God of Shuratan

Chapter 1153: Choice of glazed tobacco

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"Liu Yan, Situ Lin, give Qin Yang to us, you can live well, and you can even become a woman in this seat!"

"If you are not obedient, a curse attack will come soon, and you will die!"

Situ Lin summoned directly to Liuliyan.

At this time, in Situ Lin's view, it is no longer necessary to hide his identity.

Liu Liyan, who was on the move, was rumored and her face changed slightly.

If a very powerful cursing force comes, she may not be able to hold it.

"Situ Lord, it ’s not possible to be your woman, but you can give Qin Yang to you at that time. Chaos Black Lotus I took will probably die, but I'm very interested in the time and possession of Qin Yang. You give me some. time!"

Liuli Yan said the sound.

Situ Lin's eyes flickered brilliantly: "Glass smoke, I have no time for you, but this place promises you that if we catch a live Qin Yang, then you can get Qin Yang's time hidden, and you can also choose some treasure ! "

If Qin Yang had been caught alive, the time **** Situ Lin did not plan to let Liuliu get it, but now he flickered!

"Master Situ, let me open Qin Yang's space treasures first to get something!"

"Liuyan, only give you half a minute!"

Liuliyan said: "Situ Lord, Qin Yang is still alive and dying. If you want a living Qin Yang, then it is better to give me more time! If you only want a dead Qin Yang Then, let's get rid of it, before I die, Qin Yang will die! "

"He's dead. Will Chaos Black Lotus disappear? I don't know!"

Situ Lin frowned, although he thought that Qin Yang was dead and Chaos Black Lotus should not disappear, but he was not 100% sure about such a thing.

If that's the case, you're busy, consuming a lot of treasures, and offending the Temple of War!

"Give you half a joss stick time!"

"An hour!"

"No way, at most you can get a quarter of an hour!"

"It must be an hour!"

Liuliyan's tone was firm, but in the end, she and Situ Lin agreed on it half an hour!

In just half an hour, it should be impossible to leave the quiet place, let alone leave the ancient battlefield! Even if the glazed cigarettes are widened a lot, Situ Lin believes that they will be completely within the scope of their treasures. They should not dare to take them out!

However, Situ Lin underestimated the speed of the glass smoke.

A quarter of an hour passed, Liuliyan left the silent place, but at this time she had reached a deeper part of the ancient battlefield, and in the future would narrow their distance with Situ Lin, she could only move on.

Unconsciously another quarter of an hour passed.

The colored glass smoke has advanced a lot, and has reached a special area. External attacks to this side will weaken a lot!

——A lot of areas in the ancient battlefield were proved, and there are data records.

"Liuyan, half an hour has come, you should give Qin Yang to us, or we will attack you immediately!"

"It's a pity that you worked so hard to achieve what you are doing now!"

Situ Lin subpoenaed, but the interrogation failed.

Situ Lin's face sank. In this case, the glass smoke should be far away.

A long-distance messenger appeared in his hand, and Situ Lin again summoned, this time finally succeeded!

One second, two seconds.

Ten seconds passed, and Liuliyan did not respond.


Situ Lin scolded in his heart.

"Liuyan, if you don't reply, ten seconds later, we will launch an attack, and you will die terribly!"

Situ Lin again warned.

Ten seconds later, still no response.

Liuliyan was fully defending. Many treasures around her formed a defensive formation. Those treasures were identified by Qin Yang. They were the treasures inside. Liuliyan was passed down by the God of War. Defensive formation is not weak.


Situ Lin was dark-faced and was tricked by a woman. Situ Lin was extremely annoyed at the moment.

Immediately, many of Situlin launched an attack, and the invisible cursing force quickly rushed to the side of Liuliyan.

It can be far away, and the speed of the cursing force comes fast or slow!


Around Liuli Yan, the battle line's defense immediately responded. Liu Liyan's face changed quickly and he used several powerful defensive symbols.

Although a long distance weakened a lot of power, although the special place to stay and weakened the curse attack a lot of power, but Liuliyan suffered a strong attack.

The formation quickly collapsed, and then the defense formed by the defense rune also collapsed.

Part of the cursing power entered the body of the glass smoke.

These cursing forces have no problem in killing the characters in the early ten grades, but they are not enough to kill glass smoke!


Liu Liyan took a long breath, and immediately blackened everyone's subpoenas to her.

In this state, even Situ Lin's use of a powerful messenger can not succeed in communicating with Liuliyan!

"Lily smoke-"

Situ Lin summoned again, but the messenger failed.

This time, Situ Lin's face showed a smile. In this case, he believed that Liuliyan had died, and it was of course impossible for the dead to receive a summons.

Liuliyan carefully continued to go deep, even with her strength, there is no small danger in reaching such a depth.

It's even more dangerous to stay still, Situ Lin, it's only a matter of time before they come!

"You, Liuliu should have died, Qin Yang should be in the treasure of Liuliu's space. Let's hurry up!"

Situ Lin cried, the others were excited.

Two days later, Situ Lin went to the place where Liuliyan was hiding, leaving a lot of traces on this side.

"Sovereign, Liuliyan is afraid of not dying."

The strong one smelled.

Situ Lin's face was gloomy, and he said coldly, "Which direction did she go to?"

"This ... Sovereign, I'm not sure. She made a dozen avatars on this side, and the avatars went in different directions!"

The avatar cannot exist for too long in it. Situ Lin tried them one by one. It won't take long for them to determine the direction of the true body. time!


Situ Lin scolded him in the heart. Before that, Liuli Yan had slipped away a long time ago. Now, in two days, he can still find Liuli, Situ Lin is not sure!

Cursing such things as treasures, and now Situ Lin has basically consumed them, and it may not be effective to attack the glass smoke from a long distance!

"Master Situ, what shall we do now?"

"Chasing! At this point, we can't give up!"

Situ Lin ruthlessly said that Liuliyan entered the very depths of the ancient battlefield. At that time, maybe Liuliyan would die without them!

It's about Chaos Black Lotus, Situ Lin doesn't want to just give up!


Qin Yang woke up slowly in the treasures of glazed smoke space, and the effect of the time pause will soon pass.

"Qin Brother, how are you?"

Liuli Yan kept watching Qin Yang's situation, and found that Qin Yang woke up, Liu Liyan immediately came to the side.

"Relax, you can't die."

Qin Yang's voice, the body can't move yet, but the message can be.

Qin Yang checked the situation of Chaos Black Lotus. Chaos Black Lotus consumed a lot of power before, but when his body time was paused, Chaos Black Lotus was always recovering.

Before, the chaotic black lotus absorbed a large amount of chaotic power. At this time, the chaotic black lotus absorbed and transformed those forces, and its own power had recovered to seven or eight.

"so far so good."

Qin Yang's heart secretly said that Chaos Black Lotus can resist external attacks, and also resist internal attack forces!

At this moment, the power of Chaos Black Lotus was almost restored. Chaos Black Lotus resisted most of the power. The rest, he can let the Wuhun devour, Jiuding Zun Tiangong can also refine some of the cursing power.

"Liuyan, you are not in a good shape. Hurry into the time circle to recover, and transfer me to the time circle!"

Qin Yang spoke.

Liu Liyan was not injured at this moment!

The first curse was not seriously injured, but I met some terrible monsters later. If not for Liuliyan's strength, she would be dead now!

"Qin brother, you're still alive."

"I have no major problems."

Liu Liyan smiled sweetly, and a big rock in her heart finally landed.

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