God of Music

Chapter 174

Episode 53 – Reinterpretation of Mythology (End) ‘Unnie, what’s wrong?’ When Kim Ji-min anxiously asked, Park So-yeon returned to his calm eyes.

‘Oh, no. It’s so shocking … . I mean, that guy playing my song … You should be at the same stage, are not you? ”

‘I’m nervous too. Thank you though. The fact that the teacher gave me this opportunity … ‘ It is a joint stage with someone in the highest position. Kim Ji-min was impressed.

In fact, even though Kang-yoon had left Park So-yeon alone and thought he did nothing, he did not disappoint her.

Hyo-min, who was watching the score for a while, laughed smile and laid down the score.

“If you play it, you know, melody looks good at first glance. “Avenue” was originally a song I liked, and I would have been really sad if I said it was ruinous. ”

“I told you. I hope you will. ”

“I sure do.”

Hyo-min’s praise continued, and Park So-yeon’s head went down. The tension is a little relaxed.

Kang-yoon said she was satisfied with her satisfaction.

“Why do not you start with meals at this point? Mt. Geumgang is also a posthumous? ”

“Juha, right? But the keyboard … ”

“I have it ready.”

Kang-yoon asked himself with a smile, saying that Lee Hyun-ji could not tell.

“But did not you practice in studio? I’m afraid there will be a grand piano in there. ”

Then Kang-yoon shook his head.

“I have already prepared for Lunas.”

“Oh, the reason I have a schedule for tomorrow … ”

Lee Hyun-ji grabbed his hand and Kang-yoon laughed heartily.

Right exactly. Ji-min was left empty for practice. ”

Ah… So today I will practice with Mr. Hyo-min and tomorrow will come the orchestra team members? ”

“Yeah. Then somehow you can finish the exercise. I’m sorry. ”

It was a tight time, but the plans were being put into action one by one for that time.

Everyone who went to the show headed to a nearby restaurant that had reserved for lunch with a satisfying look.

——————————– The house of Kang-yoon.

In Kim Jae-hoon’s room, which was firmly closed, a powerful treble was counting a little with melody.

“Aaah —”

High feasts were unfolding that men could hardly digest.

However, Kim Jae-hoon turned his gaze on his cell phone on his desk with a dissatisfied expression.

“Hee-yoon’a. The tone is a little low. Would not it be a little higher than Yeoju? ”

Then a surprised voice came from the phone.

YES! Is not this high enough? 3 octave C? “I have a little strength. Or is Yeoju tall. Melody or beat is really good, I think I’m lacking. ”

Kim Jae-hoon revealed his regret for the extension sound. However, Hee-yoon’s words on the phone were not so positive.

(In the early 2000s, high tones were good indicators of singing. Now the treble is not a good indicator of singing. I’ll look for a different way than to increase the tone.) No, it’s not. I think it would be better to raise the tone. I do not want you to change your keys though. ”

Donkey We heard from Oppa that he was hurt in his former agency.) Kim Jae-hoon did not bother to claim that Hee-yoon was barely aware of the situation. No, I made a stronger opinion.

I’m fine. Last time, I had about 3 octave C digested. F or G only if you do not put up. ”

In the past, I went up to 3 octaves of wave, brush. But I kept on singing those songs on an unreasonable schedule, so I was thirsty.

(When arranging, Oppa will certainly point out. I do not want to agree … ) It is Kang-yoon who knows Kim Jae-hoon’s neck condition more than anyone. This high – pitched song could not just be over.

Then Kim Jae-hoon thought for a moment and laughed.

“I will say this arrangement. When the song comes, I can not help it. ”

(Oppa, that’s not it. Even though… ) Hee-yoon was crazy, but Kim Jae-hoon shook his head.

“It’s a digital single anyway. Ji-min, EDDIOS, white moonlight, too, I have to show something. Do not you have to show Kim Jae-hoon in the world? ”

(Oh, Oppa. But this is … ) “Believe me once. What is it? Please.”

Hee-yoon, who received the call, fell into a situation where he could not even do it.

‘I have to talk to Oppa.’ Got wait a minute please.”

Thank you Kim Jae-hoon, who does not know the idea of Hee-yoon, smiled.

However, Hee-yoon who received the telephone was worried about it.

———————————- Hull Hyo-min did not make a sound and could not stand the grand piano in the center of the Luna’s theater.

“Star Shures? This is my piano. ”

Hyo-min circled around the grand piano, shining black, and could not hide his laughter. She was in a hurry to get in touch and was worried about what piano to write. If the situation is not clear, I was planning to air a piano in my house, but all that worry has disappeared.

Kang-yoon laughed when she saw her delighted child.

