God of Shuratan

Chapter 1538: Two losses in three innings, the situation is not good

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Qin Yang's brows are tight, and the start is not good, which is not very good!

Liuli ruled them and the Zerg powerhouse bet a lot of things. If the human race loses, not only the morale drops, but also the compensation for cutting the land!

In addition, the ruler of the Liuli and the ruler of the blue scale of the snake clan have an agreement.

If he wins, Beiyao is saved.

If you lose, the master of Liuli will have to pay a big price to the master of blue scales. The price in this respect must be borne by Qin Yang himself!

"Adult father-in-law, the Zongzu pinnacles dominate, must have said something to the Zerg players, otherwise they should not be so desperate!"

Qin Yang preached.

Although this is a life and death duel.

But as soon as you come up, you just fight that way, which is not normal!

Fight like the strong Zerg, maybe you have to hang up, even if you win, it won't do you any good!

Qin Yang did not believe that the Zerg high-ranking master had that kind of consciousness.

"They should have threatened those players!"

"But this one is not against the rules."

Liuli ruled the voice, "In addition, we can't do this, and threaten the strong of the human race in the same way!"

The Zerg are fierce. In this respect, the human race really can't compare!

"Human race, who comes to die!"

Another strong level of the Zerg enters the duel field. This strong level is the intermediate level!

"Qi Daoyou, be careful yourself!"

"Qi Daoyou, the Zerg are probably desperately going up, you pay attention!"

Liuli ruled them and summoned them to the ruler who wanted to play.


An old human race entered the duel field.

This old man looks like an ordinary person in his seventies or eighties, with white hair and blue, and the wind seems to fall, but his strength is extremely strong!

"Phantom dominates, Qi Wuying."

Qin Yang was relieved a little. The problem in this round should not be too big. Qi Wuying's strength is extremely strong. He knows it.

And Qi Wuying is more restrained.

Even if the other party is desperate, it must be able to attack Qi Wuying!


When Qi Wuying just entered, the opponent immediately shot with all his strength, and the opponent frantically burned his vitality, which greatly improved his strength in a short time!

Qi Wuying's figure disappeared.



The other party attacked wildly against some places he suspected, and the ground was riddled with holes. If Qi Wuying was attacked, he might not be able to bear it, and then he would be subjected to a series of attacks.

But Qi Wuying's strength is quite strong, and his martial spirit is also very powerful, helping him to hide very well. Half an hour later, the power of that Zerg strong has been greatly consumed.

At this time, Qi Wuying fully attacked the opponent.

Qi Wuying naturally took the lead in the other party's excessive consumption. Qi Wuying won the opponent with surprise and danger in another half hour.

In the second game, the Terran wins!

Many of the strong human races secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If the second race also loses and the human race dies again, it will be too worrying!

"Fortunately, it's not humiliating!"

Qi Wuying came out of the duel with a smile.

The Zerg immediately entered a strong man who dominated the early stage. When he saw this strong man, Qin Yang frowned secretly. In his previous life, he had some dealings with this strong man. This guy's strength is very strong. In this game, the human race is afraid to win. The odds are only 40%!

Sure enough, as expected by Qin Yang, after half an hour, the early strong power of the human race died.

"I won!"

The Zerg master had a hard time speaking. He had just emerged from the duel field and was also dead.


Many strong human races scolded in their hearts that although the zerg master also died, the lord of the human race died in the duel, and the zerg master died behind, and still died outside the duel, naturally The Zerg won the second game!

Three duels, four masters died.

Very cruel!

Becoming a master-level powerhouse consumes massive resources and spends countless hours dying so fast!

"The two human races dominate, it's gone!"

Qin Yang looked ugly.

If the human race dominates the strong, if there is a racial **** battle, then it is the top fighting power. It is a pity to die!

One of the top fighting powers is dead. If a **** race breaks out, God knows how many people with lower power will die!

"Human races, you do not have the power to dominate."

"Two losses in three games, ha ha ha!"

"According to the rules, rest for three days. After three days, let's fight half a step to dominate the strong!"

