God of Music

Chapter 212

65 – Difference between real and fake (1) —————————— the god of music Difference between real and fake —————————— The spring of the flower has gone cold, and the warm spring day is approaching in March.

World entertainment was warm and warm.

“I am very satisfied with this concert.”

Kang-yoon smiled satisfied with the report submitted by Jung Hye-jin.

Jung Hye-jin, who wrote the report for the first time in his laughter, opened his mouth firmly and firmly.

“Ah yes!! Not only is it profitable from sales of all seats, but also profit from advertisement is good … and also “Hye-jin. It’s okay to slow down rather than tremble. ”

Four YES! Kang-yoon laughed and encouraged Jung Hye-jin.

Lee Hyun-ji taught Jung Hye-jin little by little, and the effect was gradually revealed.

He wrote important reports and reported to the CEO that Lee Hyun-ji, who works at the office, is running out of business.

Thanks to her, she was able to go to Pinestock and work on the music source.

All of Jung Hye-jin’s report, Kang-yoon, answered satisfactorily.

Thank you. I’ll look forward to the next. ”

Thank you.

Then she relaxed, and she bowed deeply to Kang-yoon and went back to her seat.

Kang-yoon put the report next to his desk and arranged the concert work.

‘Mirajusawa promised to perform next. It would be better to pledge the following than refund. ‘ I could get a refund for the USA Special Equipment Company, but I liked the relationship more importantly. I do not have a law to say that I made a mistake once.

In unfamiliar favor, Miraju promised higher quality service in the next show. At a lower cost.

It was a ticket. I did not say anything because I sold more than I expected. And I was well informed about advertisement and sponsorship.

The revenue was clear, but there was a problem in the process.

‘Jae-hoon told me that he could not see his eyes because he was going to the stage, and Ji-min or Naeul had a lot of lighting problems. Sounds like that. Overall it was too bright. ‘ The audience was satisfied, but the singer was uncomfortable lighting problem.

Therein ‘Monitor sound.’ The sound problems of sessions that could only be heard later.

‘On the second day, the lift was out of order? If I did it wrong, I almost had an accident. ‘ There were various episodes such as a violist riding on the lift due to the mistake of the ongoing staff, and an accident where the order of the dancers would be reversed.

Listening to the radio, Kang-yoon summarized the various things that happened at the concert. These efforts will be the basis for preventing the same accident from happening twice.


Kang-yoon made an autograph on ‘Kim Jae-hoon concert sales report’ and stretched it for a long time.

I saw the clock at 6 pm.

“Do you want to leave early today?”

Jung Hye-jin and Yoo Jeong-min took the best care of the CEO.

Kang-yoon rushed to prepare for a happy knife to leave.

Unfortunately, such happiness did not follow Kang-yoon today.

“Gi-joon Team Leader. What’s up? ”

The call came from Kang Gi-joon who gave office to Luna.

He talked to him in a very urgent voice.

– CEO, it’s a big deal.

“Is it big?”

– Do you want to turn on the internet now? Kang-yoon turned on the Internet, feeling unimaginable.

When I entered the portal site SEIS, the search term ‘Min Jin-seo’ came up on top of the real-time search query.

– Min Jin-seo, China Come up as an actor who ignores the cultural quasi.

– An actor who ignores China is not needed in Chinese.

We do not need an actor who ignores Chinese culture.

Kang-yoon felt that something was unimportant.

If there is nothing in China, this article has no reason for me in Korea.

“What happened to Jin-seo? What is this all about? ”

– I do not know the details. In short, it seems to me that Min Jin-seo rejected a Chinese artist’s work at the China production presentation.

“You rejected the work? Is not that what happens to an actor? ”

– It seems that things are complicated. The artist did not meet the actor, and the company rejected it unilaterally … There seems to be a dissatisfaction about the Korean actor who ignores the Quanxi of China.

“You’re a scapegoat.”

Kang-yoon sighed.

She has never been a gossip so far.

This small noise is becoming a big snowball as she is close to white.

Kang-yoon was worried about Min Jin-seo, but looked at the situation calmly.

“How are you doing at MG?”

– I will apologize to the people tomorrow.

