God of Music

Chapter 136

Episode 40 – Princess debut (Final) In the back of the stage where broadcast video recording is underway, Kang-yoon met Jung Kwang-jin’s music camp PD. He confronted Kang-yoon and grumbled a little.

“I’m in charge of the music camp and this is the first time I’ve ever set a full set of instruments.”

“I just want to thank PD for consideration.”

“It’s not Gib and Taek anyway.”


Jung Gwang-jin PD made a meaningful remark. It is said that you should never forget your singer in the future. It was a natural word for him that his big company singer ‘s head was getting tired nowadays.

“What a surprise! There’s a box !! ”

Passing over Kang-yoon, Jung Gwang-jin PD shouted to AD with a hissing sound.

The stage was running around.

Kim Ji-min’s debut stage approached 10 minutes ago.

Kang-yoon once again checked Conti to see if there was anything wrong. I do not know the stage that I finished the rehearsal and came up once more.

A woman came down to the stage and pretended to know Kang-yoon.

“Kang-yoon Oppa.”

It was the Main Vocalist of DIATEEN, Kim Hyeon-jung. Kang-yoon raised his hand at an unexpected encounter.

“Hyeon-jung ah. A long time.”

“Annyeong-hase-yo? It’s been a long time How you doing?”

“Huh. Did you have video recording today? ”

Unlike Kim Hyeon-jung’s grinning expression, Kang-yoon was a bit embarrassed when he met DIATEEN’s Main Vocalist. As far as he knows, DIATEEN has already been in the rest of his activity. I was worried that Chu Man-ji CEO might have written a strange number.

However, unlike Kang-yoon’s idea, Kim Hyeon-jung had nothing to do with the music camp.

“I came to radio recording today and stopped by.”

“Oh yeah?”

Kim Hyeon-jung giggled as Kang-yoon sighed with relief.

“Oppa, were you relieved now?”

“Huh. DIATEEN today, I get a headache. ”

“I felt it last time, but Oppa is really honest. Do not worry. We will not be active in Korea for the time being. The company is turning its eyes to overseas rather than domestic. ”

“It’s good to see us.”

“Oh, Are you already doing this with EDDIOS? ”

Kim Hyeon-jung lifted his eyes lightly. I have already become friends with Kang-yoon or DIATEEN or album. Of course, the routine was separate.

– Mr. Nell. Please prepare.

I was talking to Kim Hyeon-jung, and the broadcast was heard.

“Oh, Is not he the debut of GNB? ”

Sy! “It’s interesting today. And look good. ”

As Yoon Na-yeon and the dancers climbed onto the stage, Kim Hyeon-jung stood beside Kang-yoon with a curious look. It was like a girl who found fun things.

“Is not the schedule late?”

“You’re looking at a future contender. The CEO will not say anything? ”

“You do not have any secrets?”

Kang-yoon kicked his tongue out, but Kim Hyeon-jung came out strong with his tongue sticking out.

The two turned their eyes to stage. The lights were turned off when the preparations were over, and the cheers of the audience burst out.

“Without sound – your eyes will be embedded – I will not whisper -”

The voice of Yoon Na-yeon stretched out coolly. With her, she showed sensual performances with dancers. The abdomen seemed to keep an eye on the outfit at first glance, and the gentle waist line made her dance more prominent.

In the eyes of Kang-yoon, a white feast unfolded. The audience was cheering with a broken performance.

“Dancing really good?”

Yeah, right.

Kim Hyeon-jung and Kang-yoon agreed. Yoon Na-yeon above the stage called so-called flying.

That first song is over. The second was a softer song than the first.

If the first song was dominated by the pop-pin-waving intensity, the second one was accompanied by a feminine sexy.

The performances of Yoon Na-yeon have warmed up the atmosphere. Her long legs and waistline caught the attention of the men, and there was no spot for her to be one with the dancers.

‘Great.’ Kang-yoon could not admit it either. The performance was making the light strong. White light came out and took control of the stage. Kim Hyeon-jung by the side was looking at his soul.

