God of Music

Chapter 139

Episode 42 – Jenny? No, No. Sam-soon! (1) —————————— the god of music Episode 42 – Jenny? No, No. Sam-soon !! —————————— Hee-yoon’s vacation began with composition and ended with composition.

Following the debut song “Speak Happy day” by Kim Ji-min, this album is followed by a mini-album, followed by Jung Min-ah’s digital single. Reina, who came along with her work, grunted at the thought of playing alone, but Hee-yoon could not afford to play with her friends.

In studio, Jung Min-ah was listening to the song Hee-yoon brought. Composition that did not enter the arrangement was the only finished song. Listening to Hee-yoon’s piano play, Jung Min-ah fell head over heels.

“I do not know how melody works.”

Hmm … Really? You just need to know the feeling? ”

“Yeah. Is it possible to play Jeonju in brass for the first time? Then I think I know the feeling … ”

Hee-yoon changed the sound as Jung Min-ah said. Jung Min-ah started his rhythm by moving his head and feeling completely different from piano.

Hee-yoon, who played the first half, soon pulled out of the synthesizer. Then Jung Min-ah said.

“Oh, I feel this. Does the beat fit well? ”

“Do you like it? Thank God.

Jung Min-ah lifted his thumb and then Hee-yoon took a sigh of relief. When singer was happy with his song, Hee-yoon was happy.

Hee-yoon then told me the next Jeonju. Jung Min-ah listened to the following Jeonju.

“Is this the whole feeling?”

“for now. I’m going to put some effects here. Do you want to keep the brass effect? ”

Hee-yoon asked the question of Jung Min-ah. Then Jung Min-ah thought for a moment and said.

“This song seems to fit the brass. It’s good for riding … . I think it would be good to keep it. ”

All right. I’ll tell Oppa. ”

“Yeah. And… ”

Jung Min-ah also told Hee-yoon about things he felt about the song. Hee-yoon wrote down her requirements in sheet music and thought about things to modify. Again, there was much more demanding than active singer Kim Ji-min.

Jung Min-ah’s request was over when the margin of the sheet music was shattered.

“I have a lot to fix. It will not be easy to reflect all the demands. Next time we’ll go with Oppa. ”

“Yeah. Thanks for your efforts.”

When the meeting for the song was over, the two of them got up from their seats.

When Jung Min-ah greeted him and turned around, Hee-yoon asked Jung Min-ah.

“Hey, Min-ah.”

Four “We are close friends. right?”

Four Sure.”

I did not know what to say. Jung Min-ah was nervous in the smile of Hee-yoon.

“Yes. By the way, give Chocolate only to Oppa. Toothbrush. I was a little sick. ”

“…..” Jung Min-ah swallowed his spit in the story of a chocolate that was flying out of nowhere. Hee-yoon did not even imagine this aspect. It was clear that Lee Hyun-ah and Jung Min-ah, because of the use of Hee-yoon by Kang-yoon, putting down the flames of both.

‘Heik … . ‘ Jung Min-ah was frightened. Hee-yoon was the only one right now, when a good man was so scared when he got upset.

Hee-yoon smiled and put his arm on Jung Min-ah.

“I love chocolate, too. Min-ah. ”

Four “Later. I ask you … . May I have some? ”

This is a blackmail threat. Hee-yoon was laughing, but there was a flow of air around her. The usual angel-like composition disappears in front of me, and a sister-in-law who stands in front of me with an evil smile is sitting in front of me.

Hahaha Xxxxx Sure.”

Jung Min-ah laughed awkwardly and turned his eyes to another place.

There was no composition like an angel. In front of her, there was a sister-in-law who made an evil smile.

‘You are … . ‘ Jung Min-ah sought Kang-yoon in his heart. But that day, Kang-yoon did not even notice.

—————————— Kang-yoon dropped Lee Sam-soon and looked around at the filming site, Chilam-ri.

Cilomi was an ordinary rural village. There was a mountain behind the town, and it boasted beautiful scenery with a stream flowing in front.

At the stream, Kang-yoon sat on a large rock and looked around.

