God of Music

Chapter 170

Episode 53 – Reinterpreting Myths (1) —————————— the god of music Episode 53 – Reinterpretation of Mythology ——————————- “Ayu, come on. CEO. ”

It was late, but Mrs. Jung Gil-tae welcomed Kang-yoon.

Kim Ji-min gave up his cushion and gave up his seat as he went in with a twisted face.

‘I saved a good house. It does not seem inconvenient. ‘ Looking around the house, Kang-yoon was at ease.

When this album went well, Kim Ji-min moved to another house from the house Kang-yoon saved during the trainee. I wanted to give Yeoju a little company cost for myself.

The combination of antique curtains and white wallpaper harmonizes with the small size of the house, creating a clean atmosphere.

Thank you.

Mrs. Chung Gil-yea gave a car with great care. It was a jujube tea with hot steam. Kang-yoon’s expression was relaxed with the feeling that the sweet fragrance freed Lee.

“Teacher, did you enjoy yourself at Jeju Island?”

“It was fun. Ji-min, but I could not get it. ”

you speak Korean well I want to go with you next time. ”

Kim Ji-min revealed his regret.

Due to the nature of the entertainment company, it was not easy to match the schedule with the people in the Company. After all, Kim Ji-min had to sacrifice this time. Kang-yoon also ran into the moment as soon as he arrived at his heart.

Kang-yoon took one story from Jeju Island and Kim Ji-min gave a story for a few days.

Since Kang-yoon has not been in the business of EDDIOS, the conversation between the two has been quite long.

“…So I went to VVIP. ”

By the way, when Kim Ji-min talked with his VVIP agency, Kang-yoon’s eyes were embarrassed.

“awhile. Did you go to such a place? ”

“Yeah. I’m sorry. But nothing happened. ”

The story that I went to another company without permission was inevitable. It also followed VVIP agency idol, Hwang Ju-kyum.

However, Kang-yoon did not seem to be a big hit.

‘What did Mrs.

In my head, I first heard about Manager.

I knew that it would not make sense to be next to an entertainer while shooting because it is a person’s job. But let me go to another company? This was definitely a problematic act.

‘I have to ask tomorrow. By the way, VVIP. It ‘s a famous place for rookie skipping. I should have restrained. ‘ I was relieved to think that it was almost a day when I was away for a few days. Rookie, who goes to another place, is also a reality. I was proud of the idea that I saw people well.

When rookie becomes a so – called Star, it gets a lot of love calls from here and there. If 100 people were to debut, it would be better to hire more entertainers than to foster a rookie in the real world. There were many companies who thought that it was cheaper to pay penalty than investment.

The VVIP agency was notorious for such a company.

“Please contact me next time you go to another company. Promise me? “Yeah. I know.”

“I’m glad you did not have anything. Senior, but it’s heartbreaking … Ew, Such a guy is not cheap. Where dare you. Star should have that sort of property. I’m worried that the rumors are weird, but … I’ll do it somehow. Well, they’re doing bad things, too. What a brag.

Kim Ji-min was very embarrassed and pushed out his tongue. When I think about the behavior, I was actually ashamed. However, I did not know anyone but Kang-yoon who made me like this.

The jujube car disappeared in half, and the kimchi that came up warmly disappeared.

Kang-yoon put down the teacup and switched the topic.

“Have you ever heard of the birth of a classic song?”

Kim Ji-min nodded for a moment.

“Yeah. Is not that a program on KS TV on Friday? It’s a program that re-interprets old songs, right? ”

Sy! The program is evaluated by 555 people from teenagers to 50s. This time, I came to you. ”

“Oh, that? I want to try it. ”

Kim Ji-min came out with a willingness. She was attracted to modern reinterpretation of the old song. This program was an entertainment program, but eventually it was a music program. I felt charming enough to appear.

The CEO’s heart to see the ambitious rookie was satisfying.

All right. So tomorrow I’ll give you a document so I’ll see it in the office. ”

Yes, sir, I Kang-yoon drank the remaining tea and left her house.

Next day.

Kim Ji-min, who has not been in school for vacation yet, has headed for the Company. Lee Hyun-ji greeted her when she got into the office.

