God of Music

Chapter 127

Episode 38 – For All Ris Mas (1) —————————– the god of music Episode 38 – Ris MAS for everyone —————————– MG Entertainment’s regular board meeting was held on the day. All the directors gathered together.

Items that have not been processed since the end of the year have been processed quickly. It also took a long time for the rest of the budget and wasted budgets to be shared.

There was also a talk about EDDIOS.

“The renewal date with EDDIOS is over.”

Director Jung Hyun-tae said without looking at the documents. But it has already lost strength compared to other agendas. The other directors seemed to be a lot of other people.

Kim Jin-ho, the director, replied.

“There is no contract renewal. Did not we collect the opinion to turn that budget elsewhere? ”

“I did. Was their debut next summer? ”

Director Jung Hyun-tae passed the back of the paperwork. There was a record of the rookie Girl Group project. He read the contents.

“In the summer of 2012 debut. Five-member Girl Group. I like the feeling. Is your preparation going well? ”

I asked the autograph guy Moon Gwang-sik, who was in charge of rookie Girl Group, laughing.

“Is not it obvious? I will have a formal report at the New Year’s Day. ”

Hahaha The atmosphere was cheerful. I was already mistaken for the rookie success.

Looking at it, Lee Han-seo, the director, kicked his tongue out.

‘EDDIOS is no longer mentioned.’ When the contract expires, do you think I do not know? It was unimaginable in previous MG entertainment. It was not easy to sign a new contract, but MG Entertainment, who had left it in a good shape even if it did not make sense to renew it, left the Star in the worst shape. They seemed to have no idea how Star, who left here, would talk about MG Entertainment later on.

Lee Han-seo Director Director Moon Gwang-sik, who did not know what he thought, took out another agenda.

“By the way, Min Jin-seo, the achievements in China this year were enormous. I played a big hit in the drama on CNTV drama channel. It was a god’s number to advance to China. ”

Hahaha Would not it be all balls? ”

Director Lee Young-chang smiled and replied.

Min Jin-seo The story was so hot that the atmosphere was soothing. Min Jin-seo was directly led by Won Jin-moon Chairman. The principle was that Won Jin-moon Chairman’s Deputy was supposed to be in charge, but he was in the hands of the directors. Of course, Min Jin-seo did not move enough to move around.

“Min Jin-seo will be in China for the time being.”


“Come to Korea, you’ll be looking somewhere else. I’d better be in China for the time being. ”

All the directors gathered their opinions. The Chinese market has certainly become money. It was a penny because there was no money, no risk.

‘I do not see the child suffering.’ Lee Han-seo, the director, shook his head as they watched them laugh and shout.

—————————— Lee Hyun-ji was the busiest person after Kang-yoon in World Entertainment.

Kang-yoon’s contract with EDDIOS has come to an end, and her work has more than doubled to three times. We had to set a down payment, to budget for the renovation of Luna’s office, to the cost of Kim Jae-hoon’s activities, and to the cost of Kim Ji-min’s education.

Every day was busy.

“My lord. Sign out Do not you? ”

9 pm.

Jung Hye-jin carefully asked among the pile of documents still piled up. However, Lee Hyun-ji answered with a lousy eye.

“….Please leave first. ”

“Sobbing. The CEO is bad. ”

“Is not it hard for the year-end settlement?”

“Yes … ”

Jung Hye-jin was hit by a bomb at the end of the year. I got a paycheck on my bankbook, but I complained that I did not have time to write it. Lee Hyun-ji, who listened to the words, laughed lowly.

“I’ll be rich.”

“I do not like this rich man !!”

Jung Hye-jin screamed happily in the Heaven of Settlement.

Meanwhile, in the studio, Kang-yoon was talking with Kim Jae-hoon, White Moonlight, and Kim Ji-min.

“The Big Rismas performance?”

It was the most profitable day among the events. Of course, Kim Jae-hoon thought his schedule was there. By the way, what is the schedule? The other day was full and the 24th night was empty.

Kang-yoon explained.

“I left it empty for Luna ‘s performance. Is the performance concept a solo party? ”

“A solo party?”

Lee Hyun-ah had big eyes. Other White Moonlight members grabbed the chest.