‘Is that a filming place?’ There was a town hall not far away. There, a lot of people seemed to be briskly moving. A large black object like a crane, Jimmy’s house, and many people surrounded it. The shooting was going on at the town hall.

‘Sam-soon, he should be good.’ Although her hometown and broadcasting environment will be similar, broadcasting will not be hard. It is literally a war to make the amount to be broadcast. Lee Sam-soon knew that he had analyzed the program, prepared it thoroughly and had created a character, but Kang-yoon was worried because he did not know what would happen.

But there was nothing he could do that he continued here. The managers of other cast members were also chatting outside the village.

In the end, Kang-yoon asked the Manager to ask for a later date.

“I have to go. Sam-soon, please. ”

“Yeah. Do not worry.”

Kang-yoon was on the bus, speculating on the Manager’s willingness to take it to the terminal.

“A terminal?”

“Yes, I’m going.”

Kang-yoon confirmed to an older bus driver that he sat down in the open air.

‘Tired.’ The aftereffects that dawned came and the eyelids were wounded.

On a bumpy bus on rough roads, Kang-yoon fell asleep and fell into a deep sleep while leaning his head at the window.




“Look, look!”

“…..” “young people.”


Kang-yoon woke up hardly to feel his body shaking.

But as soon as I opened my eyes, my old grandfather’s face came in front of me.

“Suck !!”

“No, what a surprise. “Heh.” I was tired. It’s the end point. I’ll have to go down now. ”

“terminal… . Ah…

At the end, Kang-yoon had the same spirit. When I looked out the window, I was arriving at the train station, not the terminal I originally intended for.


Kang-yoon came off the bus on a whim. It was a rare mistake in recent years. If I got off the bus stop, it would be right to Seoul. My plan has been broken. But I could not ride the bus again.

Kang-yoon hurried to the box office.

But the timetable showed that there was still a long time for the train.

‘Make this mistake … . ‘ Kang-yoon broke the train ticket. The fastest train had to wait more than two hours. He sighs and leaves the train station.

When I looked around, it was nothing like a vast field. There were no shops except a few small restaurants near the station. It was a typical countryside station.

“Heh.” I won … ”

Kang-yoon took a sigh of relief. Where I do not know, I had to have lunch alone. I tried to eat lunch in Seoul … . It was only a laugh that came out of the wrong plan.

Kang-yoon could not help but turned to the nearby restaurant.

It was then.

Ah… Kang-yoon’s ears were full of fine beauty. Thin but good to hear. It was a clear voice.

Kang-yoon got up to the sound suddenly heard.

‘Sounds good?’ Kang-yoon looked around. There were some people gathered in the square central clock tower. There, the white light was shining.

light It was fine but obviously the light of music. Kang-yoon hurriedly headed there. It was obvious that people were definitely singing talented people. Kang-yoon’s heart became urgent.

“In the place where you were – only the cold wind left – my heart would be here” – Kang-yoon hurt people and stepped forward. There was a man and a woman sitting and singing. A woman with long hair in a beanie hat played guitar without a peak without cold weather, and the man was singing with a microphone.

‘Jae-hoon is a song, right?’ Kang-yoon’s eyes were drawn to familiar songs. Kim Jae-hoon was singing ‘There’ before he entered World Entertainment. This song, which is one of the men’s karaoke songs and one of the songs women most dislike listening to in karaoke, the man was digesting with beauty.

“I love you – in my heart you disappear – only the longing left – because it hurts – too -”

It differs in color because it has strength in beauty. People gathered and enjoyed themselves. But if the speaker is not good, the woman keeps touching the volume of the speaker. It was because of the man ‘ I had to put the guitar in my hand for a while, but people did not care about it and enjoyed the show. Even though the accompaniment was cut off, the man’s voice was holding the people strong.

The notes from the guitar and voices produced beautiful white light. It was not a strong light, but Kang-yoon admired.

‘It sounds good. Looks good, too. That’s great. ”

Kang-yoon closed his eyes.

