God of Shuratan

Chapter 1544: Life hanging a thread!

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Three days passed in a hurry.

Both Qin Yang and Corpse Ruthless have consumed massive resources.

"Grass, how can this **** have so many resources, even if Liuli ruled them, even if they supported him, how could they support so much!"

The ruthless body is very depressed.

For three days, the resources that the corpses relentlessly possessed to restore the strength of the war corpses have almost been consumed.

Originally, he thought Qin Yang would not be able to support it, but then Qin Yang was fine.

If the total attack is not launched at this time, then all the corpses will not be replenished after consuming power, and their overall strength will become weaker and weaker.

Don't think about the opportunity to kill Qin Yang at that time!

"You must try your best to kill Qin Yang."

"Go on like this, maybe I will die in his hands!"

The fierce light flashed in the ruthless eyes of the corpse.

Inside the treasure of the ruthless corpse of space, there are two master-level powerhouses, as well as the rest of the powerhouses who have recovered their power, ready to shoot.

"come out!"


The corpse roared relentlessly, and the two master-level strongmen and many other strongmen appeared outside at the same time.

They attacked Jiuli Ancient City in the first time!


The enchantment of Jiuli Ancient City trembles violently, as if the enchantment will collapse in the next second!

"Kill!" Kill! "

The ruthless orders of corpses continue to spread out, a large number of corpses continue to erupt into terrorist attacks, and the defense of Jiuli Ancient City may be destroyed at any time!

"Two more corpses of **** level!"

"It's terrifying, five corpses at the **** level, twenty to thirty corpses at the half-step dominance level, and one hundred thousand saints at the level!"

"Qin Yang is in danger!"

"Looking at this situation, Qin Yang is afraid that he can't hold it!"

Many outsiders talked a lot.

Liuli dominated their hearts.

The Zerg masters, this time also had a dignified face, if Qin Yang sustained it, then the danger was that the corpse was ruthless, and they did not expect that Qin Yang could force the corpse to ruthlessly go all out, and all the war corpses came out !

At this time, Qin Yang's merits appeared on his head.

Naturally, it is the sixth-order merit image!

The immense dharma statue released a powerful force and merged with the defensive strength of Jiuli Ancient City, and the defensive barriers of Jiuli Ancient City were stabilized!

"Qin Yang, you are finally using Fa-image!"

"You will lose!"

"My War Corps can last longer than your dharma statue!"

The corpse froze coldly.

"The corpse is ruthless, that may not be necessary!"

Qin Yang is authentic.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the ruthless corpses attacked desperately.

Although the defense of the ancient city of Jiuli was precarious, it was supported by the power of Qinyang's dharma, and it just supported and did not collapse.

Ten minutes passed, because of the continuous consumption of power, the image of the sixth human clan sage shadow formed above Qin Yang disappeared.

But just after it was consumed, the dharma image formed by the shadow of the fifth human clan sage above Qin Yang's head appeared immediately.

Although the enchantment almost collapsed, it did not!


The corpse relentlessly scolded in his heart, if the war corpses of his men just cooperated better, he might break the defense of Jiuli Ancient City!

"Qin Yang, if the power of your fifth sage image is consumed, how can you resist it?"

"Although my corpses are not cheap, their attack power will still be very strong later."

The corpse laughed relentlessly, and he attacked Qin Yang's confidence with words!

"Qin Yang, if you are outside, you may still be able to hide in the Nine Departures, but you can't hide in this duel!"

"You have only one way to die!"

Qin Yang sneered in his heart, and the corpse was relentlessly happy, too early!

"City Spirit, prepare to give up defense and attack the corpse mercilessly!"

"Dharma image, ready to attack the corpse mercilessly!"

"Xiaojing, prepare for absolute defense of magical powers!"

Qin Yang secretly ordered.

Having said that, although the figure of Qin Yang is still in place, he has actually gone to the depths of Jiuli Ancient City to hide, he hid inside his space treasure, and Xiaojing used the magic power of absolute defense.


At the same time, the defense of Jiuli Ancient City completely disappeared. The entire Jiuli Ancient City rang and a group of holy flames flew out of Jiuli Ancient City. This is the most powerful attack erupted in Jiuli Ancient City Used to attack the pinnacle master!

The speed of the flame was so fast that it reached the ruthless corpse in the blink of an eye.

"Defense, defense!"

The corpse relentlessly ordered madly.