“Cough. The CEO pierces the sick corner. ”

“큭 … ”

At the end of Kim Jin-dae, Chung Chan-kyu was silent. But he was a dumb reaction. Lee Hyun-ah asked amazedly.

“Cha Cha Hey, are you lover?”

“These days, there is a child.”


Everyone, including Lee Hyun-ah, was amazed at the cool words. But she did not say it or not.

“I’m a civil servant, even if I do not have fun.”

Lee Hyun-ah showed a deep curiosity. I started to talk with my friend Cha Young Hee. Kang-yoon struck the palm of the meeting when he saw a sal on the other side of the road. Then all the nerves were concentrated again.

“magneton. Anyway 24th party only opens for parties. The solos have no reeds. I try to reverse the idea. Performances for solo. Invincible solo party? ”

“Teacher. I think I should change the name. ”

At the end of Kim Ji-min, everyone giggled and laughed. Kang-yoon also shrugged his shoulders. When I listened to my words, the dark force was thick and nobody seemed to come.

“Maybe I should. Anyway, I adjusted the schedule for Jae-hoon and White Moonlight, and Luna’s got time. The time is 7 pm on the 24th. The cast is … ”

“Are they our family members?”

Kang-yoon nodded at Lee Hyun-ah’s inquiry.

Sy! and also At that time, the studio door opened and a man came in. It was a man of appearance that women would like to see even if it was suitable for the big body and moderately dry body.

Kang-yoon waved at him.

“Come on, Jun-yeol.”

“Howdy. Type It was Lee Jun-yeol. He looked at Kang-yoon and immediately hugged and sat down beside him. Everyone winked at the appearance of a famous singer who did not have a good time.

“Ah, Annyeong-hase-yo?”

Kim Ji-min and other women’s eyes shook. Lee Jun-yeol’s male appearance was shaken for a moment. Men were also aware of his big tallness and appearance.

Kang-yoon introduced Lee Jun-yeol to everyone. singer There was no one who did not know Sedee.

“Annyeong-hase-yo? It’s Lee Jun-yeol. ”

Everyone applauded Lee Jun-yeol’s simple greeting. Especially, the applause of the women was very big.

Wow. I did not know you would see Sedee here. ”

Lee Hyun-ah told an honest feeling. Lee Jun-yeol laughed.

“Fuhu. I’ll call you everywhere I go. ”


It was the moment when Lee Hyun-ah saw Kang-yoon.

Lee Jun-yeol came to Kang-yoon to continue the story.

“Jun-yeol You know this roughly?”

Ah… A solo party? But are you okay with me? I do not know the hearts of the solos. ”

Kim Jae-hoon wrote a slight impression on his horse. However, Kang-yoon said, “I do not have a word.

I’m fine. I have a partner for you, so I can sing with you. ”

Partners -Which is? Oh, is that what you said last time? ”

It was the ending to feature. Kang-yoon nodded.

“It also has it. Anyway. I think it is very well with your voice. I’ll be back soon. ”

After the story, Kang-yoon turned his gaze elsewhere.

“The order is important for this party. The first is White Moonlight, the second is Jae-hoon, and the third is Jun-yeol. ”

“Yeah. How do you choose a song? ”

In the question of Lee Hyun-ah, Kang-yoon told Conti to everyone. There was a story for the party. White Moonlight opens the mood with a light mood, and Kim Jae-hoon takes on the role of melting the open mind with a soft song. Finally, Lee Jun-yeol and his partner should make sure that the melted heart is blowing. This was the main content of the party.

“I’m going to the duet alone. All right. It feels like homework. When my partner comes … ”

When Lee Jun-yeol was concerned about the song, the door of the studio opened and a long straight woman came in. It was a woman wearing only comfortable jeans and a jumper. Everyone shouted in amazement when she saw her.

“Joo-yeon ?!”

“Joo-yeon is it ?!”

The biggest loudest sounds came from Kim Jin-dae and Chung Chan-kyu. It was a member of EDDIOS. Kang-yoon’s contract with EDDIOS has not been discussed yet. Lee Hyun-ah and the second-half were surprised, and Kim Ji-min swallowed his saliva while he saw the top singer.

With Kim Jae-hoon shaking his eyes, Lee Jun-yeol turned to Kang-yoon with a surprise eye.

