God of Music

Chapter 148

Episode 44 – Single Single Today was the day when the oil field was opened.

Modern Farmer cast members to sell apples harvested directly from the village.

“Wow ah – !!”

Yoon Na-yeon was resiliently bent on the uncompromising yet energetic appearance of the first encountered oil field. She grew up in the city for a lifetime, and she grew strange and curious.

“There Tteokbokki, Tteokbokki !!”

“looks delicious!!”

Hyeon-jung and Yeee swallowed their saliva in the Tteokbokki stalls and neighboring street foods that tasted delicious. From Sundae, the feast of various foods such as a puddle made it all come out.

“Pidini ~”

Although Yun Gyeong – gi appealed for hunger with a smile on his face, Yeon – hyeon PD turned around silently and listened to the rejected doctor. If it is competent, it means to take care of it with the given money.

“…I’m cruel. ”

Yunsulki grunted the ground and grumbled. The camera was filled with her enthusiasm.

So everyone who had a tearful break with Tteokbokki moved to an open space where they had already seen it to sell apples.

The cast members were divided into two teams. The team decided to compete to see which team is selling more apples. It was a brutal bet to prepare dinner for the proceeds, and the team to lead the tired body and prepare dinner.

“We win !!”

“I can not!”

Miri and Elye, who split the team, burned their eyes and made up their minds. The two men had a rivalry. Each other ate a meal and said, ‘Let’s say’.

Everyone turned on their eyes and began to attract people. People gathered naturally to see that the camera was a Donny shoot.

But it was another matter to spend money.

This way. The apple is delicious. ”

“…..” He actively appealed to a man who was rushing around in front of him, but he hesitated a few times to wonder if he was surprised by the price of apples than usual.

What the heck, I thought it would be a little easier for the broadcast adventure effect, but it was not as easy as I thought. Besides, it was a countryside. Idol singer is a more popular place like Songhak-tae who went out well in previous years !! Modern Farmer was already on the air, but the performances of all the cast members were not so good.

But there was an exception everywhere.

“Yes, please come. Mother, how much do you want? ”

“this this. Can I choose? ”

“Sure. It’s more of a color than that. ”

Yeah, right. Give this to me. Oh my goodness. The cute wives are doing well in business. ”

Thank you.

Lee Sam-soon !! It was her again.

The lonely rural aunts were pinched by her team. A young lady is sprouted, cute, and works well.

As time went on, the people who saw the field flocked to her.

‘What is your identity?’ All of the cast members opened their mouths to Lee Sam-soon, who has a good business relationship. Business success? Already Lee Sam-soon’s quota was vacant and he was selling instead of Nael’s side.

“magneton!! It is not an apple that comes every day !! There mother !! ”

“Apple!! apples The apple came! ”

Naeel suddenly fell into Lee Sam-soon and was helping her business.

‘I’ve got one big thing today!’ Yeon-hyun PD called for delight. When Lee Sam-soon did something, there was nothing to edit. Besides, this time not alone but Nael. For him, she was a cloak.

“I can not!”

Lee Sam-soon’s other performers also started to ignite.

On that day, the apple business was finished with great success. Of course, it was a shooting that caught all the achievements.

——————————- X-tie hall in Samsung-dong.

popularity Jung Min – ah ‘s showcase started with Takeya as MC.

Although the performance fee was considerable, Yeoju gave a lot of performance fee to the relationship with Ellie. The original expenditure to go out was about half. It was a ball that Ellie could not think of. Thanks to Lee Hyun-ji’s eyes looking at Ellie was very soft.

Taoyo introduced the singer, Eunha, opening the opening with a sensible tone.

“Annyeong-hase-yo? Eunha. ”

When Kim Ji-min came out, people applauded him. It was a big applause for the people who gathered just by the agency like EDDIOS and the effect of eating in plus.

“The sunshine – I want to walk this street together” – Her rich and slightly husky voice rang the stage. People opened their minds together with the song that makes the atmosphere lively.

The more than a dozen cameras prepared by SEIS went crazy. Everyone from Kim Ji-min, who closed his eyes to the audience, who shouted Eunha with a luminous stick, was sent out through SEIS in real time.

That time.

Kang-yoon was with Lee Hyun-ji at the back of the stage.

“I do not have a mind.”

Lee Hyun-ji sighed for a long while leaning on the wall. While Kang-yoon was in the station, she made all preparations, including rehearsal, at X-Tiho. Kim Jae-hoon, including Kim Ji-min, had a ball that led him to other singer.

Kang-yoon laughed thinly.

“He suffered.”

