God of Shuratan

Chapter 1522: Arrived at Shifang Blood City

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"Fight, don't fight."

"No need to bullshit!"

Jian Wuya said in a cold voice, his body exuding a strong sense of war.

"Some, come with the grandpas!"

Xiong Qian absolutely said.

Soon Qin Yang went to the desolate land, and there were no people around.

"You don't have to do it, Daoyou."

Jian Wuya glanced at Qin Yang, Qin Yang nodded with a smile. If he didn't use his shot, he would like to see Jian Wuya's ability!

In previous lives, he heard many people blowing explosive swords without cliffs, but he had never seen them with his own eyes.

"Let's go together!"

Jian Wuya looked at Xiong Qianjue, and his whole body instantly turned into a giant sword, and the violent sword sent out from him.

"This guy seems a little weird. The three of us will go together and do him!"

Xiong Qianze said, the other two strong men nodded slightly.


Xiong Qianju did a lot of these things together, and their cooperation was very good. The three of them had weapons in their hands and immediately killed Xiang Wuya.

Xiong Qianju's weapon is a giant axe, covered with a pale yellow light, which is the willpower of the earth attribute, plus the willpower of great power.

The other two strong ones, one is a long sword, with the flame burning on it, is the flame willpower.

Another weapon is a weird skull, a spiritual willpower. The skull has the effect of suppressing the soul.

"In front of me, you deserve a sword!"

The icy voice of Jian Wuya sounded, and his sword rose madly. In a blink of an eye, the strong man with the long sword was affected. He felt his long sword as if resisting himself.


"Kendo will, destruction will, death will, etc., have reached a very high level."

Qin Yang secretly said.

The saint's great and powerful man often has only one kind of will to reach such a level, but the sword has no cliff, and several wills have reached such a level.

Qin Yang is sure that there are many more immortal cells in Jian Wuya than in the same cultivation, and maybe not less than the strongest in the highest level of perfection.


Jian Wuya rushed out, and the space seemed to be pierced by his sword. He shot in the back, but attacked Xiong Qianju before they came to the strong man with the sword.

"There is still time for willpower."

Qin Yang muttered.

The speed of Jian Wuya is because of the willpower in time.

In this respect, Jian Wuya went the same way as him.

At first Qin Yang also struggled, which willpower to choose?

Later, Qin Yang found that there were many immortal cells in his body, and he developed a variety of willpower.

Now Qin Yang's rising willpower has time, space, killing, soul, devour, death, immortality and so on.

The increase of multiple willpowers at the same time has an impact on the speed of Qin Yang's practice, but Qin Yang's promotion speed is still very fast, and it takes a lot of time to consolidate the practice!

"Do not!"

The face of the man with the sword changed greatly. He wanted to use the sword to resist the attack of Jian Wuya, but the sword in his hand attacked Xiong Wanli without hesitation.


Xiong Wanli's giant axe struck the man with the sword. At the same time, the sword without a cliff penetrated the man's chest.

Willpower, such as devouring and dying, quickly affected the man.

Although Jian Wuya left his hand, the man did not die, but he suddenly lost the ability to fight again!

"Brother Qian, I can't hold back this guy."

The strong man who released the skull yelled loudly. He wanted to suppress the spiritual power of Jian Wuya and the soul of Jian Wuya, but Jian Wuya's willpower was very strong, and his suppression effect was very poor.


Xiong Qian screamed violently. He turned into a body and became a giant bear with a height of one thousand meters. The axe also became bigger, and he severely cut to Jian Wuya.


Jian Wuya didn't even dodge, the sword in his hand greeted the terrible giant axe.


The sound of terror sounded, the giant axe in Xiong Qianjue's hands actually flew high, the giant axe split the sword, and it was him who was repelled.

"It's so powerful!"

"This guy is a pervert."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that before he was reborn, at the same level, his combat power was really weaker than Jian Wuya.

No wonder Jian Wuya was so famous.

The strength of Xiong Qianjue's three of them is not weak. They are better than most of the saints who have the highest level of consummation. But in front of Jian Wuya, they were hanged. In a short time, they did not have the slightest advantage. One is still badly hit!

