invitation was free.

Kang-yoon and Lee Hyun-ji were unhappy with the officials.

“Are you Annyeong?”


A lot of people came to see the showcase, from the music distributors who are dressed up, to the sound source site staff to other agency staff members. Lee Hyun-ji’s wide network and the name of Kim Jae-hoon was the moment that shone.

Kang-yoon led them to a special place in front of them.

“I was surprised to hear that Kim Jae-hoon had comebacked a little while ago, now to the new album. Congratulations! Thank you.

The officials were surprised. I was amazed at Kang-yoon, who resurrected Kim Jae-hoon exactly. They all thought of Kim Jae-hoon as a dead singer. Debt was also a problem, but the gap, and the empty space caused by the army. It was not easy for him to decide on investment. However, the CEO of the small entertainment invested and resurrected it, and also brought up a new album.

Everyone thought that World Entertainment would never stay as a small agency if this album were to pop up properly.

“This CEO. Are you Annyeong? ”

“Kang Si-myeong CEO. Welcome to.”

Kang-yoon shook hands with Kang Si-myeong, chief executive in a torn jeans suit that does not suit suit corps. He was not surprised at the showcase of Kim Jae-hoon.

“The venue is great.”

Thank you.

“It’s a good singer for a nice performance hall. I envy you No. It’s just a step away. ”

Kang-yoon gave a good place to the CEO of Kang Si-myeong. When I saw Kang Si-myeong CEO, all the officials got up and greeted him. Everyone has treated him as much as he is a CEO of a big company.

Even after that, Kang-yoon was hit by a customer. It was like a bridegroom to a guest in a wedding hall. Lee Hyun-ji was the same.

CEO Kang Si-myeong greeted the people around him and turned his eyes to a neatly arranged stage, high ceiling, and surrounding facilities.

‘It would not have been easy to make such a daring investment in a small agency like World. I’d rather build a building. Or has it been tied up with funds? I do not know. ‘ I did not know the office would be better if I had the money to invest here. But it is a theater. That Ramyeon thought was unthinkable.

‘They were true. It would be unbelievable that the price for this facility. Hmm… . ‘ Kang Si-myeong CEO thought of chin.

Over time, the light slowly turned dark. And the stage light slowly turned on. Park Chan – hyung came up with him. He is a comedian who has been making a lot of buzzwords recently and getting popularity.

“Are you Annyeong? Welcome to Kim Jae-hoon’s Mini Album 6 showcase. ”

“Wow ah —”

The showcase began with the applause of the audience. Park Chan-hyung made the atmosphere light with the light gag and made people laugh. When the people seemed to be open, he soon cried out.

“Introduce, the protagonist of today! Kim, Jae Hun! ”

“Oh, ah!”

“Waaaaaa —- !!!”

Kim Jae-hoon came in behind the stage with big cries of Lunas. And the light dims and the spotlight turns on. Kim Jae-hoon took a microphone to his mouth as a moderate accompaniment was flowing. It was the title song ‘Time with you’.

“Living in my heart – in memory – the person I missed -”

The rich bass of Kim Jae-hoon rang the concert hall. The thick, thin Kim Jae-hoon’s unique voice made audiences feel their own. An orchestra-like gorgeous accompaniment and a big voice corresponding to it made everyone fall.

“I loved you – because of love – even with my heart -”

The vibration that I put in the chorus made my chest tremble. His voice got deeper. There was nothing to say about the audience, and the officials were sulky.

‘Good song?’ ‘Do you have a taste different from the past?’ Kim Jae-hoon is a song that is not against the trend these days while preserving the characteristics of its own.

Their assessment was this.

Kim Jae-hoon continued to sound unchanged in the songs that followed without accompaniment. I was getting more and more energetic and shouted at the climax.

“Only once – a fool I could not tell – now I cry – I love you —”

And the accompaniment stopped.

The lights were turned off for a while, and the sound burst. Kim Jae-hoon’s voice burst out with him. It was a climax.

“I love you – … ”

“I love you Ah -”

The audience was already following Kim Jae-hoon. At the moment of hearing Kim Jae-hoon’s new song, they were happy.

Kim Jae-hoon’s voice slowly disappeared and the song ended.

“Wow, Aaa — !!”

“Kim Jae-hoon !! Kim Jae-hoon !! ”

All of the great talents of the title song revived the name of Kim Jae-hoon. Kim Jae-hoon bowed to everyone with a smile.

Thank you.

“Wow ah! — !!”

Kim Jae-hoon’s mini album title song ‘Time with you’ That song was so in the world.




“Ha ha ha ha ha!!”

Park ‘s smooth progress made everyone in the audience laugh. Kim Jae-hoon scratched his chin with a grim look. The difficult face made the audience more entertaining.

“There is no lover. Now, the candidate to run. ”

Lunas is a laughing sea, and you can also get a hand. Of course, half was a joke.

Park Chan-hyeong picked out some hand-picked people and made an event matching Kim Jae-hoon. Of course, it was a fan service dimension. Kim Jae-hoon hugged them and autographed them. Those who climbed the stage bought the envy of the other fans, saying it was a firing day.

Kim Jae-hoon told a variety of stories from the story of what he had done for four years to the episode that came into his new agency. Especially when the story came into the new agency, the audience shed tears. Fortunately, now I find the copyright and I was excited that the former CEO was being punished in prison.

There were also some people who were attracted to attention. It was Kang-yoon. Kang-yoon, who was watching the showcase behind the stage, was attracted to everyone who pointed out that Kim Jae-hoon was a benefactor.


When Kang-yoon laid out his awkward expression, Lee Hyun-ji giggled from the side.

“It’s a good thing. Shake your hand. ”

Kang-yoon still had no response, and Lee Hyun-ji grabbed his arm and shook his hand. Then the audience applauded and cheered.

It was time for event fan meeting and it was time to show the next song.

Park Chan – hyung said the script.

“This is the only one you can hear. What is this song? ”

“This song is a bit different from my previous songs. Rock ballads. ”

The audience cheered at the word rock. It was because Kim Jae-hoon did not think about it at all.

“Rock? Jae-hoon was not far away from Rock? ”

“I did. I do not hate it, but it is not one I prefer. However, the CEO recommended it. So we got a song from our company Hyun-ah. ”

“I look forward to it. Now, all of you. ‘Only One’. ”

“Wow ah! — !!”

Kim Jae-hoon woke up with a strong cheering of the audience. The accompaniment flows and his second song “Only One” begins.

36 – Autumn is the season for men (2) End

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