What if they stand in front of more people? It’s a song of a man who goes up in line with a woman’s accompaniment. The singers, who listened, seemed to like it.


Kang-yoon touched his business card in his pocket. I heard a little more and decided to show this.

That one song is over.

Thank you.

“Wow ah -”

With the greeting of the man, the people applauded. Some people put their money in the hat in front and responded to a great performance. Kang-yoon also put his hand in his pocket to put the money.


Beep – beep! Someone ran with the sound of a whistle on the day line. It was the police.

There You should not perform here without reporting. ”

When the two police officers in uniform saw the man and the woman, they quickly began to pick up the instruments.


“Aye, that’s got them.”

As the police kept blowing the whistle, the people disgusted and scattered.


The show suddenly ended. Kang-yoon was unhappy with the situation in an unexpected unexpected situation.

The police came and quickly instructed me to remove the instruments, and they grumbled and cleared the instrument.

‘I won. It’s not an atmosphere to say. ”

Who should listen to the scout story in this situation? There was nothing to be done before. Kang-yoon sighed, shaking his head.

‘Wow,; At that moment, Kang-yoon’s eyes came into my eyes with money on the floor.

okay . . . I’ll put it in there. ‘ Kang-yoon quietly put his business card in his hat with a pack. In the feast of thousand won and coins, Sejong Great King was alone. There was also a sense of gratitude for listening to good music.

‘I’ll see you later when you get married.’ Kang-yoon left the square, making a whistling whistling sound behind.

—————————— The so-called modern body, modern dressmakers dressed in work clothes gathered in front of the house. There were no idols, actors, etc. that had shone before Monebe’s stature.

“큭큭. Look at the pants in advance. very.”

“Unnie is not easy.”

Yeonji Young, a member of the same dress, and Miri, said that they would not fit together.

Other actors were struggling with their fashion suits. Of course, I was saying that each one would look good on my mouth, but … .

There was rural civilization, cultivator in front of such eyes.

“Wow ah … ”

The first member of the dress, Miri, glazed his eyes to see if the cultivator was amazing. She was not alone. All of the female cast members who were unfamiliar with cultivators, from the same members Yeon-jyoung to Jiriennael, looked around here.

‘Is that magic?’ Lee Sam-soon saw his peers staring at the curious young people. She naturally put herself in the back seat.

Gang Hyun – mi, the oldest actress in the cast, said playfully.

“Jenny takes a cultivator like a fully-used car.”

“Totally complete.”

Others smiled and laughed. Lee Sam-soon was rather proud of it.

“Any car is as comfortable as a car for me.”

“He’s CF, CF.”

“Call me now. 010 Gang Hyun-mi made a drama and made a broadcast episode. And she put on her tiller. Lee Sam-soon grabbed her hand because of her massive body.

Soon the only male cast and the oldest song school came out of the house. He confirmed that everyone was on board and got on the driver’s seat of the cultivator.

By the way…

‘How are you doing this?’ Song looked around the driver ‘s seat. Whether you start a cultivator or anything to start a boom.

There was no key to the cast. I do not know where the gear is. I looked around the staff but they were all ignorant. Song was embarrassed.

“Oh, Chief, is this going to go? ”

“I was worried about him,” he said.

Fine wait.”

Song, Tae-tae, confidently answered and struggled with cultivators, but unlike his mind, he did not dream.

“That’s true. It’s weird. In the TV, Zalman guard. F PD. Did not you give us a defective product? ”

I tried to grumble at PD but I did not start the tiller.

The women ‘s cast members who came to the scene came down from the cultivator with Kim’ s face.

“Are we walking?”

“Oh, car, it’s okay.”

Yunsulgi and Miri have overcame the overgrowth and looked at the tiller together, but there was no sign of taking the boots.

“I’ll get back to town.”

Nael turned around saying that he would bring the village elder.

When everyone was searching for a newspaper name called tillage, Lee Sam-soon came out.

“The mayor. Let me try it? ”

Lee Sam-soon looked at her in an awkward manner, looking at what everyone was saying.

Episode 42 – Jenny? No, No. Sam-soon! (1) The End

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