“Oh, that’s Min-ah. Long time no see.”

“Annyeong-hase-yo, is she?”

Kim Ji-min, who is looking at Lee Hyun-ji with his face smearing, said that he was pretty. Lee Hyun-ji gave her hand to Kim Ji-min, saying that she was sorry for their vacation.

“This broadcast is over after the activity? Then the CEO will give you a vacation. ”

“Are you sure?” But that school … Boo… ”

I looked at the calendar on the wall and Kim Ji-min’s face became depressed. Lee Hyun-ji did not even talk about school. Are you going to school for a holiday? Kang-yoon and grandmother could not have liked either.

‘The kids are tired too.’ Lee Hyun-ji shook his head, feeling the woes of high school students.

Waiting for a moment, Kang-yoon came into the office. His expression was seldom recalled.

“Where did you come from?”

“What’s wrong?”

When Lee Hyun-ji asked in his wit, Kang-yoon replied, shaking his head.

“I asked the Lord for a reason, and Ji-min said his face looked so depressed that he seemed to have to listen. No, what Manager … In the end, I was shouting with Dae-hyun Manager, a responsible team leader. If an entertainer says he wants it, it is not a machine manager. I have a career, but I have a division. I think we should actor again from the ground anyway. ”

“I’m sorry. But if I did it wrong, I could have taken away the rookie I raised so hard. What does Mrs.

“We are reflecting. I was screaming that I did not know I had been up to this. I am thinking that I will never do this in the future. I’m not the one with the wrong mind, so I think it would be all right if I acted again from the ground. Mr. Ju-myeong is going to EDDIOS for a while and should learn Ji-min until the end of his birth.

“I can not just pull Manager … I have another job. ”

Lee Hyun-ji shook his head. It means to work hard.

On the other hand, Kim Ji-min is god.

Oh yeah! When I went out with the schedule with Kang-yoon, my shoulders were lifted. It was hard to explain the feeling that I could do anything.

Soon Kang-yoon gave an explanation of the birth of the famous song, and gave it to Kim Ji-min. The outline of the program, the movement of the stage, and the examples were shown well.

Kim Ji-min, who meticulously examined the documents, said.

“Songs that were popular from 1985 to 1987? I was not born at the time. ”

She was shrugging at the feast of long songs that she was more than she was in 1994. Kang-yoon also laughed.

“Maybe there is not a thing, and fresh works may come out. Let’s pick a good one. ”

Four The two went to studio for a full-fledged song selection. I thought I would listen carefully to the songs in the studio in the studio and pick them carefully.

Park So-yeon was wearing a thick horn-glasses while he was in the studio.

“So-yeon ah.”

“CEO. Annyeong-hase-yo? Ji Min-ah, did you come? ”

“Unnie, Annyeong-hase-yo.”

Park So-yeon, who came early in the morning, did not wake up and wrestled with music. Kang-yoon painted his mouth in silence whether he was delighted with her efforts.

Kim Ji-min turned his eyes to the sheet music in her hand.

“Unnie, can I ask what this is?”

I’m sorry. Yet a secret. I’ll tell you later. ”

“Boo… Disappointing Kim Ji-min headed to the wall full of CDs and recordings on one side of the studio, which was lightly licking his lips. There were a lot of overseas records as well as domestic records. It was the data collected by Kang-yoon from time to time.

Park So-yeon said, watching Kim Ji-min watching the songs intimately.

“CEO. Is Ji-min choosing a program? ”

“Huh. So-yeon is ready for you too? ”

“…I’m really burdened … ”

Park So-yeon lingered and twisted his arms. I heard that Kim Ji-min and his song “The Birth of My Favorite Song” should be arranged, but I was overburdened. The song actor is still in the stage.

“I’ll work with you anyway. So-yeon does not have to do all the work alone, so you do not have to be burdened. ”

“He, is not he?”

“Confidence. Spread your shoulders. ”

Kang-yoon opened his shoulders. Park So-yeon’s bending shoulder was a spell. Park So-yeon answered positively and immediately.


“The answer is small.”

