God of Shuratan

Chapter 1530: Conditions for teamfights

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Huo Wanchen was shocked by their hearts. The Zerg actually proposed to fight in groups!

If they are not prepared, they can only counsel.

The consequences on the scalp are likely to be beaten by chickens, and they may have suffered heavy casualties!

Although Huo Manchen and them all only have the saint perfection, but their talent potential is there. One of them, without exaggeration, can reach hundreds or even thousands of saint perfection level characters, and dying one will Not a small loss!

"Is this the genius of the human race?"

"This is the so-called unity of the human race. Haha, unite. When it comes to danger, do we shrink turtles together?"

"Human race, ridiculous, ridiculous, hahaha!"

"In the human race, it doesn't look very harmonious. In the future, we have to re-evaluate the overall strength of the human race!"

The Zerg's powerhouses began to speak.

The above words are quite polite, some of them are unbearable!

At this time, many of the strong races of the other races came out to take rhythm.

Ruli dominated their faces, which were ugly and directly counseled, and the morale of the people was reduced, which would have an impact on the battle that began tomorrow.

"Brother, let's do them!"

"Boss, what do you do?"

Huo Wanchen sent a message to Qin Yang one by one, and they did not jump out and talk without permission.

"Huo Wanchen, you can't pretend they can't stand their ridicule. Ask the specific comparison method. If the number of comparisons exceeds yours, you say that we must set the number!"

Qin Yang spoke.

Huo Wanchen's temper broke out. When he received a rumor from Qin Yang, he appeared in an angry voice and said, "Done your grandfather, you think you can win in a team battle? How do you compare it?

"Manchen, you!"

The fierce master's face changed suddenly. He didn't know what happened to Qin Yang in the past six months, and thought that Huo Wanchen couldn't stand the stimulus.

"Master, I can't stand their birdie, stepping on the door, are we afraid they won't succeed?"

Huo Manchen stalked his neck.

"Still young people have the courage."

"The mad master, you were a good guy at the time, so courageous, why are you so persuaded now?"

The top of the Zerg at the beginning dominated the mockingly authentically, "Young people, the rules are very simple, you have a group of people, we have a group of people, and the battle will begin tomorrow!"

"If your people are killed by ours, then you can join a new group of people, of course, the number must not exceed the regulations!"

"I heard that you have selected twenty seed players. We two can directly set a start for twenty!"

It was no secret that Twenty had been selected by the Terrans.

The Zerg wanted to kill all twenty people directly!

At that time, the strength of the strong people in the official race will be much lower, and the Zerg will have a higher chance of winning!


Liuli dominated the cold channel.

"You Zerg deliberately do this, their hearts are terrible!" A high order of the Terrans dominated.

"When you make such a request, the people you have selected must have cooperated, which is simply not fair!"

Another race dominates.

The Zerg dominated and laughed, "It's not fair? Some of our strong Zerg have indeed had communication and cooperation. Haven't you been a strong tribe? If so, maybe we are all overestimating your ethnic Strength!"

"Let ’s say, if your tribe chooses 20 people, we Zerg 19 people, what do you think?"

"If you still do n’t dare to fight, do n’t take part in tomorrow ’s battle. Rather, give up and go back to have children. Maybe your offspring will be a little bit more powerful!"

Many Zerg powers laughed.

Ruri dominated their faces.

Now there are billions of strong people gathered here, and powerful people of countless races are here. There is one less Zerg, and the human race is still humiliating.

"So, eighteen, will it be successful?"


Another Zerg dominated and laughed.

Liuli dominated the transmission to Qin Yang: "Qin Yang, what do you think? If you go up, you should be able to maintain your combat power tomorrow!"

"Master Father-in-law, I can keep my combat strength up, but if I only shot it, the human race would still be undervalued!"

"The rest of Huo Yuanzhong can do it!"

Qin Yang said, "Don't you want to know what you have done in recent months? I have given them special training and specially trained their cooperation!"

Ruri dominated for a moment.

"But only a few months, is that enough?"

"Oh, that depends on how you train."

Qin Yang whispered with a smile, but he beat them against the fire. In this case, their cooperation increased far faster than under normal circumstances!

Even if Liuli dominates them and they fight against the fire, they will never have such an effect.

