God of Music

Chapter 214

Episode 65 – The difference between real and fake (complete) On the other hand, Won Jin-pyo, CEO of Min Jin-seo, received a letter from his secretary and was sighing.

“If you can not handle it, it would be better to let it go … ”

Min Jin-seo’s conflicts with the directors were already well understood.

Min Jin-seo stood up in the middle of nowhere. Whether in headquarters or in the company, like a thorny hedgehog, I had a lot of days to deal with the people of the Company, and the directors used to treat her so gravely.

Business relationships that have no obligation but mutual obligation.

Today, he gave her freedom with the authority of the CEO.

No matter how strong the seal was, there was such strength.

“Huck, huck … ”

“My lord. You should not … ”


Won Jin-pyo CEO Jung Hyun-tae came to the office to arrange the paperwork and prepare for his departure. Behind him was the embarrassed and dried secretaries.

Well? “CEO, CEO. Well, is that true? ”

When Jung Hyun-tae asked in an excited and rough tone, CEO Won Jin-pyo answered the question.

“What do you mean? Please speak slowly. ”

“Min Jin-seo, Min Jin-seo. Freed by free … !! ”

“Ah, Min Jin-seo? “It’s true.” I did not have a lot of time, so I made up for it. Whats up Ah… Director Jung Hyun-tae grabbed his head.The words I had heard from Richard at Erik Dunn Capital a few moments ago struck my head steadily.

“CEO. It’s not possible. Min Jin-seo is a must … ”

“What does that mean? Did you get angry because you could not catch it that way? Did not you cope properly to export this time? ”

That’s… At that point, Jung Hyun-tae became a honey mute.

As expected, Ramyeon Won Jin-pyo CEO was right.

The contract period was short, and there was no reason for Scandal to go along with Min Jin-seo.

But there was a reason to bring Min Jin-seo to Jung Hyun-tae’s director.

“Min Jin-seo is a talented person. It’s no good to cut like a knife with this little thing … ”

Then, CEO Won Jin-pyo came to the conclusion.

“Doing this way, that way… I do not know what you mean. So, is this the wrong decision I made? ”

“CEO, I do not mean it … ”

“What is not the longest? I do not think so. Let’s do the trick. When did I ever disregard your career? ”

“……” “Then you have to respect my place, right? What is this rude now? ”

Jung Hyun-tae, the director, had to pay the bribe to the boss before he knew it.

———————————- As soon as the contract with MG Entertainment was finished, Min Jin-seo moved from the hotel.

It was not easy to avoid the reporters waiting in the hotel lobby, but Kang-yoon and Kang Gi-joon were able to pull off their reporters at the hotel underground parking lot.

The place where they headed was China Shanghai Airport.

In the VIP room, Min Jin-seo was carefully reading the contract that Kang Gi-joon handed.

– exclusive contract Company: World Company Seoul Metropolitan City XX District OO Dong Lee Kang-yoon To: Min Jin-seo .


Article 1 Purpose of Contract ‘A’ is a company engaged in comprehensive entertainment business, and ‘U’ is an individual engaged in entertainment related business. ‘A’ sets the exclusivity relationship with ‘A’ …

(syncopation) Article 2 Right to conclude exclusive contract of ‘A’ ‘E’ is a necessary part of ‘entertainment’ (broadcasting, performance, movie, CM, photo, book, publishing, music, character, etc. (syncopation) Article 3 Exclusive Period The period of exclusivity to which the Employer belongs shall be three years from the date of the contract. As a rule, two months before the expiration of the contract … (syncopation) Article 4 Deposit ‘A’ shall pay W2 billion (KRW 2,000,000,000) within one week from the contract date to the ‘U’ under the contract.

Article 5 Scope and scope of cooperation (1) The ‘a’ is a comprehensive … . (I will do my best.



(syncopation) Article 6 Distribution of Revenues All decisions regarding the negotiation and contracting of all entertainment activities specified in this contract during the duration of the exclusive contract shall be made by A and all distribution of profits arising from any activity of A shall be made in accordance with A and B, The distribution of (4) 🙁 6) is in principle.

(syncopation) .