“Yeah. I know. By the way, CEO. Really… ”

But Kang-yoon did not listen to any other answers and went straight to Kim Ji-min.

“Woo … Can I do it? ”

Looking at Kim Ji-min and Kang-yoon, choosing a song, Park So-yeon rolled his foot in worry.

—————————— “The break-even point is over.”

Han Young-suk, GNB Entertainment’s CEO, sigh deeply at the performance of singer Naeel.

I invested a lot of money by selecting Yoon Na-yeon trainee, and it was exquisitely adjusted to the debut period. However, compared to a singer named Eunha from World Entertainment, he was stigmatized as the second player.

Naer was much better in appearance, but strangely, he was strangely overtaken by Eunha. Eventually, Nael had to switch lines with an entertainment program, and fortunately he was able to build up awareness there. It was able to overcome the breakeven by getting the name and the achievement through the event, etc.

Han Young-suk, the CEO, got out of the office with the cold coffee dropped. I took out the cigarette on the desk and lit it. White Acting covered the office.

Hoo … At the end of ‘Birth of My Favorite Song’, the album activity is over. Taste it. ”

On the desk, there was a document stating ‘KS TV’ s birth certificate. She already had her stamp on the papers.

One day, Han Young-suk, who carried a cigarette, called the secretariat by pressing the phone.

“Call me Na-yeon.”

– Yes, sir.

Han Young-suk, CEO, opened the window to subtract the cigarette Acting for Yoon Na-yeon.



Not long after the birth of KS TV ‘s classic song, singer Naeul’ s appearance appeared on the internet.

—————————— After going on a summer vacation, the World Entertainment employees were tighter than before.

The entertainers of the group are closer than before, and a strong network of contacts has been formed among the employees. There, Min Jin-seo formed a network with all of us, and the idea of World Entertainment, which was previously obscure, was firmly established.

Above all, I became firmly aware that everyone was doing something for them.

In this atmosphere, new employees came into the World Entertainment office.

“Are you Annyeong? Yoo Jeong-min. XX I graduated from college this time. Twenty-eight … ”

Morning meeting time in studio with all staff.

A man dressed in a normal impression bowed his head with a tense face. He turned his eyes around, introducing himself in a trembling voice.

‘, Eunha to EDDIOS, white … Ugh I was originally interested in an entertainment agency, but it was like a doll when I saw an entertainer. The female entertainers who made light creations were like a completely different race from those who saw them outside.

After his introduction, Kang-yoon stepped forward.

“I have a new family in my office. All applause. ”

Everyone responded with applause. Yoo Jeong-min bowed his head lightly.

Kang-yoon said in a calm tone.

“Jeong-min is sitting next to Mr. Hye-jin. Hye-jin teaches Jeong-min well. ”

“Yes, CEO.”

“You should not bother junior.”

Ha ha ha ha ha Everyone laughed at the end of Kang-yoon.

It was a precious time for everyone to gather, so Kang-yoon simply talked about how the Company is going. Everyone applauded his words to thank him for his role.

Finally, Lee Hyun-ji said.

“Summer is coming to an end soon. Soon the activity of singer Eunha is over. I can not travel with you maknae, please take care. I’d like to give you a gift. ”

Four Kim Ji-min jumped to the point that it was okay, but Lee Hyun-ah ran his shoulders and turned his fingers to make money. Money was the best. Then a lol was blowing out here and there.

In a friendly atmosphere, the meeting and meeting were over and everyone disbanded.

When Kang-yoon tried to climb to the top, Lee Hyun-ji caught him.

“CEO, wait. Will it be okay for a moment? ”

“Yeah. What’s wrong?”

Lee Hyun-ji went to the rooftop with Kang-yoon, as if it were a tough story in the office. She locked down the door to the roof and knew carefully that no one was around.

“I think we need it now.”

“What do you need?”

When Kang-yoon wondered and asked, Lee Hyun-ji laughed.


“Ah, trainee. It is already so. ”

Kang-yoon strongly grasped his palm as he approached.

Company will be the future trainee. She was talking about it.

Episode 53 – Reinterpretation of Mythology (1) End

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