The five dominating corpses were always by his side when they first attacked. At this time, they hurriedly turned from attack to defense. But Jiulu Ancient City attacked extremely fast. The white flame enveloped the ruthless corpse.

However, this flame did not immediately take away the ruthless life of the corpse, which has a supreme level of supernatural power and infinite recovery!

Within five seconds, no matter what kind of injury, the corpse can be recovered instantly.

This supernatural power is a supernatural power.

When the corpse devours the brain of a powerful ruler mercilessly, what it got from that ruler!

"Consume their power!"

The corpse mercilessly commanded the five corpses of the dominant level. He knew that within five seconds, the white flames that attacked him could not be consumed by him. He had to let the corpses of the five dominant levels controlled by himself actively absorb the consumption of those white flames. they!

There are horrible suctions from the five war corpses. Within five seconds, they absorbed a lot of white flames into the body, which caused them great damage!

But even so, there are still some white flames inside the ruthless body of the corpse.

Within five seconds, the damage they caused to the ruthless corpse immediately recovered, but when the five seconds passed, they caused great trouble to the ruthless corpse.

"Blood Corpse Curse, destroy Qin Yang!"

The corpse relentlessly sent out orders. At this time, his orders were only passed to the most powerful master. He was hit hard, and now he can only control one of the masters.

The corpse was mercilessly clear that if Qin Yang could not be destroyed at this moment, let Jiuli Ancient City attack again, he would die!

In addition, the image of Qin Yang also caused great pressure on him.

The blood corpse curse will destroy the most powerful war corpse, but the ruthless corpse cannot manage so much at this time.


The strongest corpse master in an instant turned into a cloud of blood mist, which sensed Qin Yang's breath, and Qin Yang's treasure space failed to stop it.

Blood mist reached around Qin Yang.

If it were n’t for Xiaojing ’s absolute defense, the Blood Corpse Mantra would immediately kill Qin Yang ’s life!


The statue of Qin Yang did not disappear at this time. He attacked the vicinity of the ruthless corpse. The four wounded corpses around the ruthless corpse jointly resisted the offensive of the statue of Qin Yang.

"To die for this seat."

"Blood Corpse Curse!"

"Blood Corpse Curse!"

The corpses were relentlessly tense, and Qin Yang ’s dharma image did not disappear, which means that Qin Yang did not die. He immediately let the blood corpse spells be used by twenty or so half-step master corpses. The round of attack quickly arrived around Qin Yang.

The blood mist around Qin Yang is even thicker!

"The corpse is ruthless, you are going to die, goodbye!"

Qin Yang summoned the ruthless body at this time.

The corpse was ruthless in his heart, he judged that it should be Jiuli Ancient City can attack again, if that's bad!

"Blood Corpse Curse!"

The four battle-level corpses at this time were transformed into blood mist, and the remaining half-step battle corpses were also transformed into blood mist.

The blood mist around Qin Yang became more terrifying.


A spit of blood spewed out from the corpse's ruthless mouth, and his situation was already very poor. The blood corpse curse was used several times, which hurt him even more.

The corpses of the one hundred thousand saint level, which were motionless at this time, they could not receive any order from the corpses ruthlessly!

Around the ruthless corpse, three of the dominant corpses of war, one of them is not moving!

"Absolute defense!"

Xiaojing used the magical power of perfect avatar, and its avatar once again used the magical power of absolute defense against Qin Yang.

"Perfect imprisonment!"

Qin Yang went outside the space treasure and was not far from the corpses. He used the magic of "perfect imprisonment" and imprisoned one of the remaining two master-level corpses.

The corpse is ruthless in this state, and the other reaction is also slow. When one of them is imprisoned, the other one does not stop Qin Yang ’s dharma. Qin Yang ’s dharma seized the opportunity and broke through the defense instantly. On the ruthless body of the corpse.

Although this palm was under the control of Qin Yang, the state of the ruthless corpse is still unbearable.

The corpse died staring relentlessly.

He is not dead!


Qin Yang scolded secretly.

The blood mist did not disappear at this time. They chased from the space treasure of Qin Yang to the outside, and Qin Yang was shrouded in blood mist.


Qin Yang's thoughts moved, the corpses were ruthless, and the rest of the war corpses received his own space treasure, and he immediately went to the space treasure.

"City Spirit, restart defense, don't let anyone enter!"

Qin Yang commanded the city spirit, his space treasure, at this time in the ancient city of Jiuli.


While not being killed by Blood Mist, Qin Yang used the "resurrection" magical power, and immediately ended his life!

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