“…I never thought I’d write a contract at the airport. Take this.

The conditions were different from the contract I used to debut on the entertainment world for the first time.

Moreover, until the contract term of 2 billion and the shortened contract period of 3 years.

She asked carefully.

“If the down payment is about 2 billion … Is not it the best among actresses? It’s good, but this is a big burden on the world. ”

At that end, Kang-yoon laughed greatly.

Hahaha Goyang thinks it’s a rat. It’s okay if you do not worry, miss. Now the company has grown a lot. I do not spend money on the wrong thing, so I can afford it. ”

Min Jin-seo was amazed at the status of World Entertainment, which changed a lot in a short time.

Sometimes when I heard about the news, I was told that Kang-yoon was worried before, but he did not do it anymore.

Min Jin-seo revealed his concern to the terms of the contract.

“Usually the agency takes about five years. Two billion, three years, it seems rather damaging … Besides, my situation is not good. ”

Kang Gi-joon intervened this time in remarks that Goyang still worries about mice.

Hahaha It is not usually close between Jin-seo and CEO. ”

That, that’s … ! Teacher is a good person. ”

At the moment, Min Jin-seo managed to look at his face, waiting for his answer.

“Jin-seo has an option. It’s a way to reduce the down payment and get more revenue. Of course, this will increase the contract duration … ”

“I’ll do that.”

Four Kang Gi-joon was embarrassed this time.

“Well, the money coming in right now is shrinking, will you be okay?”

“does not matter. It’s just money … ”

She turned to Kang-yoon.

“I need a place where I can work long and easy. I do not care if I have a 10-year contract. ”

“……” Kang Gi-joon was stunned by her bomb-like remarks.

What top star contract is that easy? Whether this is a rookie contract, a Star contract …

Kang Gi-joon was laughing.

———————————– Jung Hyun-tae, who did not get the best results from the CEO’s office, shook all over and returned to his office.

“Hey! Secretary Yang !! ”

In a rough call, the assistant carefully opened the door and when he came in, he started to give his eyes and give instructions.

“How many reporters can we mobilize now?”

“It’s too late … ”

“It’s noisy. How long is it? ”

The secretary took out the notebook and checked the available articles.

“Star Asia, today’s entertainment can be up to six. We always want articles that are favorable to us … ”

“Saddam’s done, and I’ll get in touch with him right now. Contact Min Jin-seo for … ”

Director Jung Hyun-tae calmed down the excitement a little bit.

“Min Jin-seo wrote that he had left the deal with us and moved to the world. right now!!”

Four That’s not true, is it? ”

Do you have a false article? She could not hide her embarrassment.

“Can not you hear me ?! Move quickly! ”

However, she had to follow his instructions as I was chased.

——————————- “My lord. My eyes are red. ”

Jung Hye-jin gave a sad look to Lee Hyun-ji, who was unable to leave even late at night.

“…for your troubles.” Hye-jin is leaving. ”

“No. It must be the same day today. It’s an emergency. ”

In addition to Jung Hye-jin, Yoo Jeong-min was with Lee Hyun-ji at Company.

It was the secret of these three people that China was able to contract with Min Jin-seo on time.

Yoo Jeong-min carefully asked Lee Hyun-ji.

“Well, my lord.”

“Why is that, Jeong-min?”

o . . . If you have sent a contract, is it done successfully? I was wondering why we are still here. ”

It was a little foul question.

No, maybe it was a natural word. But Lee Hyun-ji laughed and answered his questions.

“This contract is a contract for MG’s entertainers. I do not know what will happen. I’ll be there for a while. Okay? ”

Even though she answered kindly, Yoo Jeong-min was still an angry face.

But his expression did not last long.

The call came from Kang-yoon.

He said that he had successfully completed the contract with Min Jin-seo, taking a picture of the key part of the contract.

“…Ha ha ha ha ha A down payment of $ 1.7 billion for 6: 4, 6 years? Wow, it’s a pleasure. CEO. What number did you write? ”

– …Ha… This is not good.

“What? I’m good. I was thinking about two years at 7: 3. This is supposed to be a party? ”

Min Jin-seo was a successful contract with Ramyeon for low-level conditions for actors.

