God of Music

Chapter 198

61 – Everything is worth using (1) ——————————- the god of music Episode 61 – Everything is worth exploiting ——————————- It is instinct that men and women attracted each other in the midst of the winter.

In any field, in any place, reason has power to attract each other.

Therefore, some form of fellowship exists and has a great influence.

In the car under the rare Han River bridge.

Han Joo-yeon of EDDIOS, Singer of Yunle Entertainment, and Heroi, the leader of the company, were in conversation.

“Oh, I feel good. It was really nice to be able to enjoy the speed at all. ”

Han Joo-yeon stretched and smiled pleasantly.

“Call me anytime. You always … ”

“That’s what they say to the children.”

“Hahaha. Was not it our thumb? ”

Han Joo-yeon smiled and answered with a smile.

Well… “Not yet.”

Hahaha In an ambiguous answer, Chung Chang shrugged his shoulders wide.

It was idols that secretly enjoyed enjoying everything, but EDDIOS was always called an exception.

But the member of EDDIOS is in front of me.

The higher the man, the higher the creature, the more he wants to climb.

“Would you like a little wind?”

As soon as the black chestnuts were removed from the car, Han Joo-yeon came down with him.

click!! click!! At that time, I heard a small sound somewhere and heard a rustling sound.

“Oppa, did not you hear anything?”

Well Han Joo-yeon, who had a headache, was soon suspicious.

‘Is not it different?’ No way, what could happen? Now, she is more inclined to enjoy a little deviation than to worry.




Next day Mid-November.

A little late, Kang-yoon brought all the entertainers and staff of World Entertainment to the studio. It was because of the meeting held once a month.

“Are you finished?”

“The director has not come yet.”

Jung Hye-jin replied to Kang-yoon’s question.

Lee Hyun-ji told Kang-yoon that he thought it would be a little late and he said it was OK.

“In February, Jae-hoon will have a concert. EDDIOS will also release an album next spring … I think Eunha would better decide to look. The white moonlight is like now. If you have any good ideas about this big frame, let me know. ”

Kim Ji-min told Kang-yoon’s question.

“Will it be okay for me to overlap with the Unnie?”

“Because the concept is different, it will not matter much. Wait a minute Oh, spring is fine, too. Twenty spring? Like this? Why not? “Good?”

All right. Then let’s talk later. ”

Four Kang-yoon talks about the singer’s schedule and tells in detail what World Entertainment does. The staff wrote the minutes and checked what they needed.

Especially, Kang-yoon is working on a joint venture with Pinestock to create a music appreciation platform.

“…Wow. I think it’s becoming a real big corporation. ”

Jung Min-ah surprised Kang-yoon and laughed.

“It was possible because everyone worked hard. You guys work hard too and I have to work hard too. Now things will take a little longer to see the light, but it’ll be good for everyone. Next month, there will come a person who will be in charge of the actors. If this works out well, I would be happy to be able to get help with music videos and musicals too. ”

Four The reactions of everyone varied.

The members of the EDDIOS responded that this is natural, and Kim Jae-hoon was a little surprised. The White Moonlight members debated whether they would be like this in the future.

‘…Hi. ‘ maknae, Kim Ji-min was surprised and hiccupped.

“Let’s ask questions and ask them personally.”

So when Kang-yoon was about to finish the meeting, the studio door opened and Lee Hyun-ji came in.

Her face was reminiscent of a rarity.


“Company, CEO! Huck, huck … ”

Lee Hyun-ji was always calm and Kang-yoon was surprised.

Lee Hyun-ji’s mangled appearance began to shake up employees and entertainers. Kang-yoon approached her and said slowly.

“My lord. I’ll talk for a while. ”

“Ah yes… ”

Then Lee Hyun-ji, who was conscious of the people, took a long breath.

She calmed down a bit and pulled out her cell phone and went to Kang-yoon Yeoju.