“I plan to send it to the broadcasting station the day before and finish tuning. It’s an instrument for performing. ”

yeokshi Team, no CEO? Haha Best, best. I do not need to worry. ”

She sat on the piano with a god. I pressed each key and released my hand, and the colorful piano notes enveloped Lunas, and the notes produced white.


Kim Ji-min and Park So-yeon swallowed their saliva. I did not know much about the classics, but the gorgeous performances that match her gorgeous hands have made me full.

‘CEO.’ Yes. it is.

Kim Ji-min approached Kang-yoon and whispered.

Thank you.

In the greeting of Kim Ji-min, he shrugged.

‘Hyo-min, it’s a bit crazy. Guess well. ‘ Yeah.

Before long, Kim Ji-min stood beside Hyo-min, the hand of the hand. One bird, Hyo-min, spread the score made by Park So-yeon and was waiting for Kim Ji-min.

“Are you ready?”

Four “going.”

Hyo-min’s eyes shone brightly. Her hand slowly began to move softly.

The beginning of the intro was calm. But soon her hand wielded the bass once and she added strength. And at the end, I bass and bass.

After that, the piano sounded slowly and melody of Kim Ji-min flowed on.

“I can not forget my memories – if you walk the road – The notes of Kim Ji-min and the piano of the Hyo-min of the system mixed to create white light. By the way, there was a mixture of whiteness and something alien.

‘That’s … ‘ It is similar to gray, but it shines.

It was a forerunner of silver. Kang-yoon brushed his eyes on the heterogeneous thing that was seen in a long time.

“Falling leaves – Falling in the cold wind – but I will remember – memories with you -”

The silver – colored piano went up from the bass to the treble.

Park So-yeon was surprised at this part.

Wow. That’s an adribe. ‘ ‘right? You originally sang the song to the orchestra.

‘Yeah. Also… World class is different. ‘ Park So-yeon revoked an extension. My song was so beautiful, I even heard it.

“Under your shadow – oh – memories with you I loved – the story in the trees – The piano sounded stronger and added strength to Kim Ji-min’s song. Hyo-min, too, received a strong emotion from the touch of the piano as she was empowered by her voice.

I originally intended to finish only one section, but the song continued to the second section and continued until the end.

“The fragrance of your richness — The tree of remembrance — I – Remember -”

Kim Ji-min was touched by emotions and tears in the eyes. His husky voice filled the practice room, and the piano was strongly enveloped in his voice.

“Remember —”

Again, the bass and treble sounded at the same time, and the piano sounded slowly. So slowly the sound went away.


Park So-yeon applauded me unwittingly. She was the best piano player I’ve ever heard. Kim Ji-min’s piano, which leads the song strongly and sometimes softly, was truly the best of the best.

Kang-yoon and Lee Hyun-ji applauded and cheered lightly.


Hyo-min of the class came down from the piano with a slight bow. She came up to Park So-yeon with the score. Park So-yeon stood up to the tension.

“So-yeon, you said?”

“Yes Yes!!”

“Do not be so nervous. Can we talk now? ”

Four In the name of the greatest pianist, Park So-yeon’s stiff body did not come off easily, as he played his name until his performance. Kang-yoon laughed at his appearance.

“A lot actor and.”

Four At the end of Kang-yoon, Hyo-min laughed.

“There is not much to see. Do you want to add a little strength at first? Except for the second half. We have to adjust the balance so we can talk a little bit? ”

The opportunity to learn from the best composers was not uncommon.

Park So-yeon was nervous, but with thanks she headed for another room with her.

Id, ego and super-ego What are we doing now? ”

At the end of Lee Hyun-ji, Kang-yoon laughed and replied.

“I have to work.”

“……” The expression of Lee Hyun-ji became numb.

———————————— Gangnam’s fine Japanese restaurant where soft music flows.

Risa, who knows in the solar system, wants to find a lot of people who want to cook, but it was such a restaurant that it was impossible to find because of the ridiculously expensive price.

Where Han Young-suk, CEO of GNB Entertainment, and Kang Si-myeong, CEO of Yelang Entertainment, were dining.

“Thank you for this work. I’ll pay you back later. ”

Han Young-suk, CEO, said with a chopstick gently. CEO Kang Si-myeong shook hands.

“You have a place like this, and I appreciate it.”

“You saved over 30 dancers in a short period of time. Everyone is as good as one. It’s a famous team. ”

Famous dance teams in Korea gathered in one place. Not to mention the skill. It was not easy to get these teams in the short term unless there was a special relationship with the dance teams.

“I want to see a good performance tomorrow. It’s a big deal for Miss Nel, beyond your agency. ”

“Juha, thank you.”

The atmosphere was cheerful.

Of course, the thoughts of the two people were different …

‘I do not want to ask for too big.’ I did not want to give anything too big, though I did. Han Young-suk, CEO, was careful.