“brother. surely… ”

“Everybody knows? I do not need to introduce myself. Joo-yeon ah. Greetings. ”

Han Joo-yeon stood beside Kang-yoon with a gentle expression.

“Annyeong-hase-yo? Han Joo-yeon. Thank you very much. ”

Five hundred fifty-five Nice to meet you.

Men, especially Kim Jin-dae, welcomed me like a deterioration. The fine beauty on the puppy kept him out of the hair. He said, “I have a tongue.”

“Joo-yeon, did you arrive yesterday?”

“Yeah. I can not adjust to the time difference … . It will take a little time. ”

Han Joo-yeon told me to come in person, although I did not call it shortly after I arrived. After Kang-yoon’s return, I started practicing properly. Jung Min-ah was able to debut with solo, which was a big shock for her. Eventually, it was the moment when it moved.

Lee Jun-yeol had no idea that the Duet’s opponent would be Han Joo-yeon. I knew that Han Joo-yeon’s songs were excellent among girl groups. Moreover, Kang-yoon’s recommendation did not worry much about Ramyeon.

“Is your brother recommending Han Joo-yeon?”

“Huh. Trust me. Joo-yeon will fit in with your tone. ”

“It’s what your brother says.”

Lee Jun-yeol immediately agreed without a word.

Kang-yoon came to Han Joo-yeon and gave Lee Jun-yeol a score. It was a duet song.

“Oh, This is a song three years ago? Love Day? ”

Han Joo-yeon also took notes and looked closely at her.

“Do you have to record it?”

“no. It’s not even an album, but recording. ”

“Will we take the practice?”

At the end of Lee Jun-yeol, Kang-yoon thought for a moment. ”

“Are you sure?”

“We are not children either. Mr. Joo-yeon. Is it okay? ”

Han Joo-yeon nodded for a moment.

Four Kang-yoon listened to Han Joo-yeon’s doctor and agreed.

Afterwards Kang-yoon listened to the songs of other singers and composed conti of the performances. But all the while, Lee Jun-yeol and Han Joo-yeon’s duet practice got to mind.

‘Will not it be great when these things are practiced?’ Kang-yoon was worried about whether or not he was thinking too much about his voice.

——————————- (EDDIOS, World Entertainment’s New Nest) The idol group EDDIOS has signed exclusive contract with World Entertainment (CEO: Lee Kang-yoon).

On the 4th, according to a member of World Entertainment, EDDIOS announced that it had signed an exclusive contract with World Entertainment after a contract with its agency was renewed.

World Entertainment said EDDIOS still has a lot of charm that Yeoju has not done yet, and that it is a singer that is still well in Korea. I have hidden power that is the idol who once had the biggest fandom, and showed strong confidence to show more diversity in the future.

But I did not know when to show the comeback stage. I will say that I will be coming back from USA soon, but I am also cautious about what members will do next.

World Entertainment has a vocational rist Kim Jae-hoon, an agency that has the know-how to overcome four years gap. It is worth noting that the know-how will also work for EDDIOS.

Star mate Reporter [email protected].com .



“EDDIOS originally went to his place.”

CEO Chu Man-ji made a deep voice when he saw an internet article. He turned off the Internet and called the secretary. The woman secretary carefully placed the coffee on his desk.

“Yun Secretary.”

“Yes, CEO.”

The woman secretary tried to leave the coffee, but Chu Man-ji CEO called her.

“Why did Lee Kang-yoon sign EDDIOS?”

“…..” The secretary cared for his words. Because he knew that he was not asking himself anyway. Soon, CEO Chu Man-ji replied.

“No matter how you think, EDDIOS will not be able to make money in Korea. Could it be a break-even point at best? I do not know if China is going to be unreasonable, but it must be based on it. It is not easy to succeed in overseas without the foundation in Korea. Why, then, did Lee Kang-yoon make a contract with EDDIOS? ”

“…..” Chu Man-ji, CEO, left the office. And she kept circling around her.

“I do not understand, I understand. It was not fool that was swept up in the jungle. Well, then we would not have given our kids a song in the first place. I do not know. ”

CEO Chu Man-ji continued to impress. It did not matter much if it was ruined anyway. But strangely, something was put on, and heart was used.

During that hour, the secretary had to stand in the CEO room and listen to the monologue.

—————————– Episode 38 – All for Ris MAS (1) Ends

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