Qin Yang pressed the fire and dusted them, they would feel shame, Liuli dominated their shots, and fired dust they would not have felt this way!

"Grass, I'm afraid you fart, you said it yourself, eighteen to us twenty!"

"If you lose, don't cry!"

Huo Chenchen angered.

Many Zerg strongmen's eyes lighted up, and Huo Manchen was indeed a breakthrough here. His temper was hot!

"Manchen, you!"

"Master, they all stepped on our faces and couldn't bear it!"

Huo Wanchen gritted his teeth. "Twenty of us, can't we still beat eighteen of them? We've abused them to cry!"

"Who dares meet them!"

Fire dust came out!

"Afraid of a fart."

"That's it!"

"Even if I die, I will pull two backs before I die!"

Jian Wuya stood up one by one, and scolded them in their mouths, as if they had suffered so much!

"The acting skills are pretty good."

Qin Yang muttered in his heart, and he stood up.

In half a minute, all twenty of them arrived in Qinyang.

Many strong human races looked at them nervously, and many of them knew that some of their ancestors were conflicting, let alone cooperate, and sometimes it was good to meet without fighting!

"Children, come on!"

"Your moment of glory is here!"

A zigzag peak dominated the laughter.

Eighteen Zerg's strong men stood out. The top figures in the Zerg's holy rank are not among them, but their eighteen cooperation has been a lot of time and they cooperate well with each other!

In the case where the strengths of the monomers are not much different, coordination is extremely important. It is also normal to kill twenty Wuhe people of the same level with ten excellent people.

"You guys, let's go back to Shifang Blood City first!"

"Special duel venues have been arranged in Shifang Blood City!"

The other races have big bosses say.

"Very good!"

"Back to the city!"

The Zerg is strong, and the strong of the Terran agree.

Soon Qin Yang returned to Shifang Blood City. A huge duel field has been transformed in Shifang Blood City. The duel field uses the rules of space. From the outside, the diameter of the duel field is only a few thousand kilometers, but the internal diameter is There are hundreds of billions of kilometers!

And there are super enchantments around the duel, and the enchantments are still very complicated.

While the duel is underway, the enchantment blockade, even if it is the master of the peak, cannot be circulated into it, and it is impossible to affect the battle inside.

"Human trash, come in and die!"

The eighteen strongmen of the Zerg entered the duel first.

"Just like top killer genius!"

"I'll kill five later!"

"You kill five, then I will kill six!"

"I kill seven!"

The strong men who entered the duel field of the Zerg race began to speak, listening to them, as if they were the top genius of the race, like pigs and dogs.

"You can go inside!"

One of the Zerg lords looked at them in Qinyang.


Qin Yang said, "If your people are dead, and you don't want to let the rest of the geniuses come in, wouldn't it be boring?"

"Let ’s say it first. Your people will die. Within a minute, the remaining saints will have to enter. Then they will die. Within a minute, they will have eighteen saints. Enter, and will officially open tomorrow! "

"If you break the contract, so many strong men look at you, the Zerg will have to pay 200 billion yuan for the best sacred crystal, and we twenty will be divided by then!"

"If you don't dare to agree, I don't need to compare, it's boring, let's wait for the official duel tomorrow!"

Fire dust you look at me, I look at you.

"It's still ruthless."

"Two hundred billion superb holy crystals, this boss has a lot of money!"

"You can buy twenty original holy crystals. The Zerg Strong takes out this money, and many of them are expected to cry!"

Fire and dust spread their secret voices.

Many Zerg strongs stared at Qin Yang.

"Young man, you are a bit arrogant. If all twenty of your tribe are dead, your tribe will also have to fill in the remaining powerful geniuses. If you break the contract, you will also have to pay 200 billion yuan for the finest crystal. ! "

The Zerg dominates the peak.

Qin Yang shook his head: "Your lord wants to be beautiful. It is your strong Zerg who came to us. How can the conditions in this respect be the same. If we breach the contract, we will compensate you at most 10 billion yuan. If you Accept, then accept. "

"Don't accept it, forget it, don't force it!"


Countless people drank their colors. In their opinion, Qin Yang deliberately proposed such a condition, and deliberately wanted to scare the Zerg strong!

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