The Zerg remnant blade ruled with a big laugh, he said that many of the Zerg strong players left quickly.

Although they were also annoyed when they died two masters, they won two games, and the result is that they are still satisfied with the masters.


Qin Yang once again reached the main hall that they visited yesterday.

But unlike yesterday, the atmosphere in the hall today is very dignified. The four pinnacles dominate, and the remaining seventeen or eight dominates are all unsightly. The half-step dominance of the strong, and Qin Yang are silent.

No one has spoken in the past ten minutes.

"Everyone, we have lost a game."

"After three days, we must restore the situation in a half-step **** battle! Otherwise, if we lose one more game, we will lose two games. If there is an accident in the later battle of the holy level, then we are very likely to lose. This is something we cannot accept! "

Lei Wanjun said in a deep voice.

"If you lose two masters, if you lose at that time, you will know how much it will hit our human race, you know for yourself!"

"Several predecessors, fellow Taoists, rest assured that when the time comes, I will work hard with them!"

One of the three half-steps to play is dominating the murderous way, "It is not only the Zerg powerhouse will desperately, we can also!"

"Yes, we will win two games!"

"I will definitely not let the Zerg strong win this game!"

The three-and-a-half-step masters have expressed their views, and they are quite confident in themselves!

But Qin Yang can feel that after today's battle to dominate the powerhouse, their confidence is no longer as strong as before.

The Zerg Powerhouse is extremely crazy!

It's not easy to deal with the kind of play that you can't wait for until the end!

Qin Yang thought for a while and said: "If necessary, I can participate in the battle of the half-step mastery level strong man!"

"Master Qin Men, you should have more confidence in us!"

"Yes, Master Qin, we will win!"

"Master Qinmen, when we are not able, you can do it again, otherwise people think that our human race is half-dominated at the level stage!"

The three-and-a-half-step masters of the ranks said that although Qin Yang is powerful, let Qin Yang be the top of the saint level, and they have a dull face!

Moreover, they do not think they will lose.

If they win, then they are heroes of the human race!

Lei Wanjun said: "Qin Yang, you still don't want to play easily, lest the opponent's half-step master level powerful person has powerful magical powers. If the other party comes up, he will desperately fight you, and you may die before the summoning is done. In the hands! "

The fire mad master also said: "Qin Yang, you are more stable when you are still in the level of the saint! If you are injured in the half-step master level field, you can't participate in the back, it's not very good!"

Ruler Liuli also advised Qin Yang not to shoot first.

Qin Yang nodded slightly.

"Qin Yang, do you only have the cultivation method of the late Lord?"

Hongyue dominates the road.

Qin Yang nodded: "Yes, I am currently a saint in the later period."

Master Hongyue glanced at the strong level at the master level: "You guys, if we take a joint shot, three days to help Qin Yang improve to the level of holy consummation, should there be no problem? The aftereffects will not be great! "

Qin Yang was surprised.

If Hongyue dominates so many of them to help him ascend together, it can certainly be done, even if he has not been promoted to the late stage of the Lord!

But this will not cost Hongyong to dominate them.

Ruler Liuli did not speak immediately. He is Qin Yang ’s father-in-law. This relationship exists.

The fierce master flashes in his eyes: "There is no problem here! Qin Yang has made great contributions before. Let's say we still owe Qin Yang's favor!"

"And his strength is stronger, and the odds of winning then will be greater!"

"We will help him to improve the cost of repair, far less than the price we paid when we lost!"

Lei Wanjun also nodded: "The old man also supports helping Qin Yang improve his cultivation!"

Liu Li nodded slightly, he didn't say much, and in such a case, he didn't need to say much.

The four pinnacle masters all expressed their support. Naturally, the other master-level powerhouses would not object, and they all supported it.

"Thank you all!"

Qin Yang got up and performed a courtesy.

If the cultivation base reaches the Sacred Consummation level, Qin Yang's strength can be improved a lot, even if he does not use the image, he also has the Sacred Consummation level of combat power!

The power of various magical powers will also be stronger!

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