"Sword Twelve!"

Jian Wuya sighed softly, he stabbed out a sword, this sword, the goal is to take the strong one with the skull.


Qin Yang's eyes are bright, Jian Wuya created the Tianjian Jue of Gongfa. At present, Tianjian Jue should reach the thirteenth style of swords, and the strongest is the thirteenth style.

However, the thirteenth style was used, and Jian Wuya was half disabled, unless he had no choice but to use it.

Sword twelve, the power is already extremely strong, stronger than the shot just by Jian Wuya.

"Do not!"

Such a thought flashed in the mind of the strong man with a skull, and in the next second he knew nothing, and his whole body turned into nothingness!

The sword without a cliff directly made him completely obliterated!

"Surender, we surrender!"

"do not fight."

Xiong Qian was absolutely terrified.

Although the guy who Jian Wuya just killed has the lowest defense among them, the power of Jian Wuya is too terrible. If they attack, they will die!

Jian Wuya sneered and closed his sword.

Xiong Qianju fled with his companion who was still alive.

"Brother Wu Ya, terrific!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Brother Wu Ya, are you planning to go to Shifang Blood Soil?"

Jian Wuya nodded slightly: "The Terran and the Zerg entered into a blood and soil war treaty. This war concerns the dignity and interests of our race. I hope to participate and try our best!

"Mill a sword for a thousand years, just for the present!"

Qin Yang said: "Brother Wu Ya, I also intend to go to Shifang Bloody Land, how about traveling together?"

"You're fine, you can."

The sword nodded.

At the beginning of the teleportation, there were other strong human races, but only Qin Yang stood up to speak. When they fought, Qin Yang did not take the opportunity to escape. Jian Wuya's impression of Qin Yang was still very good!

"Let's leave quickly."

Sword without cliff road.

He clings to the sword, but he is not stupid.

Otherwise, he won't hit another one just now, kill one, Xiong Qianshu will let him leave without injury!

The guy who was badly hurt is bigger than the guy killed by Jian Wuya. Xiong Qianjue, because this is the territory of the Xiong family.


Qin Yang laughed.

Although Qin Yang was not afraid even if the ancestors of the Xiong family came over, but three years later, why should the power be exposed?

Qin Yang left quickly.

It didn't take long for Xiong Qianjue to bring some people here. There were a dozen strong men of the Great Consummation level, and a half-step dominance figure.

"There are several powerful wills."

"Thousands, never mind!"

"The other party has the power to kill you, but the other party has left you without damage. The other party has given us the Xiong family face!"

That half step dominated the powerhouse Shen Shen.

"Uncle, but--"

Xiong Qian is never satisfied.

"Nothing is possible!"

"With the strength of the other party, the other party may be able to participate in the **** battle contract. If he is sent by the top human race, we kill him. When the time comes, it will anger the entire human race.

"Also, the other party has left. Unless we spend a lot of manpower and resources to find it, it will be difficult to find it!"

"After eating this loss, you should keep a long memory, and less chaos in the future!"

That half step dominated Shen channel.

Xiong Qian never spoke, but the cold light in his eyes flashed, and he didn't want to leave it alone.

"A **** battle contract?"

"Lao Tzu depends on whether you will participate or not, and kill you then!"

Xiong Qianji said secretly.

Two days passed, Qin Yang and they were close to Shifang Bloody Land, and teleported again, they could reach Shifang Bloody City!

Shifang Blood City is a small town on the periphery of Shifang Blood Soil.

The population is less than one million.

But today, Shifang Blood City has a population of more than five million. In many other places, many human races and strong Zerg people have come over.

Many of the strong races from other races came to see the lively.

When Qin Yang and Jian Wuya teleported to this side, they immediately felt the tense atmosphere here!

"Good guy, there are so many strong men here."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that at a glance, he could see many saints who were satisfactorily fulfilled, and saints who were at a great level!

The half step dominates the strong ones, too!

The race rankings of Terran and Zerg are not low. Such a tit-for-tat covenant between such powerful races has not appeared for a long time!

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