As the song headed to its peak, there was a solo part seen from the center of the stage alone. Yoon Na-yeon broke the body and showed poppin. The lights were focused and the stage devices at the back changed accordingly.

Average Kim Hyeon-jung said in a dumb tone but felt strong competition. The stage of rookie had an impact. rookie singer Nael’s title song ‘Trouble’ was her own color. I got my eyes on the right exposures, and I caught people with my ear-winding songs.

‘Also, the big organizers are different.’ Kang-yoon was impressed. It felt like a good investment for a talented singer. In the future, I would like to invest in the company and get popularity.

But it was not Kang-yoon who admired it.

‘We Ji-min is not easy either.’ Kang-yoon was convinced. Kim Ji-min was also ready. There was no reason to be worse than that singer. No, I would rather be ahead.

Before long, rookie singer Naeel’s stage was over and became Kim Ji-min’s turn.

Kim Ji-min came to the stage in a nervous way, guided by AD. In the stage, the sessions have already set the instrument and are waiting for a start signal.

“Thank you very much.”

Before starting, Kim Ji-min turned and bowed to the sessions. I tried it once when I was rehearsing the dress, but I got more nervous when I came to this stage.

The sessions shook hands not to worry.

‘Young friends are polite.’ ‘Let’s do well.’ Sessions were just smiling at each other. For those who are experienced, this stage was routine.


With the PD’s signal, Kim Ji-min put his hand on the guitar and closed his eyes. The cold texture of the string clears her head.

The lights dimmed and the male voice of the audience disappeared from her ears, and the moments that had been practiced so far passed through her head.

4. 3. 2. 1.

Kim Ji-min played a guitar with the drums’ hi-hate sound. I took my mouth with him.

“It’s a sweet dream,” he said.

The rich Kim Ji-min’s voice covered the stage. In response, the notes began to make one light in the stage.

‘Good Star’.

White light came out. But it was not a strong light. However, Kang-yoon thought it was okay because it was not an intense image from the beginning.

“My heart is shy yet – if you want to conceal it, look at you – my heart is throbbing -”

Kim Ji-min plays a difficult guitar with pounding and half-tempo accompaniment. Sounds began to add one by two to that. A drums shot was added to the drums, and a string of bass and synthesizers was added.

Along with that, the stages began to make one intense light of various color notes.

“Oh oh!!”

The spectators who just saw the stage of the rookie began to focus more and more on stages of different colors. The fan club with the male idol placard and the audience who got the admission by chance accidentally missed Kim Ji-min’s song one by one.

The drums stopped playing for a while with a double knock on SmallTamTam.

And all the instruments came out together with the slide of the base.

“Happy Day – we dream together – hope -”

Electric guitar also adds a small distortion to the atmosphere, and Kim Ji-min has also raised his voice.

The white light shone with him strongly.


Kang-yoon smiled lightly. It was a freshly debunted singer, but it was already covering the stage nicely.

“Making a dream of our own – Happy Day -”

“Wow ah ah ah —– !!”

At the end of the first verse, when entering the accompaniment, the audience began to call the name of Eunha.

Unlike in EDDIOS, Kang-yoon was unexpected in his response to the marketing of fandom. Apparently a fan of Kim Ji-min will come out of them. Kang-yoon thought.

Kim Hyeon-jung looked at Kang-yoon with a more surprised expression than he saw the stage of Yoon Na-yeon a while ago.

And hit Nael is a charm. That’s a monster. ”

“A monster. To her. ”

Kang-yoon gave a light sparkle, but Kim Hyeon-jung continued with a blank expression.

“….The voice is not a joke. I do not think there will be a lot of children to follow in the same age group. And the song is good … . I have to go. What rookie do … . I have to go practice. ”

When Kim Hyeon-jung tried to turn, Kang-yoon laughed.

“I see everything.”

no The monster rookie came out and I can not stay still. ”

“A monster. Anyway, thank you CEO. ”

“Yeah. Oppa is also good. ”

Kim Hyeon-jung left for a hurry. She was not surprised when she went.