– EDDIOS Joo-yeon, enjoying a night out with heroie leader Tee. Pink air stream? ‘!!’ Kang-yoon’s eyebrows twirled.

Kang-yoon put down his cell phone and said to his staff that he was curious about his reaction.

“Let’s do the meeting today. Then do your best. ”

Four Everyone wondered, but I left the studio one by one.

Kang-yoon caught the Han Joo-yeon.

“Joo-yeon, can I talk to you for a second? Min-ah remains. ”

Four After a while.

Four people sat down on the couch in the studio.

“Let’s talk about it.”

Kang-yoon gave Yeoju a cell phone article to her.

“Han Joo-yeon !!!! Don’t You… As soon as I saw the article, Jung Min-ah jumped from his seat, shaking his eyes.

——————————– In Yelang Entertainment’s CEO’s room, laughter was blooming.

Ha ha ha ha ha Excellent work. I’m taking care of this.

Next time I will treat you greatly. Yes Yes. Hahaha.”

Kang Si-myeong CEO, with the receiver, laughed coolly. Then he took the promise of drinking and finished the conversation.

“Heroi These were the troubles in Japan, but it’s hard to be active for a while. Why do not you offer a pod. If EDDIOS is shrinking, our WINCLE kids should be active as well. Hahaha In joy, he showed a great deal of money to the secretary who brought his car to his pocket money.

The secretary ordered out several times and received pocket money, son went out.

– EDDIOS Joo-yeon, drive of the Hanover Han River? – Tei and Joo-yeon, the birth of love beyond the agency? His monitor was full of reactionary articles and fans’ responses to the paranoia.




“Hey, this is crazy! At this important time … Are you a person? Hmm…

CEO Chu Man-ji blurted out his muscular man in front of his eyes.

But a muscular man, Kang Chang denied the strong tone.

“Sa, it’s never a date. Just drive lightly … ”

At that point, Chu Man-ji, CEO, jumped up and pointed.

“Who is it? Why are you hanging out with this article? Who was CCR’s last time, Amy? Have I ever slept with him? ”

“…Service Accounts.

“Why then?”

That’s… CEO Chu Man-ji briefly sighed.

“…It does not happen. What do you say I meet a girl? Why do you scrape up the swelling? What are you going to do this time? Besides, do not you know that Japan fans are sensitive to these things? There is a lot of bleeding in Japan from competing with the jingling stuff, and I have been up to this kind of incident … And why touch EDDIOS? Did not you tell me that I should be friends with world guys? ”

“I have not done anything yet … ”

Shut up. For a while I’m stuck with a leg. Whew.

Soo Chang went out of the CEO room carefully.

“…For the time being, I have to wait and be forgotten. I’m going to give this market to Yelan this winter. ”

Chu Man-ji, left alone, sighed as if the world was about to leave.

—————————— Black Black Han Joo-yeon, who saw numerous stories of the breaks in the rest period, was blindfolded.

Jung Min-ah, who whipped deeply into the tears of his colleagues, was paused for a moment, but Kang-yoon told the situation calmly.

“The situation is not so good. In the case of Yunlee, it would be hard to hit. This Scandal is going to be influenced by the Japan album which is full of them. We also have a lot of fans shaking now … Especially Joo-yeon, your fans are showing signs of breaking away.

“Sobbing… Black “This is the reason idol should not be covered in the heat.”

Han Joo-yeon’s moaning sound grew bigger.

I was able to feel what I had done to Kang-yoon’s cool words.

I did not imagine that the mild actions I had made in my desire to relieve the stress I had been experiencing for a long period of singer life would produce this result.

Kang-yoon, who gave his cell phone back to Lee Hyun-ji, continued to speak calmly.

“There is no excuse because it is not really a relationship. But in the middle of the night, only two were in the car … It’s not a good situation. ”

“Well … But we’re in the break, so is not it a little better? ”

When Jung Min-ah asked in a slightly relaxed voice, Lee Hyun-ji replied.