“I do not think I heard it yet. The Showcase is just the beginning. ”

“Yes. Still, I suffered without me. ”

What if Lee Hyun-ji was not there? Kang-yoon was never imagined. Because she was there, I was able to leave this place and pay full attention to the station. This colleague was never easy to get.

Lee Hyun-ji shook hands.

“Alas, there is no next. All of the performances are done by CEO and CEO. I’m going to play hard. ”

Hahaha She shook her head very hard to see how tired she was.

Kim Jae-hoon and Kim Ji-min both went to the stage and the person turned opposite. Through dry, dress and camera rehearsals, she was able to fully enjoy the singer’s fuss.

“Do you hum? low? high. Everything I hear is like that sound. I do not know what singer is so sensitive to. I am an entertainment CEO right … . He’s pathetic. I have to study more … ”

“If you’re at the same level as a normal person, it’s hard to say singer.”

“That’s right.”

Kim Ji-min’s performance was running towards the end. The audience was enthusiastically cheering and following Eunha’s song, and Kim Ji-min got more power and finished it to the end.

Thank you.

“Wow ah! — !!”

When Kim Ji-min greeted and exited, Taiyo again appeared. Now it was time for Jung Min-ah to appear in earnest. He was introduced to Jung Min-ah without any hesitation as the mood grew.

With the introduction of Taiyo, when Jung Min-ah appeared, the cheers of the people who came to see her were filled with X-teaholes.

“It’s a start.”

Lee Hyun-ji briefly bowed to Jung Min-ah who greeted and prepared. The same was true of Kang-yoon.

Soon Jung Min-ah started to step on the brass. And the first point choreographer, Elbow, showed off X-ti-hol covered with shouts.

Lee Hyun-ji said satisfactorily, anxiously.

“It’s a great dance. People respond well. But I’m afraid that I’m going to have a lot of difficulty with my movements. ”

Kang-yoon was also part of thinking.

Right exactly. It ‘s hard to do long activities with that dance. In the first place, I asked the boss to make a strong performance, which can only be seen in the arranged stage, and above all. In the first place, B-boy or B-girl always wears an injury, but Min-ah can not let him get it. It will be okay if the activity is over for two weeks. ”

“As you say.” But is not activity too short? ”

“Stimulation will be less effective when it is long. Anyway, Min-ah is a performance that takes damage. ”

The real purpose was EDDIOS. It was not the purpose of making money by unit alone. I will endure everything with EDDIOS. It was his idea.

Lee Hyun-ji knew, but talked in a worried tone.

“I’ve been steadily making a profit, but Min-ah is a shame. You should work hard again. ”

“That’s it.”

Lee Hyun-ji continued to show regret over the budget. It was more like Kang-yoon, who had always benefited whatever the number. However, this project had to be done properly.

While the two talked, Jung Min-ah’s stage was over.

Thank you.

“Wow ah — !! Jung Min-ah !! Jung Min-ah !! ”

As Jung Min-ah’s greetings greeted, the EDDIOS fan club started from Aries and quickly covered the X-Tiho. Taoyo waited for a moment to calm down, but it did not take long to cool down.

After all, Jung Min-ah laughed and laughed his hands down, and then stopped calling his name.

Jung Min-ah started talking in earnest with Taoyo. He smoothly pulled out what Jung Min-ah fans were curious about. At first, the topic shifted from a simple one to an EDDIOS story.

“Umm . . . Once I am good? ”

Ha ha ha ha ha When EDDIOS returns, Jung Min-ah takes it wisely and immediately replies.

“I can not get out yet, but I will be sure to release an album this year. Everyone is trying to look for fans in a good way, please wait a bit. ”

At the end of Jung Min-ah, the fans all applauded. Even the fans who are not interested in EDDIOS were amazed at the words of her strong will.

Her words spread throughout the country on SEIS.

—————————— What the heck, Wang Sangcheol PD was carrying heavy steps to bite his lips. Next to him was CP KIM KU.

In front of the director’s office, Kim Chu-yeon CP clasped the shoulders of Yang Sang-cheol PD.

“I’ll ask you again. Are you really crazy? Who wants to boycott the Min-ah stage at will? ”

“No, I did not boycott, I did not get a real contact.”

“Shut up, motherfucker. Is the CEO of your agency a freak? I’ve come here a few times and found you. ”

“…..” Whew. This asshole. I have to boycott. Why do you like Min-ah … . Whew. I do not know.”

Kim Chi-yeon CP barely suppressed the heated feeling and knocked on the door of the director’s office. I heard a sound coming in. The two men walked in and a gorgeous chair circled and a shining headdress appeared with a fierce look.

The director stood up from his seat and pointed to them with his fingers.

“Kim CP, you cocksucker. Are you crazy? How do you manage kids? ”

“…Our apologies.