If you think about the profits she’s earning for six years …

Lee Hyun-ji seemed to fly. Of course, there were a lot of mountains to go forward …

When she was dreaming, Kang-yoon said in a calm voice.

– Give me the article right now.

“Right now? So soon? ”

– Yeah. Now they have just let Jin-seo go, but it might come out dirty later. It seems to be able to talk about the future plan from the occasion that we contracted simply.

Got I’ll do it on the homepage once. ”

After talking to Kang-yoon, Lee Hyun-ji quickly gave instructions.

“Hye-jin prepares to post on the homepage, and Jeong-min prepares an interview. I’ll do it at Luna’s. Please call me. Let’s move everyone. Hurry! Four The three people started to move busy.

Less than an hour later, Lunas began to get crowded with reporters who were rushing to say there was a scoop.

“…Our World Entertainment has established an actor team to become a comprehensive entertainment company and has signed a six-year exclusive contract with actor Min Jin-seo. ”

“!!!!!” The reporters were upset.

Some reporters, who had a hard time, listened only to her first words and made an article.

But reporters could not help but ask about the image of Min Jin-seo.

“It is anticipated that Min Jin-seo will have a difficult future due to the problems he caused in China. How are you planning to deal with this?”

Lee Hyun-ji answered the difficult questions of the obese male reporter carefully.

“I know this is a scandal created by scars made by misunderstandings. However, I have been deeply regretted that I have caused such trouble as a public figure and have made everyone suffer. We thought it was a shame that Scandal once had a dreamy girl’s future. I want everyone to be able to come back to Acting better. ”

“Was there a contract period with MG left?”

This time it was the question of the reporter.

Lee Hyun-ji agreed and continued the answer.

“Yeah. However, Jin-seo wanted to terminate his contract with MG Entertainment, CEO of MG Entertainment and directors agreed to terminate the contract without receiving any penalty. I want to show you the contract, but I’m not sure I’m showing it myself. ”

Lee Hyun-ji did a good job of interviewing, and the Internet began listing top search terms for Min Jin-seo’s agency.

—————————— Hahaha Come on, Kim reporter. ”

Jung Hyun-tae welcomed several articles including his reporter Kim Reporter in his office.

Kim reporter responded with the hand of Jung Hyun-tae.

“Are you Annyeong, Lady? I am impressed by the director today. ”

touched (emotion); feeling/affection I’m the one who originally … Big hug. ”

“……” “Was not the joke funny? Hahaha Director Jung Hyun-tae laughed and seated everyone in his seat.

It was to have an interview in earnest.

But the reporter talked to him before.

“My lord. I sent that top star, Min Jin-seo, without any noise … I was really surprised and impressed. ”

“Umm . . . What does that mean? ”

You asked me to let you do it now? Jung Hyun-tae, the director of the ghost-eating hail, looked up at me.

Whether you know the mind, Kim Reporter continued.

Hahaha You, too. I know you do not say that. I did not receive a penalty and sent Min Jin-seo. That’s what they meant to me? ”

“What, what? What is that … ”

“It must have been a misunderstanding. Min Jin-seo and the directors of MG have been disagreeable. It’s not easy for celebrities and agencies to finish this neatly. I have been working on this floor for 10 years, “……” Jung Hyun-tae, the director, was unaware of his intentions.




1. Min Jin-seo transfer 2.World Entertainment 3. Min Jin-seo Bird’s Nest 4. Amount 5. Leader bang!! As soon as the reporters were released, Jung Hyun-tae, director, pounded his desk with a fist.

“Well, what … Ooops! I was out of speed.

1 hour, even 1 hour faster !! Min Jin-seo, who did not receive a cancellation, did an interview to send a bad article.

Immediately he becomes a ridiculous man who speaks with one mouth.

“Lee Hyun-ji … Lee Kang-yoon … “Heh.”

I was frustrated.

It was obvious that the other party was already reading the numbers thoroughly.

“Holy shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Jung Hyun-tae chucked the papers from the books at random and cut down his mind.

65 – Difference between real and fake (end) end

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