‘There’s nothing good to do with this. The real thing is the world. Use Nael to catch Eunha. The momentum of the world is unimportant. ”

MG, Yun, and Jung, followed by GNB Entertainment. The big agency thought this was enough.

Kang Si-myeong, CEO, did not want to have an unspecified factor in the world.

Hiding his mind, he said slowly.

“I heard that Kim Ji-min is also appearing in this” Birth of My Favorite Song “.”

“Yes, it is. The kid named Eunha is everywhere. In front of us … ”

Han Young-suk CEO shook his head.

singer Eunha. It was an unpleasant thing that kept coming forward from the debut of Nael.

Kang Si-myeong CEO said in a soft tone that she felt her change.

“World Entertainment with Eunha is a small but powerful company. I’m sure you’ve prepared something for this time too. The CEO there is an eye for it. ”

“But this time we will not be afraid. I do not know when debut, but this time is different. Kang CEO is helping you like this. We have to show that Naeel is better than Eunha. ”

Ha ha ha ha ha I hope so too. ”

CEO Kang Si-myeong laughed greatly. However, he was heartbroken.

‘Lee Kang-yoon how the man will come out … This is definitely important. ‘ Passing on the confident story of Han Young-suk, who was succeeding, he worried about what to do next.

Two singer, GNB Entertainment and World Entertainment were about to start a war.




At the end of the arrangement, the given time passed quickly.

Kim Ji-min had practiced with Hyo-min on the day she received the score, and the first and last practice with the orchestra team that Kang-yoon took the next day.

“Mr. Hyo-min is coming, too?”

“Woo, I’m nervous too.”

The first violinist and the second violinist exchanged anticipation and nervous conversation during resting time and raised expectations for the stage. It was an arranged orchestra stage, but the weight of the name Hyo-min was enormous.

Park So-yeon watched all the exercises of Kim Ji-min and sweated his hand.

“The fragrance of your richness — The tree of remembrance — I – Remember -”

Kim Ji-min also raised the sound of the cello and violin that sounded to the inside.

I felt a sense of pleasure that I could not change the mood of my tune as a magnificent orchestra.

Kang-yoon looked at the sight of countless numbers of notes shining in pure white.

‘Hyo-min, what happens when you add up to the concert … ‘ Kang-yoon made a satisfying smile.

The next day, D-Day.

Kang-yoon and Kim Ji-min went to KS TV public hall early in the morning. It was because we had to solve various problems such as grand piano and stage related.

The grand piano to be used by Hyo-min was arriving, and the tuner was coordinating the piano. Kang-yoon paid particular attention to the tuning, since no sound should be turned on at all.

Kang-yoon and Kim Ji-min are watching grand piano tuning. He was hiding his eyes on his glasses.

“Miss Eunha, come on. The CEO is Annyeong too. ”

“Annyeong-hase-yo, PD.”

Lee Tae – seong PD looked at the grand piano and said with a serious expression.

“As you said, you can use an orchestra and a grand piano, but when the stage is over, you have to remove the piano right away. Place the first stage … ”

Understood. You care, and we should end it. ”

Thank you. It’s a rehearsal, but you can push it to one side, but you can not put it down to the actual stage. When the stage is finished, we will put our kids together and get them organized right away. ”

Yes, sir, I Kang-yoon was willing to accept Kang-yoon, although he was disadvantaged in the first order due to the piano problem. The first order of the stage was burdensome, but the use of the grand piano was more important than that.

After finishing the necessary coordination with PD and stage, they went to the waiting room.

Kim Ji-min is preparing to rehearse his neck, and a door opens and a crowd comes in. It was Yoon Na-yeon decorating the stage today.

“Annyeong-hase-yo? Ji Min-ah !! ”

“I Yoon-ah !!”

Yoon Na-yeon bowed deeply to Kang-yoon and showed his gratitude to Kim Ji-min. It was two people who attended the contest today, but the atmosphere was cheerful.

Kim Ji-min and Yoon Na-yeon sit side by side and do makeup.

“Ji Min-ah. Are you ready? ”

“I did not have much time because I did not have enough time. You are… Me I do not manage? Afterwards. This time we have to win. ”

Yoon Na-yeon sent a glancing eye. Then, Kim Ji-min, as if not to give up, gave power to the eyes.

“Let’s do it well.”

“Yes, it is.”

The two girls touched down in a bright mood.

Video recording starts at 5 pm.

The time spent by the cast members including the girls went crazy. After one rehearsal and camera rehearsal, the video recording time was short.

The professional moderator who takes care of the atmosphere was exited, and the main actor came on stage.

“Annyeong-hase-yo? Welcome to the evaluation team from the birth of my favorite song, the 14th stage. ”

“Oh Oh Oh !!!”

With enormous acclaim, the video recording of the day that caused the blue began.

Episode 53 – Reinterpretation of Mythology (End) End

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