Four Wait! Apology to the people? ”




“…So, why am I supposed to do that? ”

Min Jin-seo stared at the director Kim Jin-ho, who sat face-to-face with a blown eye.

Kim Jin-ho, who had been flying to the MG Entertainment China branch in a hurry, sang a sigh of relief.

“It’s Jin-seo. Do not get angry … ”

“Is not it strange to guide anger in this situation? The people … I beg your pardon? What am I doing wrong? ”

She stood on the side and stared at the CEO’s chewing momentum.

Even the script did not Yeoju, who did not even give me a chance to choose.

The CEO, who provided the cause, was unable to even look up now.

Kim Jin-ho nodded, looking at the CEO as if he was the same.

“…okay . . . Of course you did not do anything wrong. But do not you have to turn off the fast fire? “”A fire? Yes, it is a fire. But what is the reason why the company has asked me to act as a firefighter? Is that what your agency is doing? ”

“……” Kim Jin-ho, the director, got steam on his head.

She is always on a twist.

‘I was not the only real Star … ‘ He barely managed to breathe, and Kim Jin-ho, the director, lifted his mouth.

“He, yes. You’re all right. We should all work out. But how can it not be this time? It is so important that it is difficult to drag for a long time. If you drag this thing for a long time, it will be hard. is not it?”

“……” “Of course we know well. There is nothing wrong with this time. Whatever the fault is, things have already started and things have to be resolved quickly. If you do not, you’ll be using it all the time. You know the polarity of the kids in China. If we do not do this, we can not do any more in China. ”

Min Jin-seo was well aware of the seriousness of the situation.

She was upset so she could not eat rice, but she barked her lips strongly.

“…Got “Thanks for the hard decision. Let’s get started. ”

Four What?”

Director Kim Jin-ho has brought a camcorder prepared by Manager.

“It would be better to prepare here than to bow directly at the reporter interview.”

“……” Afterwards, Min Jin-seo repeatedly looked at the people in China who made this situation with a chewy look.

———————————— “Are you going to 33% for the first time?”

Ha Se-yeon, CEO of Lee Hyun-ji, took a look at the contents of the business agreement.

“If this ratio is … It’s definitely more competitive than 46.5% of other retailers. ”

Ha Se-yeon, CEO, was pleased with this.

Unlike other distributors who take nearly half of their revenue, Pinestock and World Entertainment have partnered with the music distributors to lower the percentage they will take. It was a strategy for entering an already established market, but also for singers who practically sing “It will not be easy to make money in the first few months. But I think it will change over time. ”

“If you increase it as expected … It’s the fourth quarter of the year. ”

Ha Se-yeon, CEO, circled in the fourth quarter, which is moving from loss to profit.

“I have to be good at advertising until then. I need to increase a lot of celebrity channels … ”

“Please tell us what you need. I’ll help you actively. ”

“Yeah. My lord. by the way… How about a drink today? ”

Ha Se-yeon CEO Lee Hyun-ji smiled as he took a gesture of drinking with his fingers.


The two women, who were in good spirits, continued to have a cheerful atmosphere at the bar.

——————————— – The phone is off.

Last night, Kang-yoon walked a few times to Min Jin-seo, but he kept repeating the same words on his cell phone.

‘This has happened, I will manage it from the Company.’ If the Scandal, which is getting worse in this way, could not be managed by the Company, even the top star.

Of course, there was no easy phone call.

Because of worry, Kang-yoon could not make it to late at night.

He slept until the dawn, reading the internet and talking about Min Jin-seo.

The next day, morning.

Kang-yoon headed to Luna’s office with Kang Gi-joon.

“The situation is very serious.”

Kang Gi-joon explained to Kang-yoon that he had given the car an overnight notice.

“I heard a story from an acquaintance on Shanghai TV. It is said that the story is spreading in different rumors. The story of simply rejecting the role is spreading to the story of ignoring China. ”

“Does that make sense?”

“I can not. But that’s it. Top Star, can you ignore the artist so much, Korean Wave is what we made, can you ignore your own people like this? Rumors of this kind are spreading by one-sided wave. It’s a situation where the Chinese reporters blow up rumors more.

It seems that the influences of the Chinese organizers, who guard the Korean actors, seem to work. ”

“Maybe it is. Min Jin-seo is about Ramyeon. I have not been up for a while. I will be able to grasp the scapegoat once and shave all the images … How is MG coping this time? ”

“We will apologize to the people at 11 o’clock in our time.”