“It ‘s better than spinning. That’s because of the unrighteous strikes in the activity. But we could also hit the next album. Imagine that every time Joo-yeon knocks on your knot you get the qualifier “Tei’s girl.” Do fans like it? ”

“……” Han Joo-yeon buried his head on the table.

Guilt, sorry, and so on. It’s going to damage other members in their actions. I hated that.

It’s a shame.

At that time, Kang-yoon hit the palm of his hand and reversed the mood.

“I think this is enough, I’ll try to think of a solution.”

Jung Min-ah glistened his eyes.

“Our CEO is also cool. It’s the best! ”

“Min-ah. Let Saddam later. ”

“Sheesh. Even if you praise … Yes to you. ”

Kang-yoon laughed and laughed, knowing that Jung Min-ah had said that to lighten the mood a little.

“First of all, we think that it is our highest priority to explain ourselves positively. First of all, let me explain the explanation to the fan cafe. Joo-yeon is yours. ”

“…I myself? ”

Han Joo-yeon raised his eyes and looked at Kang-yoon.

Kang-yoon nodded, saying it was natural.

“I know you do not write very well in the cafe. So it will be more effective. Han Joo-yeon, who is not always writing well, wrote an article to apologize. I can give you this recognition. Do not make excuses. Your mistake broke your fans’ fantasy. In the future, I will not act lightly.

“…Yes sir Is there anything else I need to do? ”

Han Joo-yeon quickly agreed.

Kang-yoon continued to open his calendar with his cell phone.

“Joo-yeon has more work to do than EDDIOS does for you. album reporter. ”

Four Album? ”

At the end of Kang-yoon, Lee Hyun-ji was upset.

“Was not it an original album in spring? It’s not a postponement, is it a reporter? ”

“There are two meanings. Anyway, the search terms Joo-yeon and tee will be boiling for a while. And people will stay in their hearts. Noise is left to people. That’s what I used to do, marketing. I think it would be just great if you have a single Ris mas sing. ”

“… It would be best if only the album is well picked. I do not know if I could buy suspicions because I was deliberately marketing something like that. I’ll search and listen to anything. ”

Lee Hyun-ji struck the palm of his hand. In fact, Scandal was the best noise marketing.

When Jung Min-ah and Han Joo-yeon were astonished and glazed their eyes, Kang-yoon continued.

“When the Scandal comes, the stars are going to shrink. But that’s the reason Ramyeon has no reason at all. I will reduce the break period, but I have to consider that. It’s okay, Min-ah? ”

“Huh. I have to understand it. ”

Jung Min-ah made a comeback with Han Joo-yeon.

“…Thank you “Shoot big later. Unconditional Raw Star. ”

At the end of Jung Min-ah, the four people laughed and finished the meeting.

Han Joo-yeon and Jung Min-ah went back to their accommodation, and Kang-yoon narrowed Ami down with a computer.

“My lord. The last time you said, “Star Free” is constantly going after our kids. ”

Kang-yoon asked Lee Hyun-ji about the impression.

“Yeah. The managers also warned me of discovering those who secretly covered it several times. It’s a terrible person who keeps getting caught up in the police with a stalker. So, did not this first article come out from there? ”

Right exactly.

Kang-yoon thought for a moment and looked at Lee Hyun-ji with strong eyes.

“Do you have a lawyer?”

“Lawyer? Why … Ah…

Lee Hyun-ji noticed Kang-yoon’s intention again.

“I can not let you leave my kids tied up like this.”

“The lawyer I know is a lot expensive, would not it be okay?”

Kang-yoon replied without hesitation.

“It does not matter how much you hear. If we touched our children, it would not happen in the future if we showed them what happened. ”

“Leave it to me.”

Lee Hyun-ji shook his thumb, not to worry.

—————————— Episode 61 – Everything is worth using (1) End

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