“sorry? What if I’m sorry? What are you going to do about this? singer is discriminating against the public opinion is eating a bad luck! ”

The director threw the documents in their presence. Kim Chu-yeon CP closed his eyes, and Yang Sang-cheol PD carefully picked up the documents.

– Airwave music broadcast, Min-ah boycott? – The tyranny of airwaves. Will you leave it this way? – Is there a place for small and medium agencies to stand? The documents were full of captures of various articles. It was the articles that questioned that the debut stage was performed only in the cable stage because the EDDIOS Min-ah stage was not given in the airwave music broadcast.

Wang Sangcheol PD was unhappy.

“Old, chief. Program organization is a PD’s own right. The reason for this is … ”

This is a ridiculous excuse, and the director dismissed PD’s words and screamed.

“Shut up, you cock! Where are you on the subject of the cubs. Hey, Kim CP. How are you training junior? ”

“…Our apologies.

“Oh, yes. More than that. You, PD. sweetly. Your fault is that the Kigeri have thrown water bait. Why make this suspicion? That World CEO was not there when something came? Is he a fool? Can you pick it when you are not there? It does not make sense to leave your seat three times. Even so, where are your outsourced teams? ”

“…..” “Unique privilege? It is also the responsibility of authority. Why are they going to make a fuss? Do not you mean you’ve been abused? Why do you let the broadcasters live on the Internet? If we had a seat, we would not have to do that. ”

“…Did they say so? ”

“Hey! The paperwork ended me again. PD Sangcheol PD was tearful. Since it became PD, it was the first time that I was so badly abused.

“Hey, Kim CP. Get the fuck out. right now!!”

“…Hey, get out. ”

Kim Chu-yeon CP looked at Yang Sang-cheol PD. PD Sang Chul Lee appealed to the Senior with sad eyes, but Senior was unrecognizable.

“Senior … ”

“Oh, right now!”

Eventually, PD Sangcheol PD went out with tears.

The chief of the office was Kim Chu-yeon CP and the director, leaving only two people.

“Hey, change her.”

“Yes, chief.”

“…No other broadcasters are glad they did not have a Min-ah stage, if only we were … . Huh, I do not want to imagine it. ”

“…Our apologies. I misled the kids … ”

Kim Chu-yeon CP bowed his head deeply. The director lighted the cigarette and offered him one too. Kim Chu-yeon CP also shed a sigh of blowing Acting.

I was a little relaxed in the cigarette Acting, the director said in a crude tone.

“Once you get out of trouble. Whether it’s a Min-ah special stage or a special broadcast this week, it’s going to be a bit of a shame. Do not think time is weak. ”

Yes, sir, I “And be sure to cut off the kitten. It’s a cancer lump. ”

Kim Chi-yeon CP strongly nodded.

Not long after, a PD suddenly shifted from one program to another with low ratings in the main program.




Yelang Entertainment CEO Room.

Kang Si-myeong, CEO, was on the phone calling the coffee that the secretary brought.

Four Wait! Now what? ”

At the other end of the line he left a spoon.

– The situation in the company is not good. Public opinion is not favorable either. I will contact you later.

The call was unilaterally disconnected. Kang Si-myeong CEO was embarrassed because there was little such a thing.

‘Ha, SEIS LA … . ‘ CEO Kang Si-myeong was surprised. We are trying to overcome the obstacles that have not been able to broadcast stage by broadcasting internet through partnership with a portal site aiming to enlarge the area. . It’s up to X-Tiho. Everyone who visited the showcase was rumored to be on the Internet.

– First internet live show, Min-ah showcase. What is the effect? – Min-ah showcase stage. Completion in favor – EDDIOS debut countdown? Min-ah Showcase Ha…

Seeing articles about endless pouring Jung Min-ah, CEO Kang Si-myeong tongued his tongue.

“Obviously, I must have spent my time and budget on the air. I did a comeback because I did showcase, but why is there no broadcasting stage? It sounds like this. ”

There are hundreds of singer Min-ah-related videos that have already been uploaded to the video site tune. In SEIS there was a big promotion of Min-ah, and I was doing online promotions that I could not do in broadcasting. In addition, it was not merely the emphasis on women, but it was a situation where the number of views went up endlessly because it made both men and women satisfied with a wonderful performance.

CEO Kang Si-myeong tightened his lips.

“…Well, my feeling was right. The world will not end this way. ”

The Korean market was already saturated. I wanted to share such a market with a late buyer, he did not have any later. Do not let late followers go after the first runner. It was the basic strategy of Yelang Entertainment.

“…I met an opponent that was not easy. ”

Kang Si-myeong CEO’s forehead was wrinkled. This opponent was just as thoughtful.

Episode 44 – Single Single End

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