“…I do not understand. ”

Kang-yoon was unable to understand the actions of MG.

Apologizing is admitting that Min Jin-seo has acted like that. That is to say, ‘We have done wrong, let’s do this story here.’It was like saying.

No. Team Leader, do you have a passport? ”

“Is it your passport? I may have … Stand, do not … !! ”

Kang Gi-joon, who was aware of Kang-yoon’s intention, was throbbing.

Kang-yoon was making a call to Lee Hyun-ji.

“…I will go to China for a few days. Yes. For the time being there is nothing urgent and it will be fine. Sure! Please After a brief conversation, Kang-yoon turned to Kang Gi-joon CEO.

“Let’s go.”

“Company, CEO. let’s go together.”

CEO Kang Gi-joon rushed to Kang-yoon, dressed in a hurry.




– …Our apologies. Whatever the situation, I bow down first to the fact that I have caused a scandal as an official. The artist who chose me, the director, and … I am deeply saddened by many disappointed Chinese fans. It is more complicated than the post-war situation that I am bowing …

At the reporter meeting hosted by MG Entertainment, there was an apple video of Min Jin-seo photographed in advance.

The reporters watched her video and wrote the articles with sharp eyes, and some of them spoke urgently.

After the video was over for about five minutes, Kim Jin-ho, the director, bowed deeply in front of everyone.

(Are you Annyeong? MG Entertainment Kim Jin-ho is a director. First of all, I sincerely apologize to the disappointed Chinese fans. To some extent, our employees and Jin-seo are deeply reflective.

All of this is a great lesson for our Company and its artists and we will do our best to prevent this from happening. You may also find a few flosses that penetrate the fabric as the fabric must be able to breathe.

As soon as the conversation was over, the director Kim Jin-ho ended the reporter interview.

Of course, the reporters who rose up like Ha-neul rushed to his feet, but he did not answer anything with his mouth tight.

After all, it was blindfolded.

On the other hand, while canceling all the schedules, Min Jin-seo was spending time at the hotel.

– Get out of China.

– I really liked it. I am disappointed with disappointment.

– Even if you go, spit all of your money.

I have never seen a script that matters.

She was beyond surprise.

Is it like this feeling of sitting on the stool and sitting on the stone? ‘Teacher, Teacher want to see … ‘ He was the one who wanted to see the usual scenes, but today he felt better.

‘Where did the cell phone go … ‘ I wanted to listen to my voice, so I looked up my cell phone, but I could not see it last night.

I have never seen Manager Oppa. It’s just a message that I’m off when I try to call.

The ghost was a curse.

When it’s important, I do not even remember my Teacher number …

– Go to Korea.

– Die, die! Min Jin-seo, who was on the internet at a distance, was no longer able to see it and pulled the power cord from the computer.

She stood up from her seat without power, buried her face on the couch and shook her body.

Black My heart came to me.

Does it feel like falling from hell to hell? ‘…Teacher. I want to see It was the hardest time, when I was looking for a dream. He opened the way and he came up.

The person who gave the light. That Ramyeon …

That Ramyeon …

Ew, How is the teacher coming to here? ‘ Min Jin-seo, with a tear-stained face, smiled powerlessly.

Korea and China are close but far away. Besides, Kang-yoon was such a person with many people in charge. Do not you think you’ll come here to see your self? When she tried to get up from her seat without power, the phone rang in the room.

It was a call from the front desk of the hotel.

(…I did not do room service.) – Jin-seo.

I heard the familiar Korean from the front phone.

It was her voice that she was so accustomed to.

After that, she had no idea.

“The 91st floor !! There it is! ”

She immediately dropped the phone, rushed to makeup, changed clothes and headed for the 91st floor.

She ran like a fleet as soon as she found a man standing alone in the 91st floor rest room.

“Teacher !!”

Without a man looking back, she grabbed him strong.

Feeling a little warmth, he said warmly.

“…You’ve had a lot of trouble. ”

Black A word I could not hear anywhere melted her mind at once.

Man, Kang-yoon’s shirt was wet with her tears.

65 – Difference between real and fake (1) End

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