God of Shuratan

Chapter 1163: Competition time determined

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In front of the deity wall, Qin Yang and Liuli Yan both practiced for three months before they knew it.

The cultivation is naturally improved, but it is far from the late stage of the tenth grade.

"The deputy of the Qin Palace, the Emperor Lingyue Palace wants to hold a contest. The time is tentatively set to be three years later. Do you have any opinion on this?"

Qin Yang just came out of the deity wall, and Pan Wanli sent a message to Qin Yang.

Huang Fuxuan has communicated with Pan Wanli for so long. Although there is some discomfort, Huang Fuxuan did not communicate in advance, but Pan Wanli agreed with this contest, and can understand Qin Yang's strength more clearly.

"After three years?"

Qin Yang secretly estimated that if they spent a lot of time practicing in the time circle in the past three years, they should be able to reach the late tenth grade, but if they agreed quickly, Pan Wanli would definitely estimate his strength higher. some!

"Dear Lord, I think I have been too late in three years. For such a short period of time, some strong retreats may not have heard the news."

"I think it will be better after four or five years!"

Qin Yang preached.

"It ’s not unreasonable for you to consider. Since you think so, let ’s unify this view in the Temple of War. I will talk to Huang Fuxuan again, and then in the past few years, strengthen publicity and competition at that time. Come out of the might of our Temple of War! "

Qin Yang sneered, no matter if Huang Fuxuan or Pan Wanli, he wanted to get his Chaos Black Lotus. He wanted to postpone for a year or two, there would be no problem.

Sure enough, after a long time, Pan Wanli summoned him and told him that the competition time would be four years later!

"Liuyan, hurry up."

"Before the competition, we all have to reach the end of the tenth grade!"

Qin Yangdao, soon he and Liuliyan entered the time formation and began to practice. Jiang Xue did not practice in the time formation at this moment.

Jiang Xue originally had only the first ten grades of cultivation. He let Jiang Xue practice in the time circle to reach the middle of ten grades. It is already very good!

In the middle of the ten grades, one person practiced in the time circle, which consumed a lot of resources.

And even if Jiang Xue reached the later stage of the tenth grade, she did not get the inheritance of the God of War, she would have the strength of the ordinary tenth grade.

One month, two months ...

Unconsciously, the time has passed two years, and Qin Yang did not always practice under the acceleration of time. Occasionally, they still have to breathe out, but in the past two years, Qin Yang has spent more time practicing in the time circle. For three thousand years!

They are only one step away from the late stage of Shipin!



Somewhere in a mysterious place, a strong man who had just emerged from the land where the gods had fallen stood tremblingly in front of an old man in a blood robe.

Can come out of the land of the gods, and has not gone crazy, the strength of this strong man is not weak, there are nine grade five-star cultivation, but he was very disturbed at the moment.

Because the old man in the blood robe is the blood sacrifice of the vice leader of the League of Death!

"Don't be nervous, this seat is just asking you a few simple questions."

Xueshou Fu said lightly, "Wu Jimen Qin Yang, this is the man. Has he entered the land of the gods?"

Xue Shoufu said that Qin Yang's image appeared beside him.


The strong man standing in front of Xueshoufu nodded. Such a question was answered well.

Xue Shoufu's eyes flickered brightly, but the League of Death has not given up on the investigation of the Promise World. According to information, Qin Yang may not be in the world today, and it may be that he has already entered the land of the gods. .

At first, Xueshoufu was not very convinced, but later information revealed that Qin Yang's father may have died. Qin Yang entered it, most likely to resurrect his father!

With these two points in mind, Xueshoufu was somewhat interested.

"100% sure?"


The strong man in front of Xueshoufu said.

Xueshoufu's eyes flickered brilliantly, and the place where the gods fell was not small, and the strong people inside were not few. Many strong people may not have been recognized by most strong people for hundreds of years. Qin Yang did not enter for a long time. They even knew the first strongman they were looking for!

"Qin Yang is in it, isn't his status low?"

Xueshoufu asked another question.

This issue is more sensitive than the first one.


The strong man in front of Xueshoufu said in his heart, fortunately, he was still alive after speaking, and this issue is not over the line.