Kang-yoon turned her eyes to Kim Ji-min again.

Suddenly, the song was at its peak.

“Maybe we have the same mind —”

Kim Ji-min’s voice was rising. Her cheering sound became even more intense.

“We are full – we are – we are already in love —–”

And also, The height of the last note reached its peak. The drums are gorgeous, and the bass, including the bass and the distortion, add a variety of effects and are gorgeous.

“Waaaaaaaaaa —– !!!!!!”

It was the best climax. The audience cheers also peaked. There was no distinction between fans. Everyone who fell into the rookie named Eunha all made one voice.

The white light was already turning into silver, and the gleaming light glanced at first.

‘argent?’ Beyond the peak, I returned to chorus again. Kang-yoon was surprised by the light of the stage and fluttered his eyes. But before the white light turned to silver, the song ended.

‘쩝. Sorry, Kang-yoon had a taste. It was a nice debut stage but it was regrettable that I could not make a better stage.

Thank you.

“Eunha !! Eunha !! ”

“The next song is … ”

Kim Ji-min prepared the next song so that he knew the heart of Kang-yoon. Soon the accompaniment flowed and began to sing another debut song.

So, Kim Ji-min appeared before public in the name of Eunha.

—————————- (People information) Name: Eunha (Kim Ji-min) Occupation: singer Birth May 17, 1994 Body 161.8cm, 44kg Company: World Entertainment Education: XXHigh School .


“I still can not believe it. Our Ji-min comes out on the person information … ”

Jung Hye-jin was uneasy about Kim Ji-min’s portrayal on the portal site. Lee Hyun-ji raised her hand on her shoulder and said.

“Get used to it. I’ll see this often in the future. ”

“is that so. Oh, Ji-min, I can not adapt myself. I always thought she was a cute little sister … ”

“You seem to have gone far, far away?”

Four Jung Hye-jin was honest. Lee Hyun-ji answered in a soft tone.

“That’s the difference between trainee and singer. I will be feeling that way right now. ”

“Will you?”

“Do you want more in this situation?”

Lee Hyun-ji pointed at the article in the news category and laughed.




(Scary rookie Eunha threatens chart with ‘Speak Happy Day’) (rookie singer Eunha ‘Speak Happy Day’ (Eunha, ‘Speak Happy Day’ .


“Look at this, Oppa. This is all my story. ”

In a still awkward van, Kim Ji-min searched for the word ‘Eunha’ on his cell phone. Then various articles were poured out. It has been a few days since debut, but the articles have been hot with interest in her.

Now, Choi Jae-jin who is a daily manager of Kim Ji-min’s manager replied that it is natural.

“These days our Eunha is hot.”

“Oppa, please do not write your name when we are together. I’m playing. ”

“No. The CEO told me to stay on the line until you get used to it. ”

“Woo … ”

Kim Ji-min did not say anything that Kang-yoon ordered.

Manager Choi took a look at the cell phone that Kim Ji-min handed over to him, and he immediately ran it. Then he said it was strange.

“But our CEO does not confiscate his cell phone.”

“Do you take your cell phone from another company?”

“I especially like idols. I had never had a cell phone before Company Idol kids. If you have a cell phone, you are going to go crazy. ”

“I’m scary.”

“Even if you do not have a phone, it’s a pitfall that all the people you care about are engaged in … I do not know how many young kids are good with each other. ”

Kim Ji-min took his cell phone and cherished it treasuredly. Looking at it, Manager Choi smiled.

Ha ha ha ha ha But it’s not like our CEO seized his cell phone. ”

“I do not … . I do not know. ”

What? Do you have any soma men? ”

No. I have not seen anyone yet. ”

Kim Ji-min was determined. Manager Choi knew that her words were true. It was not for a few days, but the kids like Kim Ji-min were a broken personality. It was right or not. Such children are not Ramyeon.

The van they had set out to Chuncheon with the next schedule.

—————————- Episode 40 – Princess’s debut

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