God of Shuratan

Chapter 1506: Amazing secret

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Joelina comforted: "You must be able to break through to the level of masters, when we black spirits, we will have another master!"

Qin Yang shook his head: "The old man thinks the hope is not great."

"It's really impossible, even if you die!"

"Joelina, there are other old guys and husbands who say, let the husband prepare for the preparation. Maybe the husband can kill a happy man. Why, is there something important to happen?"

Joelina smiled and said, "Dolly senior, I don't know which senior told you?"

Qin Yang frowned and said, "This old guy is mysterious and secretive, and keeps the old man secret. The old man promised him, but it's hard to tell!"

"You can say it if you can say it, just leave it alone."

"My husband is not as curious as your grandpa."

Qiao Linna thought for a while: "Some seniors who are alone, there will be major events, and it won't be a long time away. In the next few hundred years, you can refine some powerful poisons or something. It will probably be used in the future. ! "

Qin Yang said: "Qiao Linna, is it something like a husband who is half-step dominated by the husband? What do you think? At that time, the old man and your grandfather, such as the half-step dominated, had participated in a big battle and did not compete with the Phoenix Destroy chaotic sources of fire. "

Joelina laughed: "Dolgo senior, this time will be more exciting!"

"You will be satisfied by that time!"

Qin Yang was shocked and said, "Joelina, is it a race war? Our black spirit has finally reached the third. Although our strength is very strong, compared with the second race, the gods, our black spirit is still weak. a little."

"You are the master of the peak, and you have to talk to the other masters, for the time being it is not the time to fight with the gods!"

"No, it shouldn't be Tenjin!"


Qin Yang's eyes are bright!

"Joelina, it's human, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha, when many of our strong blacks were killed by human strongs, is it time to calculate the ledger?"

Qin Yang laughed excitedly. "So, my husband really prepared a lot of poisons against the human race. There are a lot of good things about my husband, but they are not enough, far from enough!"

Qiao Linna chuckled: "Some seniors who are alone, this information is top secret, you must never pass it on!"

"My husband knows!"

"At that time, there were many strong people who died in the hands of your grandfather and old man. Alas! It ’s good to kill one before you die. If you can get some racial luck, when the old man breaks to the master level, it will be even more wonderful It's up! "

Qin Yang smiled.

But in his heart, Qin Yang was shocked!

Previously, Qin Yang estimated that at that time, the blood race with the human race would be the snake or the zerg. He also killed many powerful snakes and zerg. Qin Yang never expected that it was the black spirit who planned to personally Blood race with human race!

The Black Spirit is now ranked third!

Terran strength ranking, twenty-six!

If the blood race of the race broke out, it would be strange for the Terrans to fight too much!

"By the way, Johanna, can we have a blood race between the Black Spirit and the human race, can we? The ranking of the Black Spirit is much higher than the human race.

Qin Yang frowned, "Don't toss for a long time, only to be happy in the end!"

Qiao Linna smiled: "Duogu senior, this involves an important secret, this is not convenient for the senior to tell the senior for the time being, and hope the senior forgive me!"

"I can assure you that you will not disappoint you. You can prepare earlier!"

Qin Yang nodded: "That's good!"

"By the way, if we are going to have a blood race against the human race, it is very important to catch Qin Yang, otherwise we will win in the starry sky world. Maybe in the lower bound, we of the Hei Ling people will be a large number of the Promise Beheaded! "

"Also, before the blood race, it is best to continue to weaken the human race."

"Let the tribe face countless blood robberies first, and attract a large number of strong men of the remaining races to attack the strong men of the human race!"

Tong Ming dominated the smile and said, "Seniors rest assured that we will have plans in these areas. This is not just our business, but a major event for the entire race!"

Qin Yang nodded.

"Hopefully come one day earlier!"

"When the old man arrives, he will either die in battle or break through to the master level in it!"

Joelina laughed: "Senior, I believe you will definitely break through to the master level ... Senior, let's go out!"


Qin Yang and they went outside together, and a lot of eyes fell on them.

"Hidden friends, long time no see!"

"Tongming Road is friendly!"

"Is this a Duke senior? A Duke senior, you are always an old senior. You actually came here to participate in this auction, and our auction house is flourishing."

Qin Yang went out of the Ice Hall, and immediately a mellow middle-aged man greeted him. This middle-aged man was also the master and the owner of the auction house on the side of time and magic city.

The auction house is called Tiandi Auction House. In the whole world of Starry Sky, Tiandi Auction House has branches, and here is the head office.

"It's okay, less arrogant."

"When the old man was half-step dominating the level, you were still playing mud. Now you have dominated, the old man is still half-step dominate, the old face is almost lost."

Qin Yang waved his hands impatiently.

"Oh, you just laughed, Senior Duke!"

"It won't take long for the seniors to be alone, and they can definitely become the masters!"

The middle-aged man was a little awkwardly authentic.

Qiao Linna smiled: "Meng Daoyou, come here again to disturb, this auction is unprecedented in size, congratulations to Meng Daoyou."

"Heroic friends are polite."

"Bingao Daoyou, we do n’t know that Duguo seniors will come, so the best VIP room is gone. I do n’t know if Duguo seniors are with you, Bingmo Daoyou?"

"If not, we will arrange it again."

Middle-aged man surnamed Meng.

"Old man casual!"

Qin Yang Road.

Qiao Linna smiled and said, "Predecessor Dugu and my grandpa are close friends. I happened to listen to the story of senior Dugu's past with my grandpa. I do n’t bother to worry about it!"

"That line, seniors alone, please inside!"

Immediately someone approached, and respectfully led Qin Yang into the auction house.

Qin Yang went to one of the best VIP rooms.

These VIP rooms are prepared for peak domination.

If no peak dominates, these VIP rooms will be empty!

"Sir, do you want the auction house to send you a copy of the rest of the room strong?" Tong Ming dominated.

Qiao Linna shook her head: "Don't worry, there will be an intermission in the middle of the auction. Meng Dao will arrange a cocktail party. Everyone will get together. All the people who come here, dominate, half-step dominate, and saints may be able to do so. participate!"

"If Qin Yang comes, he should be in the treasure of one of the strong!"

Qin Yang frowned: "Qiao Linna, will Qin Yang really come over? What effect can he play even if he is mixed with other strong ones?"

"Tongming, you say it."

Tongming dominated and nodded: "Seniors, many of our strong men secretly set up an organization called Dark Abyss, and adults are one of the leaders. We are organized. At present, there are four strong men who have dominated the level. Two of them have The bigger one is probably planted in Qin Yang's hands. "

"The other two are likely to be out of touch with Qin Yang!"

Qin Yang was shocked and said: "If the power of the four dominating levels has an accident, they may all be related to Qin Yang? Are you sure there is nothing wrong with Qin Yang's ability?"

"He hasn't been soaring for two hundred years!"

Tong Ming dominated: "Senior, he may have played a trick, maybe he used the ancient city of Jiuli-"

Master Tongming explained their thoughts in detail. They have no **** to Qin Yang at this moment.

First of all, it has been a long time since Duguyin disappeared, and there are not many strong people who know his soul breath. Outsiders should not know his skills.

Secondly, Qin Yang and Qiao Linna said a lot about his grandpa!

In addition, Qiao Linna never imagined that Qin Yang would be so bold and dared to appear directly in front of them!

Qiao Linna said, "Some seniors who are alone, do you think that our analysis makes sense and is there anything wrong?"

"You are always an old man, and the onlookers are clear, maybe you can see some points we can't see!"

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