Xueshoufu thought for a while before he said, "Do you think Qin Yang has the possibility to reach the twelve-level taboo practice and come out of it?"


The strong man in front of Xueshoufu knelt to the ground.

"Sir, please, please, can you answer this question?"

The kneeling strong man scratched his head.

He estimates that there is no small possibility of crossing the line!

Xueshou Fu Shen said: "You can leave after answering this question, this seat will not embarrass you anymore, you think about it!"

Next to Blood Shoufu, there are several other strong players in the League of Death. They all have a terrifying atmosphere, and the consequences of not answering are serious.


The kneeling strong man took a deep breath and replied.

In this case, he clearly did not answer impossible.

It is possible to live without answering, and it is definitely a dead end.


As soon as the words came out, the kneeling strong man's eyes widened, and blood bleed out immediately from his seven tricks, and then the whole body surfaced with blood, and instantly he died, and the whole body was ruled by heaven and earth Totally destroyed.

Blood Shoufu's look remained unchanged. He was not surprised. He had also sought out the strong man who had come out of the land where God had fallen before and asked something.


When Xue Shoufu waved his hand, the flames ignited in a blink of an eye, and the corpse quickly turned into nothingness.

"Blood boss, it seems that Qin Yang has not only entered the land where the gods have fallen, but also has grown rapidly in the land where the gods have fallen, and has a relatively large name!"

Xue Shoufu said.


Xueshoufu nodded gently.

"Blood boss, there are still about six years before the ten-year period agreed with Qin Yang, shall we wait, or will we soon enter the Tianji World Action?"

Another strong road.

In today's situation, the strong players present are aware that the League of Death will definitely act.

Qin Yang may reach the taboo level of twelve products, and may come out of it. He has already enemies before. If he cannot catch some important people that Qin Yang cares about before Qin Yang comes out, they will sleep and eat.

Moreover, if Qin Yang reaches the twelve-level taboo practice and comes out alive, it will seriously threaten the interests of all major forces!

But if they catch important figures such as Lorina or Qin Yang's mother, they can threaten Qin Yang and let Qin Yang fly to the upper bound!

The twelve-ranked taboo strong is in the lower bound, that is the supreme strong, but in the upper bound, it is nothing.

"Death League has others."

"Let the rest go first."

Xueshou Fu Shen said, he wants to become the leader of the Death League in the future, his promise is not kept, then this is a good point of attack for the opponent.

In addition, Xueshoufu felt that the other deputy leaders of the League of Deaths led the team and it was impossible for them to get Lorina in a short time!

"Yes, Boss!"

Xueshoufu looked to one of his men: "Go to the Skeleton Temple and tell the old skeleton the news."

The old skull in Xueshoufu's mouth is another deputy leader of the Death League, the skeleton demon ancestor.

Skeleton demon ancestors have once entered the land of the **** meteor, and have obtained good things in the land of the **** meteor. They have come out from the cultivation before the ten-pin taboo level, and the strongest outside the nine-pin taboo level can usually live In the five thousand years, I got some special five-star and five-star strong men who lived up to ten thousand years.

But the skeleton demon ancestor has lived for more than 40,000 years.

In the land of the gods, this is nothing, but to the outside world, such a long life is extremely amazing.

The strength of the skeleton demon ancestors is naturally also very strong, even if Blood Shoufu is now more influential in the Death League, it is also very scary for the skeleton demon ancestors.

"You, go to the Palace of Desire."

Xueshoufu looked at another person, and his face changed.

"Oh, blood boss, can you change someone else."

The man said bitterly.

The palace owner of Wuyu Palace is the third deputy leader of the League of Death. Wuhua Fairy Flower Wuji, she has unparalleled looks and is practicing peerless desire.

The interpretation of the name of Wuyu Palace is not without desire, but by infinite desire!

I do n’t know how many beautiful men have been drained by Hua Wuji. She is now more than eight thousand years old and looks like an eighteen-year-old girl. On average, there are no less than a thousand beautiful men who are confused by her. There are more than ten million men on her bed!

"Well, old sword, what are you afraid of, just like you, do you think the Vice President of Baihua will look after you?"


People around were joking, and Xue Shoufu's face had a rare smile on his face.

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